Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => NWR Feedback => Topic started by: PIAC on September 16, 2003, 12:36:28 AM

Title: i have a carazy idea
Post by: PIAC on September 16, 2003, 12:36:28 AM
well not that crazy, but anyway.

how hard and what would be the likelyhood of you guys (well rick i guess) coding in a set of say 20-30 user titles (like you guys have, VIP, Staff Writer, etc) and letting people vote for the one that best suits other people, for example one of the options could be 'insane' and we could all vote that one for Infernal Monkey (read his posts ;P)

just an idea i came up with
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: KnowsNothing on September 16, 2003, 09:19:21 AM
Perfect!  Great idea!  Not happening, though.  What would I be?

"Local Idiot who people think is Australian"
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: manunited4eva22 on September 16, 2003, 01:10:47 PM
I suggested something similar a long time ago. Have a poster of the month, staff can decide who, as it will give a good example to the new guys to follow. Billy gave a no, but hey it's still out there.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: KnowsNothing on September 16, 2003, 01:33:11 PM
hhhhhmmmmm....also not a bad idea.  But then the title "poster of the month" would only last a month.  I'd like something permanent.  but like I said, I don't see it happening.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: Grey Ninja on September 16, 2003, 05:23:15 PM
I'm for that, but I want to be Princess of the Month.  
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: mouse_clicker on September 16, 2003, 05:43:40 PM
I think they should bring back user titles- they wouldn't have to give them out to everyone, just the posters they like best, but it'd be cool to see some titles on us.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: Grey Ninja on September 16, 2003, 05:51:44 PM
No No No!  Not their favorites!  I would NEVER get a custom title then.  I vote we give the custom titles to the people closest to being banned.  
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Bill Aurion on September 16, 2003, 07:42:20 PM
I've wanted custom titles for a while now...It's boring to see "PGC forum user" all the time...

I would like "Demure Miko" ^_^  
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: KnowsNothing on September 19, 2003, 04:51:35 PM
Mods?  What'd ya think? Yes or no?  Si o no? Yarg or narg?  Pie or poo?
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: Infernal Monkey on September 19, 2003, 07:39:18 PM
Ahahaha, awesome idea.
The 'PGC Forum User' for everybody is getting a bit stale! Kind of like this breadroll sitting here that was meant to be lunch....
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: Grey Ninja on September 19, 2003, 08:10:36 PM
heh... I made myself a banana paralyzer milkshake last night... you should see how stale THAT is.  It just looks nasty right now.  I can't believe I was drinking out of that glass last night.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: robofish on October 24, 2003, 04:36:50 AM
What I've seen on some forums is after a person posts a certain number of times (say, 1000), they can put up a custom name.  Which forum was it I saw this on...?  I forget.  
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Bill Aurion on October 24, 2003, 04:39:10 AM
It's N-philes, I think...The only thing on another forum that I would like here ^_^
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: robofish on October 24, 2003, 04:52:06 AM
Naw, actually it was a Star Wars forum... I totally went blank concerning the name though.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: KDR_11k on October 24, 2003, 05:58:33 AM
The official Serious Sam forums had that as well. Minimum was 500.
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: The Omen on October 24, 2003, 06:47:17 AM
Good idea.  I also like my idea(if i do say so myself) thats in the 'there should be a way to...' thread below.  But either way would be cool.
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: vudu on November 05, 2003, 11:57:25 AM

Originally posted by: robofish
What I've seen on some forums is after a person posts a certain number of times (say, 1000), they can put up a custom name.  Which forum was it I saw this on...?  I forget.

bad idea.  all that does is encourage people posting large amounts of crap to hit the minimum.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: CardBoardBox on November 05, 2003, 03:53:56 PM
they should give the titles to the people who post regularly!!! not the ones that just sit here....
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: CardBoardBox on November 05, 2003, 03:55:12 PM
and sleep...
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: mouse_clicker on November 05, 2003, 04:21:45 PM

Originally posted by: kingvudu

Originally posted by: robofish
What I've seen on some forums is after a person posts a certain number of times (say, 1000), they can put up a custom name.  Which forum was it I saw this on...?  I forget.

bad idea.  all that does is encourage people posting large amounts of crap to hit the minimum.

Very true- maybe the mods could decide who gets to have custom titles based on people's posts, encouraging people to post good rather than a lot.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: CardBoardBox on November 05, 2003, 04:31:52 PM
do you mean like if you hit 500 you automatically get a title...cause on some forums people at like 500 lets just say they become a ninja...but everyone with 500 posts would be a ninja...and thats bad..cause its not special...but i dont like the number of posts thing.   I say it should be for the people who post regularly or active.! so it encourages people to be active etc.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: Bloodworth on November 05, 2003, 11:39:13 PM
Maybe we should make anti-post count titles.  Like instead of saying you're an "elite samurai ninja ogre" or something, they could say things like "My girlfriend hates me now", "I have no life", or "Have you seen my legs?"

People would probably still be dumb enough to think that the titles make them cool or something, and unfortunately, would continue posting to raise their count.  But I'll think about it.
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: mouse_clicker on November 06, 2003, 02:28:46 AM
If you have those titles, Daniel, the boards will be even slower than they are now, and you don't want that, do you?
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: Pale on November 06, 2003, 02:40:01 AM
What about having good titles but basing them on a rating instead of straight up post count...  Say any user can vote on a post based on some different things...

CaraZy, Informative, Funny, Boring, IT BLOWS, etc.

Kind of like what the mods on /. do..... Then you take those ratings and give titles out based on that.  That way if someone votes a ton, but its all stupid, they will end up with a title like "I'm a F*cking Moron".   =P
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: vudu on November 06, 2003, 04:18:19 AM
if pgc really wanted to have some sort of minimum number of posts to get a custom title, they should put another minimum on like such as must be a registered member for at least 6 months, or an average number of posts per day of such-and-such.

now that i think about it, average number of posts might not be such a good idea, because it could encourage someone posting 30 times in one day after not posting for a month just to get up to one post per day.  perhaps mode would work better?  anyone here who's mathmatically inclined have a suggestion as to how it could work?
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 06, 2003, 04:35:29 AM
Time would make sense...Like say you must be the forums for 3 or 4 months to get a custom title...But let's just wait and see if Rick has time to do it first...
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Hostile Creation on November 06, 2003, 10:22:02 AM
Weird. . . I suggested this in the other custom title thread and didn't even see this one.  Great minds think stupid.
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: kennyb27 on November 06, 2003, 03:40:31 PM
I thought I read something like this before, Hostile, I guess that's why.
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: mouse_clicker on November 07, 2003, 11:38:59 AM
PIAC, you've got a title!!! And you're actually AgentSeven!!! o_O
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: PIAC on November 07, 2003, 11:59:14 AM
mwuahahahha i couldn't think of anything else worthwhile to go there, so i figured i would get one that would make some people go hasn't really done that, but i still laugh at it
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: mouse_clicker on November 07, 2003, 04:39:41 PM
I want a custom title, too! T-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y!!!!!
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: nitsu niflheim on November 07, 2003, 05:42:28 PM
That'll get you one.  I'M SHOCKED THAT TY HASN'T BEEN PLAYING ONE OF HIS GAMES LATELY.  Has he gotten bored, been busy, hate me?  
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: ib2kool4u912 on November 08, 2003, 03:24:03 AM
I don't like the minimum number of posts idea seeing as how i have 3.

Unless you want to make the minimum 3,  then its a great idea.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 08, 2003, 05:13:47 AM
I'm sorry, ib2kool4u, but you lose.
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: PETEO2121 on November 08, 2003, 03:14:51 PM

wat r we taking about again
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 08, 2003, 03:53:06 PM
Uh oh...Another one of KnowsNothing's crazy friends...
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: mouse_clicker on November 08, 2003, 03:54:15 PM
At least I keep MY crazy friends away.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 08, 2003, 03:57:06 PM
Yeah, I have a bunch of friends on these boards, but none are as sophisticated as me.  In fact, none of them have brains.  In fact..............feel free to kill all of them.

CBB is actually here right now poking me.  He's so god damned annoying!
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: manunited4eva22 on November 08, 2003, 06:38:50 PM
Custom titles for only members over a thousand MOTHER  #$%#$$
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: PIAC on November 08, 2003, 07:06:18 PM
does that mean i get 2, and 3 soon?
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 08, 2003, 07:13:57 PM
I already have some ideas...Some and some are not kid-friendly...
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Shift Key on November 09, 2003, 06:02:06 PM
What about some kind of anti-spam measure? For every thread that you create that is spam, and thus closed by the mods your rank is demoted by a level or two. I'm not sure how this could apply to posts, but it should be looked into. Maybe double-posting, regardless of who it is, should be penalised. Clicking the Reply button won't send it any quicker ya know

It's sad to see four word posts like "lol u r g@y" (wow, i didn't think the forums would have a go at me for that, i mean, who isn't happy! )  because the people who post like that do not deserve the high rankings. I'm all for rankings, for the purpose of hierachy or reward, but it does get abused, and I don't want PGC going the way of other forums.

If it was my choice, I'd want "Resident Drunk" - a goal of mine ever since joeyjojo started doing it - and I'd wear it with pride!
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: mouse_clicker on November 09, 2003, 06:05:33 PM
Really, though, I don't want the forums to be too obsessed with the whole of idea of the message boards rather than with talking and debating with other Nintendo fans- IGN fell prey to that long ago, and nobody wants PGC to become another IGN.
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 09, 2003, 06:13:21 PM

Originally posted by: Shifty
If it was my choice, I'd want "Resident Drunk" - a goal of mine ever since joeyjojo started doing it - and I'd wear it with pride!
I'm sure Grey will fight you to the death for that honor...

And the problem with most boards is the constant bitching...Most of the time(key word: MOST), topics here are light-hearted, and not outright flame wars...
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: CardBoardBox on November 10, 2003, 08:39:24 AM
im not allowed to play with flames  well....I still like the idea of if you have been a member for...4 months(just an example) you get a custum title ...or if you are an active on everyday you get one would be a bad idea to do it based on post counts cause that would sorta encourage spamming
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Ms.Pikmin on November 10, 2003, 08:54:52 AM

Originally posted by: Shifty
If it was my choice, I'd want "Resident Drunk"

 *jumps away just as Grey Ninja drunkenly tackles Shifty*
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: nitsu niflheim on November 10, 2003, 04:20:33 PM
hahaha, crazy people.  We have a bunch of drunks posting here.
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Shift Key on November 10, 2003, 05:16:58 PM

*jumps away just as Grey Ninja drunkenly tackles Shifty*

*Shifty backflips away, pulls out a weapon*

BOURBON! No wait, I'll try again...
TEQUILLA! Hang on...
RUM! Come on, there's got to be something else...
VODKA! Ah well.

*gets out glasses, drinking with Grey proceeds*

To more ramblings and ummm... I forget.
Title: RE: i have a carazy idea
Post by: Grey Ninja on November 11, 2003, 05:27:41 AM
*Grey toasts Shifty.  Shifty raises his glass and splits evenly into two pieces.*
Title: RE:i have a carazy idea
Post by: Shift Key on November 11, 2003, 01:17:25 PM
OWW MY BRAIN! Can't we all just get along?
How about "Team Tanked"?

