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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: LassePalle on January 17, 2003, 04:33:12 AM

Title: Samus Goes Snowboarding
Post by: LassePalle on January 17, 2003, 04:33:12 AM
Nintendo is sponsoring a European snowboarding event as well as MTV Winterjam.


NINTENDO GAMECUBE and Metroid Prime take to the slopes this winter, riding on the best snowboards and listening to some great music

Pull on your snow boots - Nintendo are pleased to announce two major European event sponsorship deals this winter. NINTENDO GAMECUBE is the main sponsor of the Burton European Open on 18-25 Jan 2003 and sponsor of the MTV Winterjam Burton European Open closing party on 24 Jan, all of which are happening in Livigno, Italy. In addition NINTENDO GAME CUBE & Metroid Prime are sponsors of MTV Europe's main winter event, MTV Winterjam 2003, confirmed to take place in Davos, Switzerland on March 14.

Part of Nintendo's sponsorship of the Burton European Open is a huge NINTENDO GAMECUBE obstacle on the Night Shoot Out course, a contest held in the centre of Livigno itself on the night of the 24th. Riders will grind off the edge of the oversized GameCube, and Nintendo have put up prize money of €2,000 for the best trick using the obstacle.

The Burton European Open attracts the cream of boarders from around the globe. The arrivals lounge will be awash with flight-bagged snowboards as over 350 contenders land from all across Europe, the USA, Canada and even Japan. Names to look out for include the legendary Terje Haakonsen and up & coming stars Jussi Oksanen and Romain Di Marchi, plus the gorgeous Mel Leando of our very own Game Boy Advance Xtreme Team.

The Nintendo sponsored MTV Winterjam 2003 party is the closing party of the Burton European Open, and live open air music from J-Walk and the selections of DJ's Rob Mac & Matt Smooth in the Il Cielo club will entertain the assembled throng into the night.

MTV Europe's main event of the winter season is MTV Winterjam 2003, set to take place in Davos, Switzerland on March 14, and once again Nintendo will be there to watch the spectacle unfold, this time with Metroid heroine Samus in tow. The outstanding Metroid Prime for NINTENDO GAMECUBE launches across Europe on March 21, and Nintendo are taking the opportunity of MTV Winterjam and its stunning alpine setting to introduce people to Samus and her foes in a way they won't forget. The game will be projected onto an ice wall for punters to play, and ice sculptures of Samus will gaze down benevolently as the on-screen aliens are blasted to kingdom come.

Rock whoppers Sum 41 and Guano Apes will be performing live in Davos, with a big, noisy serving of 'music with altitude' under the stars. Let's hope Samus likes to rock, but then there's nothing like good music to help break the ice.