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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Br26 on July 27, 2015, 10:32:00 PM

Title: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: Br26 on July 27, 2015, 10:32:00 PM

More slime filled adventures await in the future!

Square Enix in a video presentation today announced the next main entry in the Dragon Quest series, Dragon Quest XI, for the Nintendo 3DS, as well as the Playstation 4 and Nintendo's upcoming system, currently codenamed the NX.

Footage was shown of the 3DS version during the event. This version showed 3D graphics on the top screen and 2D sprites on the bottom. It also showed battles in both 2D and 3D. At the very end of the event, it was announced that XI, along with Dragon Quest X, will be making it's way to the Nintendo NX as well. The director of the game will be Takeshi Uchikawa.

It was noted in the conference that they aim to release this on Dragon Quest's 30th anniversary, which is next year. But no solid release date has been announced.

UPDATE: SquareEnix's Japanese PR statement indicates the company is "considering" the NX.

Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS and NX
Post by: Enner on July 28, 2015, 05:41:00 AM
The 3DS version looks brilliant and dastardly with it's nostalgia mining. I know the PS4 version is way early, but the 3DS version just looks a lot better to me at the moment.

The announcement of an NX is rather huge, depending on how privy Square Enix is to what the NX is. The PS4 version of DQ XI is running on Unreal Engine 4, so this means that the NX is or will support Unreal Engine 4. Also, this gives hope that the horsepower of the NX is comparable to the PlayStation 4. Lastly, this erases any doubt that the NX isn't a dedicated home console.

Or does it? The NX version could be an upgraded 3DS version which will give a nod to the "NX is the hybrid" camp.

Ah, this raises more questions than answers!
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS and NX
Post by: TOPHATANT123 on July 28, 2015, 05:59:37 AM
Hurray! I would buy this in a heartbeat but Square Enix gonna Square Enix.

A new game announcement and we are still no closer to determining the nature of NX. I suppose this could mean NX is 2016 but it could also be a late port.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS and NX
Post by: AlphaBeard on July 28, 2015, 06:23:21 AM
Never played a Dragon Quest game outside of Dragon Warrior Monsters, probably should rectify that, but I am only excited about any NX news, I know this means very little, but its something.

Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS and NX
Post by: Adrock on July 28, 2015, 06:54:02 AM
The 3DS version is likely the handhelds-are-popular-in-Japan version.

I'm still betting on NX not being a hybrid given that Iwata basically said as much on more than one occasion. I think the NX version will be a port of the PS4 version or vice versa.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS and NX
Post by: Shaymin on July 28, 2015, 07:03:20 AM
Square: We're "considering" NX development: (

Nice to see the Nintendo Ninjas at work. Too bad Horii's a loose cannon.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: BiteThePillow on July 28, 2015, 10:02:34 AM
Ok it's cool that the 3D and 2D representations both correlate with each other, but isn't this a step back from DQ9? They are apparently opting for a grid-based Pokemon style movement system, which is just really irritating in a 3D game.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: Soren on July 28, 2015, 11:27:57 AM
Well, I guess this is the first test in seeing how easy it will be to port a PS4/XB1 game to NX.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: Ian Sane on July 28, 2015, 12:22:15 PM
So does the NX get a PS4 port or a 3DS port?  This could mean the NX hardware is very capable or really underpowered depending on which version it gets.  Gotta love how this could point to both my greatest hope and greatest fear about the NX.

Actually the whole thing is pretty unexpected.  I knew Square Enix was going to make an announcement but it really seemed like the question was if DQXI would be for the 3DS or the PS4.  Never would I have thought it would be both, due to the very different hardware of those two platforms.  And then we get some little NX tease?  Crazy.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: Luigi Dude on July 28, 2015, 01:09:52 PM
If you're a Japanese Nintendo fan and you're going to buy a NX, what game would you rather buy, a graphically enhanced port of a 3DS game you just bought 6 months ago or a port of a PS4 game which would basically be brand new to you since you never bought a PS4?  This is why I'd have to imagine the NX version will be a port of the PS4 game since that version being ported to the NX has more appeal to that systems upcoming fanbase.

So the big announcement in all this is the NX at least has the ability to get PS4 ports, unless the NX game is going to be some 3rd version of the game that's completely different then 3DS and PS4 game.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: Ian Sane on July 28, 2015, 02:52:28 PM
If you're a Japanese Nintendo fan and you're going to buy a NX, what game would you rather buy, a graphically enhanced port of a 3DS game you just bought 6 months ago or a port of a PS4 game which would basically be brand new to you since you never bought a PS4?

If you're an American Nintendo and you're going to buy a Wii U, what game would you rather buy, a standalone port of Mass Effect 3 that has no way to import your character from the previous games or a port of the entire trilogy sold at a discounted price that every other console is getting?

It's third parties and Nintendo.  We can't assume that boneheaded decisions that anyone with the slightest familiarity of videogames can spot as a certain failure a mile away won't be made.  Does a PS4 port make a million times more sense?  Yes, of course.  But just because something makes sense doesn't mean that is what will happen.

At least Square Enix's interest suggests that they feel that the NX stands some chance of being successful.  Of course third parties sang the Wii U's praises as well and that was a whole pile of nothing.  Damn, it really seems like we can't make assumptions here because we've been burned in the past.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: Mop it up on July 29, 2015, 04:31:53 PM
Considering all the recent Dragon Quest games that haven't left Japan (yet?), I'm not convinced this one will either.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: TOPHATANT123 on July 29, 2015, 04:36:59 PM
Considering all the recent Dragon Quest games that haven't left Japan (yet?), I'm not convinced this one will either.
Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below out 13th/16th October.
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: Mop it up on July 29, 2015, 04:38:57 PM
I'm well aware of that one, but it in no way changes my point (that one isn't even on a Nintendo system for example).
Title: Re: Dragon Quest XI Announced for Nintendo 3DS, Considering NX
Post by: Shaymin on July 29, 2015, 08:37:37 PM
As I've mentioned elsewhere, the 3DS is 0-8 in getting Dragon Quest games localized. Granted, they're all spinoffs or remakes - and there's still hope for 7/8, possibly as soon as next week - but there's a load of reasons to be skeptical.