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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Br26 on July 03, 2014, 02:00:00 AM

Title: ZaciSa's Last Stand Review
Post by: Br26 on July 03, 2014, 02:00:00 AM

Defend your planet with weapons...if you can.

Keeping up defenses from enemy ships is very important when lives are in hand. ZaciSa’s Last Stand, developed by ZeNFA Productions, captures this concept quite well. The tower defense game is simple and clever. There are tons of strategies to implement throughout the stages and there’s a number of ways to play the game, including co-op and an endless runner mode.

The game does a lot of things right, and provides different units each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Which ones to use and implement, as well as which ones to upgrade as you advance to the next level requires some clever strategy as more enemies come with more health and faster speed.

Both the presentation and content within the game deliver. There are only six maps, but they can have good longevity based on how you play. The music in the game has a techno inspiration, and I found each track to be rather catchy. The graphics are basic, but at the same time also somewhat unique as they have a “colored in” look that make them stand out.

The big issue I found with the game is the responsiveness with the touch screen controls. It’s a big part of the gameplay. It’s used to control the speed of the game, as well as using weapons and items you obtain through the menus, which are also touch screen based. But at best, through my experience, the touch screen was very finicky when responding to my commands. It took several seconds and attempts to touch the screen in order to get the desired effect. This is bad, especially in a game like this where timing is key. I lost plenty of health just because I couldn’t pause the game fast enough to get into the weapon purchase/upgrade menu due to the unresponsiveness of the controls.

ZaciSa’s Last Stand is fun, requires some good strategy and and the music is pretty great. Unfortunately, all it takes is one big issue to makes the game a questionable buy. If you think you can withstand the finicky controls, you may find some fun here. I had a good time with it, but there are issues that need to be taken into account before taking the plunge.