Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: King Bowser Koopa on November 01, 2013, 01:24:29 AM

Title: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: King Bowser Koopa on November 01, 2013, 01:24:29 AM

The Nintendo 3DS messaging services have been terminated. We'll miss you, Nikki.

Nintendo's 3DS message relay service, known as Swapnote in the USA and Nintendo Letter Box in other regions, has had its SpotPass functionality disabled abruptly and permanently, essentially terminating the application. Flipnote Studio 3D, which was so far only released in Japan but had been set for a future release in the West, shares the same fate.

The decision was made after Nintendo discovered that some people had been exchanging friend codes with minors online, then sending offensive material to them through the two 3DS messaging services.

Swapnote Special Notes with custom stationery, often sent from Nintendo to promote new games, will also no longer be sent. StreetPass functionality remains intact, though of limited use since it only functions for friends who pass by each other physically, and only one note can be set for transmission at a time.

Nintendo has offered an apology to those who actively used both applications responsibly. The company will continue to raise awareness of the 3DS parental control options, but at this time a reactivation of either service seems unlikely.

There is no word as to whether Wii U communications will be affected.

Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: tendoboy1984 on November 01, 2013, 01:35:52 AM
Miiverse to be discontinued in 3... 2... 1...
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Khushrenada on November 01, 2013, 01:51:59 AM
Somebody sent them Zach's figurine collection pics.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Kytim89 on November 01, 2013, 02:02:28 AM
This might be the perfect excuse to have Miiverse and a unified system account for the 3DS and 2DS.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: broodwars on November 01, 2013, 02:52:09 AM
Welcome to the Internet, Nintendo. And no, you can't stop it. It's human nature to be a ****, both figuratively and literally on the internet. You can, however, just make the Internet worse for everyone who is a responsible user else by taking your ball and running home.  Oh well.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Vrgin X on November 01, 2013, 05:18:18 AM
Thanks pedos, creeps, and immature assholes! :'( (
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Adrock on November 01, 2013, 07:43:13 AM
The part that gets me is where people first had to trade Friend Codes with minors online before exposing them to offensive material on Swapnote so essentially, Nintendo is assuming responsibility for people's behavior outside of their sphere of influence then punishing everyone for it. What's really happening is that every time someone somewhere used Nintendo's services inappropriately, Nintendo is just going say, "Well, we just won't have that anymore." Why even go through the trouble of offering new products and services ever then? Don't even fucking bother if you're going to shy away at the first sign of trouble. I can break someone's jaw by swinging a Wii U into it, better stop production immediately. It's that kind of faulty logic that makes this especially frustrating and I didn't even really use Swapnote.

And if Friend Codes were designed to deter degenerates from this kind of nonsense, good job, Nintendo, that idea failed, but no one needed to see it fail in practice to figure that out. It's not going to get better because people are not going to get better. They're only as good as they allow themselves to be and even then, what is good is so abstract anyway that this whole situation is ultimately pointless. Either get your **** together or don't even bother being connected whatsoever. Don't take half-steps and half-measures then get a fussy when some idiots don't play nice. It sucks for everyone who's using your things properly and productively.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: motang on November 01, 2013, 08:10:54 AM
Wait what??
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: ejamer on November 01, 2013, 08:36:18 AM
Wow. This sucks.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: LittleIrves on November 01, 2013, 10:58:34 AM
Where does it say anything about Flipnote 3D? The message I read mentions only Swapnote. This is regrettable, as SN was a cool little service, but honestly I hadn't opened it in months so I'm not too bummed.

Flipnote 3D, on the other hand.... I really hope that still comes out.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Oblivion on November 01, 2013, 11:22:29 AM
Wait... Flipnote 3D is gone? Are you FUCKING kidding me?
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: UncleBob on November 01, 2013, 11:24:06 AM
For those who are upset about Swapnote - Call 1-800-255-3700, choose option 2, then option 3. Be polite, but firm.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: King Bowser Koopa on November 01, 2013, 11:34:02 AM
Only the Japanese PR message mentioned Flipnote, as it has only released in Japan thus far.
And, like Swapnote, it seems only SpotPass has been disabled, it's currently unknown how much of the game is affected by it, or whether you can still use the paid gallery services. It's unknown if Nintendo will continue with their plans to release it outside of Japan, but the US website for the game still says "TBA".
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on November 01, 2013, 12:47:59 PM
Hopefully they replace it with something better.

an integration of the 2 products but with more usefulness maybe?
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: broodwars on November 01, 2013, 12:55:02 PM
The part that gets me is where people first had to trade Friend Codes with minors online before exposing them to offensive material on Swapnote so essentially, Nintendo is assuming responsibility for people's behavior outside of their sphere of influence then punishing everyone for it. What's really happening is that every time someone somewhere used Nintendo's services inappropriately, Nintendo is just going say, "Well, we just won't have that anymore." Why even go through the trouble of offering new products and services ever then? Don't even fucking bother if you're going to shy away at the first sign of trouble. I can break someone's jaw by swinging a Wii U into it, better stop production immediately. It's that kind of faulty logic that makes this especially frustrating and I didn't even really use Swapnote.

And if Friend Codes were designed to deter degenerates from this kind of nonsense, good job, Nintendo, that idea failed, but no one needed to see it fail in practice to figure that out. It's not going to get better because people are not going to get better. They're only as good as they allow themselves to be and even then, what is good is so abstract anyway that this whole situation is ultimately pointless. Either get your **** together or don't even bother being connected whatsoever. Don't take half-steps and half-measures then get a fussy when some idiots don't play nice. It sucks for everyone who's using your things properly and productively.

I can't wait until they remove the Wii U's video conferencing ability because someone chooses to expose themselves to a minor they're friended-to on it.  You KNOW it's only a matter of time.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: UncleBob on November 01, 2013, 01:04:07 PM
Hey, don't forget about the Internet Browsers for the DS, DSi, 3DS, Wii and Wii U.  Man, you can use those things to get onto sites like Facebook where you can share personal information too...
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: ejamer on November 01, 2013, 03:48:32 PM
For those who are upset about Swapnote - Call 1-800-255-3700, choose option 2, then option 3. Be polite, but firm.

Numbers are slightly different from Canada... but I called and left some (polite, constructive) criticism and I would encourage others to do the same.

This really is disappointing news.

Nintendo has long been so difficult - one might say backwards - about online gaming and connectivity outside direct face-to-face interaction. SwapNote had some design issues, but was probably the coolest app Nintendo has offered so far, giving people awesome options for sharing content. The update earlier this year improved things quite a bit too, and showed that Nintendo cared about giving 3DS gamers a way to build community. Now that's gone with no warning and hardly any explanation. FlipNote 3D was an app that I was really looking forward to... at least now we know why Nintendo had been silent on the matter for so long.

Also, the timing is terrible: we just got back from a vacation in China. Want to see some really awesome 3D photos my little girl took of pandas, terracotta warriors, or random cool stuff we experienced? Well you aren't going to.

Oh well. At least Colors 3D is still available and awesome.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Etopen on November 01, 2013, 05:48:11 PM
Thanks incompetent parents.
We once again take the hit for your crap parenting.

About Flipnote 3D, only the free Gallery: Friends was disabled.
The paid service Gallery: World remains active.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: sfz95 on November 01, 2013, 07:41:10 PM
It's just the Friends gallery. And I actually think that this is sorted out now (really who cares about Swapnote) it will be released this month.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: powerclaw1 on November 01, 2013, 07:42:14 PM
Gee, thanks Nintendo. Probably the best free app on 3DS. Hopefully when Nintendo unifies the account system we can use Miiverse to send messages. Hopefully...
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Olimar77 on November 02, 2013, 01:25:45 AM
What a shame. I've been an active Swapnote user since the beginning. I've got quite a few active users on my friends list, and typically have 30+ posts a day. I'm going to miss my interaction with these folks.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: tendoboy1984 on November 02, 2013, 11:03:45 AM
It's just the Friends gallery. And I actually think that this is sorted out now (really who cares about Swapnote) it will be released this month.

Plenty of people like Swapnote, it's the only way to send messages to 3DS friends. That's like saying "who cares about sending messages through Xbox Live or PSN?"...
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: JRokujuushi on November 02, 2013, 03:57:26 PM
Whoops, school kids are sexting each other, time to shut down cell phone services.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: pokepal148 on November 02, 2013, 04:54:42 PM
Whoops, school kids are sexting each other, time to shut down cell phone services.
It isn't that simple. These are services provided by nintendo on a closed nintendo network operating on a closed nintendo console. It would be extremely easy to sue Nintendo for facilitating illegal activity on their services and with kids being the main focus for the system letting something like this go without any form of action would become a nightmare. More then likely Miiverse will take the role of swapnote pretty soon anyways.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: UncleBob on November 02, 2013, 06:25:15 PM
Actually, it wouldn't be easy to sue Nintendo at all.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.  Look it up.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Mop it up on November 02, 2013, 06:41:54 PM
If Miiverse ever gets to the 3DS, this won't matter much. I never used SwapNote much, did a lot more reading than sending, but this still seems like an overreaction and I hope that it doesn't snowball into the cancellation of other Nintendo services and results in even less communication in online Nintendo games in the future.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: pokepal148 on November 02, 2013, 07:32:12 PM
Actually, it wouldn't be easy to sue Nintendo at all.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.  Look it up.
But the lawsuit alone would make great tabloid fodder. 'Mario creator under fire over child pornography case'

And that law only applies to the US
If Miiverse ever gets to the 3DS, this won't matter much. I never used SwapNote much, did a lot more reading than sending, but this still seems like an overreaction and I hope that it doesn't snowball into the cancellation of other Nintendo services and results in even less communication in online Nintendo games in the future.
The issue is swapnote isn't under any form of moderation. Nintendo will likely just drop support for the app (although I wouldn't be surprised if nikki showed up again at some point)
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: UncleBob on November 02, 2013, 08:18:49 PM
Actually, it wouldn't be easy to sue Nintendo at all.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.  Look it up.
But the lawsuit alone would make great tabloid fodder. 'Mario creator under fire over child pornography case'

And that law only applies to the US

Good, then don't discontinue the service in the US.

(I'm curious though - don't most other free-world countries have a similar law?  Because the idea that Nintendo should be liable for what's sent over Swapnote is about as insane as the idea that Verizon should be held liable for what's said over your cell phone...)

And I don't think the lawsuit would make great headlines at all.  I think most sane folks would see though it and the insane ones are the ones who already think video games are evil.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: ejamer on November 03, 2013, 03:13:13 AM
No lawsuit around 3DS communication would stand up to scrutiny in court, or in public opinion. However, there probably are people dumb enough to pursue legal action anyway and that would require money to be spent and reputations to be defended. Nintendo probably isn't keen on dealing with that.

MiiVerse integration is an interesting point that I hadn't considered. That possibility would lessen the blow since some form of communication would be better than nothing. But moderated public messages are a very different scenario than direct messaging with your friends.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: UncleBob on November 03, 2013, 06:52:09 AM
An unpaid legal intern could get a case against this thrown out of court. :D
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: grant on November 03, 2013, 07:02:52 AM
Too much disappointment!
 I'm done with Nintendo!
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: UncleBob on November 03, 2013, 07:35:40 AM
A thought occurs to me - what's the difference between this and the messaging service that we had for years on the Wii?
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Shaymin on November 03, 2013, 09:39:19 AM
Could you attach photos on the Wii's service? Like say, genitalia?
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: ejamer on November 03, 2013, 10:52:50 AM
A thought occurs to me - what's the difference between this and the messaging service that we had for years on the Wii?

People used - even enjoyed - SwapNote?
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Wah on November 04, 2013, 06:36:25 PM
Well Fark...
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Khushrenada on November 04, 2013, 06:53:33 PM
Too much disappointment!
 I'm done with Nintendo!

Really? Swapnote was that big a deal that you looked at the 3DS system and all its other features and games and decided that it had nothing to keep you interested in it further to the point of creating an account on a website and making a post of how you are now done with the brand and will never support them again because of this? Okayyyyyyyyyy. But I find that hard to believe.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Wah on November 04, 2013, 10:29:00 PM
Noobs these days! ::)
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Mop it up on November 04, 2013, 10:30:11 PM
A thought occurs to me - what's the difference between this and the messaging service that we had for years on the Wii?
You can't draw your own messages on the Wii, just type stuff. I imagine part of the problem was drawings of nasty imagery. That said, I think you could send a photo if you imported it from the Photo Channel first... so there isn't too much difference. Of course, it was more of a hassle to do that, so maybe no one misused the Wii messaging?
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Adrock on November 04, 2013, 11:40:16 PM
I suppose the part I really don't understand is that Flipnote Studio was a thing for years on DSi and apparently only now this has become a problem to the point where Nintendo shut down both Flipnote Studio 3D and Swapnote.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Wah on November 05, 2013, 09:38:55 PM
still SUCKS!!
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: yoshcrafter123 on December 28, 2013, 05:06:34 PM
btw what happened to flipnote hatena
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Gamergod88 on April 26, 2014, 09:54:18 AM
Well at least bring back Pictochat if they are going to discontinue swap note.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: sparioendernerd on May 01, 2014, 10:48:06 PM
Actually, it wouldn't be easy to sue Nintendo at all.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.  Look it up.
But the lawsuit alone would make great tabloid fodder. 'Mario creator under fire over child pornography case'

And that law only applies to the US

Good, then don't discontinue the service in the US.

(I'm curious though - don't most other free-world countries have a similar law?  Because the idea that Nintendo should be liable for what's sent over Swapnote is about as insane as the idea that Verizon should be held liable for what's said over your cell phone...)

And I don't think the lawsuit would make great headlines at all.  I think most sane folks would see though it and the insane ones are the ones who already think video games are evil.
Those "video games are evil" people are usually parents, that usually have gamers as their children, who become more passionate about games because of their insane parents. These parents would take a hammer to every electronic device in the house if they so much as read the headline "Mario creator under fire over child pornography case!" Nintendo knew it was either their small Flipnote app, or the lives of millions of kids, and teens all over the world.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: UFB on June 11, 2014, 02:46:06 PM
Well, I just now want to go on a rampage. :'(
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: HatenaHedgehog on October 13, 2014, 06:01:06 PM
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: HatenaHedgehog on October 13, 2014, 06:03:39 PM
I must say this: I, a paying consumer that has bought a SHITTON of Nintendo systems, games, and applications, am very disappointed in you, Nintendo.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: Shaymin on October 13, 2014, 06:06:43 PM know, the time to get outraged over this was when the article was posted. Eleven months ago.
Title: Re: Swapnote, Flipnote 3D Discontinued
Post by: kmg001 on February 10, 2015, 03:50:40 PM
Flipnote Studio 3D was just released (to CN members) today, and being a member of Club Nintendo I got my free download code. They have not cancelled just Flipnote Gallery: Friends[/size] but also [/color][/size]Flipnote Gallery: World[/color][/size]. I'm not sure if this will be added in an update, but I also don't see why they wouldn't include it. You can only send Flipnotes at the moment via LOCAL WIRELESS. [/color] :@