Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Dangerface on October 02, 2013, 12:28:24 AM

Title: Edge of Eternity Kickstarter Launched
Post by: Dangerface on October 02, 2013, 12:28:24 AM

Another indie coming to the Wii U.

A Kickstarter campaign has launched for Edge of Eternity, a new Space-JRPG from Midgar Studio.

Edge of Eternity is a turn-based RPG set in Heryon, a Steampunk/Medieval world in chaos after aliens invaded, spreading a virus that turns people and animals into metal monsters. After all of his kind have been turned into these monsters, the game’s hero, Daryon, embarks on an adventure to save his world.

Currently, release on the Wii U is part of the $200,000 base goal. This Kickstarter has raised $9,079 so far and will end on October 26.