Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: NWR_Karlie on November 08, 2002, 06:46:22 AM

Title: IBM Advertisements Promote Business Partners
Post by: NWR_Karlie on November 08, 2002, 06:46:22 AM
We have some pictures of IBM's latest advertisement promoting Nintendo.

IBM are running a series of advertisements promoting their business partners, including Nintendo. These pictures were taken at two London Underground stations.  

IBM were the developers of GameCube's "Gekko" processor, based on the PowerPC architecture and recently announced the shipment of the 10 millionth chip.  

Please note the servers mentioned in the ad are in regard to Nintendo of America's systems and not directly related to games.  

Thanks to Imran Yusuf for the pictures!