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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: NWR_Josh on October 15, 2012, 04:16:21 PM

Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: NWR_Josh on October 15, 2012, 04:16:21 PM

This game is amazing.

I played Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate at New York Comic Con this weekend, and let me tell you, this game delivers. With absolutely amazing visual and audio elements, fantastic monster and armor design, beautifully rendered environments and tight gameplay, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate brings the best of the best to the Wii U. 

Although the demo was only 20 minutes long, I played through three missions. The demo had three different missions from which to choose. The first, a two-star mission, involved hunting an armadillo-bear hybrid; the second, a three-star mission, sent me to the desert to hunt a rhino-like creature called a Barroth; and the third, a nine-star mission, sent me to the jungle depths to hunt a terrifying creature. All three boss battles sent a shiver down my spine. I gripped the GamePad, readied my thumbs for the battles, and was not disappointed.

The armor sets available in the demo made the boss battles easy. Each set looked beautiful and badass, and while fans should recognize some, the game adds new sets. The same can be said of the monsters. Jaggi litter the familiar landscapes, accompanied by some new, bigger baddies.

My character wielded dual swords, which made him swift and quick on the draw. The GamePad felt great in my hands and made battling feel natural. The controls were easy to pick up, and extremely responsive. With one control stick controlling my movements and the other controlling the camera, the game flowed well. 

The game is chock full of improvements. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate boasts 50 percent more content than its predecessor, but most of it comes in the high-class missions that become available after more than a few hours of gameplay. But with faster loading times, HD graphics, and tighter gameplay, I don’t mind the wait. Players who own both the Wii U and 3DS versions can also transfer their characters between the two. This makes it possible to use the same characters in each, which can lead to better missions, armor, and monsters. 

I loved every second of the demo. The new battles made me shiver with excitement. The old battles were revamped and looked beautiful. The bosses made me remember why I fell in love with the game in the first place. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate should bring the best of the best to the Wii U, and should bring out the inner hunter in us all. 

Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Ailingforale on October 15, 2012, 04:35:38 PM
This still excites me!  I'm still holding out hope for the 3DSXL white bundle for the US.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Fatty The Hutt on October 15, 2012, 06:55:46 PM
and, it will has online play like MH3 on Wii?
Will it?
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: night814 on October 15, 2012, 11:35:38 PM
The WiiU version will have online, but the compatible 3ds is not online.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: ResettisCousin on October 16, 2012, 10:06:55 AM
The landscape and player geometry looks like... an upscaled 3DS game. I mean that in a bad way. Some of the textures are cool and a sharper interface than Wii's Tri will be nice. But in the back of my mind I'm hoping Capcom is quietly anticipating a console port of MH 4 and the difference between 4 on 3DS and (hopefully) 4 on WiiU will be wider. That said, the cross platform co op rules and hey, I gotta hand it to Capcom for more or less guaranteeing the WiiU gets off to a great start in Japan.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: MrPhishfood on October 16, 2012, 10:30:29 AM
I expected all the models to be the same as the 3DS version so that it supports crossplay. If you're going to be playing together and have the same experience on both consoles then you're going to need the same hitboxes.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Pixelated Pixies on October 16, 2012, 11:23:33 AM
I would have bought this in an instant if the 3DS version had supported online co-op. I know some people will say that the Hunter games are designed to be played with people in the same room, but that's simply not an option for me as no one around me knows the series even exists.

Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Ailingforale on October 16, 2012, 04:16:25 PM
Time to inform your buddies on the good news then! lol
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Pixelated Pixies on October 16, 2012, 05:30:34 PM
Time to inform your buddies on the good news then! lol

lol, I wish it was that easy. Trying to explain why Monster Hunter is a great game is like trying to explain Tom Waits. It's hard.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Ceric on October 16, 2012, 05:37:09 PM
Time to inform your buddies on the good news then! lol

lol, I wish it was that easy. Trying to explain why Monster Hunter is a great game is like trying to explain Tom Waits. It's hard.
If the Mormon can effectively Spread the Good News on something as complicated as Religion than we Should be able to on Monster Hunter.
(Also I want one of those Snazzy Pocket name tags.  Very Clever.)
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Pixelated Pixies on October 16, 2012, 06:43:52 PM

If the Mormon can effectively Spread the Good News on something as complicated as Religion than we Should be able to on Monster Hunter.
(Also I want one of those Snazzy Pocket name tags.  Very Clever.)

I think you're underestimating the complexity of Monster Hunter. Monster Hunter is way more difficult to preach than Religion. It's also more rewarding and provides a more stable set of doctrines upon which to build a society, but I'll leave that discussion for another time.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on October 17, 2012, 03:33:56 AM
I bought Tri and never got into it, but I'll be picking this up for what looks like will be better online, and the ability to play just on the GamePad. I hope to join a lot of the regulars we had in Tri, and hopefully won't hold you back too much.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Ceric on October 17, 2012, 11:19:31 AM
I bought Tri and never got into it, but I'll be picking this up for what looks like will be better online, and the ability to play just on the GamePad. I hope to join a lot of the regulars we had in Tri, and hopefully won't hold you back too much.
Maxi will whip you into shape.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: BeautifulShy on October 17, 2012, 11:37:59 AM
I bought Tri and never got into it, but I'll be picking this up for what looks like will be better online, and the ability to play just on the GamePad. I hope to join a lot of the regulars we had in Tri, and hopefully won't hold you back too much.
If you still have the game then we can play. Ultimate comes out in six months. Plenty of time to play with me and others. A few new people have started playing and they are low rank and I am helping them along and teaching them. I don't care what hunter rank you are I am willing to help anyone if they are willing to learn the game. We do weekly hunts still and whenever someone wants to play and they post in the club thread there is a few that can hop on at a moments notice to play.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on October 17, 2012, 03:01:20 PM
I'm pretty sure it was one of the games I traded in toward my Wii U purchase, knowing a version that was better suited to the way I'd want to play it was coming soon.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Pixelated Pixies on October 17, 2012, 03:02:02 PM
If you still have the game then we can play. Ultimate comes out in six months. Plenty of time to play with me and others. A few new people have started playing and they are low rank and I am helping them along and teaching them. I don't care what hunter rank you are I am willing to help anyone if they are willing to learn the game. We do weekly hunts still and whenever someone wants to play and they post in the club thread there is a few that can hop on at a moments notice to play.

If you don't mind I might join you guys at some point. I played Tri for at least 100 hours and got reasonably good at it, but I was just playing with random people and could never get past Jhen Mohran, Agnaktor or Diablos. I'd like to go back and kick their asses at some point though.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on October 17, 2012, 03:06:19 PM
You're in Europe, right? I'm pretty sure I remember the game being region locked online.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: BeautifulShy on October 17, 2012, 03:27:22 PM
Checking his profile it states that the local time is the same time as mine which is Pacific.

Pixelated Pixies we are having a hunting night later today at around 5pm PST and we usually post about it here in this topic.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Ceric on October 17, 2012, 03:36:15 PM
I hate that they limit the rooms in this version to 4 people even though its obviously designed to allow much more.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Pixelated Pixies on October 17, 2012, 03:51:52 PM
You're in Europe, right? I'm pretty sure I remember the game being region locked online.

I am. I was completely unaware it was locked by region. That sucks.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: Sundoulos on October 18, 2012, 08:06:08 AM
This just might convince me to get back into Monster Hunter.   I thoroughly enjoyed Tri, but I had to give it up due to the amount of time that I was spending with it.
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: ejamer on October 18, 2012, 08:16:30 AM
Wow. Just read that Monster Hunter 3G is going digital download in Japan. Hope that happens here also - there aren't many games that I'm convinced are worth buying this way, but Monster Hunter qualifies judging by the amount it got played on my Wii.

One of the very few games that I would pay a premium to have always available.

Source: (
Title: Re: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Impressions
Post by: xcwarrior on October 20, 2012, 01:00:44 AM
I cannot wait to own this. I am hoping they do a combo deal if you buy both the 3DS/Wii U versions at the same time. I'm willing to do that.