Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Miyamoto on April 25, 2012, 06:54:56 PM

Title: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 25, 2012, 06:54:56 PM
In this day and age, considering what you can get for the same price on iOS, PSN or Steam, the e-shop is just too damn much. There's a few games I'd like to try and a few old classics I'd like to replay, but out of sheer principal I can't bring myself to part with £20+ for a handful of games when I compare it to what the money would buy elsewhere. Goddamn Nintendo, I want to give you my money and support your on-line store but you make it difficult when you insist on being so greedy!


Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: TJ Spyke on April 25, 2012, 07:02:05 PM
eShop is about the same as PSN and Steam and good games on iOS.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 25, 2012, 07:06:33 PM
eShop is about the same as PSN and Steam and good games on iOS.

Dude c'mon. Are you crazy? For the price of 4 NES games I can buy 3 PSP games. And don't even get me started on Steam.

Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: TJ Spyke on April 25, 2012, 07:12:19 PM
Steam does have sales, but that is different. And most PSN games are overpriced. The majority of eShop games are reasonably priced.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Sarail on April 25, 2012, 07:12:50 PM
Agreed, TJ. I feel that the price structure for eShop games is quite good. I paid, what?... $11 for Shantae: Risky's Revenge. It's worth every last penny. Honestly, I would have paid more, too.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: MegaByte on April 25, 2012, 07:14:04 PM
Virtual Console? Yes. Other stuff? It's not as flexible as it should be, but overall, not really.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 25, 2012, 07:17:40 PM
Well, it definitely looks like I'm in a minority of 1 (although this is a Nintendo site), but really for me, the price Nintendo is putting on 20 year old games when you consider what is being offered else where is far too much. Even the DSi/3DS ware seems too pricey to try. But like I say, seems like people are OK with it. Thought I put it out there to see what others thought. Guess I'm alone on this one...
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 25, 2012, 07:19:02 PM
most PSN games are overpriced. The majority of eShop games are reasonably priced.
With have polar opposite opinions, brother, but it would be a pretty boring world if everybody thought the same.

Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: xcwarrior on April 25, 2012, 08:42:02 PM
The games are pretty cheap when you think about it. Plus, how do you expect developers to make money?

Let's say I make a game, I put it on iOS and the eshop.

I make it cost $1 on iOs
I make it cost $5 on eshop.

I sell 10,000 copies on iOs = $10,000
I sell just 2,200 copies on eshop = $11,000

The iOS might be cheap, but most developers don't see their games sell well at all. For every Angry Birds there is (note that is the only example I can give you of a success not having a smart phone), there are 1000 games that might sell 100 copies, all for a $1 or free.

How is a developer going to make money like that?
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 25, 2012, 09:10:41 PM
You genuinely think that e-shop is a better platform for developers than iOS? Seriously? Wow.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: TrueNerd on April 25, 2012, 09:47:41 PM
Does the eShop cost a bit more than iOS App Store? Yes. However, the level of quality of the eShop in comparison to the iOS App Store is ASTRONOMICALLY HIGHER, so I'm not too upset about paying a couple bucks more for a game. Seriously, Pushmo alone makes the eShop better than the entirety of iOS App Store, at least if we're discounting games on the App Store that are also on DS. Which I am so my argument looks better.

I don't use Steam and my PSN usage is for home purposes only so I feel like it's not a worthy comparison here.

Hey look! I'm praising the eShop instead of ripping on it for the super terrible support it's received recently! Oh, wait, damn.

Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: UncleBob on April 25, 2012, 09:51:28 PM
(although this is a Nintendo site),
You know, this may be a Nintendo-focused site, but that doesn't mean we're  bunch of blind fanboys.  We commonly call out faults or issues with Nintendo, their processes, their products, their business strategy, etc.  Hell, even ***I*** had someone on here say I was too anti-Nintendo...and I own seven GameCubes and three Wiis.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on April 25, 2012, 09:59:32 PM
I'd say most of the original 3DS software on the eShop is probably about right where it should be. Stuff like Pushmo, Mutant Mudds and and Zen Pinball are great deals for their prices, and would be more expensive on something like PSN or XBLA. iOS isn't really a fair comparison; it's basically gone through a similar process to what happened to the Atari 2600 in the early '80s, where prices have bottomed out, killing the chances of any kind of deeper experience flourishing in that environment. The VC stuff is, in general, overpriced; something like Link's Awakening or Donkey Kong '94 are easily worth what they're charging, but most of the stuff on there isn't (and I say that as someone who has bought nearly everything on there).
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: nickmitch on April 25, 2012, 11:20:35 PM
iOS games have a different business model. Some of those game need to be 99¢ to even get a sale. Most people are taking a risk because they see the game is popular, and being less than a buck facilitates the impulse buy. Meanwhile, on the eShop side, VC games we already know are good. Most of us remember playing them, so there's not as much risk. Then there's the original games which usually are better than 99¢ iOS/Android games, so there's a premium there. Also, you can do a bit more of due diligence on those games. Maybe not a lot more, but you probably won't run in to this ( problem.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 26, 2012, 06:21:25 AM

You know, this may be a Nintendo-focused site, but that doesn't mean we're  bunch of blind fanboys. 

Maybe, but people here really don't seem to have a problem paying/defending the "Nintendo-tax". It seems to me like another example of Nintendo asking what's the most they can charge rather than realizing that a fairer pricing system would generate more sales and improve their image. Earlier this year I bought Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX for the PSP (and free additional downloads for the PS3) For £11.97. That's over 5 Gigabytes of data yet that amount of money wouldn't even buy 3 NES games (let alone allow me to transfer the titles I've already purchased on Wii). Don't get me wrong, I think there are a few games that are comfortably worth the price tag, Pullblox being the most obvious example,= and there are a few others too, but for the most part Nintendo are taking liberties in my eyes.

Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: xcwarrior on April 26, 2012, 07:01:01 AM

You know, this may be a Nintendo-focused site, but that doesn't mean we're  bunch of blind fanboys. 

Maybe, but people here really don't seem to have a problem paying/defending the "Nintendo-tax". It seems to me like another example of Nintendo asking what's the most they can charge rather than realizing that a fairer pricing system would generate more sales and improve their image. Earlier this year I bought Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX for the PSP (and free additional downloads for the PS3) For £11.97. That's over 5 Gigabytes of data yet that amount of money wouldn't even buy 3 NES games (let alone allow me to transfer the titles I've already purchased on Wii). Don't get me wrong, I think there are a few games that are comfortably worth the price tag, Pullblox being the most obvious example,= and there are a few others too, but for the most part Nintendo are taking liberties in my eyes.

That was during a sale, which yes the eShop desperately needs, and for it to be that cheap, don't you have to be a sucker - I mean, Playstation Plus member?

Most iOS games are made in a week, maybe less. Is there crap on the eShop? yes, but there is high quality stuff too. I would probably make the VC stuff cheaper as well, but it is what it is. I am selective on what I buy on the eShop, and I got the 20 free ambassador games which have been keeping me busy.

Just don't get used to paying $1 for video games. If you do, expect the quality to go down. Do note that you're example of high quality games were PS1 VC titles, not new games that you got 5 gigs of data from. Those games in their original hey day were a ton of money.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: ejamer on April 26, 2012, 12:34:34 PM
This post feels like a troll attempt, but I'll respond anyway.

Are things too expensive? Sometimes. Most of the new software is (in my opinion) reasonably priced, but obviously uses a different model than you see on iOS platforms. Virtual Console titles probably are overpriced, but often aren't that different than what you would pay for physical versions of the same games - and in some cases are considerably cheaper through eShop.

My only disappointment about pricing of digital content on Nintendo system is the lack of sales up to this point - offering price flexibility for older software downloads would go a long way.  (Presumably this is why you feel that Sony does a better job, because their base prices usually aren't very impressive from what I've seen.)

As for digital downloads of full games:

I still think this is ridiculous though. Why should I pay full (or almost full) price for a game that is permanently attached to my system/account?  I don't understand how you can complain about things being overpriced and then immediately follow up by saying that you want to forfeit any resale options and restrict choices on where a game can be purchased.  But hey, sometimes it's fun just to complain.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on April 26, 2012, 04:20:45 PM

You know, this may be a Nintendo-focused site, but that doesn't mean we're  bunch of blind fanboys. 

Maybe, but people here really don't seem to have a problem paying/defending the "Nintendo-tax". It seems to me like another example of Nintendo asking what's the most they can charge rather than realizing that a fairer pricing system would generate more sales and improve their image. Earlier this year I bought Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX for the PSP (and free additional downloads for the PS3) For £11.97. That's over 5 Gigabytes of data yet that amount of money wouldn't even buy 3 NES games (let alone allow me to transfer the titles I've already purchased on Wii). Don't get me wrong, I think there are a few games that are comfortably worth the price tag, Pullblox being the most obvious example,= and there are a few others too, but for the most part Nintendo are taking liberties in my eyes.

Not sure why "5 gigs of data" equates to a great deal or has any relevance to this. Games people want to play don't have their value dictated by how many gigabytes or megabytes the game is. Anyway, each system has a different pricing model, each with its positives and negatives. The fact is that many find various VC, Wiiware, and DSware games to be well worth the price of admission. At the end of the day, it is what the buyer perceives as value for their money.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: lolmonade on April 26, 2012, 04:51:38 PM
You genuinely think that e-shop is a better platform for developers than iOS? Seriously? Wow.

Each have their advantages & disadvantages.  There are more iphones/ipod touches out there, but you're also competing with a much larger volume of apps for the attention of consumers.  Currently the e-shop has less titles, which means you have a better chance of your title getting a look from gamers.  iOS isn't exactly the land of milk and honey either.

I think there could be more variable pricing on the e-shop, but it isn't any more offensive than other platforms (not including steam.  God I love Steam).
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Kwolf on April 26, 2012, 05:09:33 PM
My problem with the E-Shop is that it's just too static.   Sales and eventual lowering of prices after a certain amount of time would be nice.   I know a lot of people like it, but I'm not going to spend 12 dollars on Shantae. 

 The thing is today, April 26th I can get both Dead Space 1 and 2 on steam for less than that on sale.   Not saying one or the other is better, but if I have just a vague interest in both of those, chances are my money is going to be going to steam.

Now if it was a game I was really crazy about, I would gladly spend that money. Throw Minecraft on the E-Shop for twenty or thirty dollars, I would have no problem!

Basically I have games that I will gladly spend money on to help support or even help a developer.  Then there are games that I get in passing.  Things that I'm not so big on.   Chances are those things are going to be bought on sale.  Which is why steam probably has seen more of my money since 2004 than any other publishing house.

So just as  personal opinion I'm not going to say the E-shop is broken or anything, but on a personal level I would spend more money there if there was sales.  They don't have to be ,buy a game for a dollar. Just small decent sales would be enough to get me to buy more things.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 26, 2012, 06:36:31 PM
This post feels like a troll attempt, but I'll respond anyway.


Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 26, 2012, 06:39:26 PM

Not sure why "5 gigs of data" equates to a great deal or has any relevance to this.

Because at some point you would expect the packet size would have some bearing on the hosting costs, yet VC games are over 500 times smaller.

Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: UncleBob on April 26, 2012, 08:47:00 PM
Yeah... umm..

How come we're talking about file sizes when discussing PSN downloads, but completely taking that out of the equation when talking about iOS/Android downloads?  If we're going to look at GB per Dollar for PSN purchases, how does that equate to GB per Dollar for an iOS download?

Let's see, I recently downloaded the second Cut the Rope for Android.  23.02MB for $1.  So, .022 GB/$1.

PSN - 5 GB for $19.38 or 0.25GB/$1.  TEN TIMES AS MUCH.  PSN downloads must be a far better value than iOS/Android downloads.  Which must mean PSN's setup is the future and iOS/Android is DOOMED, right?
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: ejamer on April 26, 2012, 09:16:06 PM
This post feels like a troll attempt, but I'll respond anyway.


Wow, with great discussion points like this and totally ignoring the points being made, I don't know how I could've thought you might just be a lame troll.    Thanks for confirming - next time I see you post I'll know better.

Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on April 26, 2012, 09:31:11 PM
This post feels like a troll attempt, but I'll respond anyway.


Please refrain from comments purely intended to troll other forum users. I don't mind a snide remark or two if you're going to also provide a reasoned response, as ejamer did, but don't just attack people.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: UncleBob on April 26, 2012, 09:32:58 PM
It's funny, when I was skimming the thread, I thought the "ditto" was agreeing that it (the OP) seemed like a troll thread.  Didn't realize who posted the "ditto"...
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: TJ Spyke on April 26, 2012, 09:40:38 PM
I like how he decided to reply again 3 minutes later, but made a new post rather than just adding it to their existing post.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 26, 2012, 10:00:57 PM
This post feels like a troll attempt, but I'll respond anyway.


Wow, with great discussion points like this and totally ignoring the points being made, I don't know how I could've thought you might just be a lame troll.    Thanks for confirming - next time I see you post I'll know better.


Sorry but you raised absolutely no points that I found worthy of a response. I did however take exception to the trolling accusation.

Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Miyamoto on April 26, 2012, 10:29:01 PM

Yeah... umm..

How come we're talking about file sizes when discussing PSN downloads, but completely taking that out of the equation when talking about iOS/Android downloads?  If we're going to look at GB per Dollar for PSN purchases, how does that equate to GB per Dollar for an iOS download?

I brought up packet size because I thought it might be a factor as to why Nintendo charge so much more than the rest of the completion not because bigger size equals better value. But on reflection, in this day and age I really don't think the file size has any bearing on pricing, it's just Nintendo choosing to go in high.

Which must mean PSN's setup is the future and iOS/Android is DOOMED, right?

I'd just like to make it perfectly clear that at no point did I in anyway insinuate this but if that's your opinion then you're welcome to it.

Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: UncleBob on April 26, 2012, 10:41:46 PM
In spite of what someone outside of a business mindset might think, a successful business does not set the pricing of their goods/services based on what the competition is doing, what the cost of delivering the goods/services are, how old the product is, how much use the customer will get out of the product, the quality of the product, etc., etc.

All of those types of things do factor in to determining the final cost to the consumer of the good/service - but, a successful (and "successful" is the key word) business ultimately sets their pricing based on one single thing... what the market will bear.

If Nintendo could sell NES game downloads for $50, they'd do it.  But they know that won't fly today (though, I'd be remiss to point out that a few short years ago, people were gladly paying $20 for NES titles - some of which, I believe, put out some pretty impressive sales numbers... one of which was taking in some decent bank on eBay last time I checked - a quick look finds a completed auction for $12+2).

And while Nintendo would be wise to consider the age of the titles, what the competition is doing, the strengths of the games (Link's Awakening is worth more than the asking price, Tennis?  eh....), ultimately, they're going to set the price at what the market will bear.  If people stop buying due to the price, then they'll consider changing prices.  However, w/r/t Wii downloads, I don't think the price is really what's hurting them.  As for 3DS downloads, I don't really hear much complaining about 3DS eShop sales.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on April 26, 2012, 10:49:17 PM
You probably hear less complaining about 3DS VC prices because it's been a while since there have been any games to complain about prices for.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: TJ Spyke on April 26, 2012, 10:51:39 PM
Yep, the Classic NES Series version of SMB on GBA sold over 500K copies at $20 a pop. So Nintendo made around $10 million on what was basically a straight port of a NES game.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: NWR_insanolord on April 26, 2012, 10:55:03 PM
It wasn't a straight port. It was an emulator and a ROM on a cartridge. And I bought at least three of them.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: TJ Spyke on April 26, 2012, 10:58:10 PM
Pretty much what I meant. IIRC, the only changes they made with the Classic NES Series was changing the resolution to fit the GBA screen.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Evan_B on April 27, 2012, 04:23:59 PM
Well, I only have two 3D classics myself, and both were free... so I can't really complain about the price of them. Furthermore, I have twenty free games because I'm an ambassador, so again... I really don't have much to say about the pricing of the games. However, I've been pleased with the games that I have purchased from the eShop, like VVVVVV, Mighty Switch Force, Pushmo, and Mutant Mudds. Each title was definitely worth what I paid for them, especially when the prices were nowhere near a full-length game's price and still had a great amount of content. With Wayforward adding more levels to Mighty Switch Force, I feel that I'm really getting my money's worth- especially since I can buy four or five games and not reach the price of a full-length title. If anything, I think Nintendo needs to evaluate what they release as full-priced titles, because I got Sonic Generations and that certainly was not even worth the thirty bucks I payed for it.

TL;DR I think they're fine.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: leahsdad on April 27, 2012, 06:22:19 PM

Just don't get used to paying $1 for video games. If you do, expect the quality to go down.

Especially because few to none of the IOS $1 games are truly $1.  They make their money by selling virtual fish food or extra outfits or paint cans for your virtual village.   I took my family on a long trip a few weeks ago and went onto the IOS app store to find games for my 6 year old.  I could barely find anything, after looking at over 300 apps.  Keep in mind, she was already way over Angry Birds, Tiny Wing, and Fruit Ninja.  Everything had some kind of stupid DLC attached to it.   Now, I've got in-app purchases disabled, but my daughter keeps coming to me when she's playing her stupid Winter village app saying "Daddy, I want to keep playing but the game says I have to buy more winter bucks."   You know what I tell her?  The game is broken.   I don't have the heart to tell her the truth, which would be "Well, honey, the people who developed this game are bad people and they're trying to fleece daddy's bank account a dollar at a time."   

You know what I did instead?  I downloaded Fun Fun Mini Touch Golf, and she had the time of her life on the plane.  She literally would not put it down until my 3DS ran out of batteries.  Okay, so that was only 3 hours, but still.....

I hate IOS games.  Because of the in-app bull.   I hate it so much, all parents do.  But until my kid gets older and I can explain that there are people out there who try to make money by being dishonest and misleading, and are basically selling paid demos, I'm going to have to either keep in app purchases off and keep telling my daughter that the games are broken, or give in and pay $15 for Strawberry Shortcake virtual dresses.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: ejamer on April 27, 2012, 06:27:57 PM
... With Wayforward adding more levels to Mighty Switch Force, I feel that I'm really getting my money's worth...

TL;DR I think they're fine.

A good reminder: I need to go buy Mighty Switch Force. Didn't buy originally because I felt it was more expensive than I wanted for the amount of content, but with a free update I'm good with the price.

(Has the update already happened, or is it coming later?)
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: leahsdad on April 28, 2012, 01:50:34 AM

A good reminder: I need to go buy Mighty Switch Force. Didn't buy originally because I felt it was more expensive than I wanted for the amount of content, but with a free update I'm good with the price.

(Has the update already happened, or is it coming later?)

No update yet.  It's an awesome game that I love, love, love, but I'll be honest:  it's not for everyone.  The real lynchpin in its gameplay appeal is the par times.   If you're interested in beating the level within the par time limit, then the game is super fun and challenging.  If that kind of thing, beating a par time / getting all three star coins on every level / high score attacks/ etc. hold no water with you as a gamer, might not be as thrilled with this game as everyone else.   The beauty of the gameplay really comes out with the sort of "economy of action" that you have to strategize and plan with before every level if you want to make par.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Uncle_Optimus on May 06, 2012, 02:08:45 PM
In this day and age, considering what you can get for the same price on iOS, PSN or Steam, the e-shop is just too damn much.

Greetings all, first post here.
iOS gaming seems to be rapidly redefining our concepts of "value" for software. Your post in some ways describe my own experience: a customer who as recently as 3 years ago didn't much bat an eye at shelling out $30 for a DS game...and if the game was $10-15 hoooo boy whatta deal!
About a year-and-a-half ago however, I got an iPod Touch and then stumbled upon Touch Arcade. Man, did that lead to a lot of games.
The key takeaway for me was that I realized my value-meter shifted...I was doing what you just outlined, lamenting a $30 pricetag. Coincidence or no, my purchases of DS software have plummeted in the last couple years.
There are other factors, of age and ability to settle down with a game, a system at the end of its product life and correspondingly less relevant software being released, less disposable income for games, etc. Nevertheless, that I consciously thought "dang, I don't really feel like shelling out $30....$20...$15(!?) for this game" has been a shocker for me.
I am seeing more and more online opinions from people who have experienced a similar transformation.

My own peculiarities aside, on the topic of 3DS download games in particular, my feeling is that $7-10 dollars for a quality original digital production with good ol' "d-pad n button" controls is still decent value. If the game is largely a port, and the original is cheaper on another platform, I do think "whaaaaaaat" tho! And yeah, I am NOT down with a lot of Nintendo's VC pricing scheme (not to mention catalog choice) but I understand why they set it that way.

Who knows, perhaps increasing iOS traction will force them to reevaluate their pricing on digital storefront policies (like others here, I really hope they give developers more tools to sell and promote their wares)...or maybe their increasingly "core" 3DS customer base will prove resilient with the current value proposition?
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: UncleBob on May 06, 2012, 02:18:21 PM
I was with a group of coworkers recently.  One of them is also into Skylanders, so we were discussing the new Skylanders app.  He had me play it and it's really not all that impressive.  He said "There, I just saved you 99 cents".

Then, the group launched into a discussion that basically ended with the fact that this 99 cent app and my copy of Cut the Rope (although I've now downloaded the second one) are the only paid games the 6 of us had downloaded.

Let me tell you, this group - always tinkering on their phones.  Draw Something is pretty HUGE amongst them right now.  All techies, 4 of us are gamers (seriously, the other Skylander's guy brings his PS3 every time we have to stay at a hotel overnight), one isn't much of a gamer and the other is a somewhat lite-casual gamer.

If six people have only bought $3 worth of games... I seriously have to question the sustainability of such a business model.

Of course, none of this accounts for ad revenue... ;)
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: MegaByte on May 06, 2012, 02:47:51 PM
Outside of the Humble Indie Bundles, I haven't bought any Android apps despite having hundreds. There's lots of good free stuff, but Amazon's pretty much obviated any need to buy any since almost all of the best apps eventually come up as one of their free apps of the day (and lots of junk too). It's not really sustainable except that apps are hot right now so there is currently a surplus of developers.
Title: Re: Anyone else just feel like the e-shop is too damn expensive?
Post by: Uncle_Optimus on May 06, 2012, 03:06:14 PM
Uncle Bob, you describe an interesting circumstance and in my mind it is illustrative of the current iOS platform in several interesting ways (warning: fun with bullet points imminent)
I would like to reiterate on point number two however...I think many established gamers could find worthy products for their money on mobile, as long as their gaming tastes intersected with genres that play especially friendly with touch screens (i.e. Adventure games, puzzle games, board games, RPG, strategy and action games that need only simple inputs). Discover-ability is not a problem on 3DS as of yet, mainly perhaps because of the size of the library - as of now, any release feels like news!

The main promise of the 3DS to me is its wealth of control options tho, but I am still worried it won't see significant developer interest. I actually hope Nintendo actively courts more of those proven small teams in the mobile space and it does NOT have to be for 3DS versions of their mobile games!

edit: Ninja bullet :D the Android market puts the iOS' Wild West to looks chaotic over there and recent news stories suggest an even higher magnitude of piracy...I wonder if Google can (or if it ever wants to) rein it in somehow: (