Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: NWR_Neal on March 24, 2012, 07:16:19 AM

Title: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: NWR_Neal on March 24, 2012, 07:16:19 AM

Complete your idol collection!

We've got a complete guide planned for Kid Icarus: Uprising, but until it's ready, why not complete your AR idol collection? We've got nearly half of the 404 idols ready for you to scan using the AR camera feature. Even better, each AR scan gives you a 100 heart bonus! Click the categories on the right side of the page to begin collecting! You can click on each card to zoom in and press the left and right keys to switch cards.

Be sure to keep checking back for the latest updates! Next up: Weapon fusion tables, Powers list, Treasure hunts, and more!

Also, if you're interested in trading your actual cards, please check out our forums!

Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: TheFleece on March 24, 2012, 11:02:00 AM
To wake up to this much content before I have to spend the whole day at work is surely a curse. Thanks for all the image uploads, they also work off my cellphone so I'll have something to do during my lunch break.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on March 24, 2012, 12:09:31 PM

Amazing! Thanks for doing this, NWR! I'm slowly making my way through. (free hearts galore!)
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: UncleBob on March 24, 2012, 01:31:47 PM
Wow... Thanks for spamming my Facebook wall... (i tease... :D)
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: MegaByte on March 24, 2012, 01:44:44 PM
Whoops. I need to fix that.

If anybody has any we're missing or can scan in ones where we had to use a lower quality image, please send them our way and we'll replace them in the next update.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: SectorStar on March 24, 2012, 04:42:59 PM
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot get ANY of these to scan. It seems like you already have to fight to get it to scan physical cards sometimes. Odd considering I was able to scan the things through a computer screen with no hassle at all for the pokedex app.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: MegaByte on March 24, 2012, 04:48:53 PM
These rely on more shades/finer details than the Pokemon cards, but I haven't had a problem, even with the low-quality ones. [Edit: turns out color is not required] You might play with your screen's brightness/contrast settings to see if it needs to be tuned. Otherwise, you might want to talk to Nintendo about a repair, especially if you're having trouble with the physical cards, or just move to a place with better lighting. Also, in case it wasn't obvious, you can click a card to zoom in and move between them with the left and right keys.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: SectorStar on March 24, 2012, 04:52:51 PM
I'll mess with the lighting later, as I leave for work soon and don't have a lot of time to mess with it. I know I'm not the only one having issues scanning these though because a lot of people on gamefaqs were posting questions asking about scanning the physical cards
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: MegaByte on March 24, 2012, 04:56:47 PM
I have a suspicion that a subset of 3DS cameras may be defective because some people here also had problems with the original AR card set. Even the working ones sometimes capture one eye in a yellowish tint in 3D photos.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: SectorStar on March 24, 2012, 05:01:02 PM
Well I've already had to send mine in THREE times for various other things, so I'm not too keen on doing that again. The only time I can get the physical ones to scan right on the die is if I take two cards, turn them vertically so the arrows on the bottom are touching and then it seems to work almost instantly. If I switch one for another in the same position then it usually works ok. Its one I'm trying to scan one all by itself is when it doesn't always seem to wanna work.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: MegaByte on March 25, 2012, 10:22:18 PM
Lots more added thanks to the European set... almost all of the items, one extra weapon of each class, and more!
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: ejamer on March 26, 2012, 08:45:09 AM
Very cool to be able to see these, but only reinforces my feeling that digital copies are not reasonable substitute for actual cards.  I'm sure some people will be thrilled though.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Bman87301 on March 27, 2012, 12:09:00 PM
I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this or not, but the "Little Girl" and "Gemini Orbitars" cards are non-functional mockups (note the grayed-out AR patterns). You may want to take down those images until the official cards are found, otherwise you're gonna cause a lot of headaches for people trying to get them to work.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Karmacode on March 28, 2012, 08:27:18 PM
Thank you guys so very much for all your hard work in making these AR cards available to us. I found this site by accident while looking for a weapons guide but it's clear that from now on I'll be checking this place out often :)
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: MegaByte on March 28, 2012, 08:40:28 PM
We'll have a weapons guide up soon, so check back again :)
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: SteveSound on March 29, 2012, 04:59:21 PM
I think I got a really rare one. This AKDP (european) 403 Pit (Rally Cry) has a sparkly angel wing printed on the top corner!!!

Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Klonoahedgehog on March 29, 2012, 05:55:05 PM
I have a question i ordered some of these cards when Nintendo posted them on there Website awhile ago and they still haven't arrived, how long does it take for them to arrive?
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: MegaByte on March 29, 2012, 06:07:15 PM
I put in my order on the 13th, got my shipping confirmation on the 15th, and it arrived on the 17th.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 29, 2012, 06:09:55 PM
You should have gotten an email from Nintendo. If a lot of people ordered them, it could be awhile.

I ordered my on day 1, still have not gotten mine yet.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Zembaphobia on March 31, 2012, 07:32:20 PM
Has anybody gotten this to work? I've been struggling with a few of then, but this is the only one that I can't scan
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Bman87301 on April 01, 2012, 07:58:06 PM (
Has anybody gotten this to work? I've been struggling with a few of then, but this is the only one that I can't scan
I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this or not, but the "Little Girl" and "Gemini Orbitars" cards are non-functional mockups (note the grayed-out AR patterns). You may want to take down those images until the official cards are found, otherwise you're gonna cause a lot of headaches for people trying to get them to work.
You're not alone-- that one doesn't work. As you can see, I told them they should take that down... :-/

Nintendo grayed-out the AR patterns on the when showing off previews of the cards prior to the release. This is one of those images. The official version of this card hasn't been distributed yet. The same applies to the "Gemini Orbitars" card.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Cyrian on April 03, 2012, 02:13:28 PM
I have a question i ordered some of these cards when Nintendo posted them on there Website awhile ago and they still haven't arrived, how long does it take for them to arrive?

I got my shipping notification on March 22nd, and they still haven't come. =/
I'm going to give it a couple more days and then I'm going to contact them about it.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: NWR_Neal on April 03, 2012, 02:44:37 PM
I got the shipping notification two weeks ago or so, and only got them in the mail yesterday.

Conclusion? They should be on their way. I think.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: UncleBob on April 03, 2012, 02:58:18 PM
I *just* got my Club Nintendo cards on Saturday... and I ordered them ASAP... so, I wouldn't worry yet.

Also got my EBGames Canada cards.  Sadly, there's rumors that they're going to be giving these same cards away in the US at GameStop events on the 14th. :(

Even worse, only one of the six cards in the game was one I didn't already have. :(

/le sigh.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: muskieratboi on April 14, 2012, 12:57:17 PM
From what I can gather, the AR cards use the small stained-glass like section at the bottom left of the card to identify the card, and the black frame to position the model.  the "stained glass" section contains 16 sections, and acts akin to a barcode, with each section being either red, green, or blue.
So that's 4096 possible cards.. hrmm.. Anyone wanna program up a generator, see if there are any mysterious cards that haven't arrived yet?
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: MegaByte on April 14, 2012, 01:10:20 PM
Unfortunately, they also seem to use part of the image section. Also, the number possible is 3^16 = 43046721, not 16^3, so it's not really feasible to do.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: UncleBob on April 14, 2012, 01:28:31 PM
Aside from the fact that it does use some of the image section, you could create the program on your PC, line up your 3DS, plug it in and just let it set there for awhile.

And by awhile, I mean roughly seven years if you let each stained glass pattern stay on the screen for a mere 5 seconds.

This would be a neat experiment to try out.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: muskieratboi on April 14, 2012, 03:49:54 PM
Yeah, I kinda worked the math out again later. :P:

I have a template, but It seems to bug out sometimes when the sections are properly filled: (
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: muskieratboi on April 14, 2012, 03:55:53 PM
looks like you're right about it using part of the image itself.

..this is the weirdest AR Tag system i've ever encountered, to be honest.. must do more research! *collects more cards*
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: UncleBob on April 14, 2012, 04:39:26 PM
The funny thing is, the three cards released last year as promos don't even have the stained glass thing on them.

Meaning that, in theory, there could be a number of cards without a stained glass counter-part that are hidden in the game.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: MegaByte on April 14, 2012, 05:04:46 PM
None of the cards they demoed at E3 (there are photos if you look around) except for the three they gave away seem to work. I'm guessing they added the coding after the fact for reliability, but had to special code those three in since they already gave them away.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: UncleBob on April 14, 2012, 08:02:55 PM
In theory, however, there could easily be something in the game for whatever secret bonus card that works like the three give-away cards, where it doesn't rely on the stained-glass code.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: MegaByte on April 24, 2012, 03:55:14 AM
Okay, lots of new cards and all descriptions have been added!
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Karmacode on April 26, 2012, 10:51:29 PM
Okay, lots of new cards and all descriptions have been added!

Thanks again for all the work, I know I really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Pitoo! on May 12, 2012, 09:14:34 AM
The Treasure Box's AR card stain glass-thing is unscannable due to being completely grayed out. Also, here's an AR card that'll surprise you: (

Never mind, the AR card was an April Fool's Joke. T_T
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: Nirual on June 25, 2012, 06:19:56 AM

I have a suspicion that a subset of 3DS cameras may be defective because some people here also had problems with the original AR card set. Even the working ones sometimes capture one eye in a yellowish tint in 3D photos.

I think it has more to do with lightning and really finding the right placement. I've had problems initially but once I worked out a good position I could even scan most of the small images on here. Though a few still give me trouble for no apparent reason.
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: evangelist2010 on August 27, 2012, 03:41:51 PM
remind me to send you guys a pic of the Dog card  ;)
Title: Re: Kid Icarus: Uprising Super Guide
Post by: evangelist2010 on September 06, 2012, 07:20:52 PM
here's the dog! let me know wat else u need and I'll see if I have it!  ;D