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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Dannymcl on August 29, 2011, 02:37:04 PM

Title: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Dannymcl on August 29, 2011, 02:37:04 PM
Right, I don't know if anyone else has thought of this and I apologise if I'm just echoing someone else but I haven't read anywhere mentioning it. Could Nintendo use the removable back as somewhere to mount a second right circle pad I don't know how they would do it but it would be more comfortable than having it stick out a mile. It may bulk up the system but would satisfy current 3DS owners like me and give me peace of mind that my system isn't going to be null and void. Any ideas anyone? Please don't just put links to here: (
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: zachs1997 on September 01, 2011, 07:28:34 PM
I dont know. But if they do revise the system they better have some way of switching were the dpad is and were the circle pad is
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: MaryJane on September 07, 2011, 07:20:38 AM (


Not so shabby, and article says it adds an R2 button as well.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: ejamer on September 07, 2011, 08:41:56 AM
Not loving how bulky the (already biggish) 3DS looks with this add-on. Certainly moves it out of portable size for my pockets at least.

Slightly concerned about accessibility to the L and R buttons, and expect that Start/Home will be a stretch... but otherwise it looks comfortable enough. Might be more comfortable for people with big hands?

Will it be supported by (required for) many games? Will there be a new, dual-slider 3DS model released in the near future? Reeks of desperation from Nintendo if so. I wonder if developers will view this add-on as a concession to their demands and increase their support for the system, or as an admission that 3DS is a failure and avoid the system altogether?

The uncertainty makes me regret buying a 3DS when I did. If I hadn't already purchased, I wouldn't touch the system until getting a clear picture of what its future looks like.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Pajamas on September 07, 2011, 09:27:54 AM
Look very closely at the new circle pad. If you zoom in on it, you can see a clear split down one side of it. I smell a shopped.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Caterkiller on September 07, 2011, 10:55:40 AM
This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. That really boils my blood! Stupid extra pad better be included in the second 3DS design. I can't believe how angry I am about this thing, i'm always pro nintendo.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 07, 2011, 11:20:32 AM
I'm excited about the second analog pad. It should have been built into the 3DS from the get go, but it wasn't and this addon corrects that problem. I don't know why so many people doubted it, but I never doubted it. I understand why it was needed and why Nintendo would want to add it. Now I get to say "I told you so" to all the non-believers, and that's a really awesome feeling. :)
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ceric on September 07, 2011, 11:59:14 AM
Just looking at the pictures that thing doubles the size of the 3DS folded down.  Is like if I had two 3DSes taped together in my pocket. An extended battery only sticks out about as much as having another of the first color sections would.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: zachs1997 on September 07, 2011, 08:21:24 PM
What.... the.... hell.any way if you buy the reviesed version will you be able to transfer ALL data to the new system
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 07, 2011, 08:26:27 PM
There is no revised system, this is just a clunky peripheral for the existing 3DS (possibly for one game).
Title: My 3DS needs only one stick
Post by: stevey on September 07, 2011, 09:20:35 PM
This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. That really boils my blood! Stupid extra pad better
NOT be included in the second 3DS design. I can't believe how angry I am about this thing, i'm always pro nintendo.

Fixed and fully agree.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Caliban on September 07, 2011, 10:52:15 PM

Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: ejamer on September 08, 2011, 03:15:10 AM (


I don't get it. Ouch what?

Nintendo confirmed that the circle pad accessory will be released. They didn't confirm that the model shown in photos so far is the final design, didn't confirm that there will be a full redesign for the system, and didn't even confirm that any games outside of Monster Hunter 3G will require the accessory.

So they didn't really say anything meaningful outside of confirming that it's not a big hoax.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 08, 2011, 05:52:34 AM
There is no revised system, this is just a clunky peripheral for the existing 3DS (possibly for one game).

That's not what the rumor posted weeks ago said. According to the original rumor it is Nintendo themselves who are behind it and a revision which incorporates it is in the works.

At the time the rumor was posted everyone doubted it entirely, but now we know the addon is real, so maybe the other details of the rumor are true as well? Why would you still continue to doubt the rumor's minor points when the bulk of it is already confirmed?

I would be willing to bet money on it. Care to make a wager?
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Adrock on September 08, 2011, 08:22:34 AM
I don't think he's necessarily doubting it; just pointing out that it's not official.

More importantly, I certainly hope no one takes that bet. Betting against Nintendo introducing a handheld redesign (even with the right slide pad) is like betting against the Harlem Globetrotters.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: ejamer on September 08, 2011, 08:23:45 AM
Of course I won't make a wager. There is a very good chance those things will all happen in the not-too-distant future... but there is still a chance that some won't. I'm simply not going to waste time being concerned about (or betting on) a rumor that is totally out of my control.

I stand by my comment before: this "confirmation" changes nothing that wasn't already known, so there is no reason that 3DS should suddenly become more upset or disappointed than they were earlier.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ian Sane on September 08, 2011, 12:18:02 PM
There was no way I was ever going to buy a 3DS prior to a revision anyway.  I'm not dumb.  The GBA and DS each had at least one revision so I naturally assumed this would have one, too.  I wonder if that is part of the reason for the underwhelming 3DS sales.  Nintendo has tried their little bullshit trick of trying to get you to buy their handheld twice and most of the world has finally caught on.  Maybe there is a lot of interest in the 3DS but everyone figures the 3DS XL or whatever is going to come out at some point so they might as well wait.  Nintendo has been taking advantage of everyone the last two handheld generations and maybe this time it blew up in their face.

And if that is the situation they're pretty screwed for next gen as well because we know they're going to go with a 3DS revision so they would need a handheld that had no revisions in order to regain trust.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 08, 2011, 12:25:25 PM
I honestly don't think the majority of consumers anticipate revisions and hold off buying a system due to waiting for them. Many people on this site do but that's just because we follow these things and are more knowledgeable about it than the average consumer. I'm not saying it doesn't factor into it at all, but clearly most of the 3DS' underwhelming performance can easily be explained by the price and the small library of games.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Adrock on September 08, 2011, 12:31:46 PM
The original model isn't a piece of crap just because it gets redesigned. Nintendo isn't tricking anyone. Expect improvements to be made due to technological advancements and the passage of time. That's how it's always been. There will always be something better around the corner. The original model still plays the same games.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: ejamer on September 08, 2011, 12:49:14 PM
There was no way I was ever going to buy a 3DS prior to a revision anyway.  I'm not dumb.  ...

Wow... Way to come off like an ass. :confused;

Previous revisions in portable hardware have never been so important, so quickly.  The GBA SP improved the GBA design, but it still played the same games. Same for DS revisions until the DSi came along.  I fully expected that there would be a hardware revision, but didn't count on a major feature that would be required by some games being added to the system so quickly after initial release. After skipping over the DSi I figured that the basic 3DS hardware would be stable for at least a year or two (instead of a month or two).

Of course, I'm dumb that way.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 08, 2011, 12:51:15 PM
No one is dumb. All it takes is a $10 addon to make the original 3DS model the same as the future model. Its not like its now a paperweight or anything.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: leahsdad on September 08, 2011, 05:45:57 PM
The GBA SP improved the GBA design, but it still played the same games.

I had a GBA, never bought the SP, and never really felt cheated about it, especially since with the side-light (instead of a backlight), the SP was (in terms of the viewability of the screen, and only that aspect) the GBA with one of those third-party lighting devices built in.

If the 2nd analog is built into the next revision, I don't think that a reason to regret purchasing the original 3DS.  Anyone here upset terribly about owning a Wiimote that doesn't include M+ inside?  Anyone here feel wronged because they bought an N64 that didn't include the memory expansion?  Anyone outraged because their NES bundle didn't include the NES Advantage Stick? 

And if the only improvement in the next hardware revision is built in 2nd analog and extended battery life and cosmetic design change, I for one will probably pass on that.  I think the current 3DS is designed well enough that I will be happy with it in its current form, with or without that add-on, for a long time.  What really spoiled me in the last handheld generation, what will really make me give Nintendo money that I really can't afford, would be a 3DS XL.  Now that gets me excited.   When I went from my Lite to my XL, it was just amazing. 
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ian Sane on September 08, 2011, 06:26:57 PM
I actually was quite annoyed that my original GBA had an incredibly hard-to-see screen.  I used to fuss around all the time with lights and such and it was always a royal pain.  Then Nintendo released this backlit GBA, the GBA they SHOULD have released in the first place, and I was pretty damn pissed off.  Everyone complained about that problem since day one.  You telling me the Nintendo testers did not immediately notice how dark the screen is?  They just didn't give a **** and released it as is.  Thankfully the GB Player, something I would gladly have bought even if I had a GBA SP, came out allowing me to, you know, see the games.  But I refused to buy a GBA SP out of principle.  They released a substandard product on purpose only to release the "real" product later.  The DS was not as annoying as the differences between the DS and DS Lite are much less significant.  I'm fine with a DS Phat.

The significant thing is that it is a completely new purchase.  M+ doesn't mean I have to buy a whole new Wii to use it.  Handhelds often had that problem.  As a result I played it safe with the 3DS.

Though Nintendo actually did find a way to offer the new functionality to old 3DS systems.  I think with a handheld you make sure to get it right the first time and if you don't, you stick with your mistake until the successor comes out.  But at least Nintendo didn't offer a new dual-analog 3DS and left the early adopters in the cold.  This example is more like M+ or the expansion pack.  With previous handhelds it was not like that.  It was all or nothing.

The problem with this whole thing is that it really seems like you can't trust Nintendo to stay put with a handheld.  If you buy one, it will be replaced before you know it.  I don't think it will do Nintendo any favours for that to become expected.  The 3DS looks like a big scam.  Maybe that wasn't the intention but it doesn't look good.  The timing of this isn't good either.  They just admitted they overpriced it and now they're suggesting they flubbed on the control layout?  Could they work harder and making the 3DS look like a disaster?  The very existence of this and the price cut suggest that the 3DS is a substandard product.

And if they ever ditched the 3D like some rumours have stated that would just completely **** it all up.  What about people who bought the 3DS because they liked the idea of 3D?  That was supposed to be the hook in the first place!  So they get like a year of 3D games and then everything is 2D because the revision doesn't support 3D?  That would be such a screwjob.  Hopefully that rumour has no basis in reality.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 08, 2011, 06:36:33 PM
Ian, there were things you could buy from 3rd parties to light up the GBA screen. I even remember seeing websites years ago that had tutorials that showed you step by step what to do in order to solder an LED light yourself into it for mere pennies worth of materials. There may even have been an official Nintendo GBA backlit peripheral, but I'm not sure on that. I know 3rd party ones did exist, though.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ian Sane on September 08, 2011, 07:45:29 PM
Ian, there were things you could buy from 3rd parties to light up the GBA screen. I even remember seeing websites years ago that had tutorials that showed you step by step what to do in order to solder an LED light yourself into it for mere pennies worth of materials. There may even have been an official Nintendo GBA backlit peripheral, but I'm not sure on that. I know 3rd party ones did exist, though.

I bought a third party light.  It sucked.  Total waste of money.  I do remember all the various hacks to make your own backlight or make the GBA output to a TV.  Once the GB Player showed up however though I was fine.  Still pissed me off though.  It was an obvious problem so why not have the backlit GBA out right off the bat?  I felt like a huge chump when the SP was revealed.  Huge problem from day one and it's all fixed!!!... if you buy a whole new system.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: TJ Spyke on September 08, 2011, 07:46:50 PM
No one seemed to have a problem with the GB or GBC being the same way, and I don't think they did it on purpose just to release a revised unit.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 09, 2011, 08:49:59 AM
I felt like a huge chump when the SP was revealed.

That's kinda how I felt not long after I bought a DSi and then the 3DS was announced. I had a DS Phat since it launched and I thought I was smart by skipping the DS lite in favor of whatever came next, so I waited and got the DSi and then boom less than a year later the 3DS was announced. The DSi isn't even necessarily better than the DS lite either, since it removes the GBA slot.

Maybe what I need to do now is instead of buying a new handheld every revision or every other revision I should wait until the 3rd one before investing. It seems like Nintendo goes by about three handheld revisions per generation. The GBA had 3 if you count the Micro, and the DS had three, so perhaps the 3DS will have three as well?
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: NeoStar9X on September 09, 2011, 10:11:39 AM
If this is what is needed to make sure 3rd parties develop games for the system then so be it. A redesign that includes it will have to be bigger though as it's already crowded in the 3DS as it is. That means possibilities of a bigger battery and larger screen. It also means they can increase the price of the system. That is if they do a redesign. They might just include this in all 3DS boxes until they can get cost down to do a redesign. Especially if not all games need it. Just use it for games that do.

Not happy that it has come to this. Though don't hate it. I guess I'm really indifferent about the whole thing.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 09, 2011, 10:36:39 AM
What I would like to see happen is the new revision take the current model's $169.99 MSRP, and then the old (current) model can be dropped to $149.99 MSRP. I think that would be the reasonable way to go.

Also, another thing they could do is just start bundling the dual slider addon right in with the current 3DS so every one who buys the 3DS from this point on would have the dual slider thing bundled with it. It won't be integrated into the handheld until the next revision, but Nintendo can start bundling the addon with the systems immediately and get that started....

It would also be nice if they gave a voucher or something to all the people who already purchased a 3DS so they can just get the add on for free. Not that the $10 price is excessive or anything, but lets face it the early adopters deserve to get it for free.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Drizzt on September 09, 2011, 04:35:08 PM
Early adopters probably won't get it for free because Nintendo already did the Ambassador program.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ian Sane on September 09, 2011, 06:51:06 PM
I felt like a huge chump when the SP was revealed.

That's kinda how I felt not long after I bought a DSi and then the 3DS was announced. I had a DS Phat since it launched and I thought I was smart by skipping the DS lite in favor of whatever came next, so I waited and got the DSi and then boom less than a year later the 3DS was announced. The DSi isn't even necessarily better than the DS lite either, since it removes the GBA slot.

Maybe what I need to do now is instead of buying a new handheld every revision or every other revision I should wait until the 3rd one before investing. It seems like Nintendo goes by about three handheld revisions per generation. The GBA had 3 if you count the Micro, and the DS had three, so perhaps the 3DS will have three as well?

They do often go with three but I think the second variation is the one to go with.  By the third they start cutting features out to lower costs.  The GB Micro ditched the GBC/GB backwards compatibility and the DSi cut the GBA.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Mop it up on September 09, 2011, 07:14:19 PM
This is probably radical thinking, but these days people get too caught up on hardware. It's the games that matter, it's always been that way, and it should still be that way. If a system has the games you want to play, I see no reason to not buy it when you want it. Whether it happens in a month or five years, all gaming systems get replaced, so there's not much point in waiting if you want the games now.

By that same token, it's starting to feel as if Nintendo doesn't understand why the 3DS isn't selling well. There's nothing wrong with the hardware, and whether or not the price was an issue, that is no longer a factor. It's because it doesn't yet have games. And not just any games, but the kind good enough that make people go out and get a system to play them. I believe that will happen this holiday season with things like Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D, and will continue next year with Kid Icarus and Luigi's Mansion 2. But if Nintendo doesn't realize that, and actually releases a revision soon (or uses the slide pad attachment for more than Monster Hunter 3D), it won't help. Which seems odd to me, because I've always thought they were a software maker first...
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 09, 2011, 08:31:02 PM
This is probably radical thinking, but these days people get too caught up on hardware. It's the games that matter, it's always been that way, and it should still be that way. If a system has the games you want to play, I see no reason to not buy it when you want it.

It is all about the games, sure, but ideally you want to play them on a system with the biggest screen and the longest battery life possible. You also want something which is as ergonomic and lightweight as possible and also as durable as possible. The hardware matters because it has an effect on your enjoyment of the software. That is most especially true with handhelds. With consoles it doesn't really matter as much.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Mop it up on September 11, 2011, 12:08:00 AM
What I find stupidly funny about this thing is that the camera movement in Monster Hunter Tri isn't even analogue, meaning that it doesn't matter how much or little the stick is tilted, the camera will move at the same speed. It wouldn't function any differently were it mapped to a D-pad or touchscreen, so I don't understand why that wouldn't suffice even if CapCom is insistent on not improving the camera. I wish Nintendo wouldn't bend over backwards to satisfy laziness of a developer, but I guess they're not in a position to refuse.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 11, 2011, 02:09:18 PM
I wish Nintendo wouldn't bend over backwards to satisfy laziness of a developer, but I guess they're not in a position to refuse.

Yeah, I suppose they should have not included any analog at all on the 3DS and then forced developers to struggle to make their 3D games work in an awkward way with just a D-pad just like with SM64 DS.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Mop it up on September 11, 2011, 02:50:03 PM
Your point doesn't make sense, because as I explained, the game wouldn't be any different without a second circle pad. I actually think it will make it more awkward, since the bulk of the device makes it more difficult to reach the face buttons and touchscreen.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ceric on September 11, 2011, 08:55:03 PM
Your point doesn't make sense, because as I explained, the game wouldn't be any different without a second circle pad. I actually think it will make it more awkward, since the bulk of the device makes it more difficult to reach the face buttons and touchscreen.
As someone who has used the d-pad (Wiimote controls) and the Second Analog (CCPro) on Tri.  The camera is definitely geared to the d-pad.  Unless they totally revamp the camera I agree this is really a non-issue.

By that same token, it's starting to feel as if Nintendo doesn't understand why the 3DS isn't selling well. There's nothing wrong with the hardware, and whether or not the price was an issue, that is no longer a factor. It's because it doesn't yet have games. And not just any games, but the kind good enough that make people go out and get a system to play them. I believe that will happen this holiday season with things like Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D, and will continue next year with Kid Icarus and Luigi's Mansion 2. But if Nintendo doesn't realize that, and actually releases a revision soon (or uses the slide pad attachment for more than Monster Hunter 3D), it won't help. Which seems odd to me, because I've always thought they were a software maker first...
Totally agree.  Maybe they should have delayed the system till right now and launched with everything currently out and kept the current time frame as everything else.  We be having a totally different discussion right now in equivalent time, so February of next year.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: MaryJane on September 15, 2011, 08:51:27 AM
Engadget got some hands on time with new add-on here's what they have to say:

Nintendo may be AWOL on the TGS show floor (as usual), but that's not stopping Capcom from strutting the big-N's hardware in its stead -- we dropped by its booth for a gameplay-free handling of the 3DS extended slide pad add-on. The control-extending cradle is every bit as bulky as it looks, killing any hope we had of cramming the rig into our pocket. The trade-off? It's much more comfortable to hold than the naked 3DS, giving our meaty hands a smooth, contoured surface to grip. The new right-hand circle pad feels just as solid as the handheld's dedicated pad, and didn't significantly obstruct our access to the 3DS' face buttons. All in all, the cradle is a comfortable, if awkwardly large extension to the 3DS that doesn't seem to compromise the handheld's existing input.

Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 15, 2011, 11:05:34 AM
That's what I was hoping for. This attachment will atleast make the 3DS comfortable to hold and use. Since most of my travel play time will be in a car or with a suitcase or bag of some sort, and most of the rest of the playtime will be at home, it shouldn't be too big of a deal to have teh attachment handy, but I really hope they streamline the design down too keep it from doubling the thickness of the 3DS.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Adrock on September 15, 2011, 11:56:47 AM
I'm not sure you can necessarily have it both ways. The bulkiness seems to be what makes it comfortable to hold since there's something substantial to grip.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ceric on September 15, 2011, 11:58:33 AM
Keeping the shape is fine in my mind but, I think I'm going to wish it was hollow in the dead space in there to fit bigger batteries.  Though I'll have to have it in my hands to make areal determination.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 15, 2011, 12:12:45 PM
I'm not sure you can necessarily have it both ways. The bulkiness seems to be what makes it comfortable to hold since there's something substantial to grip.

Agreed. Why does anyone want to hold onto a gaming system that is the size, shape, and thickness of a cracker? That's something I don't understand. Everything keeps getting smaller and thinner, but if you ask me the original Gameboy and Gamegear might have been fat and heavy, but they were also the most cuddly and comfortable to use.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 15, 2011, 12:45:45 PM
Just having a wider grip on the left & right side would improve comfort.

But having a thicker grip would make it more controller like.

So either way would work for me. I guess they should go for maximum comfort though since optimal portability is already out of the question.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ceric on September 15, 2011, 01:01:05 PM
I'm waiting for the one that inflates up when you go to play it.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: ejamer on September 15, 2011, 03:47:07 PM
I'm not sure you can necessarily have it both ways. The bulkiness seems to be what makes it comfortable to hold since there's something substantial to grip.

Agreed. Why does anyone want to hold onto a gaming system that is the size, shape, and thickness of a cracker? That's something I don't understand. Everything keeps getting smaller and thinner, but if you ask me the original Gameboy and Gamegear might have been fat and heavy, but they were also the most cuddly and comfortable to use.

I understand the appeal of comfort, but battery life and portability are still king for me. I love pocket-sized systems that can be carried inconspicuously, and am grateful when batteries last for more than a couple of hours without needing to be recharged.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 15, 2011, 04:15:46 PM
A handheld can be larger without effecting battery life. A bulky plastic shell consumes no battery energy whatsoever and would make the handheld easier and more comfortable to hold. It would make it less portable and more difficult to fit in your pocket though, so you do have a point there. But assuming it would be a shell thing you could take on or off then you could have best of both worlds.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: NWR_insanolord on September 15, 2011, 04:28:52 PM
Hell, making a handheld bigger makes it fairly easy to improve battery life. On something like an iPhone, the main obstacle to improving battery life is the lack of space for a physically larger battery. Of course, though, Nintendo could have made a higher capacity battery the same physical size as the one in the 3DS, so I'm not sure it would make any difference if the system were larger.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: ejamer on September 15, 2011, 09:12:42 PM
A handheld can be larger without effecting battery life. ...

Totally true - I wasn't suggesting that the cradle will affect battery life, just that it would take away from one of the two main factors I care about when picking a handheld system.

It's also true that having a removable cradle is better in some ways that simply having an over-sized system. This way you can choose whether to bring it or not. Now if only they could make it less ugly...
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: nickmitch on September 15, 2011, 09:31:12 PM
I'm waiting for the one that inflates up when you go to play it.

In stead of Monster Hunter, it'll be bundled with one of those anime dating sims.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ceric on September 16, 2011, 01:41:40 PM
I'm waiting for the one that inflates up when you go to play it.

In stead of Monster Hunter, it'll be bundled with one of those anime dating sims.
These are the jokes people.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on September 16, 2011, 03:05:34 PM
I'm waiting for the one that inflates up when you go to play it.

In stead of Monster Hunter, it'll be bundled with one of those anime dating sims.
These are the jokes people.

Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: nickmitch on September 17, 2011, 11:06:56 PM
Yikes! Tough crowd.
Title: CPP - 480hrs on 1 AAA battery
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on December 08, 2011, 03:45:01 AM
Nintendo promises 480 Hours of play on a single AAA battery for CPP (

There's plenty to laugh about when it comes to the 3DS Slide Pad Expansion peripheral. Battery life isn't among them.

Someone who got the peripheral in advance of its December 10 release date, and was so anxious for dual analogue controls that he tore the box open, says that the manual promises 480 hours of play time off one AAA battery.

I will buy one just for comfort of holding the system. Hopefully I can get one for $10 or less.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Ceric on December 08, 2011, 09:38:25 AM
I know its just an IR Transmitter but 480hrs is still impressive.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: TJ Spyke on December 08, 2011, 01:22:21 PM
Nintendo promises 480 Hours of play on a single AAA battery for CPP (

There's plenty to laugh about when it comes to the 3DS Slide Pad Expansion peripheral. Battery life isn't among them.

Someone who got the peripheral in advance of its December 10 release date, and was so anxious for dual analogue controls that he tore the box open, says that the manual promises 480 hours of play time off one AAA battery.

I will buy one just for comfort of holding the system. Hopefully I can get one for $10 or less.

Since the price will be $10, that shouldn't be a problem.
The 3DS is a fine size for me, I might get the Circle Pad Pro eventually but hope it never becomes mandatory.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on December 08, 2011, 04:39:28 PM
Is it $10?

I just assumed they would sell it for $20 since that's what they charge for a Nunchuck and this is more plastic than that.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: NWR_insanolord on December 08, 2011, 05:25:56 PM
The rumor said it was $10. I highly doubt Nintendo will actually do that.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Mop it up on December 10, 2011, 03:59:04 PM
I thought it was going to be $20 for the stand-alone accessory and $10 more than a game price if it's bundled.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: NWR_insanolord on December 10, 2011, 04:25:55 PM
That's what I see happening, but the original rumor just said $10. I don't think Nintendo's said anything about pricing outside of Japan.
Title: Circle Pad Pro - $19.99 (exclusively @ GameStop)
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on December 13, 2011, 12:54:37 PM (
CPP is exclusively sold @ Gamestop & currently it is listed at a suggested retail price of $19.99.

Well, I guess that settles that.....

Must be part of that Xenoblade deal. Gamestop will make a profit no matter what.

Since the price will be $10, that shouldn't be a problem.
The 3DS is a fine size for me, I might get the Circle Pad Pro eventually but hope it never becomes mandatory.

how you like your crow?
Fried or carmelized?

Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: ejamer on December 13, 2011, 02:30:33 PM
I wonder if we'll see pack-ins deals including the Circle Pad Pro, or if making the stand-alone peripheral an exclusive prevents that from happening?  Or maybe GameStop will be the only location selling pack-in bundles?

More doubts and questions about how the second analog stick is being handled doesn't seem like a smart move by NoA... but maybe it's all going to be a non-issue.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: TJ Spyke on December 13, 2011, 05:07:49 PM
All of the reports were saying it was $10, so not my fault the final price was different.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on December 13, 2011, 05:26:45 PM
I'm just giving you a hard time. I remember the rumors (as I think I was the one to post them), but those were just rumors.
It's just that you said $10 so matter of factly (as if it was confirmed), that the $20 price tag and your comment had to be put together.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: TJ Spyke on December 13, 2011, 05:32:20 PM
True, I should have said that it was the rumored price. I do not think the CPP is worth $20.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on December 13, 2011, 08:33:57 PM
None of us do, but with the nunchuck being priced at $20, I figured the CPP would be at least the same price.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: nickmitch on December 14, 2011, 03:31:51 AM
Except the CPP isn't as useful as the nunchuck.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on December 14, 2011, 03:37:33 AM
The CPP is the 3DS's nunchuck, only it has more buttons, more plastic and requires it's own power source.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: nickmitch on December 14, 2011, 03:48:10 AM
And is entirely unnecessary to own.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on December 18, 2011, 06:39:03 PM
I know its just an IR Transmitter but 480hrs is still impressive.

How often do you change the batteries in your television remote? I think most people are probably still using the original batteries which came bundled with it. TV remotes work with IR, so its the same principle. But TV remotes generally have two batteries, and usually they are AA which has greater capacity than AAA. So getting 480 hours on a single AAA seems reasonable with what one should expect for an IR addon based on how TV remotes go.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on December 30, 2011, 01:31:31 AM
To anyone that says the CPP is not more comfortable than not using the CPP is trippin'

I just played a bunch of MK7 online with barely a cramp in my hand.
I admit that it's not as comfortable as using a controller due to the lopsidedness of the add-on, and it's a little awkward at first, but it's is far more comfortable on larger hands than a bare 3DS.

I recommend it for MK7 alone.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: TJ Spyke on December 30, 2011, 02:43:33 PM
Since I have no problems using the 3DS by itself (it is not even slightly uncomfortable), I don't see how making it bulkier would help any. Maybe if I had bigger hands it might help, but the 3DS is a perfect size to me.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on December 30, 2011, 03:19:30 PM
I definitely recommend that anyone getting hand cramps give the add-on an extended play trial of atleast 30-45 minutes to see if you notice a difference.

The added bulk on the right and the little extra bulk on the left removed about 80% of hand fatigue during a 45 minute MK7 play session and that's only because the left side isn't as comfortable as the right due to the right having that added bulk that the left lacks.

I have no idea how comfortable the add on will be for games that are actually intended to use it though as I don't have a game to test it out with. But just simulating playing a dual analog game feels comfortable enough. The only awkward part is the double shoulder buttons, but that's mostly because I'm not a PS gamer and have also never used the Classic Controller Pro either. But it feels alright. The one thing that could make it better would be some handles to grip, but over all, it feels much better than a bare 3DS in hands.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on December 31, 2011, 09:31:11 PM
Maybe if I had bigger hands it might help, but the 3DS is a perfect size to me.

That's what she said. :p
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Adrock on December 31, 2011, 09:57:44 PM
That's what she said. :p
Steve Carell owns that's what she said. He owns it! (
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: noname2200 on January 10, 2012, 05:35:22 PM
So it looks like Nintendo's own games will (sometimes) also be using the Circle Pad.

Not completely unexpected (for me, anyways)...except that it's being used exclusively to let lefties use the same control scheme, not to change the controls for right-handers. Good for the southpaws, though!
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: HellsAttack on January 11, 2012, 02:40:19 PM
Do you think the Circle Pad Pro is required for Snake Eater 3D?
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: TJ Spyke on January 11, 2012, 02:41:18 PM
It's already been confirmed that it's not required. No game announced to support it so far will require it and I doubt any ever will.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on January 12, 2012, 05:46:47 PM
It's already been confirmed that it's not required. No game announced to support it so far will require it and I doubt any ever will.

That will change later this year when the 3DS revision comes out with CPP built into it.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: TJ Spyke on January 12, 2012, 06:20:43 PM
I don't think that will ever happen. For one, I don't see any game requiring it (I think we would have had one at least announced by now if they were gonna), and if they were gonna do it then I think the games would come out first and THEN the revision.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: ejamer on January 13, 2012, 08:22:10 AM
Do you think the Circle Pad Pro is required for Snake Eater 3D?

Required to play Snake Eater 3D, no.  But all early reports (including from NWR) I've read so far say the game really needs an extra analog stick to play well... Maybe things have changed? I'm not buying the game without finding out.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on January 13, 2012, 10:07:51 AM
I don't think that will ever happen. For one, I don't see any game requiring it (I think we would have had one at least announced by now if they were gonna), and if they were gonna do it then I think the games would come out first and THEN the revision.

Well, the way I see it a revision of the 3DS is inevitable because every other Nintendo handheld has typically had at least two and sometimes three revisions, so it would be odd if the 3DS didn't have at least one. Also, its extremely unlikely that any revision would have the exact same size and dimensions as the current 3DS does. It will either be larger or smaller (most likely larger), so this means it would be incompatible with the CPP attachment which snugly fits the 3DS like a glove, so even a small change in size will make it not fit with the CPP.

This means either Nintendo will have to release a new modified CPP attachment to fit the revision, or (and I think more likely) the revision will just incorporate the dual analog directly into the system by default.

And once it is built into the system by default you can bet that developers will start designing games from that point on with those features in mind. The reason why there are no games out now which require the CPP is because development on those games started a long time ago before the attachment was announced, and so any game which uses it just tacked that on at the last minute as an option. It will take time, but eventually there will be games which have been built from the ground up with this feature in mind. We might hear something at E3 when a lot of future games will be announced.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on January 13, 2012, 10:22:25 AM
Nintendo could make A 3DS revision thicker and it would still fit inside the CPP without a problem.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on January 13, 2012, 10:36:07 AM
Nintendo could make A 3DS revision thicker and it would still fit inside the CPP without a problem.

But making the system thicker won't allow the screens to become larger. The only advantage I can see in making it thicker is that would allow more room for a bigger/better battery, but that reason alone would hardly be enough to warrant an entire revision. There has to be something more to it.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Adrock on January 13, 2012, 11:07:06 AM
A thicker system would also make the Circle Pad Pro not flush with new design which could be uncomfortable. Making the entire system larger to accommodate a larger battery is trumped by the fact that Nintendo could easily just include a larger capacity battery that is the same size as the current one.

There are absolutely no downsides to just including the right circle pad in a revision. Nintendo can pretend it doesn't exist and never/rarely use it but it might as well be there for everyone else.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on January 13, 2012, 12:56:24 PM
A thicker system would also make the Circle Pad Pro not flush with new design which could be uncomfortable. Making the entire system larger to accommodate a larger battery is trumped by the fact that Nintendo could easily just include a larger capacity battery that is the same size as the current one.

There are absolutely no downsides to just including the right circle pad in a revision. Nintendo can pretend it doesn't exist and never/rarely use it but it might as well be there for everyone else.

What would including CPP to the 3DS add to the manufacturing costs? I bet it wouldn't cost Nintendo more than $5-$10 to do it, and that is no doubt less than the markup they are making on the 3DS now. So if they are making $20 markup, then they could include the CPP built into a revision and (assuming there are not other cost increases) they would still either be making a profit or breaking even and therefore not have to increase the price for consumers.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Adrock on January 13, 2012, 02:04:20 PM
It's probably less than that. It just doesn't seem worth it for Nintendo to make a separate CPP for a revision when the alternative for them internally is to pretend a built-in right circle pad isn't there (if they're against using it). They could potentially make a profit on the peripheral but it would never be a significant source of income for them. I definitely see Nintendo shrugging their shoulders and saying, "**** it." Why go through the trouble when adding a few cents to manufacturing completely solves the issue of marketing a separate product (a new CPP)?
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on January 13, 2012, 02:06:52 PM
It would cost them change to add buttons, not dollars... Well certainly not $10+

But I will only upgrade for an XL edition and that will have more than enough room for CPP additions built in.

Edit: don't forget that the CPP is moor than just an extra slide pad. It's also the extra shoulder buttons.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on January 13, 2012, 04:20:44 PM
It's probably less than that. It just doesn't seem worth it for Nintendo to make a separate CPP for a revision when the alternative for them internally is to pretend a built-in right circle pad isn't there (if they're against using it).

That's what I'm thinking. There are several reasons why I would seriously bet money the CPP is going to be in a future revision.

1) The original rumor of the CPP said that it is, and since that rumor has already been proven half right with the attachment, what reason is there to doubt the other half?

2) Like you said, they would have to release a new CPP attachment for any revision, so its easier to just include it anyway even if they don't plan to use it.

3) I think its part of Nintendo's long term strategy to position the 3DS as an optional controller replacement for the Wii U, and as we've seen at E3 last year the Wii U's tablet controller has dual analog, so that means in order for the 3DS to serve as a fully functional Wii U tablet replacement it also needs to have the same buttons/inputs. The CPP attachment adds that, but its more ideal to just have it integrated by default.

So for those three reasons I would bet money on it because I think its a safe bet. The only thing that's hard to understand is why dual analogs weren't in the original 3DS model? Obviously someone goofed up. Maybe things were rushed... I don't know. But it looks like Nintendo sees they made a mistake and are trying to remedy it.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Adrock on January 13, 2012, 05:34:51 PM
3) I think its part of Nintendo's long term strategy to position the 3DS as an optional controller replacement for the Wii U, and as we've seen at E3 last year the Wii U's tablet controller has dual analog, so that means in order for the 3DS to serve as a fully functional Wii U tablet replacement it also needs to have the same buttons/inputs. The CPP attachment adds that, but its more ideal to just have it integrated by default.
As long as this is in addition to supporting more than 1 tablet controller. Using 3DS in place of the tablet controller works but doesn't work. Having a much smaller touch screen that's also a different aspect ratio limits its usefulness.
The only thing that's hard to understand is why dual analogs weren't in the original 3DS model? Obviously someone goofed up. Maybe things were rushed... I don't know. But it looks like Nintendo sees they made a mistake and are trying to remedy it.
Hardware is in development for years so it's doubtful that Nintendo rushed anything. This was deliberate. I was always under the impression that Nintendo was trying to discourage (but not eliminate) porting console games to 3DS. That's what made DS such a success. One simply couldn't find many of the same type of games on home consoles. Not having a complete controller, forces developers to think outside the box. That's typical Nintendo passive aggressiveness. However, instead of encouraging new solutions and alternative thinking, it just pissed everyone off. Normally, 3rd parties respond by shunning Nintendo but Nintendo's hold on the handheld market is too strong and dropping 3DS is simply leaving money on the table. Capcom played their hand beautifully by dangling Monster Hunter and most likely threatening to develop MH4 for Vita. With 3DS struggling and the prospect of taking a major asset from Sony, Nintendo folded. I doubt Nintendo will ever publicly admit that they made a major design faux pas but it doesn't matter. They'll be laughing all the way to bank, especially if they scored exclusivity.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Mop it up on January 13, 2012, 05:43:57 PM
This situation is surprisingly similar to what happened with the PlayStation, so I think we can look to that as a good indicator as to how this will play out. The analogue controller was introduced for the PlayStation fairly early on, and quickly became the system's bundled controller. However, the number of games which actually require the analogue controller could probably be counted on one hand (the only one I know of myself is Ape Escape). Even five years after it came out, games could still be played with the old analogue-less controller just fine.

Now, I think the 3DS has sold more than the PlayStation did before the analogue controller came out, and will sell millions more before any eventual revision with the extra circle pad and buttons comes out. So if the PlayStation with its small number of non-analogue controllers still doesn't require the analogue controller in practically every game, then the 3DS isn't going to require the second circle pad and shoulder buttons for practically every game. There's no indication to believe otherwise at the current time.
Title: Re: 3DS Analogue stick/Circle pad
Post by: Chozo Ghost on January 13, 2012, 06:01:31 PM
Maybe Nintendo thought just one analog stick would be sufficient, because that was all the PSP had. Maybe they figured the Vita was just going to have one analog also... but then once they found out that the Vita was in fact going to have two, maybe that was the factor which made them decide to change things.

Maybe there won't be any games which outright force you to use the 2nd analog, but there will probably a lot of games which are really awkward and difficult to play without it, so even if its not required you probably want to have it anyway. I think it will be a requirement for Wii U compatibility, though.