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Community Forums => General Chat => Topic started by: joeamis on May 09, 2003, 08:24:37 PM

Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: joeamis on May 09, 2003, 08:24:37 PM
i need help
what do u guys do when u get frustrated or depressed?
what music do u listen to?

i usually listen to staind's outside song when im depressed
it reminds me of a love lost


when im frustrated i usually blast linkin park's self titled or meteora album
or korns thoughtless song
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: PIAC on May 09, 2003, 08:25:41 PM
im never depressed ^_^
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Gibdo Master on May 09, 2003, 09:04:13 PM
Listen to Fade to Black by Metallica when you are depressed.

Life, it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else

I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel

Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye  
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Grey Ninja on May 09, 2003, 09:41:53 PM
Yeah, Metallica is good.  I like Fade to Black, One, and Welcome Home when I am depressed.  Another good one would be Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana.  I can usually think of a lot more, but I am too busy being hyped about MGS3 for much thought right now.  :\

Anyways, try going for a long walk.  When I am depressed, I will walk all over town in the middle of the night.  Bad weather helps a lot.  I might just do that tonight.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Gibdo Master on May 09, 2003, 09:46:54 PM
To be honest I don't listen to Fade to Black when I'm really depressed and usually not when I'm even mildly depressed. That song is freakin dangerous since it always get me even more depressed. It's one of the best depressed/suicide songs I've heard though since it isn't about a particular situation. It basically just list all the emotions and feelings you go through meaning anyone that's been depressed or suicidal can relate to it no matter why they feel the way they do.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: ThePerm on May 09, 2003, 10:26:08 PM
i used to really like i think of them and think meh....
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: oohhboy on May 10, 2003, 04:53:49 AM
oh god.... grooaan look, if you are depressed and you are on this board, just go pla your cube or something. Better that listening to music about depression. Half the reason society as a whole is so depressed is because of all the negative messages you people actually go and buy.  
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: The Omen on May 10, 2003, 08:20:36 AM
...and the other half is they are genuinely suffering from a medical condition, lets not discount it to 'everyone gets the blues'.  As for music, this may be taboo to mention his name , as some of the youngins may lynch me, but Billy Joel pre-1980 was depressed a lot, as well as angry, and i often can relate to his lyrics.  NIN is also great for when you're feeling hopelessly down.  It feels like you have a partner in Trent Reznor.  If you'd like to really get depressed, you could listen to James Taylor, but I wouldnt recommend it, as you may not make it...

If you couldnt tell by my choices, i am getting up there in years

What came first-the misery or the music?
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: OldMan Nintendo on May 11, 2003, 12:09:35 PM
When I'm feeling down I listen to the library of remixed video game music that I have on my hard drive -- many of them, especially the F-Zero Jazz Collection and Super Mario World Jazz Collection, are very relaxing and allows me to put my situation in perspective.  

If you are feeling depressed I recommend talking to someone about it, like a close friend or a family member.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: mouse_clicker on May 11, 2003, 12:14:18 PM
When I'm depressed, I sleep. When I'm pissed off, I'll sometimes throw stuff (I've broken one of my GC controllers and my PS2 controller twice due to games that agitated me ). I don't listen to music, I don't watch TV, I don't play games (especially since they're the reason I am depressed/mad)- my ways of dealing with those two emotions are generally limited to those two actions.
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: manunited4eva22 on May 11, 2003, 03:31:05 PM
I have holes in my wall from anger. Yeah.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: StrikerObi on May 11, 2003, 03:47:52 PM
When I'm upset or depressed I usually try to go to a punk rock show. I've found that, for me at least, nothing is better therapy than getting into the pit and working out all those emotions.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Praxius on May 13, 2003, 04:52:43 AM
I used to listen to all that stuff when I felt depressed, but I found that those are the reasons why I stay depressed. And not to rag on anybody in here, but the thought of depression as a sickness, or a disease is foolish. It's like everyday, everything is a sickness or a disease. Some say it's a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes people to become depressed, well you know what? Being happy is also a chemical imbalance too.

The thing is, you don't need a drug to help with your depression, and you don't need to listen to depressing music to help you either, because it just doesn't work, because you just end up constantly dwelling of your problems and you just get stuck into this cycle that you can't get out of until you fall asleep or somthing, then you wake up and you are still the same.

The first thing you gotta realise is that whatever is happening in your life, it is only temporary and things will get better. The second thing you have to do is realise that yeah, ok things will get better, but just thinking about it usually doesn't make it happen. You have to make it happen. And if you want to get out of the situation that you are currently in and you want to stop feeling like Crap, then you have to do it on your own. Do what you think is right. You can have your firend's telling you all kinds of things and giving you advice on what to do, but in the end, it's what you do with your life that will change things.

Sometimes when you are down in the dumps, you have to go even deeper before you can get back up, but I learned that if you do that, and you face the crappiest choices in your life and you make it out of it, by yourself, then there is nothing you can't do and all the problems in your life in the future seem not so bad after all.

Did you not get into the college you wanted? Did you break up with your GF, because she was cheating on you? are your parents getting a divorce? Are they forcing you to take some college/university course that you hate, or you'll be kicked out of the house? Did you lose your job? I have had these things and more happen in my life, but you know what? It's not as bad as it sounds, because I know I got everything I need to get out of it and do with my life as  I see fit.

I was forced into a course I didn't want, and I failed it, and then I was back in a dead end, part-time, minimum wage job again, and I ended up owing more money for loans on top of that. Also my mom was divorcing my dad and I had to put up with my dad flipping out and getting drunk every night, and breaking down that his whole world was over, and my girlfriend cheated on me and al my friends moved away. but I didn't let that stop me, because I figured that if I don't do somthing about my current situation, that it was going to eat the hell out of me and I didn't know what I was going to do with myself then. So I went back to another course, for Animation. I applied by my self, I got all the loans by my self, I live by my self, I took the course, I passed, I graduated, and althoguh I didn't get a job in my feild of training right away and was back in a dead end job, i didn't let that get me down, because I made it this far, and I'll be damned if I'll get stopped here. I was barly making ends meet and my parents were just saying that I should get a second job to pay things off, but if I did that then i wouldn't have enough time in the day to find what I was trained for and that I wanted to do with my life, so I stuck to the path I chose, and guess what. I am still living on my own, but not for long, because i am now working in a Photography Studio as a Graphic Designer, and next month my new girlfirned who i love a lot and have more in common than anyone I did before, is moving in with me, who also was having a crappy time with her course and was going to move back home and live with her mom, and work at a dead end job, because she was going to fail, cuz she missed a lot of time at school, due to her uncle's tragic death and she missed two weeks.

But she worked her ass off, and now she is going to graduate, and she is on her work term, and tomrrow she has an interview for an Office Administration position.

Things in life get shi**y, but listening to music and dwelling in the crappy situation is not the solution. You gotta face your problems, and just say "Fok it" and figure out how to get out of your current situation. Now of course you may not be able to get out of it right away, like myself, and had to put up with going to some crappy course you didn't want to go into for a few months, etc. But in the end, you'll see that it was worth it.
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Uglydot on May 13, 2003, 10:09:38 AM
I listen to irish rock when I am depressed usually.  Occasionally I break out some slow music such as placebo or some 90s alt band.  Irish rock usually picks me up, combine that with working on my linux box and I am cheered right up!  Slack 9 is magical.
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: deminisma on May 14, 2003, 12:54:15 AM
Skinny Puppy - VivisectVI

Uglydot: Shouldn't you ONLY have a linux box? That's the way to go!
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Uncle Rich AiAi on May 15, 2003, 01:05:54 AM
I've been depressed for the last 12 months because I've been ill most of the time.

What do I do?  Going to the gym when I'm feeling well helps.  I take out my frustration and it helps my stress.  Yeah, take that you useless piece of dumbbell!
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: The Omen on May 15, 2003, 07:41:04 AM

I used to listen to all that stuff when I felt depressed, but I found that those are the reasons why I stay depressed. And not to rag on anybody in here, but the thought of depression as a sickness, or a disease is foolish. It's like everyday, everything is a sickness or a disease. Some say it's a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes people to become depressed, well you know what? Being happy is also a chemical imbalance too.

I used to say the same thing.  But unfortunately, its not so cut and dry.  Alot of people do not have a clue why they're depressed.   As for the chemical imbalance, thats just one reason.  People who are clinically depressed are severly unhappy no matter how good their life is.  I used to think the same way, which caused me to ignore my feelings of impending doom at every turn, and just walk through life like a zombie.
I agree that drugs are not for everyone, and that society makes up syndromes on a daily basis, but I just want it to be known that there are people with real serious depression issues, not just having the blues.  And i am unfortunately one of them.  I take it very personally when people ridicule depression, such as saying its foolish.  I only wish I had some answers for it, to further prove what i'm saying.  I will say that there are new studies showing its genetic and passed down from family as well.  

Anyway, sorry to rant, but its a very life and death situation for some people, and just wanted to throw some personal feelings in there as well.
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: oohhboy on May 15, 2003, 07:50:42 AM
God you guys sound like my friend who is some what of a nut job. He goes AWOL over glass cleaner the other day. Lucky I don't live with him. Am I the only one that sees this kind of music exploitive of people's emotions. I mean you people listen to this music so you have something to relate to right? At the end of the day do the singers care? Would you care if you made that much money?. Should they care? Hell no. I sure wouldn't.

Praxius, word.

There is a thing called friends(I am assuming you people have real non-digital ones) that you talk to help solve your problems. When the hell did the world get all this sensitive/self centered? I though "Sensitive" meant empathy.

A real nut would be my grandmother.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: The Omen on May 15, 2003, 10:12:11 AM

There is a thing called friends(I am assuming you people have real non-digital ones) that you talk to help solve your problems. When the hell did the world get all this sensitive/self centered? I though "Sensitive" meant empathy.

Talking to friends doesn't help, as there is no real reason why you feel the way you do.  You just feel like sh!t all the time.  I realize its hard for people to understand, but lets stop with the know it all attitude already.  You don't get it-cool, move on.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: chambers on May 16, 2003, 03:30:06 AM
Dont listen to depressing music. that wont help your cause at all. there is nothing worse than wallowing in self pity, believe me been there, done that!

If im ever feeling low or depressed, i go on my gamecube or one of my other consoles and start hurting things, its a great way to relieve stress, i failed my driving test the other day and when i got home the first thing i did was to but resi evil zero on and start blasting away, it cheered me right up!!
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: oohhboy on May 16, 2003, 05:22:17 AM
Fine, fine. I was hoping that smacking you guys around the ears might bring some sense into your depression driven minds. But I stand by my comments.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Praxius on May 16, 2003, 07:11:34 AM
Heck, you know what? I imagine that, that could be true. I'm just stating my own opinion. But from my own experience, and having two Girlfriends, who when I met at first were "Clinically Depressed" as was stated by their doctors, and having over half of my friends being "Clinically Depressed" as well, and then me just talking to them and trying to understand why each of us were depressed, I figured out, that it is (Once again, in my opinion) all in your head. You could be having a great day and everything is going super, and yet you still feel like crap. Yeah I had those a lot too. Everyday for three years, and if I actually stopped pretenting to the people around me that my life was ok, and started acting the way I truly felt, I imagine I would have been thrown into a hospital and fed medication, being told that its a chemical imballance, because I was contimplating suicide everyday, until one day, I was to the point, with weither I would do it or not. So you know what you are talking about, and so do I.

And after a few long nights partying with my friends and/or talking to my gf's at the time, about our problems, I told them how I thought about the whole thing, how I figured it is all just a state of mind, which technically it is, and that you just have to start planning your life and living the way you want to live. Even though i was depressed all the time and my life was great as could be at the same time, I wasn't really doing what I wanted to do with my life. Not only that, but the idiots in school or around you in your life, who like to make your life difficult, do not help things.

Medication is not going to help you get out of it. Like I said, most of my friends were on soome form of medication for their depression, and I just started to introduce them into new ways of thinking.

But my depression is a chemical thing, passed down from my parent's genetics, so I will just sit here and take these drugs and that will be it. I'll be using them for the rest of my life, and will dull down who I really am inside, but there you go. The medication is also another reason for your depression.

There you are. Taking mediation for something that you feel you can not beat on your own. How depressing is that? Hell, that would keep me in the dumps all the time. I'm one of those people who feel that if I can't do it on my own, then what's the point? Sure if I break a bone or something like that and need cruches, so be it..... it's temporary. But if I am going to be depressed all my life, then should I take some medication that hides it from me, everyday, for the rest of my life, or face what and who I truly am and make my body and mind my own and live in peace for the rest of my life?

To tell you the truth, almost all of my friends now that were on medication or were depressed, are no longer depressed or on medication. Why? Because they face their issues, and decided to say "Ok, what am I going to do about it? I am depressed but I have no reason..... maybe i am not looking hard enough, or maybe I am not really wanting to know why I really am depressed." Or maybe "Ok, everything is down in the dumps. I am failing school. I have no friends who I can really trust or talk to, I have people who torment me everyday, or try and beat the crap out of me, My parents act like they hate me..... etc. What am i going to do about it and how will I change it."

Most will answer back "Nothing. I can't do anything about it, because I'm stupid and I'm usless." or "All these people make fun of me, or there is too many, I can't take them all on, they do this to me, because there must be somthing wrong with me." or whatever sentance or saying you want to put here, put it here, not forget about it and all that crap in this paragraph, and really think about the most logical solution to each individual problem or situation, no matter how small or how big. Then I could just start typing out all the stuff I posted before right here, onto how to continue to solve your problems.

The main thing is. Those who are on medication for their depression, fear their depression, or even more, they fear themselves and what they might do to themselves, if they go off it. The mind is probably one of the most complex devices in the Universe. It can damage itself and it can also heal itself. it can grow and yet stay the same size. It can also be modified for the way you live and experience life. My friends think the way I do about depression now. I thought that I would have never lived passed the age of 14, and here I am at 23.

Do I know what I am talking about? Yes I do. I went through it too. Sure there are differant forms of depression, and they can all be beaten. but you know what? A person can only do so much for another. Like I said, it's something that a person has to deal with on their own.

If you feel that you are perfectly fine, taking medication throughout your life, and you can live a normal life at the same time, by all means. More power to you, and I won't think of you any differantly (But what would it matter how I thought of you, and why would you care?) Do with your life as you see fit. But I am glad and happy about how I decided to go about my life. There is not one thing I regret, there is not one thing in my life that I am afraid of or ashamed of. My lif is my life, and I am proud to be living it, because there is only one life, that is like mine, which is mine, itself. We are living to experience and learn all that we can. Humans are an exploritive species in the universe. To me, all the good things in life, all the bad things in life, all the pain, all the pleasure, every sentance that I speak or type, all the people in my life I meet, all the things I ever done in my life, Made me who I am today and are all experiences that I have explored. And in all my good attributes and all my bad faults, I am I, and I regret nothing. Without doing what I have done in my life, I would have been less of a person.  
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: The Omen on May 16, 2003, 09:14:17 AM
I never said you didn't know what you were talking about.  My problem is the fact that you ridiculed people who have this going on in their lives.  I'm not some little forum-monger punk kid, I am a grown adult who has had a world of great experiences, and am quite satisfied with my life.  I've done everything i've set out to do.  But saying things like its all in your head, is a little bit simple, wouldn't you say?  Of course its all in the head, thats the problem.  It is rarely treated correctly in the first place, be it through medication or therapy, because of people who think like that.  My only problem with most of your novel sized statement is acting like its easily overcome, or that its just the blues.  For some people maybe, for others, the majority, its not.  And thats all I wanted to point out in the first place.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Praxius on May 16, 2003, 09:22:54 AM
"some little forum-monger punk kid" - I don't remember saying anything remotly like that. And I was not saying anything towards anyone in paticular, but the way I feel about. Did I ever say it was something easy to do? No.... because if it was, then we wouldn't have people depressed now would we? And like I said, I was depressed from the age of 8, when my house burned down around me and I was the only one home and had to escape by myself (irrelevant, I know, but I figure it was something that triggered my depression) Anyways, I was depressed from the age of 8 until the age of 21, so you could say it took me 13 years to get through it.

Oh... and All of it being in the head, yeah, exactly. It is in the head, literally. That is what I ment, that doesn't mean you can't do anything about it. There is more ways than one, to heal/fix something.

But like I said, do what you want. I couldn't give a flying donkey................ I know you might have seen a Dragon Fly, maybe even a Horse Fly...... But I bet you ain't never seen a Donkey Fly!
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: joeamis on May 16, 2003, 12:10:54 PM
donkeys flying lol

when i started this thread it was just at a time when i was angry and listening to music.
i too have gone through clinical depression, and psychosis.
i was a great runner in high school...18th in the state in cross country my sophomore year...
my team won the state open that year and was ranked 14th in the country, then the next
year we were ranked 8th but I got injured going into that year and we lost the state open but
miraculously somehow won the New England championship...
anyhow, from the end of my sophomore year, injury in outdoor track until the end of my senior year I was plagued with injuries and never did good again.  running was my life then, and when I could no
longer do well I became very depressed and turned to drugs.
i quit running my senior year, after running XCC, indoor track, and outdoor track

awww hell ill write the rest later  
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: manunited4eva22 on May 16, 2003, 01:53:15 PM
Praxius, you sound like you know a lot of Cameron Frye (s). I know a lot of people like that, and there isn't a whole lot you can do for them. I think you are right, it really is in their head. How you view something deals a lot with who you are.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: mouse_clicker on May 17, 2003, 07:45:46 AM
“And not to rag on anybody in here, but the thought of depression as a sickness, or a disease is foolish. It's like everyday, everything is a sickness or a disease.”

Because you’re *obviously* an expert on the subject. ::rollseyes:: I”m really going to take the word of a forum junky who has some type of superiority complex by telling people what to do over the internet. If you want some advice, get a life.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: 3_MaSteRPIeCE on May 17, 2003, 09:16:16 AM
When you're depressed walk to a friends house or something.

That's always good.  You get fresh air,  time to think,  and at the end you meet your friend. bring a cd player too if you want.  
try At the drive in - transatlantic foe , invalid litter department.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: mouse_clicker on May 17, 2003, 02:16:33 PM
Yeah, listening to a song about Mexican women getting murdered by a man or men that they still haven't caught will REALLY get you undepressed, Masterpiece.

If you guys want to listen to music to get undepressed, Pain's the way to go- none of their songs are sad or lonely or depressed at all.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: GoldShadow1 on May 17, 2003, 08:11:32 PM
"There is a thing called friends(I am assuming you people have real non-digital ones) that you talk to help solve your problems."

No.  Just no.  When I'm depressed, I wanna be alone.  I want to be able to think and work things out for myself.  I can't speak for anyone else, but I would never talk to a friend to try to 'solve my problems'.  It's usually personal anyway.

When I'm really depressed, I just like to go on a walk.  It doesn't matter where.  Just being able to get away and think about things helps to clear my mind.  I also never really play video games when I'm feeling down - it just seems futile and pointless.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Mario on May 17, 2003, 08:41:24 PM
When im depressed i play Pokemon

When im angry i play a FPS like Timesplitters 2
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Praxius on May 20, 2003, 03:25:19 AM
"Because you’re *obviously* an expert on the subject. ::rollseyes:: I”m really going to take the word of a forum junky who has some type of superiority complex by telling people what to do over the internet. If you want some advice, get a life."

^ Speaking of experts. Calling me a Forum Junky? Considdering today is tuesday and my last reply was like, what? Last Friday or Thrusday? Getting a life?? Aparently I have one. And no, I don't have a superiority complex. It's my opinion and my advice. I don't tell people what to do with their lives. Everybody is as free to make their own stupid (or smart) choices in life.

And how about you define to me what you considder "An Expert" Perhaps someone who does research on a subject or topic, someone who experiences the effects or the results of a subject or topic, someone who looks at a subject or topic through every possible angle and approach, throughout years of their life to better understand what they are learning about. I think that would classify someone as an expert.

So before you start shooting off on your little keyboard at me about your little tiffs and issues about me, how about you think first, before you react in such an imature manner like you just did. You're only demeaning yourself.

And just to stoop to your level of semi-insulting for a moment, because I know it will bug you and I can already tell your an easy one to anger, how about you stick your face in front of my arse, and wait for one of my farts?
Title: RE: frustration/depressed question
Post by: Termin8Anakin on May 20, 2003, 03:41:55 AM
When I'm angry or depressed, I usually lie on my bed and listen to some relaxing music, like Robbie Williams' "Swing When You're Winning" or any of my movie soundtracks (the Shrek OST and Star Wars is a fave, I also have the Pokemon 3 Ultimate Sountrack which is also great cause the songs are all about love, helping each other and having a good time - the second disc is actually the score for Pokemon 2000, which is very good).
And now that I have Evanescence's debut album, "Fallen", I listen to that all the time. It's rock, but somehow, it's really relaxing. I guaruntee you, when you listen to Amy Lee sing those songs (especially "Hello" - the most beautiful song ever), you go in a trance, forget everything, and just feel good. You also, for some reason, just fall madly in love with her for a while, but that's just me.

So download/buy their album, and listen to it. You willl love it. I'm serious. Although if you're depressed, don't think about the lyrics to 'Tourniquet'. It's a good song, but it's about suicide. Haha.

After all that, I have a VERY long sleep.
Title: frustration/depressed question
Post by: The Omen on May 31, 2003, 09:30:52 PM
i'm in depressed mode right now....trent will help me.....bwahahahah