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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: greybrick on June 09, 2011, 06:23:28 PM

Title: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: greybrick on June 09, 2011, 06:23:28 PM

Nathan is not yet impressed with Mario's 3DS outing.

Mario typically serves as the must-have software for any platform it appears on. The tentatively titled Super Mario for the 3DS is clearly being created with this intent, but the E3 demo makes me doubt the likelihood of Nintendo's goal being met.

Previous entries of the Mario franchise on handheld devices have primarily avoided issues with the smaller screen size. Perhaps it is simply the camera angle, but Super Mario 3DS feels very cramped. The environment looks slightly scaled up or zoomed in, perhaps to improve visibility, but it ends up creating the feeling that I can't see everything I need. I feel as if the way I am being forced to look at some sections of the levels limits my viewing field and inhibits my platforming ability. Mario moves sluggishly, and the included run button doesn't result in the same traction players expect from a 3D Mario.

Nothing I saw within the demo levels was new or inspiring to me, unlike the Galaxy series. Even the Tanooki suit, which is being touted as a major feature of the title, doesn't allow Mario to fly. Rather, the player can hammer the button to slow their descent. To top it all off, I don't think the Circle Pad is the best way to control Mario.

I want to be pleasantly surprised with this Mario, but everything I have played indicates otherwise.

Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: roykoopa64 on June 09, 2011, 06:33:01 PM
The inability to fly just boggles my mind. I mean, was that not the first thing that came to your mind when Nintendo teased us at GDC showing the Mario logo and the return of the raccoon tail?

I don't know, maybe there will be some flying levels in there somewhere. I hope so!
Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: Scatt-Man on June 09, 2011, 06:40:51 PM
Unlike you, mate, I didn't even get a chance to feel how the game played before feeling disappointed. The lack of dynamic camera killed any hype I had for the game completely. The game just looks cheap. I'm still hoping for the expected "WOAH, It's so much better than any could've guessed" impressions, coming to an NWR story near you! (Yep, I'm still buying it. I'm a part of the problem!)
Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: Chocobo_Rider on June 09, 2011, 06:43:20 PM
I can see the cramped screen being an issue.  But, that happened sometimes in Mario64 and I got used to it.


I had this thought before ... the complexity of the landscape in the Galaxy/NSMBW level designs doesn't allow enough runway for tanooki take-offs.

Seems like they would have to go back to the SM64 and earlier stage designs which had long stretches of flat land to make the flying work.  That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but, does everyone see the pickle they are in?

I know I was itching for racoon/tanooki suit because it is my favorite Mario power-up of all time.  But it's either this flutter thing, go back to old level design philosophies, or enable some kind of insta-flight which might over-power the suit and relegate it to a timed power-up.

Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: roykoopa64 on June 09, 2011, 09:30:59 PM

I agree that the level designs we have seen so far would not match well with the flying raccoon mechanic we saw in SMB3, where you have to run for a stretch in order to enable the temporary flying mode.

But who's to say there won't be levels designed specifically for that kind of play style? Granted, Nintendo's theme for the game, and what they're emphasizing thus far, is clearly a specific kind of level design, but we haven't seen the full game yet. The game will more than likely have variety.

And we know Nintendo can re-invent Mario's powerups if they feel like it. Maybe this time there's a different way to activate the flying mode.

Of course, this is all speculation!

I guess, in the end, I just hope to see Tanooki Mario fly once again (however brief it may be), for old time's sake.  :cool;
Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: Oblivion on June 09, 2011, 09:34:49 PM
Yeah, the game hasn't really wowed me yet. I mean, what's the gimmick for SM3DS? A Tanooki Suit that can't fly?
Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: greybrick on June 10, 2011, 12:53:04 AM
"But who's to say there won't be levels designed specifically for that kind of play style? Granted, Nintendo's theme for the game, and what they're emphasizing thus far, is clearly a specific kind of level design, but we haven't seen the full game yet."
[font=helvetica, arial, 'liberation sans', sans-serif][/size]It was specifically brought up during the developer roundtable that Mario won't be able to fly in this iteration, but there's always hope. Hell, I'd be up for a Mario squirrel suit level. [/font]
Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: roykoopa64 on June 10, 2011, 11:10:51 AM
Well, so much for that. Too bad.

Thanks for the info Nathan!
Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: Ian Sane on June 10, 2011, 12:00:36 PM
Not being able to fly as Tanooki Mario seems very out-of-touch.  If you can't fly there is no point in making it the Tanooki suit.  If they made it something else, no one would complain.  But with an established power-up from a previous game there are certain expectations that come from it.  It's a major PR flub.
Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: qwerty1098 on August 04, 2011, 09:06:03 AM
maybe because this is 3d not 2d they will let you run in circles to gain enough speed to fly

Title: Re: Super Mario Impressions
Post by: Caterkiller on August 04, 2011, 06:03:14 PM
Yeah the stages were tiny and lame, I was not impressed either.