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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: NWR_Neal on April 29, 2011, 12:51:29 AM

Title: Cave Story 3D Hitting Stores in August
Post by: NWR_Neal on April 29, 2011, 12:51:29 AM

The game will come with a new stage and a $40 price tag.

Cave Story 3D is coming out in North America on August 9 and in Europe in September, publisher NIS America revealed today.

The game was originally set for a June 28 release, according to Nintendo's Q2 2011 release schedule. There is no officially known reason for the delay.

A newly added stage was confirmed to exist in a preview on GameSpot, though details on the additional content are sparse. The game features completely revamped music and polygonal graphics. The only 3DS-exclusive feature it will take advantage of is the 3D effect.

Cave Story 3D will retail for $39.99 when it hits stores.

Title: Re: Cave Story 3D Hitting Stores in August
Post by: Scatt-Man on April 29, 2011, 02:46:32 AM
The game is being completely remade with polygonal awesomeness though, yeah? ...Unless you mean by the only exclusive content being the 3D effect, is that this game is also being released on other platforms, in which case I'll proceed to have a cry about it. $2 on iPhone? Piss off. >_>

I've not touched the Nintendo downloadable versions but have blown through the freeware version a couple of times. I'll have no problem paying for this, considering I'm an importer and am already saving butt-tonnes of money anyway. Not such a huge deal taking slight risks, ya know? Let's hug!


I should also mention that I've yet to play the downloadable versions due to the fact that our release schedules 'ere in Aus are screwed. No Shantae for us, no sirree! But hey, in May, that should all change, given that I went the import route this time. *Flips of Nintendo of Australia* The entire US DSiWare at my fingertips! ... ...So, just Shantae then?
Title: Re: Cave Story 3D Hitting Stores in August
Post by: leahsdad on April 29, 2011, 09:36:40 AM
There is no officially known reason for the delay.

Other than the fact that Ocarina of time was going to come out the week before, and RE Mercenaries was coming out on the same day!  I'm glad they pushed it back, it would've been murdered.  I've got high hopes for this, but even if it has good reviews, I wouldn't have picked it up until about August, after I've finished pummeling Ocarina again.
Title: Re: Cave Story 3D Hitting Stores in August
Post by: Mop it up on April 29, 2011, 05:37:34 PM
Isn't this game only $10 on DSiWare... which can soon be downloaded to 3DS?
Title: Re: Cave Story 3D Hitting Stores in August
Post by: SilverQuilava on May 02, 2011, 05:14:36 PM
haha, small fail on the cover of the game. It's rated E10+, but it clearly says right next to it "3D viewing for 7+". It's small, but it's kinda funny.