Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Kytim89 on March 09, 2011, 09:07:13 PM

Title: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Kytim89 on March 09, 2011, 09:07:13 PM
With this year's E3 being only 90 days away it might be a good idea to share predictions for the event. So, here is my predictions:
Last Story and Xenoblade are announced for a summer and fall 2011 release.
Skyward Sword is announced as a Wii holiday title (black friday).
That Kirby title is announced for fall 2011.
Pandora's Tower trailer revealed.
Pikmin 3 trailer is shown with gameplay. Will be released in early 2012.
Dragon Quest 10 gameplay trailer revealed. Will be released some time in 2012 (Wii's swan song?)
All other non-localized Wii titles are announced for summer of 2011. Disaster: Day of Crisis is released in America for $19.99 in July of this year.
GTA Wii is finally revealed with Goldeneye 2.
Wii price cut to $149.99
Nintendo DS
All non-localized titles announced for north America.
The DS is dead, so I can think of anything else.
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo announces Super Mario Galaxy 3DS with gameplay video and a holiday 2011 release (if we are lucky).
Call of Duty 3DS revealed for holiday season.
Conduit 3DS revealed.
Final Fantasy 5 and 6 announced for 3DS.
Sonic Chronicles 3DS and an unconfirmed Bioware 3DS game is revealed.
NGP announced for 3DS virtual console.
Super Smash Brothers 3DS is announced with a 2D/3D Metroid 3DS.
Non-Nintendo games:
The next GTA game is shown with move and kinect support.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 09, 2011, 09:17:50 PM
I typed this out about an hour or so ago for the rumor thread, but decided not to post it.

Well depending on how you look at it, Ubisoft did mention that Nintendo might be showing announcing new hardware at E3 this year.

So you could say that it is rumored that Nintendo could be announcing new hardware this year, and the next big show to do it at is E3.
Do you think it will happen? What do you expect to happen at E3?

Reggie just announced that they will be announcing more titles for Wii before E3 this year and that they have plenty of surprises left for us in regards to the Wii. What do we expect those surprises to be and what games do you think will be announced before E3 to make room for the games that we really want to see at E3?

We don't quite know everything there is to know about the 3DS, but the first major FW update enabling new features is going to happen a few weeks after E3. What 3DS surprises do you think Nintendo has in store for all of us?
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Kytim89 on March 09, 2011, 09:21:41 PM
I wanted to be a smart ass and get this thread out early to beat everyone else to the punch.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 09, 2011, 09:28:35 PM
I'm predecting Rabicle will make me laugh again with some insane story about Iwata swan diving off the balcony.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stratos on March 09, 2011, 10:09:35 PM
Dragon Quest 10 moved to 3DS

SOMETHING new that uses M+

Vitality Sensor MIA

More 3D movies for 3DS

3D Glasses manufacturers go bankrupt

Boom Blox 3DS

Next CoD is not Modern Warfare 3, MW3 delayed to 2012

Wii2 will not be 'revealed' but a code name and some developer names will be dropped.

Animal Crossing 3DS will have a much stronger 'social media' focus but not in the ways we want it to be.

I'm predecting Rabicle will make me laugh again with some insane story about Iwata swan diving off the balcony.

I want to hear how Cammie left NoA from him. I'm sure it will be hilarious.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 09, 2011, 10:22:29 PM
Nintendo is gonna go with a Retro Theme this year....

Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: ThomasO on March 09, 2011, 10:34:55 PM
They're going to shed light on the oldest, darkest mystery of all:

what the clipping mechanism on the back of the Classic Controller was meant for.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 09, 2011, 10:46:04 PM
E3 Nintendo Press Conference Predictions:

- 3DS will take up the vast majority of the presentation

- The Wii's successor will be announced (and probably not shown) for a 2012 release, along with the announcement for a slew of Nintendo Wii projects that have been moved to the Wii successor and 3DS.

- The Wii will be mentioned for about 2 minutes, long enough for Reggie to announce a $20-$30 price cut and show another Zelda Skyward Sword trailer.

- None of the big name 1st and 3rd party Wii games currently released in Japan only will even be mentioned.

- Nintendo will continue to take pot shots at the App Store.

That is all.  I hope I'm wrong because that's a pretty terrible show, but with Nintendo's obsession with the 3DS this year, I can't see this going any other way.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: KnowsNothing on March 09, 2011, 10:55:35 PM
I have been predicting Pikmin 3 for years now and it never happened, so this year I predict that there's no way it will happen in hopes that it actually does.

But seriously I don't think it will happen, and if it does I want it to be for the 3DS.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stratos on March 10, 2011, 03:28:24 AM
One more for now: No price cut for the Wii. We'll get extra goodies in the bundles, maybe a new color or something, but I don't think we'll see a price cut until the new system launches. It might get cut for the 2011 holidays sales window but nothing beyond that.


Pikmin with touch controls would be pretty sweet.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BranDonk Kong on March 10, 2011, 07:56:20 AM
I've got a feeling the next Wii (or next console, whatever) will be announced, and it will launch with Skyward Sword HD (or 3D). Just like when the Wii was launched with Twilight Princess, with enhancements over the GameCube version.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 10, 2011, 01:15:56 PM
Nintendo would be stupid to do that again.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: ShyGuy on March 10, 2011, 01:24:25 PM
Nintendo is gonna go with a Retro Theme this year....


Oh Reggie, even you weren't immune to the 70s...
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 10, 2011, 01:27:07 PM
Nintendo is gonna go with a Retro Theme this year....


Oh Reggie, even you weren't immune to the 70s...

Honestly, Im surprised The Perm hasn't hi-jacked that pic and photoshopped himself/character into it yet.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Sarail on March 10, 2011, 01:47:40 PM
Nintendo would be stupid to do that again.
Really? I'd buy an HD/better textures version of Skyward Sword on newer, more powerful hardware ANY day over the current Wii version. Easy.  And I'm sure hundreds of thousands of Nintendo fans who prefer "core" games would, too.

Doesn't really sound that stupid to me.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 10, 2011, 01:56:49 PM
I hope it gets Twilight Princess'd, that's why I keep bringing it up.

I'm sure it will still look great on the Wii, but I'd like to see it bumped up to atleast 720p on my TV when I play, and who knows what other additions it might get due to new functionality for the SuperWiiHD.

as a matter of fact, I hope DQX get's TP'd too along with any other major 3rd party title coming to the Wii just before the Wii2 hits. That way you don't have to upgrade it you don't want, but if you do, you get to enjoy these same games with added benefits, including but not limited to a graphical update and possibly improved controls.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 10, 2011, 02:11:35 PM
DQX is likely to be ported to another system in addition to the Wii, but it's not the Wii 2; it's the 3DS. The similarities in hardware and Japan's fixation on handhelds make that seem inevitable to me.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 10, 2011, 02:52:13 PM
I would be OK with that, but they would have to make it so that each version had something unique to that version and have connectivity so that you are encouraged to own both.

Maybe a special weapon that you can only find in a certain exclusive area on the Wii version and then an exclusive item you can only obtain in the 3DS version. Then you would constantly have to connect back and forth to replenish this item or repair that weapon. Maybe not the best idea, but you get the point.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: lolmonade on March 10, 2011, 02:55:43 PM
"Winning" - The Charlie Sheen Epic RPG.  Released for Wii & Ported for Nintendo 3DS.  It will include a credit card accessory that will plug into the Wii remote so you can accurately imitate cutting lines of cocaine & 3DS connectivity so you can record 3D photographic progress of your body's degredation into a drug-fuelled madness and share with Nintendo for online leaderboards.
Rated "T" for teen. 
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 10, 2011, 03:05:03 PM
"Winning" - The Charlie Sheen Epic RPG.  Released for Wii & Ported for Nintendo 3DS.  It will include a credit card accessory that will plug into the Wii remote so you can accurately imitate cutting lines of cocaine & 3DS connectivity so you can record 3D photographic progress of your body's degredation into a drug-fuelled madness and share with Nintendo for online leaderboards.
Rated "WTF" for WholesomeTeenFun

I'd be surprised if that game didn't sell atleast 200k domestically.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 10, 2011, 03:19:48 PM
Nintendo tends to do two types of shows.  You either get something new announced that really gets everyone excited or it's just a total lame duck where all the good stuff is something we already know about and the new stuff is all incredibly lame.  Hopefully we get the first type.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 10, 2011, 04:49:51 PM
Nintendo would be stupid to do that again.
Really? I'd buy an HD/better textures version of Skyward Sword on newer, more powerful hardware ANY day over the current Wii version. Easy.  And I'm sure hundreds of thousands of Nintendo fans who prefer "core" games would, too.

Doesn't really sound that stupid to me.

So you're saying that you would LOVE for Skyward Sword to be delayed, just like TP was delayed, just so you can buy a new console and play it on that?

Thats retarded.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: lolmonade on March 10, 2011, 05:05:42 PM
"Winning" - The Charlie Sheen Epic RPG.  Released for Wii & Ported for Nintendo 3DS.  It will include a credit card accessory that will plug into the Wii remote so you can accurately imitate cutting lines of cocaine & 3DS connectivity so you can record 3D photographic progress of your body's degredation into a drug-fuelled madness and share with Nintendo for online leaderboards.
Rated "WTF" for WholesomeTeenFun

I'd be surprised if that game didn't sell atleast 200k domestically.

It wouldn't happen.  Charlie Sheen would require payment of 2-3 million per copy sold just for the use of his likeness.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Dirk Temporo on March 10, 2011, 05:36:30 PM
Nintendo would be stupid to do that again.
Really? I'd buy an HD/better textures version of Skyward Sword on newer, more powerful hardware ANY day over the current Wii version. Easy.  And I'm sure hundreds of thousands of Nintendo fans who prefer "core" games would, too.

Doesn't really sound that stupid to me.

So you're saying that you would LOVE for Skyward Sword to be delayed, just like TP was delayed, just so you can buy a new console and play it on that?

Thats retarded.

Not to mention that continuing the trend of delayed dual releases completely eradicates the idea that Skyward Sword is the first "real" Wii Zelda game.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 10, 2011, 06:30:51 PM
They should do it. Zelda is already way over due. It should have come out this past Xmas or the one before that.

If they are gonna force the waggle on me, then I want it to be waggle 2.0, new and improved.
What I actually want is for this game to just come out already. But if it's been delayed this long to work in some TPing, I wouldn't be mad.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 10, 2011, 07:01:29 PM
We're not going to see eye to eye on this one. Release the damn game on the system it was built for. Is that so hard? I was willing to put up with it for TP. I was excited about the possibilities that the Wii could provide. Instead we got a gimped version of the game. Now that we have the Zelda being made ground up for the Wii, you want them to gimp the controls so you can play it on Wii 2?

Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Sarail on March 10, 2011, 07:05:38 PM
Nintendo would be stupid to do that again.
Really? I'd buy an HD/better textures version of Skyward Sword on newer, more powerful hardware ANY day over the current Wii version. Easy.  And I'm sure hundreds of thousands of Nintendo fans who prefer "core" games would, too.

Doesn't really sound that stupid to me.

So you're saying that you would LOVE for Skyward Sword to be delayed, just like TP was delayed, just so you can buy a new console and play it on that?

Thats retarded.
Not really. Twilight Princess was a vastly improved game because of it. Sure, you get Link's true left-handedness in the GC version, but the better controls were found in the Wii "upgrade". Once again, I'd take a "SuperWii" upgrade any day over the current Wii release for Zelda.

To get back on topic... I'm just sick of Nintendo's bullcrap when it comes to this current generation of game systems concerning their Wii. They've gone this entire generation with their own rose-tinted glasses on, and I just want to see 'em throw the blasted proverbial glasses away and come out with arms swinging. They did this with their SuperNES and N64 releases (minus the cart format on the latter), so why can't they do it now? I swear, if Nintendo came out with guns a'blazing...3rd parties would take notice. Nintendo's just GOT to get serious about it first. No more of this hokey pokey, dance around the fire, "but Animal Crossing IS a hardcore game for the holidays!" bullcrap we've been fed for the last several years.

I want to see a return to the old Nintendo. The Nintendo that showcased their prowess with an incredible platform and plethora of games -- 1st and 3rd party alike.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 10, 2011, 07:28:19 PM
About Zelda;

All I'm saying is that if they are to release the game literally months away from a new system, then they might as well TP the game and dual release it as a launch title for the other system which will have the same if not better controls as the Wii.

There will be no gimping of the controls (since they will be essentially the same), just an increase of resolution, draw distance and then what ever benefits a super charged Wii would provide on top of all that.

Now if there is no Wii2 coming end of 2011/early 2012 and that is when Zelda is supposed to hit, then fukkin release it already. Wii all the way.
I don't want them to delay the game for an extra year just to TP it, but if it's already been delayed for a year so that they could TP it at the end of this year, I wouldn't be mad. whats done would already be done.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 10, 2011, 07:30:06 PM
What's "guns a'blazing" exactly?
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 10, 2011, 08:19:57 PM
Not to mention that continuing the trend of delayed dual releases completely eradicates the idea that Skyward Sword is the first "real" Wii Zelda game.

Well you could still consider the Wii one the "real" one since it was originally designed for it.  If you think TP doesn't count then you would logically consider it a Gamecube game and that same logic would make you consider SS a Wii game.  And if you think that SS would then be a Wii 2 game then that same logic would make you consider TP a Wii game.  It all works unless your thought process isn't consistent.
If they are gonna force the waggle on me, then I want it to be waggle 2.0, new and improved.

If they did a dual-release then the Wii 2 version's controls would likely offer no improvement as they have to play down the lowest common denominator.  That's why TP was just waggle, because they couldn't add anything more and have it work with the Cube version.  Well that the idea in theory since pretty much everything on the Wii is waggle.
I want a great Zelda game that controls like a dream.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stratos on March 10, 2011, 08:39:59 PM
This is silly. There is no reason to dual release Zelda. If anything they will make it a Wii 2 launch title or something. That was a fluke and I doubt it would happen again. Besides, that would steal resources from other games and SS itself for porting that could have gone to better uses.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: rlse9 on March 10, 2011, 10:29:21 PM
"Winning" - The Charlie Sheen Epic RPG.  Released for Wii & Ported for Nintendo 3DS.  It will include a credit card accessory that will plug into the Wii remote so you can accurately imitate cutting lines of cocaine & 3DS connectivity so you can record 3D photographic progress of your body's degredation into a drug-fuelled madness and share with Nintendo for online leaderboards.
Rated "T" for teen.

TigerBlood!  Anyone who doesn't want this is a troll.

Nintendo tends to do two types of shows.  You either get something new announced that really gets everyone excited or it's just a total lame duck where all the good stuff is something we already know about and the new stuff is all incredibly lame.  Hopefully we get the first type.

I'd sure hope so.  If they were to not announce anything exciting for Wii, it'd be an incredibly sad year for Wii owners, Zelda or no Zelda.

I predict:
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 10, 2011, 11:44:24 PM
I hope MvC3 gets announced for 3DS. That would have made it a Day1 purchase for me. SF4 (they couldn't even do SSF4... :/) just isn't making me rush out to purchase a 3DS.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 11, 2011, 12:18:41 AM
SF4 (they couldn't even do SSF4... :/) just isn't making me rush out to purchase a 3DS.

The 3DS version is Super Street Fighter 4.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Luigi Dude on March 11, 2011, 12:22:18 AM
I don't want them to delay the game for an extra year just to TP it, but if it's already been delayed for a year so that they could TP it at the end of this year, I wouldn't be mad. whats done would already be done.

Twilight Princess was delayed a year because the development was a mess and Miyamoto rebooted it in mid 2005.  They ended up porting the game to the Wii because they realized that if they were going to have to delay it until fall 2006, they might as well just put it on the Wii to help it's launch.  But the original reason for the delay was always the fact the game was no where close to completion.

Skyward Sword on the other hand is said to already be close to being done and so has no reason to be delayed an entire year.  Not to mention the Wii is still doing great in America and good in Europe which is where Zelda games get the majority of their sales and so Nintendo also has no reason to port it to a new system when it can still get huge sales on the Wii. 
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 11, 2011, 12:24:49 AM

SF4 (they couldn't even do SSF4... :/) just isn't making me rush out to purchase a 3DS.

The 3DS version is Super Street Fighter 4.

is it Super!? well that's good, but now I want MvC3. SSF4 is old news already, I want the new hawtness!

I don't want them to delay the game for an extra year just to TP it, but if it's already been delayed for a year so that they could TP it at the end of this year, I wouldn't be mad. whats done would already be done.

Twilight Princess was delayed a year because the development was a mess and Miyamoto rebooted it in mid 2005.  They ended up porting the game to the Wii because they realized that if they were going to have to delay it until fall 2006, they might as well just put it on the Wii to help it's launch.  But the original reason for the delay was always the fact the game was no where close to completion.

Skyward Sword on the other hand is said to already be close to being done and so has no reason to be delayed an entire year.  Not to mention the Wii is still doing great in America and good in Europe which is where Zelda games get the majority of their sales and so Nintendo also has no reason to port it to a new system when it can still get huge sales on the Wii. 

Thanks for the history lesson, but my point was that if a new Wii is coming later this year* and Zelda is supposed to come later this year(*or early 2012), then I wouldn't be mad if they TP'd Skyward Sword, but I wouldn't want them to purposely delay it now to coincide with a Wii2 launch if that's not happening till late 2012 or so.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 11, 2011, 01:29:29 PM
Nintendo is gonna go with a Retro Theme this year....


Oh Reggie, even you weren't immune to the 70s...

Is Reggie old enough to have had a high school picture like that taken in the 70s?
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 11, 2011, 01:32:17 PM
Maybe it was class of '82 and he was still wearing his older brothers hand me downs.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: MegaByte on March 11, 2011, 01:34:29 PM
He was class of '79.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 11, 2011, 01:48:05 PM
So that makes Reggie about 51 years old.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 11, 2011, 02:34:35 PM
So that makes Reggie about 51 years old.

I looked on Wikipedia and he was born in 1961 so that makes him 49 or 50. I didn't think he was that old. He seems to have a better way of relating with young people than his age would suggest.

But how exactly did he go from Steve Urkel to what he is today?
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Shaymin on March 11, 2011, 05:30:42 PM
A lot of Bigfoot pizzas.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: ymeegod on March 12, 2011, 12:14:57 AM
Does DQX even have a developer?  Level 5 did the last two games but so far they haven't announced it yet and they are already commited to multiple projects.

Saddly I won't be holding my breath for any RPG news, been disappointed for the last couple of years so I given up any hope other than maybe a little Kingdom Hearts 3DS news.

Alot of attention towards the 3DS, most likely the biggest announcement will be Super Smash Bros 3DS and a Super Mario title.

Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 12, 2011, 01:34:23 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo was developing it themselves just to make sure it came to the Wii at all.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 12, 2011, 04:39:55 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo was developing it themselves just to make sure it came to the Wii at all.

Could be. Nintendo certainly has been stabbed in the back on supposed exclusive deals in the past.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Morari on March 12, 2011, 11:33:28 AM

SF4 (they couldn't even do SSF4... :/) just isn't making me rush out to purchase a 3DS.

The 3DS version is Super Street Fighter 4.

is it Super!? well that's good, but now I want MvC3. SSF4 is old news already, I want the new hawtness!

You mean it isn't even Super Street Fighter Fighter IV: Arcade Edition?! Pft!

Mortal Kombat 9 looks better anyway... 3DS needs that. :P
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 12, 2011, 01:01:57 PM
Mortal Kombat would also get bought by me for 3DS.

Between SSFIV3D & MK3D, I wouldn't ever need another fighting  game for the 3DS until SSB3D was released.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 12, 2011, 07:46:28 PM
Dragon Quest 10 moved to 3DS
There already is a Dragon Quest game in development for the 3DS, so I see no reason to move X to it.

I'd buy an HD/better textures version of Skyward Sword on newer, more powerful hardware ANY day over the current Wii version. Easy.  And I'm sure hundreds of thousands of Nintendo fans who prefer "core" games would, too.
Not me. I don't care that much about graphics and that's the only thing I can see that would be different if there were a version of Skyward Sword on the next system, so it isn't worth buying a new system to me. I'm not interested in a new system yet in general, there are still plenty of Wii games I want first. Then again, there are still plenty of GameCube games, too...

This is silly. There is no reason to dual release Zelda. That was a fluke and I doubt it would happen again.
TP isn't the first time it's happened, there were some games released on both NES and SNES. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened yet again, though I do think there's less chance that it will since the Wii has sold far more than the GameCube.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Kytim89 on March 12, 2011, 08:20:36 PM
I heared that there was a Batman game announced for the 3DS, I hope it is a Batman Arkham Asylum type game because that would get me to buy it on da one.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BwrJim! on March 12, 2011, 08:43:08 PM
Dear Nintendo,

   We are friends and we've met from time to time and your systems and games have always brought a smile.   Now that I am older though, I would like some of your franchises to grow with me.  You see, we grew up together in this video game age and now that I have children of my own, would you please make new software and I.P's for the new generations.  It would be a sad moment in history if Nintendo has lost its focus and continued down the course of recycle. 

  When I was growing up I got to witness just about every character you have ever made and there was a new experience around every corner.  The thing is though is that I have been playing these characters for so long that my kids already know them.  There is nothing NEW and exciting ever coming out.  We have Mario, Kid Icarus and so on, but what we don't have is the feeling of unexplored territory and the excitement of learning, its old hat.   

  The old is fine and you can recycle that, but I would really appreciate 1 year of nothing but new IP released into the wild.   Mario, Star Fox, Samus, Evil Princess and so on, they have peaked and while they practice their redundancy for safety, they are not providing new experiences for my children and no, running around on a sphere doesnt count.  Sorry, but I know what it takes and while it was just a little different, they are still just platforms that need to be navigated. 

 So please, flex that imaginary might that you have, and if you release a new system in the coming years, why not treat us with a new face that isnt based all around Pokemon.  Yes, Pokemon gave you the mini-games (which you pretty much only do now) that are incorporated in what looks like real games, but really its just a mini-game interface, but what it has taken from you is sporadic creative thought and tossed you into your own box.  While the box might be hard to get out of, truly Nintendo, you have the industry leaders that make the trends and if you continue to not break out of the box, the rest of the industry will make boxes just like yours and then we will have the same games on all the systems again.

An open letter tossed into the wild.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 14, 2011, 12:45:08 PM
I've been wanting more new IP from Nintendo forever.  They do provide some but the problem is that it's usually from their B-teams and it usually just isn't all that good.  Realistically I want new IP from the big guns like EAD and IS.  And it has to deliver big.  Steel Diver is new IP but it looks like a glorified browser game.  I think what I really want is a new world to explore.  New characters, new setting, new mythology, new gameplay.  The most notable new IP for this gen has been the Miis but the Miis have no identity.  They're just in game avatars for you and me.

Last gen Pikmin was a great example of getting it right.  Miyamoto and EAD making a brand new game with unique gameplay and a completely new world to discover.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Nemo on March 14, 2011, 01:21:43 PM
Was that really the last good IP from Nintendo?

I certainly can't think of any others...

And Pikmin came out 10 years ago.

You're overdue, Nintendo.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 14, 2011, 01:30:03 PM
No, they have had several good ones. Bonsai Barber was a pretty good WiiWare game, the Art Style series is mostly good. There is also Elite Beat Agents. There are plenty of other good IPs from them, but I tried to pick ones that I think most people would like.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 14, 2011, 02:32:18 PM
Miyamoto has said that once he comes up with an idea for a gameplay mechanic, he only turns it into a new IP if he can't find a way to shoehorn it into an existing franchise (not in so many words, of course, but that was the basic idea), and he's the one calling the shots at EAD. Frankly, I don't really mind that they don't do new IPs that often as long as they continue to find interesting new ways to do existing ones. Then again, I'm a big believer in Miyamoto's philosophy that story in most types of games is, at best, unimportant, and that too much of it can be a detriment.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 14, 2011, 03:22:23 PM
Miyamoto has said that once he comes up with an idea for a gameplay mechanic, he only turns it into a new IP if he can't find a way to shoehorn it into an existing franchise (not in so many words, of course, but that was the basic idea), and he's the one calling the shots at EAD. Frankly, I don't really mind that they don't do new IPs that often as long as they continue to find interesting new ways to do existing ones. Then again, I'm a big believer in Miyamoto's philosophy that story in most types of games is, at best, unimportant, and that too much of it can be a detriment.

If Miyamoto is the one chiefly responsible for the fact that Nintendo doesn't do new IPs (on the consoles, anyway), that would be rather unfortunate.  It's my big problem with Nintendo, especially when you have Sony creating and iterating on new IPs this generation (even from studios who had big PS2 franchises).  Sure, I enjoy Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc., but I want to see new unique universes and related gameplay experiences from Nintendo.  As much as I dislike the original Kid Icarus, at least it's not a franchise we've seen over a dozen games in from Nintendo over the past 20 years so it's practically a new IP for 3DS.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 14, 2011, 03:33:20 PM
  Miyamoto has said that once he comes up with an idea for a gameplay mechanic, he only turns it into a new IP if he can't find a way to shoehorn it into an existing franchise (not in so many words, of course, but that was the basic idea), and he's the one calling the shots at EAD. Frankly, I don't really mind that they don't do new IPs that often as long as they continue to find interesting new ways to do existing ones. Then again, I'm a big believer in Miyamoto's philosophy that story in most types of games is, at best, unimportant, and that too much of it can be a detriment.

I don't like this philosophy.  If they take the new gameplay mechanic and shove it in the same lame Mario trapping I have seen a million times it's stale to me before I even play it.  Because they don't pay any attention to story the only way to make the characters and world interesting is to start from scratch.  Now sometimes it wouldn't make sense to not put it in an existing franchise.  If it's some new jumping mechanic it would make a lot of sense to give it to Mario.
Honestly when you shoehorn everything into an existing franchise if you can it's really cutting corners.  You're being lazy about the details and the really great games have had a lot of attention paid to all of the details.  The gameplay, the graphics, the music, the level design, the controls, the characters, the story - it all connects.  When they just use Mario again and have the story be "Are you a bad enough dude to rescure the Princess?" they're basically putting in no effort on the story and characters.  They're half-assing it and it SHOWS.  You can notice it when you're playing.  Now you combine this with Nintendo's half-assing on the graphics too (most Wii games look like average Cube games at best) and it feels like you're getting a slapped together game.
I notice that often Nintendo benefitted in the past from the restrictions of the time.  Graphics could only be so good and there wasn't much potential to tell a story so they didn't have to push it far to push the envelope.  Now that the technology is there, Nintendo looks lazy.  It was on the Cube that I first noticed this.  The reliance on the Miis basically screams "we don't feel like trying".
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 14, 2011, 04:07:50 PM
Miyamoto's has created a new IP almost every single generation.

NES - Mario Zelda
SNES - Star Fox, Mario Kart
N64 - No new IP's but arguably the most impressive sequels; Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, OOT, Star Fox 64
GC - Pikmin
Wii - Wii series
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 14, 2011, 04:30:18 PM
Miyamoto's has created a new IP almost every single generation.

GC - Pikmin
Wii - Wii series

No one has disputed Pikmin, and the defining characteristic of the Wii series is that it's spectacularly bland and generic.  You can do pretty much anything in that IP, because there is nothing that really defines it outside of the Mii characters.  Putting that franchise in the same breath as something unique like Pikmin is a joke.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 14, 2011, 04:32:54 PM
Well it shouldn't be laughed at, because the Wii series is wildly more popular than Pikmin. It's also ridiculously fun.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 14, 2011, 04:33:36 PM
Well it shouldn't be laughed at, because the Wii series is wildly more popular than Pikmin.

So is Duke Nukem and so many other bad or lame franchises over the past 10 years.  It doesn't mean I respect those series more than Pikmin, either.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 14, 2011, 04:34:45 PM
We're not talking about respect. We're talking about new IP's. Just because you don't respect an IP doesn't take away the fact that it's NEW.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Luigi Dude on March 14, 2011, 04:50:09 PM
I've been wanting more new IP from Nintendo forever.  They do provide some but the problem is that it's usually from their B-teams and it usually just isn't all that good.  Realistically I want new IP from the big guns like EAD and IS.  And it has to deliver big.  Steel Diver is new IP but it looks like a glorified browser game.  I think what I really want is a new world to explore.  New characters, new setting, new mythology, new gameplay.  The most notable new IP for this gen has been the Miis but the Miis have no identity.  They're just in game avatars for you and me.

Last gen Pikmin was a great example of getting it right.  Miyamoto and EAD making a brand new game with unique gameplay and a completely new world to discover.

Why don't you actually wait until Steel Diver comes out before you start to bash it.  Steel Diver like Pikmin is a new IP from a Nintendo EAD studio and has had Miyamoto's involvment as well.  Just because your not interested in it, doesn't mean others aren't.

Need I remind you that the original Pikmin, like Luigi's Mansion was criticized for being a glorified tech demo that Nintendo rushed out because they needed something for the Gamecubes launch.  The biggest complaints were that the first Pikmin was too short and not worth the full $50 tag that it was being charged.  This is no different then how people like yourself are already complaining about Steel Diver being a short tech demo that isn't worth full price either.  Even though the final version of Steel Diver hasn't even been released yet making complaints about it being not worth the price unfounded at the moment.

All the praise of Pikmin comes from the sequel which was a masterpiece but the original was anything but.  For all we know Steel Diver could have a sequel in 3 years from now that improves it the same way Pikmin 2 improved on Pikmin 1.  But don't pretend that Steel Diver shouldn't count because your not interested in it when many others are and then praise the Pikmin series when it's first game was guilty of some of the same complaints people are using against Steel Diver.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 14, 2011, 04:55:30 PM
All the praise of Pikmin comes from the sequel which was a masterpiece but the original was anything but.  For all we know Steel Diver could have a sequel in 3 years from now that improves it the same way Pikmin 2 improved on Pikmin 1.  But don't pretend that Steel Diver shouldn't count because your not interested in it when many others are and then praise the Pikmin series when it's first game was guilty of some of the same complaints people are using against Steel Diver.

Eh, personally I like the first game a lot more than its sequel.  The time limit made sense within the narrative and encouraged the player to keep moving and make the most of all their days, and that was really only if you wanted to collect all the parts (which you didn't have to to complete the game).  The second game has always come off to me as an over-reaction to the complaints against the first.  Instead of trying to maximize your day, you instead spend hours over endless days grinding-up Pikmin in dull, randomly-generated caves.  Because you know, what I really needed in my strategy game is the same sort of level-grinding, randomly-generated BS that kills Japanese RPGs for me.  The game just got tedious for me really quickly.  The first game is short, but it's magnificent in how much it does in such a short space of time and gets its point across better.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 14, 2011, 05:06:56 PM
I agree with Broodwars. I could never get into Pikmin 2 as much as I could with the original.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 14, 2011, 05:58:26 PM
The Miis are more or less not IP at all.  They're just a visual avatar for the player himself.  If anything it gives Nintendo the ability to avoid creating new characters altogether since they can just shove the Miis in there.  Hell, they're doing that with the new Pilotwings.


 We're not talking about respect. We're talking about new IP's. Just because you don't respect an IP doesn't take away the fact that it's NEW. 


Steel Diver like Pikmin is a new IP from a Nintendo EAD studio and has had Miyamoto's involvment as well.  Just because your not interested in it, doesn't mean others aren't.

I feel these two quotes demonstrate Nintendo's weakness in generating new IP.  They do it so rarely that if you don't care for it specifically, you are SOL.  If they were constantly cranking out new stuff then if you didn't like this, you might like that.  There would be variety.  But since we get about one a generation, you better hope you like what they come up with.  I think the Wii Series is utterly lame.  So personally the Wii is just the same old franchises because that one new franchise didn't do it for me.  If Miyamoto and EAD busted out more than that, it wouldn't matter.  It's similar to why third party support is important.  Without it you end up relying on one company that can only do so much.  So you have to wait months for any thing worthwhile but when it comes, if you don't like it, you've got to wait around for several more months for something else and you hope to hell you like that.
The big problem with Nintendo consoles over the last three generations has been a lack of variety.  The weak third party support, the reliance on sequels, the family-friendly image, and currently one company trying to make titles for casuals and core gamers all contribute to it.  Nintendo turns off third parties so they end up being the only game in town and then they themselves suck at providing any variety outside this very narrow scope of image and target audience.  For all their talk about being innovative they are embarassingly safe and conventional.  They cram every demographic into a melting pot and crank out something for the least common denominator.  But if you want something truly interesting it just isn't offered anymore.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 14, 2011, 06:05:10 PM
The Miis are more or less not IP at all.  They're just a visual avatar for the player himself.  If anything it gives Nintendo the ability to avoid creating new characters altogether since they can just shove the Miis in there.  Hell, they're doing that with the new Pilotwings.

How is having Mii's in WiiSports make WiiSports not a new IP?

And I'm glad Nintendo created Mii's and I hope they are used in all games that have ZERO story, because they're perfect. Pilotwings makes perfect sense, as does any sport games or party mini-game compilation.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Luigi Dude on March 14, 2011, 06:10:25 PM

I feel these two quotes demonstrate Nintendo's weakness in generating new IP.  They do it so rarely that if you don't care for it specifically, you are SOL.  If they were constantly cranking out new stuff then if you didn't like this, you might like that.  There would be variety.  But since we get about one a generation, you better hope you like what they come up with.  I think the Wii Series is utterly lame.  So personally the Wii is just the same old franchises because that one new franchise didn't do it for me.  If Miyamoto and EAD busted out more than that, it wouldn't matter.  It's similar to why third party support is important.  Without it you end up relying on one company that can only do so much.  So you have to wait months for any thing worthwhile but when it comes, if you don't like it, you've got to wait around for several more months for something else and you hope to hell you like that.
The big problem with Nintendo consoles over the last three generations has been a lack of variety.  The weak third party support, the reliance on sequels, the family-friendly image, and currently one company trying to make titles for casuals and core gamers all contribute to it.  Nintendo turns off third parties so they end up being the only game in town and then they themselves suck at providing any variety outside this very narrow scope of image and target audience.  For all their talk about being innovative they are embarassingly safe and conventional.  They cram every demographic into a melting pot and crank out something for the least common denominator.  But if you want something truly interesting it just isn't offered anymore.

So by your logic if a new IP doesn't come from an EAD studio it doesn't count, give me a break.  Nintendo has created a wide variety of new IP's during the last decade from all their other studio's as well as working together with third party developers that are anything but safe and conventional.

Looks like I need to post the f*cking list AGAIN.

Legend of Starfy
Drill Dozer
Rhythm Heaven
The bit Generations series
Band Brothers
Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents
Another Code
Jump Super Stars
Brain Training
Big Brain Academy
Magical Starsign
Hotel Dusk
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
Soma Bringer
Fossil Fighters
Style Savvy
Tomodachi Collection
Endless Ocean
Captain Rainbow
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Tact of Magic
Zangeki no Reginleiv
The Last Story

Until you play every single f*cking game from every single series on this list Ian, you have no right to say Nintendo lacks variety and creativity.  There's a lot more to Nintendo then just the EAD studio's and you need to finally realize that.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 14, 2011, 06:21:51 PM
N64 - No new IP's but arguably the most impressive sequels; Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, OOT, Star Fox 64
What about Wave Race? Although I s'pose that's technically Game Boy...
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: ThomasO on March 14, 2011, 06:25:30 PM
Until you play every single f*cking game from every single series on this list Ian, you have no right to say Nintendo lacks variety and creativity.  There's a lot more to Nintendo then just the EAD studio's and you need to finally realize that.
Ian's reply will most likely be "well, because Reggie's a shithead I can't play many of those games as they're available only in Europe or Japan."
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 14, 2011, 06:30:39 PM
To be fair, that's a valid complaint.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: ThomasO on March 14, 2011, 06:46:53 PM
True, though the complaint still doesn't disprove that Nintendo generates new IPs and variety.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 14, 2011, 06:51:22 PM
I guess it changes the complaint to that Nintendo doesn't push their new IPs well enough. They don't try many of them outside of Japan (or Europe in some cases) and they don't seem to receive the advertising or other general hype as their popular franchises or the Wii Series. That's at least my complaint anyway, I know they've created quite a few new IPs recently but most of them don't seem to go anywhere for one reason or another. Sometimes it's just from unfortunate lack of sales, but other times it feels like Nintendo doesn't push their new IP enough.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 14, 2011, 07:38:12 PM
There is no point to the complaints though. There are several games on the Wii that even the most hard headed can enjoy. It's just the fact that know, dismiss them before they even attempt to understand them.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 14, 2011, 07:47:39 PM
Here's the easy way to do it.  I don't give a crap about lame stuff like Giest or Endless Ocean.  This isn't like some court of law where you can hit me up on technicalities.  Listing a bunch of new IP doesn't mean squat.  I am unsatisified with the new IP.  Most of it is from the third tier devs and I want stuff from the BIG devs like EAD or IS.  I don't buy Nintendo systems to play games from the lesser devs.

Miyamoto matters a lot.  His involvement is probably the biggest reason why anyone would buy a Nintendo system.  So if he is playing it safe with the same franchises that is pretty weak.  If the one new IP he introduces is aimed at a target demo that I am not part of it, that sucks.

There is a handful of people on this thread saying they're not satisfied regarding Nintendo introducing new IP.  That should not be the case.  It should be so abundant that virtually no one is left behind.  It is all a matter of opinion so listing off a bunch of titles like this is a scientific matter doesn't mean anything.  They don't have enough variety for me so I'm going to voice that opinion.  You can't change anyone's mind by producing some big list and saying that technically our requests have been fulfilled.  The person making the request decides that.

It's the same thing with third party support.  Someone inevitably dumps some list of every third party game on the system as if that is sufficient.  Obviously I must be wrong because third party games exist and it's all black and white science.  A system with true variety covers all bases.  You should be able to find something you like even if you are picky or selective.

If you look at the PS3 you'll see games like Uncharted that are new to this generation that are specifically designed with the intention of them being a big series for Sony.  It's one of their top devs working on it, at the expense of the existing IP they could be working on, and the game is pushed as a big must-own title for the system.  The new IP is treated as the main course, not some side dish.  You can't compare Captain Rainbow to Resistance, Uncharted, Infamous or LittleBigPlanet.  Those four new IPs were treated like Nintendo treats their big franchises, before they even had proven themselves.  Nintendo rarely takes risks like that.  Pikmin is a good example because it was clear that they were giving it the attention of a proven series like Mario.  They should have multiple "Pikmins" every generation.

Nintendo made three Mario platforms for the Wii and two Metroids.  Is that really necessary?  Couldn't Super Mario Galaxy, NSMB Wii and Metroid Prime 3 been sufficient to meet the demand for those series to continue?  That frees up two major projects for new IP.  I mean I think Super Mario Galaxy 2 is awesome but I wouldn't have cared one way or another if Nintendo had dedicated that effort to something else.  I don't need that many Mario games per generation.  They could easily balance sequels and new IP from their major teams.  It isn't like Miyamoto has to stop working on Mario and Zelda to find the time to create something new.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 14, 2011, 07:51:23 PM
There is no point to the complaints though. There are several games on the Wii that even the most hard headed can enjoy. It's just the fact that know, dismiss them before they even attempt to understand them.

I've played the vast majority of Nintendo titles released on the Wii this generation in NA, some I've really liked; others less so; and several I've strongly disliked.  But when...

- I had to buy a PS2 (and then a PS3) to supplement the game experiences that Nintendo was ensuring I could not get on more than a rare occurrence on the Wii in NA, yeah I have and will continue to complain about that.

- I'm having to scrounge through WiiWare and Virtual Console titles released after 2008 (that I haven't already bought) so I can get the remaining coins I need to reach Platinum status for the year because Nintendo is flat-out not releasing Wii titles this year outside the craptacular Mario Sports Mix and the continually-delayed Skyward Sword...yeah, I'm going to complain about that.

- Nintendo experiments with new IPs in Japan and then NoA (the puppet arm of Nintendo Japan) seemingly-refuses to publish them over here so I can try them, yeah I'm going to complain about that.

I suppose a lot of this comes down to how extremely profit-focused NoA is on top of Nintendo Japan's stubbornness, as it is so rare to get "niche" Nintendo titles in NA anymore and that's where a lot of the company's more interesting titles are these days.  Outside of a handful of titles (Punch-Out, Sin & Punishment 2, etc.), it's rare to see something over here (at least on Wii) that's not a guaranteed seller from a major franchise.  No, I'm not going to play the likes of Endless Ocean, but considering so many of the Wii's "casual" audience will never play Metroid Prime 3, I don't see the problem there.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Jannet on March 15, 2011, 02:01:03 AM
hi ,I'm the new come. :-* seemed so funny, I like this forum .
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: SixthAngel on March 15, 2011, 02:59:27 AM
hi ,I'm the new come. :-* seemed so funny, I like this forum .

Welcome!  Here is the thread where you can introduce yourself. (

I think E3 will have an incredible amount of 3DS stuff and besides that be almost entirely sequels.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 15, 2011, 09:51:37 AM
The characters: Midna, Rosalina, Adam Malkovich, etc. are all new IPs. Granted, they do appear in existing IPs, but they are new at least. I should point out that this is often how new IPs get created. They get spun off of older established IPs. As a matter of fact, Mario himself is a spin off of the Donkey Kong franchise...

At this time these characters don't appear outside of their parent IPs. But there could come a day when Nintendo makes "The Adventures of Midna" or something like that, which would kinda be set in the Zelda universe, but it wouldn't have Zelda, Ganon, Link, or the Tri-force. So by rights it would be a new IP, even though it has roots in an older one.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 15, 2011, 12:34:19 PM
The characters: Midna, Rosalina, Adam Malkovich, etc. are all new IPs. Granted, they do appear in existing IPs, but they are new at least.

Well it would be pretty sad if Nintendo didn't even create new characters for their existing franchises.  If that is sufficient to qualify as "releasing new IP" then that is some low standard to reach.  That's as expected as having new levels in sequels.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Luigi Dude on March 15, 2011, 04:58:17 PM

If you look at the PS3 you'll see games like Uncharted that are new to this generation that are specifically designed with the intention of them being a big series for Sony.  It's one of their top devs working on it, at the expense of the existing IP they could be working on, and the game is pushed as a big must-own title for the system.  The new IP is treated as the main course, not some side dish.

That's because Sony has to create new IP's because outside of Gran Turismo, they don't have anything that even approuches the popularity of Nintendo's top series that can easily break the 5 million+ mark.  No surprise that the studio that makes the Gran Turismo games, Polyphony Digital, has made nothing but Gran Turismo style games since 1997.  Actually they did get to make a new mech shooting IP in 1999 called Omega Boost, but it did poorly and as a result Sony hasn't allowed them to do anything new ever since.

So I wouldn't exactly use Sony as a good example because they only make new IP's out of neccesaty, not because they offer greater creative freedom at the company.  If Sony had more IP's that were as popular as Gran Turismo, I can guarantee you they would be just like Nintendo where the top series continue to get all the attention and marketing while the new IP's are made smaller events.

Not to mention I wouldn't complain about Nintendo making too many sequels while comparing them to Sony.  You say how we didn't need three Mario platformers and yet by the end of this year Sony will have released three Uncharted games and three Resistance games on the PS3, with each of them way more similar to each other then the three Mario platformers on the Wii are.  Plus the reason for both of those series having to be made is because Naughty Dog and Insomniacs previous series, Jax and Daxter and Rachet and Clank were both ran into the ground by Sony milking the hell out of them with yearly installments that did worse and worse and so needed both studio's to make a new series so they'd be profitable again.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 15, 2011, 08:02:03 PM
So I wouldn't exactly use Sony as a good example because they only make new IP's out of neccesaty, not because they offer greater creative freedom at the company.  If Sony had more IP's that were as popular as Gran Turismo, I can guarantee you they would be just like Nintendo where the top series continue to get all the attention and marketing while the new IP's are made smaller events.

Perhaps but that doesn't really matter as much to the gamer.  We still get new IP from Sony and not so much from Nintendo.  Yeah so maybe Sony NEEDS to do it more than Nintendo does but we still get something fresher and newer from them.  We still benefit from the results regardless of the motivation.  Nintendo is still resting on their laurels which is pretty lame.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Adrock on March 15, 2011, 08:41:06 PM
Both God of War and Jak and Daxter were originally conceived to eventually end. Nintendo never planned and probably has no intention on there being a Zelda end game. Of course, Sony has cheated by commissioning side stories to extend both of those franchises and Kratos is in f-ing everything nowadays. Point is Sony would do exactly what Nintendo does with their IPs if they were popular enough. Unfortunately, Sony doesn't have the history that Nintendo does. They're creating IPs because they don't have as many established, but we're already seeing the path their traveling down. Uncharted and Resistance are NGP's big games.

Anyway, E3 predictions...

This is going to be mainly a 3DS show. Nintendo will have Mario 3DS playable and it'll be based on Super Mario Bros. 3. That's a safe bet. Skyward Sword will be the only thing buzz worthy on the Wii though I think they'll announce The Last Story and Xenoblade for North America, but Zelda will be given more attention and rightfully so.

Nintendo will announce a new 2D Metroid for 3DS.

Capcom will announce Marvel vs. Capcom 3 for 3DS.

Square Enix will announce a remake of Final Fantasy VI for 3DS.... and tease a remake of Final Fantasy VII because they're jerks and like to pull on the heartstrings of fans.

Bold Prediction
Nintendo will announce their partners for the successor of the Wii as well as the console itself. Details will be slim, definitely no controller. We'll get a codename. They'll aim to launch Q2 2012. I think they'll announce a timeframe for launch to avoid their stocks getting raped like what happened last year when they waited so long to announce 3DS wasn't going to make a 2010 launch. I still think Nintendo would rather launch the successor to the Wii during the Q4 holiday season but 1st party software isn't ready for 2011 and the Wii is going to limp through November and December and certainly will not make it to 2012's holiday season. I could see Nintendo launching in June. 3DS should hold its own until then.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 15, 2011, 08:46:50 PM
I hope they don't announce FF6 for 3DS. I've been interested in playing FF5 for a while and have been patiently waiting for that to be remade. Of course, they could announce both, but that doesn't seem likely.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 16, 2011, 12:11:01 AM
Nintendo is still resting on their laurels which is pretty lame.

I won't argue with you on that. But isn't it likely that if Sony had as many A+ highly popular classic franchises as Nintendo does they would be doing the exact same thing? Nintendo has Mario and Sega has Sonic as their mascots. What does Sony have? They used to have Crash as their mascot, but they sold it off. Now they have nothing and they are struggling to find their identity. Nintendo found their identity 25 years ago.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stratos on March 16, 2011, 12:15:12 AM
So I wouldn't exactly use Sony as a good example because they only make new IP's out of neccesaty, not because they offer greater creative freedom at the company.  If Sony had more IP's that were as popular as Gran Turismo, I can guarantee you they would be just like Nintendo where the top series continue to get all the attention and marketing while the new IP's are made smaller events.

Perhaps but that doesn't really matter as much to the gamer.  We still get new IP from Sony and not so much from Nintendo.  Yeah so maybe Sony NEEDS to do it more than Nintendo does but we still get something fresher and newer from them.  We still benefit from the results regardless of the motivation.  Nintendo is still resting on their laurels which is pretty lame.

Nintendo has made a number of new IPs. They just don't bring them to the West. Tact of Magic and Disaster Day of Crisis come to mind.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 16, 2011, 12:27:34 AM
So I wouldn't exactly use Sony as a good example because they only make new IP's out of neccesaty, not because they offer greater creative freedom at the company.  If Sony had more IP's that were as popular as Gran Turismo, I can guarantee you they would be just like Nintendo where the top series continue to get all the attention and marketing while the new IP's are made smaller events.

Perhaps but that doesn't really matter as much to the gamer.  We still get new IP from Sony and not so much from Nintendo.  Yeah so maybe Sony NEEDS to do it more than Nintendo does but we still get something fresher and newer from them.  We still benefit from the results regardless of the motivation.  Nintendo is still resting on their laurels which is pretty lame.

Nintendo has made a number of new IPs. They just don't bring them to the West. Tact of Magic and Disaster Day of Crisis come to mind.

Which is the same as never making new IPs if you live in NA, as most of us probably do (though NWR has a nice-sized European audience as well).  Europe has better luck these days, but even they don't get that much more out of Japan than we do.  As I said before, Nintendo of America needs to step up their game and take some risks bringing these franchises over.  Sure, they won't bring in the easy money of a Mario; Zelda; or Pokemon, but it would bring them a lot of good will and they could even find a new franchise that latches on in America.  I remember when Sony wasn't going to bring Demon's souls over because they didn't there would be an audience, and look how that worked out once Atlus published it in NA instead.  Instead, NoA sticks to bringing over franchise they know will sell, which makes sense financially but means over time that the lineup grows stale.  If I can't play a game, it might as well not exist and it shouldn't be brought into this argument.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 16, 2011, 12:52:22 AM
^ Muramasa comes to mind. Never likely to sell, never really did sell, but was brought over to NA anyways.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stratos on March 16, 2011, 12:57:59 AM
Did Muramasa actually perform well? I don't recall hearing word of the game making XSeed Ignition any money.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 16, 2011, 12:15:25 PM
Nintendo will announce a new 2D Metroid for 3DS.

This would be nice but are 2D games going to be the norm for the 3DS?  From what we've seen so far the emphasis is more on polygons.
Do I even want more Metroid if that hack Sakamoto is involved?  I want Other M to be the oddball black sheep Metroid game that everyone pretends never existed.  I'd rather Metroid be dead then for it to continue in THAT direction.
Any 3DS games shown would be titles due for later in the year.  Nintendo doesn't really show off stuff years in advance anymore.  I wouldn't be surprised if the 3DS showing for E3 is mostly the stuff we already know about because a lot of it won't be out yet by E3.  Kid Icarus will probably get a lot of attention because that will be the big 3DS game on the horizon.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 16, 2011, 12:41:48 PM
This would be nice but are 2D games going to be the norm for the 3DS?  From what we've seen so far the emphasis is more on polygons.

New Super Mario Bros. had polygonal characters on a 2D plain. But yeah, I don't want Sakamoto involved with another Metroid game after seeing what he did with Other M.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 17, 2011, 06:13:28 PM
Hopefully Other M will live up to its name and be the "Other M" and get locked up in a cellar like a deformed hunchback. That way the Metroid games can be proudly displayed, but that "Other M" is kept well out of sight.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 17, 2011, 06:22:36 PM
I don't think we'll be seeing from Metroid for a while, since the games don't perform that well (comparatively) sales-wise. Of all the things possible at E3, that seems to be one of the least likely.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 17, 2011, 06:27:53 PM
I don't think we'll be seeing from Metroid for a while, since the games don't perform that well (comparatively) sales-wise. Of all the things possible at E3, that seems to be one of the least likely.

It's a shame, really.  Of my many problems with Other M, very few of them were with the core gameplay and almost all of them lie with writing and design decisions, neither of which Team Ninja had any control over.  I would have liked to see another Metroid game in that style (even if I do prefer the Prime games), just to see how the issues of Other M would be iron-ed out (if Sakamoto was kept off the project) or ignored (if he was in control of it).
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 17, 2011, 06:50:23 PM
I also would like to see another Metroid in the gameplay style of Metroid Other M. As much as I enjoyed the Metroid Prime games, the third one felt stale just because of how similar it was. Other M felt like a more natural progression of the 2D side-scrollers, even though it was more linear. And I, personally, didn't mind that, since I often take the intended way though the games anyway and don't search for most optional items unless I feel I need them to progress past a section. Though I think something somewhere in between the two would work out the best.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 17, 2011, 06:57:49 PM
Did Muramasa actually perform well? I don't recall hearing word of the game making XSeed Ignition any money.

Yeah, that's why I said it didn't really perform well at all. It didn't. I'm the only person I know that actually bought it, played it, and beaten it.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 17, 2011, 07:01:58 PM
I bought it! Haven't done the other two yet though, and don't know if I will.

The ever-reliable VGChartz estimates the sales to be about 220K worldwide, with about half of that from North America. I've no idea how much it cost to develop and distribute it, but if that number's anywhere close, then it was likely worthwhile to release it in NA, even if all it did was recoup what they would have lost otherwise.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 17, 2011, 07:04:33 PM
You didn't even play it? XD
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 17, 2011, 07:10:54 PM
Not yet. I just saw it on sale cheap and figured that's as low as it'd go, so I bought it in case I ever wanted to play it. I've got quite a few games I haven't played for various reasons; maybe someday I'll find the time...
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 17, 2011, 07:32:50 PM
For Other M the linearity has got to go.  It turned Metroid into just some action game.  Yes, the story was embarassing but the linear design was when it ceased to be Metroid for me.  If you're going to make it linear why not just have Level 1, Level 2, etc?

I also didn't like the way the game asked you to switch between third person to first person view.  The way it was done was awkward, slow and hard to pull off in the heat of the moment without an enemy kicking your ass.  Either make the switch easy or ditch it altogether.  And the game didn't give you health powerups between save points.  That was probably the STUPIDEST design.  What is this some "screw the player" 80's arcade game?  Again that seems more like the design for some hardcore action game - NOT METROID.  Ah, hell, just bury Other M in a landfill with E.T. and never mention it again.  If you removed everything that sucked about it you wouldn't have much left to base any videogame design on.

Third person perspective in a 3D Metroid game is the only part of Other M worth exploring further.

I'm actually feel legitimately MAD thinking about that game.  Even the Star Wars Prequels couldn't make me feel like this.  I fear the E3 when Nintendo reveals the next Metroid game and it looks like Other M 2.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 18, 2011, 10:59:19 AM
Other M's sales performance was abysmal and even the great Reggie himself openly expressed his disappointment over how poorly it sold.

With that being the case, I'm sure Nintendo has got the message that consumers weren't happy with the directions this game took. Unfortunately, my fear with that is Nintendo may decide to just abandon Metroid entirely rather than do it the way we want them to.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Caterkiller on March 18, 2011, 12:03:37 PM
Other M's sales performance was abysmal and even the great Reggie himself openly expressed his disappointment over how poorly it sold.

With that being the case, I'm sure Nintendo has got the message that consumers weren't happy with the directions this game took. Unfortunately, my fear with that is Nintendo may decide to just abandon Metroid entirely rather than do it the way we want them to.

No way will they abandon it entirely. It will just go the star fox route. Just barely being seen ever again.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Sarail on March 18, 2011, 01:36:11 PM
It really bothers me that there's so much hate for Metroid: Other M. It's my second favorite Metroid title (gasp!) with Super Metroid leading the way.

As for predicitions, I do see Ninty announcing its new console. Nintendo won't show any games, obviously, but I do see it detailing the specs of the next system and possibly a hint or two of the system's big "catch".

As for current possible game annoucements... I'd walk away from E3 just happy if The Last Story and Xenoblade were announced for North America. That's all I really want that's left of the Wii. Anything else is just candy.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 18, 2011, 04:25:55 PM
It will just go the star fox route.

So does that mean we're going to see a Metroid equivalent of Star Fox Adventures? :P
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 18, 2011, 04:40:19 PM
It will just go the star fox route.

So does that mean we're going to see a Metroid equivalent of Star Fox Adventures? :P

I'm combining both of these quoted posts to make one game: a scrolling, on rails shooter where you play as Samus in her ship.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Luigi Dude on March 18, 2011, 05:41:04 PM
Other M's sales performance was abysmal and even the great Reggie himself openly expressed his disappointment over how poorly it sold.

Other M has sold over 500K worldwide which is far from abysmal.  It's around what Zero Mission and Hunters did and better then Pinball.  The only reason Nintendo was disappointed in the sales is because they were expecting it to be a million seller like most Metroid games are and spent more on advertising and production values then they would have liked for a game that did the way Other M did.

Once again, disappointed doesn't mean failure.  Nintendo was disappointed in Animal Crossing Wii's sales because they weren't as high as they hoped but that's not stopping them from making Animal Crossing 3DS.  Nintendo was disappointed in Twilight Princess Japanese sales because they were anywhere close to the American sales, but that's not stopping them from making Skyward Sword.  Nintendo is disappointed that the 3D Mario's don't sell as well as the 2D Mario's but that hasn't stopped them from making Galaxy 2 and the upcoming 3D Mario for the 3DS.

No way will they abandon it entirely. It will just go the star fox route. Just barely being seen ever again.

The reason we haven't seen a Star Fox in a long time is because Miyamoto controls the series and wasn't pleased with how third parties were handling the series but didn't feel it was an important enough series to have one of Nintendo's internal studio's work on it either.  In the case of Metroid, Sakamoto controls the main part of the series and Kensuke Tanabe controls the Prime part.  This is why all Metroid's that Sakamoto isn't involved with are all called Metroid Prime, to show that it's a spinoff series.  This is why Sakamoto himself even said the Prime games aren't part of his series and why they're never mentioned in Other M.  The Prime part though is controlled by Kensuke Tanabe who as been the top producer since Prime 2.  Before anyone mentions Miyamoto, he was only the top producer of the first Prime and after that he made Tanabe the man in charge of it.

So basically if Sakamoto wants to make more Metroid games, he'll be able to make another one.  If Tanabe wants to make another Prime game, he'll be able to make another one.  If we don't get another Metroid game in a long time though, it's because Sakamoto and Tanabe just don't feel like making one.  Not because Iwata won't allow it since the Metroid series is still a pretty successful series considering even it's low entries still manage at least half a million worldwide.  The only thing low sales will do is future Metroid might get smaller budgets but that would probably mean there wouldn't be anymore storyline cutscenese and voice work like Prime 3 and Other M had, but considering that's what most of you hated, looks like most of you have nothing to worry about then.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: MegaByte on March 18, 2011, 05:49:24 PM
After the GDC talk, I'm thinking that if Nintendo doesn't do a new Star Fox soon, Tanabe may be its best bet, getting it to an American developer.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: TJ Spyke on March 18, 2011, 06:03:01 PM
When did Nintendo say they were disappointed with the sales of Animal Crossing: City Folk? The game sold over 3.3 million copies. Other M, however, has been declared a disappointment by Nintendo and failed to sell that well considering how much money they spent making and advertising the game. Also, Sakamoto never said the Prime games aren't part of the series. Not to mention that Other M shows why he should not be allowed to touch the series again, and I think Iwata might not give him another chance because the worst parts of Other M were the parts that he controlled. The game pretty much sold poorly in every region (unlike TP, which sold really well in other regions).
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 18, 2011, 06:08:13 PM
If Sakamoto's interpretation of the Metroid franchise is the "official Canon", then consider me a heretic...
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 18, 2011, 06:44:57 PM
How do you fix something when the original creator has goofed it?  It isn't like Miyamoto made Star Fox suck.  It was other devs that made the lousy games.  So in theory if EAD took on Star Fox again it could be restored.  That's the standard process for a reboot.  A series goes to other devs, turns to crap, and then the original creators are brought back to restore it.

We can't do that with Metroid.  So is Retro now the go-to guys for the series (actually with their DKC experience they could probably make a good side-scrolling Metroid)?  I now truly wonder what level of involvement Gunpei Yokoi had.  The first Metroid without him was Metroid Fusion, which I thought was good but in retrospect it can clearly be considered the beginning of the end.  That was the first sign of Sakamoto's interest in making the game more linear for the sake of storytelling.  Zero Mission was more back-to-basics but it was a remake of the original game so it's hard to gauge.

Did Sakamoto want to go nuts with stupid teenage melodramatics with Super Metroid only to be stopped by Yokoi?  Was Yokoi Sakamoto's leesh that kept him from doing stupid stuff?  What would Zelda turn into without Miyamoto around?  It isn't like Miyamoto is the director anymore but he does supervise.  If Aonuma wanted to do something really stupid Miyamoto has the veto power to kibosh it.  Isn't that really what Metroid now faces?  The original boss that oversaw the creation of the series is no longer supervising.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 18, 2011, 06:48:13 PM
There's only one thing to take from that then: Sakamoto hired the Japanese Mafia to "bump" off Yokoi. ;)
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: MegaByte on March 18, 2011, 06:51:58 PM
Of course, SMB was originally supposed to have side-scrolling shooting elements. Since those actually made it into SML, I wonder if that was something Yokoi pushed for.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 18, 2011, 07:14:41 PM
Gunpei Yokoi was the Chris Farley to Sakamoto's David Spade.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 19, 2011, 08:52:34 PM
Did Sakamoto want to go nuts with stupid teenage melodramatics with Super Metroid only to be stopped by Yokoi?  Was Yokoi Sakamoto's leesh that kept him from doing stupid stuff?
I think it is more likely that the hardware of the time was too limited to have the kind of story that the developers wanted. There was a Metroid manga around the time of Super Metroid I believe, and from what I can gather, Samus is pretty similar to how she behaves in Metroid Other M. So the game wouldn't really be a surprise or seem different if people had read it, but of course, no one in America really did.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 20, 2011, 01:40:52 AM
Before Other M, Samus seemed like a character you could respect for being brave and strong. But in Other M she cries and screams and it makes you think that she really has no business doing what she does. This is why Other M has been criticized as being sexist.

From Wikipedia:
G4 TV's Abbie Heppe controversially declared this a "sexist" portrayal of Samus, complaining that she "cannot possibly wield the amount of power she possesses unless directed to by a man". Heppe went so far as to criticize people who liked the game, stating she would never talk to them again.[59]

I agree with Ian. This game really does make me mad, and the more I think about it the madder it makes me. Samus was one of my childhood video game heroes, but its like Sakamoto took everything about her that made her a great character and waded it up into a ball and tossed it into the wastebasket. In Other M she is reduced to a child who isn't allowed to do anything without Adam's permission. In every other Metroid game if there was something that needed to be done she just did it. She didn't cry about it or scream or curl up into a fetal position like she does in Other M.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Luigi Dude on March 20, 2011, 03:21:58 AM
Before Other M, Samus seemed like a character you could respect for being brave and strong. But in Other M she cries and screams and it makes you think that she really has no business doing what she does. This is why Other M has been criticized as being sexist.

From Wikipedia:
G4 TV's Abbie Heppe controversially declared this a "sexist" portrayal of Samus, complaining that she "cannot possibly wield the amount of power she possesses unless directed to by a man". Heppe went so far as to criticize people who liked the game, stating she would never talk to them again.[59]

I agree with Ian. This game really does make me mad, and the more I think about it the madder it makes me. Samus was one of my childhood video game heroes, but its like Sakamoto took everything about her that made her a great character and waded it up into a ball and tossed it into the wastebasket. In Other M she is reduced to a child who isn't allowed to do anything without Adam's permission. In every other Metroid game if there was something that needed to be done she just did it. She didn't cry about it or scream or curl up into a fetal position like she does in Other M.

Oh not this bullsh!t again.  The whole reason Samus listened to what Adam had to say is because he and his troops were on a search and rescue mission to find any survivors as well as gathering evidence on what really happend and he didn't want Samus using anything that might destroy evidence or accidently kill survivors.  Since Samus has respect for Adam she agreed to only use her weapons when he feels it's right since she trust his judgment.  Yeah, there were some parts that make no since like why it took to get the varia suit, but the whole reason behind this part of the storyline anyway is Sakamoto wanted to find a more logical reason for Samus to not have all her weapons from the start and this is what he thought was the most logical way.  People have to stop getting so hung up over this part of the game since the entire reason is just to give Samus a new way of getting powerups as she progresses. 

Not to mention the dumbest part of this complaint is the ass hats who keep bringing it up never want to answer the f*cking question about what if Adam was a women instead.  The people who complain about Other M's sexism are basically saying it's bad for Samus to take orders from a man, but when asked if it would be OK if she was taking it from a woman instead, they just go silent.  By their logic, if it's sexist for a woman like Samus to take orders from a man which means the only way the game would have not been sexist is if she's taking orders from another woman.  Which is just as sexist since it's saying a woman should only listen to other woman and never listen to anything a man says.

And on the issue of crying, Samus only cries at two parts in the game.  The first is when Ridley reappears because she goes PTSD since Ridley killed her mother as a child and the second was when Adam died.  Now the Ridley was just bad writing on Sakamoto's part since she's dealt with Ridley two times before in his canon, but the way Samus acted still falls into the realm of believable (

Diagnostic symptoms for PTSD include re-experiencing the original trauma(s) through flashbacks ( or nightmares (, avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma, and increased arousal ( – such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, anger (, and hypervigilance ( Formal diagnostic criteria (both DSM-IV-TR ( and ICD-10 ( require that the symptoms last more than one month and cause significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.[1]

On the issue of Adam dieing, well no sh!t she would cry considering the history they've had.  In Metal Gear Solid 3, at the end of the game Snake stands over The Boss grave and sheds tears over her.  Does this mean MGS3 is sexist toward men since a man cried?  Give me a f*cking break.

Aside from the two scenes I just mentioned, every other part of Other M has Samus being just as brave and strong as she was in the previous Metroids.  Yes the storyline of Other M was poorly written and Sakamoto needs to learn he's not a good storyteller but the complaints about the game being sexist are beyond stupid since aside from a few moments that are easily explainable why Samus acted a certain way, it's basically non existent.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 20, 2011, 04:26:50 AM
Oh not this bullsh!t again.  The whole reason Samus listened to what Adam had to say is because he and his troops were on a search and rescue mission to find any survivors as well as gathering evidence on what really happend and he didn't want Samus using anything that might destroy evidence or accidently kill survivors.  Since Samus has respect for Adam she agreed to only use her weapons when he feels it's right since she trust his judgment.  Yeah, there were some parts that make no since like why it took to get the varia suit, but the whole reason behind this part of the storyline anyway is Sakamoto wanted to find a more logical reason for Samus to not have all her weapons from the start and this is what he thought was the most logical way.  People have to stop getting so hung up over this part of the game since the entire reason is just to give Samus a new way of getting powerups as she progresses.

Personally, my whole problem with the "Permission" system is that it's incredibly contrived and stupid, and it doesn't even make sense within the confines the story gives it.  OK, Adam telling her to deactivate Power Bombs and maybe the more powerful beams makes sense.  That's powerful stuff that could blow up the station if not used carefully.  But forcing Samus to deactivate her armor, Grapple Beam, etc.?  It makes absolutely no sense why these lesser tools were forced off as well, within the logic of the story.  Frankly, I don't understand why Sakamoto felt the need to justify why Samus has to be powered-down at the beginning of the game.  We all understand that that's just a gameplay contrivance of the Metroid series, and while it can be neat to see an explanation (the best being Metroid Prime's) I don't really give a damn if it's not.  It's like throwing a fit over why the Mario games never explain why Mario doesn't just start the game with a full inventory of past Power-ups, which then have to be stolen from him by a Lakito in the first 5 minutes of the game (or like complaining why Link isn't uber-powered up at the beginning of the Zelda games featuring the same link).  I'm willing to give the gameplay contrivance some lenience, because if I don't the game falls apart.

Throw in the seemingly random times that Adam unlocks your equipment, and the system just doesn't make any sense.  Sure, it's somewhat sexist as well, but that aspect of the system is incredibly minor (and can be explained more or less decently by the story) and far outweighed by it just not being a good gameplay system in general.

Now the Ridley was just bad writing on Sakamoto's part since she's dealt with Ridley two times before in his canon

Actually, at that point in the Metroid canon, she's killed Ridley 4 times in various incarnations.

1.  Metroid/Metroid Zero Mission.
2.  Metroid Prime.
3.  Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
4.  Super Metroid.

I know that Sakamoto doesn't like to acknowledge the existence of Metroid games that are better than the ones he's made himself, but there's no reason we shouldn't.   ;)    But yeah, the Ridley scene was the one that destroyed the game for me, because it is the one aspect of the game that is blatantly, overtly sexist.  Maybe it's just a Japanese societal thing, but I don't think we'd ever see (in that same situation, with that same history) the main character crying in terror and curling into a metaphorical fetal position if they were male.  Maybe if this was Samus' first run-in (rather than her 5th) with Ridley, I could buy it.  But it's not, and it's terrible writing.

I really wish we could put Metroid Other M's incredibly poor writing and design behind us and chalk it up to an insane (and, IMO, incompetent) director being given free reign to do whatever he wanted.  Hopefully, Nintendo will soon announce a Sakamoto-less Metroid title so we can look to the future instead.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 20, 2011, 11:13:26 AM
Oh not this bullsh!t again.  The whole reason Samus listened to what Adam had to say is because he and his troops were on a search and rescue mission to find any survivors as well as gathering evidence on what really happend and he didn't want Samus using anything that might destroy evidence or accidently kill survivors.  Since Samus has respect for Adam she agreed to only use her weapons when he feels it's right since she trust his judgment.  Yeah, there were some parts that make no since like why it took to get the varia suit, but the whole reason behind this part of the storyline anyway is Sakamoto wanted to find a more logical reason for Samus to not have all her weapons from the start and this is what he thought was the most logical way.

But that isn't the most logical way it could have been done, and in fact it wasn't even logical at all. I understand not wanting Samus to have everything right off the bat, but there are many different ways it could have been handled that would have made more sense. For example, a mischievous creature could have been added in the story that attacks Samus in the beginning of the game and steals most of her stuff and then hides it all over the ship and then she has to find it. Another way it could have been done is to portray her as suffering damage early on which knocked out much of her equipment, so she has to locate repair stations throughout the ship to bring those various things back online.

So I just gave two examples right off the top of my head that are more logical than the way Sakamoto handled it.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 20, 2011, 12:41:54 PM
WoahwoahWOAH. Other M? The ****? What happened to the strong, independent, kick-ass, bounty hunter I grew up with? I haven't bought Other M because of lack of money, and while I've heard some bad things about this game, I didn't hear anything about her CRYING. TWICE. That's it. I'm never playing Other M. I thank you all for warninng me. If I had seen that, I would've thrown my Wii out the window.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 20, 2011, 12:43:34 PM

Emotions are not allowed in the most stoic of characters...
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 20, 2011, 12:54:14 PM
No, Samus can have whatever smotions she wants. But after 20 years of being the kick-ass bounty hunter that, you know, DESTROYED A COUPLE WORLDS, she cries over Ridley? Are you kidding me? Yes, I can understand her crying over Adam, (thanks for the spoiler btw) but over an enemy who killed her parents and who she's fought four times? No way, José.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 20, 2011, 01:55:09 PM
I think one problem is the contrast between Metroid Prime and Metroid Other M. Metroid Prime was an almost perfect evolution of the minimalistic storytelling in Super Metroid. There were no real cutscenes, the entire story is "told" through scanning objects in the environment, and sometimes enemies. This allows the game to have a nice story, but it's delivered in a non-intrusive way; it's up to the player if they want to learn the history of the decaying world, and decide how they want to feel. Other M is pretty much the exact opposite of that.

If you just follow Sakamoto's Metroid games, you can see the evolutionary process that leads to Other M. Each game onward from NES Metroid, to Metroid II to Super to Fusion, added a little bit more elements of story, progressively filling in the blanks of the character of Samus and the universe around her. So I'd say that the timing of Metroid Other M was kind of unfortunate, and probably didn't do it any favours. If the Prime games never existed, Metroid Other M probably would have been at least a little better received.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 20, 2011, 04:00:49 PM
Also, is it just me, or does the rebellious "punk" teenage version of Samus featured in the backstory cutscenes not even look like her at all? The hair is different, the eyes are different, everything is different. The teenage version of Samus to me looks like she's a Japanese girl with her hair dyed blonde. What do you think?


It seems to me that Sakamoto might have been trying to make the game more appealing to the Japanese market so he redesigned the character with a more Japanese appearance, but he left the adult Samus more or less the same as she appears in other games (except at times she doesn't seem to be 6'3" in the scenes where she is standing with the Space Marines who tend to tower over her, unless the space marines are like 7ft tall, which is certainly possible).
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 21, 2011, 05:28:44 AM
Listen, I'm not trying to argue that the design and character decisions weren't bad or badly thought out. I'm arguing that making Samus a rounder charachter can be good for the series.

Like Neil wrote, it would be interesting to see a young Samus being raised by the chozo. A fragile girl turned into a bounty hunter, and all the emotions displayed during that transition.

Now while that would be "interesting", gameplay should always come first.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 21, 2011, 12:37:56 PM
I don't like the "permissions" method of powering up not because it's sexist or anything like that.  I don't like it because it's just not fun.  Exploring secret passages and finding a new power-up and then being able to go back to previous areas is fun.  Waiting until the game arbitrarily allows me to do this is not.  The most important thing about videogames is the rule of fun.  That's why no one questioned why Samus was without all her power-ups in Super Metroid and why games that force you to eat food always suck and why videogame characters can usually take several bullets without dying.  You make sacrifices in logic and realism to make the game playable and fun.  And the stupid thing is that the permission stuff does not even make sense from a logical point of view.  If I'm about to get killed and using this better weapon I have could save my life I'm going to use it.  Even in the army if your superior says you can't use lethal force you still have the free will as a human being to disobey that order if you feel you absolutely have to.  Who wants to play a game where you effectively SHOULD be able to do something but it just doesn't let you?  Who wants to play a game where someone bosses you around the whole time?

Regarding Samus crying and all that, I think it just shows a common problem with storytelling in games.  In a videogames YOU are the main character.  Do you know why Samus was a badass in the earlier Metroid games?  It was because *I* was a badass in those games.  Maybe Sakamoto wanted me to be a big pussy the whole time but that isn't the way I played it and that isn't the way most of us played it.  In most videogames I'm Mr. Awesome with his big gun kicking ass and taking names.  This is especially true in older games where they couldn't cram it with cutscenes.  We were the main character and we usually played it as escapist fantasy.

Once you give the character a really defined personality you run the risk of offending the player.  The main character is the player and no one wants to be told that they're some other character than who they want to be.  I want to be a badass so don't tell me that I'm not by forcing me to cry and act like a wuss.  This is probably worse with older characters where people got attached to this avatar that realistically had no personality to begin with.  Hell, I'm still mad whenever Mario talks because *I* don't want to sound like such a stupid goofball.

The Metal Gear Solid series is also a good example.  Snake is a badass.  Everyone likes playing as Snake as a result.  Raiden is a pussy.  No one likes playing as Raiden.  Realistically Raiden can do all the same stuff.  I can choose to take people out with non-lethal force or sneak around or just slaughter everyone.  I have the same gameplay choices that are given to me as Snake.  But then the cutscene starts and they tell me who I'm supposed to be.  Luckily Snake is a cool character that fits the escapist fantasy most young men dig so the forced personality works.  Raiden's does not because most of us don't fantasize about being emo wimps.  None of us fantasize about playing a girl who acts like a sissy so Other M fails big time on escapism.

So either make the main character more of an avatar for the player with no real personality or if you're going to go nuts with story make the main character heroic and brave.  Videogames are escapist fantasy so if you're going to tell the player who he is then it better be someone he fantasizes about being.

Though maybe there is a cultural issue here.  Wanting to be Mr. Awesome is very much a Western fantasy.  Do Japanese gamers fantasize about that or do they fantasize about being sissy girls?  With all the bishy characters and such I wonder if being a big pussy is a fantasy for Japanese people.  Of course being a wimp is easy and requires no effort so it's a pretty dumb fantasy to have.  That's like fantasizing about being a fat lazy deadbeat.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 21, 2011, 12:54:17 PM
You guys are gonna make me take M:OM out of it's case for the 1st time and actually play it just to see how bad it really is.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 21, 2011, 01:16:45 PM
You guys are gonna make me take M:OM out of it's case for the 1st time and actually play it just to see how bad it really is.

Just make sure you watch out for that glitch where the door gets permanently locked. The glitch occurs when you attempt to backtrack and explore a certain area which is something veterans of past Metroid games are trained to do, but if you try that in this game you get permanently stuck at a certain point.

I would actually say that permanently closed door glitch epitomizes everything that sucks about Other M. Sakamoto's shitty ass design philosophy didn't just make a game that was piss poor, it actually broke the game and made it unplayable if you attempt to play it the way you would play any other Metroid game.

Then again, there is far less point to exploration and discovery in this game anyway so why bother backtracking? If you're going to play it I say just fly through it and if you grab anything just focus on the energy tanks, because missiles aren't really that important in this particular game. The Boss battles in this game are fun and exciting and challenging at times. There's nothing about the Boss battles that I would really complain about... well, except that you have to switch perspectives to use missiles and that can get you killed as you struggle to regain your bearings. But in general most enemies can be killed by just your beam weapons.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 21, 2011, 01:38:54 PM
I've played a demo that was stuck in a room with a walk way up above that you had to go into a ball top reach. All you could do is go back to the previous room, but otherwise there was no way to advance from that point. Would that be where the glitch happens?
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 21, 2011, 02:07:01 PM
I would actually say that permanently closed door glitch epitomizes everything that sucks about Other M. Sakamoto's shitty ass design philosophy didn't just make a game that was piss poor, it actually broke the game and made it unplayable if you attempt to play it the way you would play any other Metroid game.

Sakamoto makes a Mario game.  You try to jump on the first Goomba you see and the game locks up and bricks your Wii.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 21, 2011, 04:05:40 PM
I've played a demo that was stuck in a room with a walk way up above that you had to go into a ball top reach. All you could do is go back to the previous room, but otherwise there was no way to advance from that point. Would that be where the glitch happens?

No. The glitch happens after you get the grapple beam and just before you get the super missiles. Its in some lava level where you grapple across this wall and there's only one door there and if the glitch is in effect that door will be locked with no way it can ever be opened, and also you can't even reach the grapple points to go back the way you came so you are just stuck there forever.

The funny thing is the glitch itself is actually triggered VERY early in the game and you can spend probably 2 hours playing without even knowing the glitch is in effect. Its a huge waste of time and it took me awhile before I was able to work up the motivation to start the game over again. I kept holding out hope Nintendo would release a patch or something but they never did, and at this point its extremely unlikely they ever will. This was a serious bug though, not just because it broke the game but also because it was very easy to trigger it and a very large percentage of players were effected by it. I think if you are a veteran Metroid player you are more likely to trigger it because you have the instinct to explore to try to find good things. Unfortunately, the only thing you gain from exploring in this game is a door that never opens and no way to progress...

Sakamoto makes a Mario game.  You try to jump on the first Goomba you see and the game locks up and bricks your Wii.

Also when Mario runs into Bowser for the first time the game reverts into a cut scene where Mario screams in terror and curls up into a fetal position and starts crying until bad ass Luigi shows up and throws a tortoise shell at Bowser which buys Mario just enough time to get authorization from Princess Peach to allow him to use Fireballs.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Kytim89 on March 21, 2011, 05:55:03 PM
Wii Winter Sports will be unveiled and announced at E3 of this year for a winter release. It will be motion plus enabled and include fencing and racquet ball.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BeautifulShy on March 21, 2011, 06:18:16 PM
Okay here is what I think will be at E3 this year.
Trailer for Skyward sword showing off more locations in the game and maybe some clue as to who that character is from the GDC trailer.
We will see The Last story and Xenoblade get a North American release.Guessing a November release for both.
Nintendo will also go over future 3DS games and Wii games and their release dates. By future I mean the second half of 2011.

Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: MV on March 21, 2011, 06:38:44 PM
I would actually say that permanently closed door glitch epitomizes everything that sucks about Other M. Sakamoto's shitty ass design philosophy didn't just make a game that was piss poor, it actually broke the game and made it unplayable if you attempt to play it the way you would play any other Metroid game.

Haha, I agree completely, great way to sum it all up. I'm so happy I just rented that from Gamefly.

As for E3 this year, I doubt we'll see the new Wii successor, but we will see the finale of the Wii with a few great games. I'm betting Pikmin 3 comes soon after, as well as some new Mario franchise.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mannypon on March 22, 2011, 01:28:55 PM
My prediction for E3?  Xenoblade and the Last Story ported to 3ds and launching this fall.  I would go bananas for that news lol.  Remember those videos of players jumping off cliffs in Xenoblade?  That'll be so sweet in 3d.  Back to reality though, I don't see any of those happening lol.  I'm just hoping for a any type of port for those games
If Nintendo were to just walk on stage and say both those games were being released in America this year and just walk off into the darkness with no further anouncements, I'd be happy lol. 
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 22, 2011, 01:42:14 PM
Wouldn't it be considerably more work to port Xenoblade and The Last Story to the 3DS then to just translate them for the Wii?  I don't see any reason for Nintendo to do that.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 22, 2011, 02:05:44 PM
New system, new audience and a chance to start the 3DS off as a RPG machine with games that are sure to be hits on a system with a limited selection in the genre and a game starved audience....

wait, part of that describes the Wii too. SO I don't know why they would do it, but they would still have to translate it.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mannypon on March 22, 2011, 02:21:05 PM
Well, its just wishfull thinking in my part but Blacknmild did have a point.  I think it'll be important for Nintendo to reistablish the 3ds as THE system to go for rpgs just as the ds was and still is.  I know the Wii has a much larger installed base but I honestly don't see either game seller better on the Wii than it would on the 3ds.  Even with the Wii's large install base, there hasn't been any rpg yet to really sell like hotcakes.  I really don't think there is a very large rpg fanbase within the Wii's install base. 
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on March 22, 2011, 02:36:09 PM
OTOH, The Last Story and Xenoblade should have been the appetizer for DQX, but even though it wasn't really all that well received in Japan, I do think they could both find and audience on the Wii in the rest of the world, especially if The Last Story is marketed as Nintendo's Final Fantasy and Xenoblade is Nintendo's super grand epic free roaming quest of an RPG.

But they really might have a much easier time selling them both to the 3DS crowd as nw franchises tend to bo much better when launched on new hardware while it is still relatively new.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 22, 2011, 02:43:08 PM
The 3DS is probably going to sell on the basis of being the follow-up to the DS right now so I don't think there is quite the priority to port games to it.

The Wii has nothing on it right now.  Third parties don't give a crap and Nintendo's own release schedule is thin.  Now the Wii has already made tons of money but I would argue that the Wii userbase needs new games more than the 3DS userbase does.  Third parties are into the 3DS so the releases will build up as time goes on.  Taking that into account, plus the fact that it is way less work, I think Nintendo should bring them to North America on the Wii.

Hell, they should have localized them a long time ago.  So Wii owners make Nintendo rich and Nintendo moves our games to another system and leaves us hanging with nothing?  Don't they owe us a little better than that?
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mannypon on March 22, 2011, 02:55:37 PM
I agree with Ian in that I do believe that if these games have any chance of coming here, it'll be on Wii disks.  Unless Nintendo has a chunk of unanounced games to be revealed at e3, I don't see how they will fill out the rest of the year with quality Wii titles.  These games HAVE to be brought over here.  I don't even know what to think about DQX.  At this rate, it's going to release right near the end of the Wii's life cycle.  We haven't even seen a screenshot or recieved any info at all on this game which makes me wonder what exactly is going on with it. 
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Adrock on March 22, 2011, 08:48:07 PM
You guys are gonna make me take M:OM out of it's case for the 1st time and actually play it just to see how bad it really is.
Other M really isn't that bad. It's "bad" for a Metroid game and it shits all over the rest of the series. Otherwise, it's pretty fun. Look fondly back on Super Metroid or Metroid Prime... then lower your expectations. You'll be fine.
Hell, they should have localized them a long time ago.  So Wii owners make Nintendo rich and Nintendo moves our games to another system and leaves us hanging with nothing?  Don't they owe us a little better than that?
How are you surprised? Traditionally, Nintendo's support slows down upon entering the 5th year on their home consoles. And I think it's a bit demanding to say Nintendo owes you anything. You're obviously the type that is never satisfied with anything. Even if Nintendo brought over both Xenoblade and The Last Story, you'd say they owed you something else... probably after trashing what horrible games Xenoblade and The Last Story are for not catering to your specific tastes.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: rlse9 on March 22, 2011, 11:44:22 PM
Wii Winter Sports will be unveiled and announced at E3 of this year for a winter release. It will be motion plus enabled and include fencing and racquet ball.

This actually wouldn't surprise me at all.  There's been at least one "Wii" game every year since the Wii came out.  And I'd rather see this than Wii Music 2.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 22, 2011, 11:49:06 PM
Wii Winter Sports will be unveiled and announced at E3 of this year for a winter release. It will be motion plus enabled and include fencing and racquet ball.

This actually wouldn't surprise me at all.  There's been at least one "Wii" game every year since the Wii came out.  And I'd rather see this than Wii Music 2.

The only thing that makes me think Nintendo won't do this is that Sega's already put out their Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games game.  Nintendo, being as paranoid as ever at the thought of doing anything someone else has already done, probably wouldn't do a game that superficially similar on the Wii.  On the Wii 2, that's a different story.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 23, 2011, 01:41:03 AM
Other M really isn't that bad. It's "bad" for a Metroid game and it shits all over the rest of the series. Otherwise, it's pretty fun. Look fondly back on Super Metroid or Metroid Prime... then lower your expectations. You'll be fine.

I agree. The game isn't really worse than most generic games out there. The reason people were so disappointed and pissed off was that it failed to live up to the standards set by previous Metroid games. Every other Metroid game had been an A or A+ title, but Other M was a C- or D+ title. Its like 90% of the generic easily forgettable filler titles that come out all the time, its not a failing grade but its the sort of title you would only want to play once or just rent rather than buy.

I guess its like the movie Batman Forever. The first two Batman movies which were directed by Tim Burton set a really high standard for the franchise, but the third movie was not directed by Tim Burton and took a very drastic turn from the dark atmosphere of the previous titles. As far as Action movies go, Batman Forever wasn't probably that bad in and of itself, but since the bar had been raised high with the first two movies people were very disappointed and so the movie got a lot more hate from critics than it probably would have otherwise.

Wii Winter Sports will be unveiled and announced at E3 of this year for a winter release. It will be motion plus enabled and include fencing and racquet ball.

This actually wouldn't surprise me at all.  There's been at least one "Wii" game every year since the Wii came out.  And I'd rather see this than Wii Music 2.

The only thing that makes me think Nintendo won't do this is that Sega's already put out their Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games game.  Nintendo, being as paranoid as ever at the thought of doing anything someone else has already done, probably wouldn't do a game that superficially similar on the Wii.  On the Wii 2, that's a different story.

Please, let's not talk about Winter Sports games or anything having anything at all to do with Winter. We are finally now entering spring and I want to leave that shitty time of year behind. I want to discuss this as much as a burn victim wants to discuss a hypothetical Dante's Inferno 2.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 23, 2011, 01:06:12 PM
And I think it's a bit demanding to say Nintendo owes you anything.

We buy the system to play games on it.  Until they release a successor or discontinue the system I would say that Nintendo has an obligation to try to ensure a steady stream of new releases.  Obviously they're not in control of third party games but they are in control of their own titles.  If they CAN release a new title and instead choose to do NOTHING and just leave us hanging I would consider that taking advantage of us.  Everyone buys a videogame system under the assumption that it will be supported.  You aren't really just buying a piece of hardware, you're buying a basic service of games being available to purchase over the next several years.  Thus they owe us that basic service as a console maker.  It is part of their job.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 23, 2011, 01:18:22 PM
I don't know why Nintendo would willingly decide to hold back on releases when the whole point of being a business is to make a profit. You can't make a profit if you don't have products to sell. I'm sure they are making some profit on the hardware sales alone, but why just make a little profit when more could be made off the software as well? Not to mention the fact that software boosts hardware sales, so even if their logic is to only make profit on the hardware they would still want there to be software in order to push the hardware.

Either way, I'm thinking 2011 is going to be a turning point year where the Wii sales are going to slow whereas the sales of competing consoles are going to rise and probably some point within the year there will be a month where the Wii is in third place for that month, and possibly also in YTD sales. If Nintendo refuses to put out software that's probably going to happen a lot sooner, but on the other hand if Nintendo makes a massive effort to boost the software of the Wii then there's a chance it might not happen this year at all.

At this point what I think is happening is Nintendo is reserving all of its creative energy in preparation for the the Wii 2. The reason we aren't hearing much about future Wii games is probably because Nintendo's various studios are hard at work on Wii 2 software and probably the only Wii software we will continue to see is that which has already been in the pipeline for awhile. Its hard to imagine Nintendo putting their limited talent like Miyamoto at work on a Wii title at this point which wouldn't even be ready anyway until 2 or so years down the road. If anything further is coming to the Wii it has to be titles that have been in development for awhile but just haven't been announced yet.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 23, 2011, 01:22:05 PM
I don't know why Nintendo would willingly decide to hold back on releases when the whole point of being a business is to make a profit. You can't make a profit if you don't have products to sell. I'm sure they are making some profit on the hardware sales alone, but why just make a little profit when more could be made off the software as well? Not to mention the fact that software boosts hardware sales, so even if their logic is to only make profit on the hardware they would still want there to be software in order to push the hardware.

Reggie has already been on record as saying that Nintendo is "pushing back" Wii projects due to focusing on Pokemon and 3DS this year ("juggling two balls", as he put it).  IMO, they've already abandoned the console and their duty to support it.  I'll be pleasantly surprised if we see anything worthwhile on the Wii from Nintendo this year outside of Zelda (if we even see that this year, and I don't think we will).  Nintendo knows the easy money is on 3DS, they don't need the Wii this year, and most of us who don't like it already migrated to another console a long time ago.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 23, 2011, 01:55:40 PM
In Nintendo's defense, releasing major Wii games in the same timeframe as Pokemon Black and White and the 3DS launch would have had a negative effect on their sales. Nintendo knows that their base is the only thing keeping the Wii alive, and that those same people are also likely to purchase the 3DS at or near launch. Like I said in the other thread, I'd wait until E3 to decide whether Nintendo's abandoned the Wii. Remember, we didn't know about Kirby's Epic Yarn or Donkey Kong Country Returns until E3 of last year.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 23, 2011, 02:08:43 PM
But with Nintendo's "Blue Ocean" strategy they should be able to support both their console and their handheld at the same time. They shouldn't be forced to decide which one to support. Not everyone cares about Pokemon, and of those who do I don't think most of them are so destitute that they can only buy one game per fiscal quarter. If Nintendo wants to maintain its market leader position then they need to start acting like they're the market leader and stop being conservative about game releases.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 23, 2011, 02:24:21 PM
If it were just Pokemon I doubt Nintendo would have this response; the 3DS is the main issue here. People spending $250 on new hardware plus more for games are a lot less likely to buy other games at the same time. I'm pretty sure the issue isn't that Nintendo isn't capable of releasing games right now. This seems more like the Super Mario Galaxy 2 situation, where Nintendo pretty much said they could have released it in late 2009 but pushed it back to May 2010 so it wouldn't get overshadowed by New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 23, 2011, 04:41:12 PM
But Nintendo's "Blue Ocean" strategy is supposed to be about expanding the market. How can they expand the market when they are artificially restricting the amount of games that get released? Its like wanting to get a plant to grow but then severely restricting the amount of light, water, and fertilizer it receives. It doesn't make any sense at all. If you want the market and more importantly your marketshare to grow then you have to make sure your hardware has all the support it needs. Holding back is retarded. This is why things like the 32x failed.

Obviously, at this point the Wii is already a huge success so pulling support for it can't make it a failure, but that doesn't mean it can't severely impact its future success. For example, I think it would be very nice if the Wii could meet or beat the LTD sales of the PS2 which is something that could have been achieved if Nintendo backed it properly, but by severing support for the Wii that's far less likely to happen. So again, the Wii is a hugely successful console and nothing can change that at this point, but that doesn't mean its final LTD sales figures and ultimately its legacy can't be severely damaged by this. 10 years from now what are people going to think about the Wii? Are they going to remember it as a system with a large library of critically acclaimed games like the N64, or will they remember it as the system with easily forgettable casual shovelware? Right now thats still up in the air.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: King of Twitch on March 23, 2011, 05:13:26 PM
Not announcing games ahead of E3 obviously means they are going third party. Wii is the blue ocean Titanic run aground on an iceberg of disinterest, and hardcore gamers are Leo DiCaprio.

Just let go already, Jack.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 23, 2011, 05:43:44 PM
I think Nintendo's policy was influenced from the early years of the Wii when there was legitimate shortage of games for reasons that were justifiable, but as time went on and the Wii continued its explosive sales growth despite the shortage of games it reinforced this idea that having only a small number of high selling games like Wii Play, Wii Sports, Wii Fit, etc. is the way to go. So now at this point the shortage of games is no longer due to an accident, its something that's actually become policy within the company itself.

Its like how you can train a mouse to push a button and it will receive a piece of cheese. Well, that works fine sometimes, but what happens when the cheese is replaced with a jolt of electricity? The problem is that things change, and even though this policy of restricting games is working right now at this moment, it doesn't mean its going to work a year from now. Nintendo adopted this policy because due to inadvertant shortages and how successful the Wii was in those days they put two and two together and thought this was a recipe for success, but this is probably a logical fallacy.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 23, 2011, 05:55:50 PM
You guys are unfairly judging the situation. I saw the interview and it looked more like Reggie side-stepping a question about a lack of software rather than setting a new policy.

The only policy I see is the same one we've seen for years: not to announce a game way ahead of it's released date.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 23, 2011, 06:00:14 PM
Reggie doesn't side-step questions; the questions side-step Reggie.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 23, 2011, 06:03:04 PM
The only policy I see is the same one we've seen for years: not to announce a game way ahead of it's released date.

Which is and always shall be an idiotic policy.  How are you supposed to inspire consumer confidence when we're in the midst of a 6-month 1st party drought (no, I'm not counting that PoS Mario Sports Mix) with only the vague promise of a game releasing this year that's probably not going to ship on time?  It's not even the first time this generation we've had a lengthy period of nothing from Nintendo, and it's not as if they're lacking in manpower to produce games year-round.  Nintendo probably doesn't need to reveal everything "way ahead of its release date", but they need to throw us something (especially when it's looking very much like they only care about 3DS this year).  Let us know they're bringing Last Story and Xenoblade over, etc.  I don't ask for them to give us everything right now.  Just give us something to indicate that you care about your home console, Nintendo.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 23, 2011, 06:21:19 PM
You sound like an "unappreciated" wife.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 23, 2011, 06:28:57 PM
I remember last gen Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire came out the same month as Wind Waker.  You know how I remember?  Because I played Pokemon for a few weeks and then Zelda came out and I never went back to Pokemon.  I remember at the time thinking how odd it was to release two huge titles so close to each other.

But the point of that is Nintendo released a major GBA and Gamecube title around the same time and neither game was a flop due to cannibalizing their sales.  Hell I bought BOTH so there you go.  Another time this happened was when Metroid Prime and Fusion had a simultaneous release.  Yes there was marketing potential in doing that but Nintendo wasn't strapped for resources or anything like that.  You go through their entire history since the Game Boy launched and they were always able to support both their handheld and console without blatantly neglecting one.  So if Reggie is saying they can't do it now he either is incompetent for not being able to do what his predecessors could or he is full of **** and Nintendo is half-assing it because they think they can get away with it.

With the Wii Nintendo has more of less half-assed it each step of the way and they've just made fistfuls of money.  So where is the incentive to do better?  If you can become rich by doing the bare minimum I can see why you would continue to want to do that.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 23, 2011, 06:35:31 PM
Not announcing games ahead of E3 obviously means they are going third party. Wii is the blue ocean Titanic run aground on an iceberg of disinterest, and hardcore gamers are Leo DiCaprio.

Just let go already, Jack.

At least 7 out of every 10 applauds I give are to Zap. The rest of you need to step up your game.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 23, 2011, 06:39:55 PM
How is making an innovative console that everyone wants to play --- scratch that -- wants to and can play half-assing it?

I didn't hear about 360's or PS3's being put in hospitals. In fact, all I've heard is marines shooting to pieces RROD xbox's.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 23, 2011, 06:53:14 PM
How is making an innovative console that everyone wants to play --- scratch that -- wants to and can play half-assing it?

I didn't hear about 360's or PS3's being put in hospitals. In fact, all I've heard is marines shooting to pieces RROD xbox's.

Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 23, 2011, 07:08:57 PM
How is making an innovative console that everyone wants to play --- scratch that -- wants to and can play half-assing it?

Because even though the Wii is an innovative console that everyone wants to play and can play, it isn't a console that has enough of the sort of games we WANT to play.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 23, 2011, 07:12:30 PM
Because even though the Wii is an innovative console that everyone wants to play and can play, it isn't a console that has enough of the sort of games we WANT to play.
Speak for yourself.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 23, 2011, 07:27:20 PM
How is making an innovative console that everyone wants to play --- scratch that -- wants to and can play half-assing it?

Because even though the Wii is an innovative console that everyone wants to play and can play, it isn't a console that has enough of the sort of games we WANT to play.

Sounds like buyer's remorse.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: ThomasO on March 23, 2011, 07:39:13 PM

I'm pretty sure that 95% of ideas or (even working prototypes) that Nintendo comes up with are rejected or are shelved until later, like in most if not all game companies. It's not a good idea to reveal a game extremely far in advance. If anything goes wrong that prevents its development, it doesn't look good for the company. Case in point, Sadness.

I personally don't understand the "pics or it didn't happen" mentality with some gamers, as if Nintendo is just so unreliable that you must have proof that a AAA game is under development. What ever happened to surprises? Wasn't that what made E3 2010 so awesome? And this whole "I have nothing to look forward to" bullshit. From what I've seen, it doesn't matter anymore if a new game becomes announced. Yeah, you'll dream about it everyday but as soon as it's released you'll drop it and look for some other game to fawn over until that one releases. If there isn't one, then you'll act like Nintendo hasn't been doing anything ever. As if the entire library of the Wii exists only in the future, not in the present.

From what it looks, it probably wasn't a good idea to release DKCR, Kirby's Epic Yarn, GoldenEye, Epic Mickey, and all the other games at the same fucking time, some of which released only mere months after they were announced. It seems to only matter if they're spaced out evenly between E3 conferences, like Kirby in October, DKCR in February, and so on. You'd rather wait an extra 3 months to play something because then "it'll look like a constant stream of games?" Or maybe "Nintendo is stifling the sales of 3rd party developers by releasing all their great products at once?" Really, what the hell do you want?

If you really think Nintendo doesn't do ****, sell your Wii and your collection of 20+ games that you were obsessed about and then only played for two weeks after purchase, or shut up and GTFO. If you're a gamer, PLAY THE DAMN GAMES. Don't bitch incessantly about the immediate future and act like Nintendo owes you because you bought and enjoyed their products.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 23, 2011, 08:02:36 PM
You know what's a better example than Sadness for Nintendo's new policy?

Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 23, 2011, 08:04:18 PM
The funny thing is now that we have Motion+ they could actually do something pretty cool with the Project H.A.M.M.E.R. concept.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 23, 2011, 08:09:01 PM
How is making an innovative console that everyone wants to play --- scratch that -- wants to and can play half-assing it?

Because even though the Wii is an innovative console that everyone wants to play and can play, it isn't a console that has enough of the sort of games we WANT to play.

Sounds like buyer's remorse.

I don't regret buying the Wii. It just has failed to live up to the hype and the promises that were made by Reggie, Miyamoto, Iwata, and others. We were promised there wouldn't be a game drought like there was on past Nintendo consoles and that they were taking measures to ensure a drought didn't occur. 5 years later and the Wii is still facing a game drought, so Nintendo lied, and if a Wii owner does have buyer's remorse they have every right to have it because they may have purchased it based on those promises which Nintendo failed to deliver.

Need I also point out that even among the games that were delivered there are examples which were extremely disappointing. Wii Music and Metroid: Other M immediately come to mind.

Or maybe "Nintendo is stifling the sales of 3rd party developers by releasing all their great products at once?" Really, what the hell do you want?

That would only be an issue if the 3rd party support was actually even there. Since there isn't much 3rd party support, that is actually all the more reason why Nintendo needs to step up their own 1st and 2nd party efforts in order to fill in the void.

I also believe that 1st party games actually attract 3rd party developers rather than drive them away. For whatever reason, 3rd parties generally seem to only make games after Nintendo has already led the way. That's why we have 3rd party casual games like Just Dance and so on because this trail has been blazed by Nintendo with Wii Sports and so on. But that's as far as it goes. Nintendo has not and probably will not make a hardcore game like Halo or Killzone, and its worth noting that this is the sort of game severely lacking on the Wii. So you can't say Nintendo games scare developers away, because the sort of games Nintendo makes are exact same games 3rd parties emulate on the Wii, and the games Nintendo doesn't make are the ones virtually non-existent.

So in my opinion Nintendo needs to blaze more trails so that third parties will follow, because 3rd parties are too lazy or too afraid to blaze those trails themselves.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 23, 2011, 08:15:31 PM
How is making an innovative console that everyone wants to play --- scratch that -- wants to and can play half-assing it?

Because even though the Wii is an innovative console that everyone wants to play and can play, it isn't a console that has enough of the sort of games we WANT to play.

Sounds like buyer's remorse.

I don't regret buying the Wii. It just has failed to live up to the hype and the promises that were made by Reggie, Miyamoto, Iwata, and others. We were promised there wouldn't be a game drought like there was on past Nintendo consoles and that they were taking measures to ensure a drought didn't occur. 5 years later and the Wii is still facing a game drought, so Nintendo lied, and if a Wii owner does have buyer's remorse they have every right to have it because they may have purchased it based on those promises which Nintendo failed to deliver.

Need I also point out that even among the games that were delivered there are examples which were extremely disappointing. Wii Music and Metroid: Other M immediately come to mind.

Yeah, pretty much this.  I don't regret asking for a Wii for my birthday back in April of 2007, but I do regret that history has repeated itself.  While the Wii's current drought is nowhere near as bad as the legendary ones the GameCube and N64 had, it's still pretty lame.

And apparently, if I have a problem with this game drought, it's all my fault for not replaying games I've already conquered and set aside for a later time.  Sorry, but that's unrealistic.  I have all 3 consoles, and you don't see the 360 and PS3 (or even the DS!) going through the kind of droughts we routinely see on Nintendo home consoles.  Year-round, something of interest is coming out, be it in boxed retail or on the platforms' respective digital download platform...every platform manages this except the Wii, year in and year out.  No, I'm not going to replay things I've already beaten when there are new games on the other platforms I could be playing right now.  I want the Wii to have new software to play, as aside from the occasional Virtual Console title the thing just collects dust 9 months out of the year.  There are some times I don't feel like playing a PS3/360 game and want to play a Wii game, and there's very rarely anything new worth playing on the console outside a few releases a year.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 23, 2011, 08:31:25 PM
It's not a coincidence that the system with the worst droughts is the system with (by far) the worst third party support. Nintendo's certainly at fault in a few ways, predominantly in how they time their releases, but a console depending more or less solely on one developer is always going to run into those kinds of problems at times.

And as for Xenoblade and The Last Story, honestly, how confident are you that those games would sell enough in America to justify the significant cost of localizing them? I really hope they will bring them over, but there's one thing you can be damned sure of: if Nintendo isn't confident of that, they will absolutely not do it. They are a very conservative company, and it's very rare for them to take unnecessary risks.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 23, 2011, 08:38:20 PM
Well blame that on your beloved third parties. That's just the fact of life. Until Nintendo expands their studios to accomadate making more games all year round, this is what you get. You've been duped again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

That said, I haven't done the research, but I'll bet you anything that they're have been more first/second parties released this gen than last gen.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 23, 2011, 08:39:47 PM
And as for Xenoblade and The Last Story, honestly, how confident are you that those games would sell enough in America to justify the significant cost of localizing them? I really hope they will bring them over, but there's one thing you can be damned sure of: if Nintendo isn't confident of that, they will absolutely not do it. They are a very conservative company, and it's very rare for them to take unnecessary risks.

Honestly, I don't think they would.  Nintendo has done a crap-tastic job of courting 3rd parties, but especially those who make Role Playing Games.  And I'm not just talking about Square-Enix, but the lower-budget companies as well: Atlus, Gust, Nippon-Ichi (NIS), etc.  For the record, they've been this pitiful at attracting RPG developers for 3 generations now, and after a few years of waiting I think the RPG audience in the West has moved on to the far greener pastures of the HD consoles.

That said, given that Nintendo has ensured that they are the only developer still making RPGs for their consoles, I think they're obligated to actually release them outside Japan.  It's a bit of a monetary liability, but when I can go to a given game store and see low-budget localizations of incredibly niche games like the Persona games; Hyperdimension Neptunia; and recently Ar Tonelico 3 sitting on the store shelves as premium items people buy, Nintendo has no excuse.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 23, 2011, 08:44:30 PM
The thing is, there haven't been that many good RPGs (not counting the Western variety) on the HD consoles either. They're all going to the handhelds.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 23, 2011, 08:48:50 PM
Probably because handhelds have lower productions costs and less work.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Dasmos on March 23, 2011, 08:54:06 PM
Not announcing games ahead of E3 obviously means they are going third party. Wii is the blue ocean Titanic run aground on an iceberg of disinterest, and hardcore gamers are Leo DiCaprio.

Just let go already, Jack.

At least 7 out of every 10 applauds I give are to Zap. The rest of you need to step up your game.

Same here. I want to know who is smiting the guy so I can, in turn, smite them.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 23, 2011, 08:55:32 PM

Probably because handhelds have lower productions costs and less work.

That, and they're made primarily with the Japanese market in mind, and handheld gaming is a lot more popular than consoles are in Japan.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 23, 2011, 09:14:10 PM
I'm no fan of RPGs but I don't mind one if it's really good (like Chrono Trigger) or something unique (Earthbound). So it would be nice if the Wii had at least one great RPG, but from what I've read of what it has, there's nothing. If Dragon Quest X actually does release on Wii, I might actually buy it, even though the last Dragon Quest game I've played was Dragon Warrior II on NES and hated it. Save me from the horrors Nintendo, by releasing either XenoBlade or The Last Story!
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: King of Twitch on March 23, 2011, 11:26:31 PM
Reggie doesn't side-step questions; the questions side-step Reggie.

Applaud that man
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 24, 2011, 02:19:37 PM
The crap third party support contributes to the drought in a big way.  But in 2011 what the hell Wii games have even come out?  We're already three months in and it isn't like Nintendo is going to bust something out in April.  If they were they would have announced it already.  The only chance to get anything at all is if we get some sort of surprise release prior to E3 where we only have about a month's notice.  But we know April isn't going to have anything so that's four months at least.

Meanwhile Nintendo has two games that are DONE and they're just sitting on them.  They could easily just plug this hole and they won't.  Even from a business perspective no one buys games that don't get released.  They're selling us NOTHING right now.  Do these games honestly have so little sales potential and releasing no product at all is more worthwhile?  The whole thing just seems like Nintendo is saying "we don't care".

When the Wii was revealed there was concern that Nintendo was selling their old fanbase short and were going to dedicate their focus to the casuals instead.  Every fanboy jumped out of the woodwork to defend Nintendo on this and Nintendo themselves insisted that this was not the case.  Here we have core games that casuals aren't interested in and Nintendo refuses to localize them.  They're only interested in the big mainstream hit.  Well isn't this exactly the situation that the skeptics were concerned about in the first place?  The Wii has huge mega hits and shovelware and jack **** else.  We're questioning the marketability of an RPG on the Wii.  That's casual mainstream market thinking.  Like the idea of niche title that only sells with a specific audience isn't valid.  It's like everything has to sell to the mainstream or it isn't worth releasing.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 24, 2011, 02:32:39 PM
A niche title with a specific audience isn't valid if Nintendo doesn't believe it will be able to make back the cost of localizing and manufacturing and distributing the game. No sane company, especially not Nintendo, is going to take an action it believes will cause it to lose money with no upside.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on March 24, 2011, 02:38:56 PM
I bet you Ian is the same type of person worried about radiation coming over from Japan.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 24, 2011, 02:43:08 PM
A niche title with a specific audience isn't valid if Nintendo doesn't believe it will be able to make back the cost of localizing and manufacturing and distributing the game. No sane company, especially not Nintendo, is going to take an action it believes will cause it to lose money with no upside.

Well, in my opinion you have to be willing to take a bit of a loss to make a calculated risk.  Nintendo home consoles will never be known as a place where RPGs can find an audience if Nintendo itself will not release RPGs on them, especially since Nintendo's never given 3rd parties a reason to bring them to their consoles.  And honestly, there's no reason why Xenoblade or Last Story couldn't sell if Nintendo put the kind of marketing behind them that they put behind something like Dragon Quest IX.  I don't think they would because Nintendo wouldn't see Xenoblade & Last Story as having the prestige of the Dragon Quest series to merit such an effort, but if they did I think both games would probably sell respectfully.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 24, 2011, 02:58:56 PM
There's a reason I put the "with no upside" at the end of that. Calculated risks are one thing, but there has to be a high enough potential reward to justify the risk. Nintendo putting a lot of marketing behind the games could make it more successful, but would also increase the risk by requiring Nintendo to put a lot more money in up front.

It's far too late to establish the Wii as an RPG platform, and I highly doubt there's a statistically significant portion of people who don't own a Wii but would buy one to play one or both of these games. Conversely, although there are a lot of Wii owners who would be upset at Nintendo for not bringing them over, I can't imagine there are many people who will be significantly less likely to support the company in the future because of it.

Again, I want Nintendo to bring them over, but this isn't about what I want. I'm simply saying, from a business perspective, I understand why they might not want to do it.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 24, 2011, 05:33:12 PM
  A niche title with a specific audience isn't valid if Nintendo doesn't believe it will be able to make back the cost of localizing and manufacturing and distributing the game. No sane company, especially not Nintendo, is going to take an action it believes will cause it to lose money with no upside.

Well they shouldn't do it if they can't make a profit.  But I figure they could.  If they can sell Fire Emblem here why not these games?  Thus I think the attitude is more that they don't HAVE to do this because the Wii has already sold like crack and this isn't a for-sure mainstream megahit so why bother?  Nintendo feels they can get away with leaving the Wii userbase to rot with long droughts as long as they localize the can't miss prospects.  It's about putting in the bare minimum amount of effort.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 24, 2011, 06:36:55 PM
Fire Emblem didn't require massive amounts of localized voice acting; English subtitles over Japanese voice acting is not something Nintendo's going to even consider. Fire Emblem was also a proven hit series in Japan for a long time before they brought it over, while Xenoblade and The Last Story had fairly mediocre sales and no established history. Fire Emblem had the benefit of mainstream western interest because of Marth and Roy being in Smash Bros. Those are just a few of the reasons why this is not at all the same situation as Fire Emblem.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 24, 2011, 07:58:16 PM
Maybe there is some risk of the game not selling enough to be worth the localization costs, but risks are exactly the sort of thing Nintendo needs to take. The worst that could happen is they lose a small (to them) amount of money, but there's also the chance of these games being a surprise hit and launching a new franchise they can exploit. If you ask me the potential benefits outweigh the risk.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 24, 2011, 08:18:11 PM
There's a chance it could be a surprise hit in the sense that it's not technically impossible, but realistically it doesn't have great sales potential. There just aren't enough core gamers still buying Wii games for games like these to be really successful. JRPGs don't have the wide appeal in the west that they used to; even big, high profile games like Final Fantasy XIII are seeing disappointing numbers.

I hate to say it, both because I wish it weren't true and because I'm not going to be popular here for saying it, but I think the Wii is a lost cause. Nintendo is certainly still capable of putting out great games for it, but I hope for their sake that they're further along on its successor than it seems like they are.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 24, 2011, 08:48:25 PM
Well, my question is, why isn't the DS in the same boat as the Wii?
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 24, 2011, 08:54:44 PM
Because in addition to winning the sales race, the DS is seen by gamers as the dominant handheld, which isn't true of the Wii. Third party support for it has been strong since relatively early on, and because of that third party games sell considerably better on the DS than they do on the Wii, which has in turn encouraged continued support.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Oblivion on March 24, 2011, 08:59:21 PM
So basically, the Wii can't get out of this rut it's in? Because sooner or later, the other two consoles with catch up.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: NWR_insanolord on March 24, 2011, 09:08:32 PM
There's no way Nintendo can get third parties back on the Wii. If they get working on new hardware, taking the lessons they seemed to have learned, as evidenced by what they did with the 3DS, and expanding upon them, and consulting with third parties instead of just making what they think they'll need and **** everyone else, they have a chance to grab a foothold and get an established user base and quality third party software before Microsoft and Sony can respond with new hardware of their own.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 25, 2011, 01:07:59 PM
I hate to say it, both because I wish it weren't true and because I'm not going to be popular here for saying it, but I think the Wii is a lost cause. Nintendo is certainly still capable of putting out great games for it, but I hope for their sake that they're further along on its successor than it seems like they are.

I totally agree.  The thing is I personally don't care if Nintendo localizes those titles.  I have a PS3.  If I want an RPG I'll pick one up on that system instead.  I don't suffer from Nintendo's droughts anymore because I have another system where games are released on a regular basis.  It's kind of exposed how screwed up Nintendo's consoles have been the last three generations.  It is not normal to deal with droughts like this all the time.  The normal thing is to have so many games to choose from you couldn't possibly dedicate time to them all and you can be as picky as you want and still find tons of stuff to play.
But I feel for the odd core gamer who only owns a Wii.  Maybe none exist anymore, which would be a pretty big failure on Nintendo's part.  I remember the last few years on the Gamecube.  It felt like Nintendo just was not trying anymore and did not care.  Since I only owned a Gamecube that really sucked.  It was like they were giving me the finger as reward for my loyalty.  I didn't quit.  I stuck with Nintendo and they quit on me.  Anyone who owns only a Wii and was loyal to Nintendo deserves to have these games localized.  They've been loyal and Nintendo is treating them like garbage.  It isn't the fans who drove the third parties and the core gamers away.  So why should they have to suffer?
I felt the same way for Saturn owners.  They saw all sorts of games stay in Japan or come here but as ports on the Playstation.  It's like being punished for loyalty.  In principle it just sucks.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on March 25, 2011, 01:50:01 PM
Well, I'm a mult-console owner, and I still want these games to come over here.  It's been a really weak generation for RPGs outside of Bioware's efforts (and some guilty pleasures of mine like FF XIII), and Xenoblade and Last Story look like two of the very few good games in the genre to be released this generation.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 25, 2011, 04:31:31 PM
It is not normal to deal with droughts like this all the time.  The normal thing is to have so many games to choose from you couldn't possibly dedicate time to them all and you can be as picky as you want and still find tons of stuff to play.

No, but its not entirely Nintendo's fault. Sure, Nintendo could and should be making more of an effort to increase the 1st and 2nd party titles available. I agree with that. But there's not much they can do about the 3rd parties. Its like you have a Birthday party and its a given that your close friends and your family are going to be there, but as for everyone else, you can send the invites but they have no obligation to attend. So you might end up with a really lame party, but what the hell can you do? You can't point a gun at someone and force them to come. That's the problem Nintendo has with 3rd parties which the other two consoles do not have.

And as for the 1st party stuff, even though Nintendo's efforts there could be improved, are they really doing any worse of a job than Sony or Microsoft? If you were to dissect the PS3 or 360's software library and remove every single piece of software that was created by 3rd parties, what would be left? In the 360's case there would be Halo and Viva Pinata and some other stuff, but 90% would be gone. In the PS3's case it would probably a bit better, but still the majority of games would not be there if everything 3rd party suddenly vanished. If that were the case, wouldn't both those system's look like they have the same sort of drought problem the Wii has? Its the 3rd party titles which make the difference. The other guys have that, but Nintendo doesn't. But that's something Nintendo really doesn't have much control over and it isn't fair to slam them over it.

The thing is I personally don't care if Nintendo localizes those titles.  I have a PS3.

So no matter what Nintendo does they can't win with you, because even if they do everything you feel they should you've already moved on to the PS3 and they've basically lost you for good. That's sad, but well, you have that right... But the one thing I don't get is why you continue to complain about the things Nintendo isn't doing right when you just said that even if they did you wouldn't buy it anyway.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ian Sane on March 25, 2011, 05:26:11 PM
But there's not much they can do about the 3rd parties. Its like you have a Birthday party and its a given that your close friends and your family are going to be there, but as for everyone else, you can send the invites but they have no obligation to attend. So you might end up with a really lame party, but what the hell can you do?

The thing is that Sony, MS and Nintendo don't offer the same type of birthday party.  Sony and MS rent out a hall and have music and lots of food and drinks.  It's very flexible and allows for anyone to enjoy themselves.  Show up, grab a drink and have a good time.  Nintendo is like one of those party hosts that has everything planned out meticulously and it's all stuff that they would find interesting but other people might not.  So instead of a hall with dancing, food and drinks, it's held in Nintendo's basement and the party will consist of everyone cooking their own crepes and listening to all of Pink Floyd's albums in their entirety in order of release.  It's super fun if that fits your very specific tastes but totally lame if it doesn't.
Nintendo is hosting a party that is going to be lame to begin with.  That is the problem.  That's why it is mostly their own fault.  They host a party that caters specifically to themselves but is of little interest to everyone else.
It's ironic that a company that is so focused on making "everyone games" that everyone could like makes virtually no effort in designing hardware that every developer could like.  I mean the correct approach is right in their face at all times.

So no matter what Nintendo does they can't win with you, because even if they do everything you feel they should you've already moved on to the PS3 and they've basically lost you for good.

No, that's not true at all.  I'm annoyed that with the Wii that I felt I eventually had to buy another console.  I like the PS3 but I really like Nintendo's first party games.  The third party situation just eventually got to me and I couldn't take it anymore.  Plus I don't like the direction Nintendo has gone in with this casual stuff.  I feel it has negatively affected the quality of their games, particularly the controls.
I see myself as a fan of what Nintendo was.  It's like I'm still a fan but they've changed in a way that pushes me out.  I don't want that.  Frankly it sucks.  But if they got their **** together I'd be right back in a second.  I WANT to be a fan but that doesn't mean I blindy tolerate everything.  I want them to make it worthwhile for me to be a fan.  Being the casual shovelware console that is completely segregated from gaming culture ain't what I'm interested in.  Essentially Nintendo has made a console that I think just blantantly SUCKS.  It has a few great games but overall I really don't like it and will not remember it fondly.
But Nintendo is very capable of making a great console and that's what I would like them to do.  It's too late with the Wii.  It was too late years ago.  But I would love it if they could make the Wii 2 a great console.  But that means having hardware that can compete with the other current systems, and designing control schemes entirely around what works BEST, and making the best games they can and not lazy glorified mini-game comps that sucker in casuals that don't know better.  I feel like the Wii gets almost EVERYTHING wrong in regards to the goal of making great videogames.  Great videogames exist on the Wii despite it, not at all because of it.  The Wii seems like a con, from its repacked last gen hardware, to its gimmicky controller, to it's glorified tech demo Wii Series games.  It's like Nintendo's goal was "how can we release a new console without actually going to the trouble of making a new console and still get people to buy it?"
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stratos on March 25, 2011, 05:31:05 PM
And I think it is smart business sense to bring those titles here even if they are a loss. They need to foster some good will with the fans. They are making arm loads of money and that means they can afford to take these risks. Odds are for most of these games they will break even especially with the current drought. There isn't really anything else to buy on Wii.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: n-phage on March 25, 2011, 06:39:38 PM
Nintendo is hosting a party that is going to be lame to begin with.  That is the problem.  That's why it is mostly their own fault.  They host a party that caters specifically to themselves but is of little interest to everyone else.

I really don't think that the lack of third party support has nearly as much to do with the capabilities of the Wii as you do.  I think a large part of it actually stems more from trend of decreasing support on the N64 and the Gamecube.  Whether or not that is Nintendo's fault or not can be left for a different discussion.  By the time the Wii came around third parties were already hesitant to support the Nintendo consoles.  So when the Wii did release pretty much all that was available from third parties was rushed ports (Far Cry) and rushed games that did not live up to expectations (Red Steel).  None of which left a very good impression for these companies.
Once the Wii's success became clear all of the third parties were caught off guard so had to rush to release more games that were again either rushed ports (Dead Rising), rehashes of games they already released (Rabbids 2 and Rabbids TV Party), or that didn't have enough development time.  Which again didn't leave a good impression with customers.
So after a few years into the Wii's life some third parties finally got their act together and started releasing quality titles (Red Steel 2, Dead Space Extraction, Rabbids Go Home).  By this time nobody is willing to buy there games anymore because there are afraid they will be crap.  You have to make a market for you product by creating interest and earning your customers trust.  Third parties didn't do that and Nintendo shouldn't have had to do it for them.
To say that it is all the fault of the Wii's capabilities or Nintendo's fault in general that there is poor third party support is ridiculous.  Also, all of the complaints that you make about the Wii could be said about the DS, but it has some of the best third party support ever. 
I could also make plenty of comments about your complaint about the Wii controller harming third party support.  If I can use the Wii remote to control pretty much any game on the PC (Borderlands, Lara Croft: Guardian of Light, Dead Space, Runes of Magic, etc.) without any troubles then there is no good reason that third parties couldn't have made any PS3 or 360 game control fine on the Wii, also.
Regardless I agree that there is no hope for third party games on the Wii, but that still doesn't mean that Nintendo's core games can't be successful.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: SixthAngel on March 25, 2011, 09:56:18 PM
Nintendo, MS and Sony all throw a party.  MS's party starts early so some devs go there to start their night and see what happens.  Devs remember Nintendo's last party so don't want to go and instead wait for Sony's.

Nintendo's party is huge and everybody comes but the devs think it will die down and everybody will come to the parties they joined.

Nintendo's party stays huge and keeps getting bigger.  The devs say they don't want to go because the cool kids aren't there.  They send over their least popular friend so he can tell them if everyone is having a good time there.

Nobody likes their friend so he didn't really enjoy himself but its obvious that Nintendo's party is one to remember.  The devs look at their watch and realize its 12:00.  It will take an hour to drive to the party and by that time it will already be winding down.  They decide to stay where they are and have what fun they can.  They all realize they missed the party of the decade so they justify it to themselves by talking **** about Nintendo with their friends.

I like the party analogy
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Nemo on March 26, 2011, 01:01:53 AM
But I feel for the odd core gamer who only owns a Wii.  Maybe none exist anymore

Nope. I exist. You're talking about me. :(
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: ymeegod on March 26, 2011, 02:42:54 AM
Nintendo just doesn't share the wealth.  That's my biggest gripe about them--why would they throw out a bone to third parties developer when that's going affect thier own sales :(. 

Their warchest is 50+ billion or so and I bet anything they can't find the key for it now.  They can with ease take a loss on hardware and make it a bit more powerful but to them that would be mistake.  Sure it would effect shortterm gains but what condition would Sony or MS be in now if Nintendo launched the WII with HD graphics back in 2006.  Just because the WII was a success doesn't mean Sony cant bounce right back next generation.

Went multiplatform since the N64 drought.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on March 26, 2011, 03:51:06 AM
HD graphics alone would not have made the Wii as powerful as its competitors. Imagine an HD Wii that still has the same problem of friend codes, low RAM, a weak processor, only 512MB of internal storage, and so on. How would everyone here feel about the Wii if it had HD graphics but still was exactly the same in every other respect? If anything adding HD graphics might have made the console even less powerful, because it would have sapped what limited processing ability the hardware had into HD graphics and left even less available for other things.

Although HD would be a nice feature, it is far from the only feature the Wii is in need of, and in my opinion among the things the Wii is lacking HD output ranks pretty low on the list of priorities. I'd rather see the processor and RAM seriously beefed up and I would also like to see an internal HDD provided so that 3rd parties can actually bring multiplatform games without having to water them down and strip stuff out as with COD Black Ops where things like Killcams and certain zombie modes and various other things were stripped out just because the hardware couldn't handle it. Merely being able to display in HD would not solve this problem whatsoever in any way shape or form.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: ymeegod on March 26, 2011, 05:01:38 AM
LOL, I meant if they made the WII as powerful as the xbox 360. Of course have extra res wouldn't mean much if the system couldn't handle it.

Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Sarail on March 26, 2011, 10:41:19 AM
HD graphics alone would not have made the Wii as powerful as its competitors. Imagine an HD Wii that still has the same problem of friend codes, low RAM, a weak processor, only 512MB of internal storage, and so on. How would everyone here feel about the Wii if it had HD graphics but still was exactly the same in every other respect? If anything adding HD graphics might have made the console even less powerful, because it would have sapped what limited processing ability the hardware had into HD graphics and left even less available for other things.

Although HD would be a nice feature, it is far from the only feature the Wii is in need of, and in my opinion among the things the Wii is lacking HD output ranks pretty low on the list of priorities. I'd rather see the processor and RAM seriously beefed up and I would also like to see an internal HDD provided so that 3rd parties can actually bring multiplatform games without having to water them down and strip stuff out as with COD Black Ops where things like Killcams and certain zombie modes and various other things were stripped out just because the hardware couldn't handle it. Merely being able to display in HD would not solve this problem whatsoever in any way shape or form.
I believe when people say they want a HD Wii, it means a system that's up to par with the 360 or PS3 -- not just by having HD graphics and everything else stay the same.  Sheesh... you people read into things way too literally. :P

On that note, as I've said before. Nintendo has oompa-loompa mounds and mounds of money now because of the Wii. They have the ability to take a bit of a risk if they want to now. I wanna see something from them that blows the PS3 out of the proverbial water. Seriously.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Mop it up on March 26, 2011, 03:12:01 PM
But I feel for the odd core gamer who only owns a Wii.  Maybe none exist anymore

Nope. I exist. You're talking about me. :(
And probably me. I'd likely get called such even though I don't like labels. Though technically I'm not Wii-only since I own non-current systems that I occasionally buy games for. There's been plenty on Wii I've enjoyed, and I buy games for an older system when I want something else. Unfortunately I'm a bit of an oddity... with both of those points, so I can understand the complaints.

Nintendo, MS and Sony all throw a party... [snip]
Excellent post, mate. It's funny but true.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Drizzt on April 04, 2011, 08:38:03 PM
A 25th anniversary zelda edition 3DS bundle. That comes with Ocarina of time 3DS
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 04, 2011, 08:51:27 PM
A 25th anniversary zelda edition 3DS bundle. That comes with Ocarina of time 3DS

Now picture a Triforce on the top cover with the words "25th Anniversary" just below it.

I could see it happening.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stratos on April 05, 2011, 05:49:46 AM
That would be worth waiting for. Makes me kinda glad I'm waiting a bit to get one.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: FZeroBoyo on June 02, 2011, 01:52:13 AM
Here are mine in a nutshell:

Now for my "Non-tendo" predictions...

Bold? Yes. Feel free to agree/disagree with me.  :P:
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on June 02, 2011, 05:26:06 AM
  • 3DS price drop and a new color for Holiday 2011.

They won't announce that at E3. If they did it would have a terrible effect on sales between now and when the cut actually occurs, because people would anticipate it and hold off on buying a 3DS until then. That said, I think a price cut will happen for the holidays, but we won't hear a thing about it until just a few days before it actually happens.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: RABicle on June 02, 2011, 05:36:06 AM
Some of these predictions are pretty cute, some are close, others are outrageous. As per usual I will be revealing Nintendo's E3 conference on Pietriots this weekend. I promise this year's will read less like Reggie fan fiction.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ceric on June 02, 2011, 09:44:12 AM
Here are mine in a nutshell:

  • The 3DS Mario game will be called Super Mario Galaxy 3DS.
  • Zelda: Skyward Sword WILL meet its Holiday 2011 release date.   
  • Project Cafe won't be given a final name.   
  • 3DS price drop and a new color for Holiday 2011.   
  • No Pokemon Gray Version.
Now for my "Non-tendo" predictions...
  • The HD remake of Final Fantasy VII will be shown.   
  • Microsoft won't bounce back from their showing last year.   
  • Mega Man X9 will be announced.
Bold? Yes. Feel free to agree/disagree with me.  :P: :
I disagree with the above. 

I think it needs the brand delineation and to hearken to the slightly different portable Mario of Yore. (Coin picking up Fireball anyone?)
I've just accepted that Zelda: Forever is never coming out. 
A name is the only thing I be guaranteeing we'll get for Cafe.
We won't get a 3DS price drop so soon.  This would set a bad precedence and we did not see it with the less successful at this time DS.  You don't want people thinking when the New Console comes out that within a year they'll be a price drop.  This is how you get people to forever put off adoption.  I know I've done it with different Tech.  Though we will see new colors earlier I believe.
Pokemon Gray I think will be coming and coming for the 3DS. (Like I'm fairly sure one of the originals where for the GBC, Yellow I think.)

I think Square knows that FFVII is worth more to them as a Cock-Tease.  Though I wouldn't mind the battle system coming back.
I don't think MS will have a bad E3 but, Sony I think will.
I don't see another direct entry  into the X game series but, I do see a new Megaman game that is very much in the same spirit as what they  did going from Megaman to X.

The rest I can get behind.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: ThomasO on June 02, 2011, 09:47:14 AM
It's way too early for Retro Studios to announce their newest game. DKCR was announced three years after Metroid Prime 3.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Tanookisuit on June 02, 2011, 10:41:33 AM
Oh man, I'd love a Retro produced Starfox.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on June 02, 2011, 11:09:39 AM
I think Treasure should do StarFox
whoever did the last F-Zero should do F-Zero (Sega dev)

Retro should work on something else. I'm sure they can find another franchise to revive that would suit them better. I keep hearing that StarTropics would be a good fit, but I've never played that game and I don't know what it's all about, so I can't say one way or another.

I stil haven't played through MP3 yet, but an HD Metroid from Retro could be a good thing.
Only let them run wild this time. 1st person, 3rd person, side view, 2.5D. Throw it all in there.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ceric on June 02, 2011, 11:24:05 AM
I think Treasure should do StarFox
whoever did the last F-Zero should do F-Zero (Sega dev)

Retro should work on something else. I'm sure they can find another franchise to revive that would suit them better. I keep hearing that StarTropics would be a good fit, but I've never played that game and I don't know what it's all about, so I can't say one way or another.

I stil haven't played through MP3 yet, but an HD Metroid from Retro could be a good thing.
Only let them run wild this time. 1st person, 3rd person, side view, 2.5D. Throw it all in there.
You haved played MP3 yet... a shame.
A Japanese Dev has to do StarTropic.  Everything I've ever read about it is a lot of its charm is trying to make something American from a team of people who are decidedly not.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on June 02, 2011, 01:05:01 PM
Well... I'm was stuck the boss of MP1 and somewhere near the end of MP2, so I never felt that I deserved to start MP3 until I atleast see the final boss of MP2.

but since that is on the GC and I haven't forgotten most things about it by now, I guess I could start MP3 and/or M: Other M just to say that I have infact played them... since i own them both.
and since I actually own the MP Trilogy, I could play all 3 from the start to refresh my memory, but who has time for that? I'm too busy scouring the internet for rumors to post pre-E3 so that the HYPE train ahas plenty of fuel to carry us all to the land of disappointment hopes & dreams!!!
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Caterkiller on June 02, 2011, 01:33:16 PM
Somehow Dixie Kong will appear at this years E3, either a new DK for Cafe or in a new Smash for Cafe. This avatar does not go down until I get some Dixie Kong action!
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ceric on June 02, 2011, 02:05:14 PM
Somehow Dixie Kong will appear at this years E3, either a new DK for Cafe or in a new Smash for Cafe. This avatar does not go down until I get some Dixie Kong action!
The Funhouse thread almost writes and fills itself.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Chozo Ghost on June 02, 2011, 02:06:30 PM
How about some Candy Kong action? At least she is over 18 (I think).
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on June 02, 2011, 02:15:49 PM
Banana Republic Pictures Presents

Dixie & Candy Kong in
Donkey Kongdom XL
A Grindhouse Production
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Stogi on June 02, 2011, 02:34:51 PM

Reminds me of Dave Chappelle

"Do you know how strong a monkey is? It'll snap your dick off like a celery stalk, throw it into tall grass and it'll never be seen again."
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Louieturkey on June 02, 2011, 03:28:53 PM
Well... I'm was stuck the boss of MP1 and somewhere near the end of MP2, so I never felt that I deserved to start MP3 until I atleast see the final boss of MP2.
Just watch a speedrun of the game.  It'll still give you the final boss and the ending as well.  I could not beat the final boss for some reason on MP2 and went with this route.  I felt perfectly fine playing MP3 afterwards. :)
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Ceric on June 02, 2011, 03:38:50 PM
Well... I'm was stuck the boss of MP1 and somewhere near the end of MP2, so I never felt that I deserved to start MP3 until I atleast see the final boss of MP2.
Just watch a speedrun of the game.  It'll still give you the final boss and the ending as well.  I could not beat the final boss for some reason on MP2 and went with this route.  I felt perfectly fine playing MP3 afterwards. :)
I'm fairly sure I beat MP2.  Though the most I remember from it is some flashback like scenes and hating switching between worlds eventually.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: DAaaMan64 on June 02, 2011, 11:29:26 PM
Well, I have heard one good announcement from E3 so far. I'm going. yay
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on June 03, 2011, 01:10:07 AM
Well, I have heard one good announcement from E3 so far. I'm going. yay

You are going to physically be at E3?
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: DAaaMan64 on June 03, 2011, 01:11:59 AM
Well, I have heard one good announcement from E3 so far. I'm going. yay

You are going to physically be at E3?

Yesh. I'm working at Gazillion Entertainment,  they got me a pass :)
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Caterkiller on June 03, 2011, 01:23:13 AM
Well, I have heard one good announcement from E3 so far. I'm going. yay

You lucky duck! I asked for my ticket to late this time around. But I was told their might be hope. BOO!
Hey get me in and I promise you wont have to pay outrageous parking fees. Since I live in the neighborhood I know a great secret place to park! It's haunted but man its free! I'll pick you up!
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: DAaaMan64 on June 03, 2011, 01:39:33 AM
haha, if I knew how to get you in, I would do it for a free parking spot.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on June 03, 2011, 01:47:35 AM
Well, I have heard one good announcement from E3 so far. I'm going. yay

You are going to physically be at E3?

Yesh. I'm working at Gazillion Entertainment,  they got me a pass :) (
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: EasyCure on June 07, 2011, 05:29:31 PM
So which of your predictions came true?
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: broodwars on June 07, 2011, 05:35:13 PM
So which of your predictions came true?

Sadly, most of mine were.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on June 07, 2011, 05:41:10 PM
So which of your predictions came true?

Did I make any? I don't remember.
Title: Re: E3 2011 Predictions
Post by: Caterkiller on June 08, 2011, 03:03:57 PM
My predictions are right, they just did not happen yet. Dixie Kong in Smash Bros(I bet they didnt even have a meeting saying that would make a new smash yet) and Soul Calibur V for the Wu. Soul Calibur is super early as well, if Tekken is coming to Wu no doubt their less popular series is going to Wu as well.

I like WU, it means military or martial in Mandarin Chinese, with the right pronunciation anyway.