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NWR Interactive => Podcast Discussion => Topic started by: Jonnyboy117 on October 23, 2010, 03:35:17 AM

Title: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 23, 2010, 03:35:17 AM

All of these DS games have been released in Western territories. Currently, they are all available via Amazon and/or eBay for less than $20, some less than $10. Availability at brick-and-mortar stores like GameStop will vary.


Soul Bubbles (

Hotel Dusk (

Lunar Knights (

The World Ends With You (

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: UncleBob on October 23, 2010, 08:12:46 AM
Hotel Dusk is the better game, but I would have went with Trace Memory/Another Code.  The fact that it's an early DS game, no one played it and they came up with some really clever ways to use the DS really makes it shine.  But, anywhoo, Hotel Dusk got my vote. :)
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: NWR_Karl on October 23, 2010, 11:06:30 AM
The bonus for Hotel Dusk is that you actually play as Evan Burchfield.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: vudu on October 23, 2010, 11:46:49 AM
The World Ends With You is arguably the best original RPG available on the DS.  If you like non-traditional RPGS and you haven't played this game you're doing yourself a disservice.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: broodwars on October 23, 2010, 02:33:05 PM
Hotel Dusk could make for interesting (and short) conversation, but I have to go with The World Ends With You.  I wasn't the biggest fan of the game (the repetition of the game's structure just wore on me over the course of the game), but it is one of the more interesting RPG concepts that Square-Enix has played with in recent years.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: anand on October 23, 2010, 07:18:10 PM
All good choices, in that they are all (supposedly) quality games that I own, but haven't played. I went with Lunar Knights, just to shed a bit more light on the awesome MGS/Zelda fusion that was the first Boktai.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Halbred on October 23, 2010, 09:09:33 PM
Had to go with World Ends with You. I've heard so many good things about it, this will give me an excuse to go out and find it.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Mop it up on October 23, 2010, 10:23:25 PM
I don't have a DS anymore, but The World Ends With You was on my short list of games I wanted to try before selling it, but I never did, so I wouldn't mind hearing discussion of the game.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: UncleBob on October 23, 2010, 11:06:11 PM
Mop it up: You should just come over and play one of my four DS systems for awhile.  While you're here, we can play Mario Kart: Double Dash on my five Game Cubes.  By the end of the visit, you'll understand why you should never, ever sell any Nintendo stuff.  Unless it's to me.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: KDR_11k on October 24, 2010, 02:54:29 AM
Wow, I actually own three of those five. I think I'll vote Lunar Knights just for the heck of it.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on October 24, 2010, 10:15:07 AM
Seconded. Lunar Knights would be a great one to catch up on, from everything that's been said on this podcast and others. It's also the only action RPG without irksome controls in the poll.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: GearBoxClock on October 24, 2010, 11:33:12 AM
I've been reading up on it and I figure that Lunar Knights would be the most interesting of the bunch. The Boktai series always seemed interesting and I regret not having a GBA to play them.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: FZeroBoyo on October 24, 2010, 03:11:34 PM
The World Ends With You. It'd give me an incentive to play it again.  :D
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: LittleIrves on October 24, 2010, 04:29:56 PM
So far, seems like it'll be a very close match-up between World, Dusk, and Lunar.  I've been curious about the adventure-style games on DS for awhile, but the lack of true running-around gameplay has always made me hesitant about Hotel Dusk or even Phoenix Wright.  Probably missing out.  And I'm not a huge RPG guy, but World Ends With You sounds pretty amazing.  As for Lunar Knights, I do have Boktai for GBA, and the sunlight mechanic is crazy (if frustrating) and the game itself is very cool and inventive.  Hard to find others doing the same thing that Kojima did with that series.  I'm gonna have to meditate on this one...
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Stratos on October 24, 2010, 05:53:57 PM
World Ends With You FTW! Switching to my classic avatar to trump for it. Plus staring at Lindy's goofy face old face every day is starting to wear thin on me.

Though interestingly I've been playing a lot of Advance Wars. I have two missions to clear before I've beaten all of the side missions and even thought I told myself I wouldn't I've started going through the campaign missions to try and get all S ranks. I'm looking to get the first DS one to get my fill of the genre. I tried Age of Empires again but that feels too slow.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: NWR_insanolord on October 24, 2010, 06:45:48 PM
I didn't like Lunar Knights; it's one of the few DS games I've sold. I bought The World Ends With You recently, so I'm going with that.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: oohhboy on October 25, 2010, 09:03:02 AM
Voted Advanced Wars. 1. Because it's the only one I own, 2. It's the only one I am interested in.

Years ago, I had a look back at the original Famicom wars and I have to say it, things have come to far from that. Famicom Wars felt so backwards as to be unplayable. I have gotten every Advance Wars game since GBA and the evolution, the number or refinements, the missteps, AI tweaks, additional units and the removal of the Neo tank/stealth bomber. It's like going on a dig, tracing the history leading to this game, Battion Wars and for me, the unplayed sequal to that.

Theere are two major additions to this game. The first isn't much of an addition and more of a side step.

In pervious games you destroyed opfor units to fill a meter in order to use your super power. Later the powers are seperated by two power levels. While the more powerful powers required a higher kill count/value, by Dual Strike things had seriouly gotten out of hand. Days of ruin now requires you to place your commander in a unit and in the line of fire to charge now much weaker powers. As the meter fills the aura the commander projects gets larger boosting units within and allowing a bigger catchment area. Lose the unit the commander is in, meter empties.

Secondly, the arrival of a fully functional navy based similar to real world blue water navies. The Carrier turned up in Dual Strike, but that was a glorified airfield with a long range AA missiles. There was a serious time penelty to landing aircraft as you had to "drop" them next the Carrier leaving them useless for an extra turn. Days removes the missiles and now aircraft can take off with full movement allowing you to base a Carrier off shore providing a base of rolling airstrikes to any beach head. Carriers also build a limited number of sea planes, not quite as strong as fighters, nor as powerful as bombers, but has both their strenghts allowing them to attack anything other than subs.

Battleships now move and shoot! Range reduced to the same as rockets. No longer a floating target that scares peeps off a beach head by actually pounding them. To balance these technological terrors is the Missile Boat. A brown water, low tech counter with a single load of damaging torpedos working in pairs, able to attack anything on the water. In fog of war, terrifying. Fast, paper thin, expendable speed boats of death. Countered with massed firepower and good intelligence.

A fantastic game all round.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: KisakiProject on October 25, 2010, 12:05:00 PM
I'm curious to play any of these.  But I voted for AW cause that series is great but seems to have fallen off the radar.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on October 25, 2010, 01:10:44 PM
In an ideal world, I would have voted for Soul Bubbles, because that is one I feel everybody should play; there's nothing quite like it. Sadly, it has about as much chance of winning this poll as one-legged man has of winning an ass-kicking contest [end of bad analogy].
Therefore, I find myself gravitating towards whichever game has the most potential to beat out The World Ends With You, which seems to be Lunar Knights judging by the comments. Come on, Lunar Knights!
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: TJ Spyke on October 25, 2010, 01:19:08 PM
I haven't played Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (I don't like that they removed the two screen battles), but I loved Advance Wars: Dual Strike and enjoyed Advance Wars (the original GBA game from 2001).
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: StephenSSA on October 25, 2010, 03:11:45 PM
It'll be interesting to see your take on Lunar Knights as you've repeatedly slagged off Boktai since the ide of sunlight was invented. Soul Bubbles could also make for an interesting discussion.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 25, 2010, 07:07:05 PM
It'll be interesting to see your take on Lunar Knights as you've repeatedly slagged off Boktai since the ide of sunlight was invented.

To whom are you referring? I loved Boktai but haven't played since the first or second game on GBA. Lunar Knights removed the sun sensor, so there are no restrictions on when you can play.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: oohhboy on October 25, 2010, 10:15:02 PM
I haven't played Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (I don't like that they removed the two screen battles), but I loved Advance Wars: Dual Strike and enjoyed Advance Wars (the original GBA game from 2001).

The dual screen battles was pretty gimmicky, built back during he whole dual screen gameplay fad period. Also the super powers were really getting out of control. It got to the point where I was advancing, killing enough things that the opfor was super powering every two turns until he ran out of units. A lot of the game was built around the powers and the preparation of it being used against you. Especially dual strike. Unless you paired up with the power drainer, it gets painful. Some powers also had no upper limit, like power of money and the damaging waves which brought about logistical nightmare countered by bringing a healer. Against the AI, whatever, but the lack of balance and so forth prevented it from ever being a real thinking mans game or a fun multi romp.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on October 25, 2010, 11:10:54 PM
Another exciting poll so far.... I haven't played any of these games but am interested in all of them except Advance Wars.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Stratos on October 26, 2010, 04:30:54 AM
I haven't played Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (I don't like that they removed the two screen battles), but I loved Advance Wars: Dual Strike and enjoyed Advance Wars (the original GBA game from 2001).

The dual screen battles was pretty gimmicky, built back during he whole dual screen gameplay fad period. Also the super powers were really getting out of control. It got to the point where I was advancing, killing enough things that the opfor was super powering every two turns until he ran out of units. A lot of the game was built around the powers and the preparation of it being used against you. Especially dual strike. Unless you paired up with the power drainer, it gets painful. Some powers also had no upper limit, like power of money and the damaging waves which brought about logistical nightmare countered by bringing a healer. Against the AI, whatever, but the lack of balance and so forth prevented it from ever being a real thinking mans game or a fun multi romp.

Wasn't a new Advance Wars announced some time recently? Considering what you just said about the older ones I'd rather get a new one as opposed to the previous DS game. I've come close to completing DoR and am looking for a new Wars fix. I might even try the Age of Mythology just to get a fresh taste of turn based strategy gaming.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: oohhboy on October 26, 2010, 08:21:32 AM
A new Advanced Wars? Where?

Dual Strike has a lot more content than DoR, but yeah, DoR is a more thoughtfully made game.

Naives are fun/useful to use now. Less power spamming. The Motorbike makes capping cities during an advance pain free, compared to have to march infantry or APC trains. AI has been improved, it appears to now hold back reserves to counter your inevitable breakthrough, although there isn't much that can be done for the build order since it doesn't/can't think behind the current turn. It sort of weights what to build to counter your army based on the value of the build. So throw a plane up and the AI will buy whatever the counters divided by the number of factories, so it still tends to end up with fair number of flak guns which the tanks run over. Because the AI is compelled to buy units every turn, unless given a large income, rarely buys top end units in useable quantities. DS builds flakguns to tanks at a 2:3 ratio, quite a few flak guns.

If you want a fix now, the old GBA games are quite good. There are fewer intricacies for the AI to **** up, so it puts up a good fight until you make a breakthrough, then it's screwed since it has no reserves. Although it has its quirks like APC baiting and rush'n'attack not a step back, attack at all costs.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 26, 2010, 12:12:03 PM
Days of Ruin is the newest Advance Wars game, and no others have been announced.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Olimar77 on October 26, 2010, 12:23:36 PM
I voted for The World Ends With You because I bought it over a year ago and need an excuse to play through it.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Stratos on October 26, 2010, 06:09:05 PM
Days of Ruin is the newest Advance Wars game, and no others have been announced.

Maybe I confused it with a Fire Emblem announcement.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: leroypantweather on October 26, 2010, 06:26:06 PM
hotel dusk...that game over screen is the businesssssssssss
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on October 31, 2010, 10:00:54 PM
As of Sunday night, we've only got about half as many votes in this poll as we ultimately collected for the N64 poll. If you still haven't placed your vote, be sure to do so by the end of Wednesday, 11/3.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: randomflashbang on November 01, 2010, 05:52:23 PM
I think I may be the only one excitedly voting for Soul Bubbles which makes me very sad. I finally got a chance to finish the game recently since I had to replace my old copy of it and was actually thinking of sending in a shout email about it when i heard about the new poll. I probably will anyway at this rate.

Bottom line though it is a must have experience if you enjoy all the things that the DS hardware excels at
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: xcwarrior on November 01, 2010, 07:31:27 PM
I went with Soul Bubbles. Great game I found on clearance at Toys R Us one day, you guys should enjoy it.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Shaymin on November 01, 2010, 09:26:17 PM
I rhapsodized on TWEWY long enough on RFN 201, but suffice it to say I hope it comes out on top because it sums up every major feature of the DS (for better or for worse).
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on November 02, 2010, 03:42:55 AM
Get out the vote, dag nammit. It's Nov 2nd and it's your DUTY as a NWR citizen to vote on...uh... this RetroActive proposition. Vote YES on RetroActive 15!
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Stratos on November 02, 2010, 03:45:48 AM
At least there isn't a need in this election to use the write in option. All of them are good candidates.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: UncleBob on November 02, 2010, 11:51:23 AM
The World Ends With You is a closet communist.  Vote Hotel Dusk!
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: TheFleece on November 02, 2010, 02:25:10 PM
Advance Wars was a close choice for me, but I voted The World Ends With You because I've always wanted to play it. I've played Hotel Dusk and while I like it, there seems no point to replay it. The game is so linear that if you've played it once you've seen everything the game has.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Homeskillet! on November 02, 2010, 09:11:17 PM
I picked Advanced Wars because it's the one of these games that I own and I need an excuse to finish it.  I used to have The World Ends With You, but it was a BIG dissapointment.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Stratos on November 02, 2010, 10:09:37 PM
I finished all of the missions in Advance Wars. And much to my surprise I started going through the campaign again going for all S Ranks. I'm not usually an anal 100% gamer but this game seems to have given me the completionist bug. Only other games I can think of that drove me to completion were platformers like Donkey Kong Country, Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie.

I almost want Advance Wars to win even though I voted for TWEWY.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: StephenSSA on November 04, 2010, 03:59:24 PM
The World Ends With You, huh? i love to see your take on the controls. They always seemed needlessly complicated to me...
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: vudu on November 04, 2010, 05:44:46 PM
I'm sorry--you seemed to have needlessly complicated confused with needfully awesome.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Stratos on November 05, 2010, 04:32:52 AM
WooHoo! Sad that Advance Wars only got 4 votes. Amazed at the lovin' that Hotel Dusk received. Was pretty close.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: GearBoxClock on November 07, 2010, 10:01:15 PM
I was hoping for Lunar Knights, but I've been hurting for a good RPG
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: ejamer on November 08, 2010, 04:24:20 PM
I was hoping for Lunar Knights, but I've been hurting for a good RPG


So shouldn't you be happy about The World Ends With You?  I thought that was a good RPG?

Maybe I just read the post wrong.  Is Lunar Knights an RPG too, and you wanted it to win?  Either way it seems like TWEWY is a pretty sweet game to have win.  My vote was Hotel Dusk, but this would've been my second choice.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: greybrick on November 08, 2010, 08:40:52 PM
I had a great time with TWEWY, and ended up playing all the way through over the span of a week. After that, I sold it, I wonder if it is worth tracking down another copy. I do recall that the game's 'tude started to get on my nerves near the end.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on November 09, 2010, 12:26:09 AM
The game's 'tude is starting to get on my nerves near the beginning.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: GearBoxClock on November 09, 2010, 03:45:40 PM
I was hoping for Lunar Knights, but I've been hurting for a good RPG


So shouldn't you be happy about The World Ends With You?  I thought that was a good RPG?

Maybe I just read the post wrong.  Is Lunar Knights an RPG too, and you wanted it to win?  Either way it seems like TWEWY is a pretty sweet game to have win.  My vote was Hotel Dusk, but this would've been my second choice.

What I meant was that while I wanted Lunar Knights to win, a more RPG-ish RPG may be a good thing too. Also TWEWY's main character is very unlikable right now. Hopefully that will change as I go through
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: greybrick on November 09, 2010, 04:57:48 PM
The game's 'tude is starting to get on my nerves near the beginning.

I should have distinguished between getting on my nerves and driving me insane, the 'tude was annoying all the way through.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: ejamer on November 10, 2010, 03:38:59 PM
What I meant was that while I wanted Lunar Knights to win, a more RPG-ish RPG may be a good thing too. Also TWEWY's main character is very unlikable right now. Hopefully that will change as I go through

Ah, gotcha.
Now to get cracking on TWEWY so that I can have some impressions beyond just hoping it lives up to the hype of being a really good, overlooked RPG.
Title: Re: RetroActive #15: Nintendo DS Edition
Post by: TheFleece on November 15, 2010, 09:34:25 PM
At the start getting into this game was strange and frustrating because the main characters opt out attitude, but this changes at some point and I found myself if only for a few moments liking him. I thought the combat would be hard but after lowering the difficulty everything was smooth and what I like is that the game automatically raises it back up. The food and clothing system are cool and getting money is real easy. I'm in between on the story, but I do like the mysteries thrown about. I'm terribly in love with the music too.
I've been playing nothing but Dragon Quest IX on my DS since it came out. This is the only game to break my cycle. This is a really good game.