Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Captain N on September 08, 2009, 01:43:53 AM

Title: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Captain N on September 08, 2009, 01:43:53 AM

Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: King of Twitch on September 08, 2009, 01:50:26 AM
Another bombshell announcement from
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NWR_pap64 on September 08, 2009, 02:10:09 AM
This is just as believable as Retro's Twitter account.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: KDR_11k on September 08, 2009, 02:11:03 AM
Obviously bullshit, why the hell would Nintendo leak that via twitter? Hell, why would they even make an HD Wii?
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 08, 2009, 03:00:35 AM
It's probably Michael Pachter.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: ShyGuy on September 08, 2009, 03:05:16 AM
Call of Duty: Cold War. Has such a concept been alluded to anywhere else?
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 08, 2009, 03:27:38 AM
Call of Duty: Cold War. Has such a concept been alluded to anywhere else?

The FPS (First Person Spy) game where not a single shot was fired?
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Peachylala on September 08, 2009, 11:07:24 AM
Wii in HD will come in a couple or so years. Normal Wii hasn't even finished it's third year yet.

But one thing will never change, the 3rd excuse makers... oh wait, some of them went bankrupt. Never mind.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Caterkiller on September 08, 2009, 11:36:08 AM
I'd probably buy it if it came in a new color and cost less. Probably. But I don't believe it at all.

An HD wii wouldn't split the market would it?
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BeautifulShy on September 08, 2009, 11:47:08 AM
I'd probably buy it if it came in a new color and cost less. Probably. But I don't believe it at all.

An HD wii wouldn't split the market would it?

You are right. It would split the market. I'm not saying that I want a Wii HD but it would make more sense in the next generation than doing one next year.

I hear that different colored controllers are coming to the states sometime soon. So it is likely a Wii bundle is coming soon before or after that will happen.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on September 08, 2009, 12:20:00 PM
Ah Twitter, how much news drama have you caused.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 08, 2009, 12:30:08 PM
Sega's new console is coming out this December.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: DAaaMan64 on September 08, 2009, 01:16:46 PM
Can we lock this? Our funhaus it?
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 08, 2009, 01:43:09 PM
Funhouse is everywhere, all the time, any time.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 08, 2009, 01:57:50 PM
Sega's new console is coming out this December.

You haven't heard!!? SEGA's new console launches TOMORROW 09/09/09 Return of the Dreamcast!

I'd probably buy it if it came in a new color and cost less. Probably. But I don't believe it at all.

An HD wii wouldn't split the market would it?

You are right. It would split the market. I'm not saying that I want a Wii HD but it would make more sense in the next generation than doing one next year.

A WiiHD wouldn't split the market if all it did was upscale to 720p. Remember the Wii emulator? Stogi started a thread on it if you don't remember. All a WiiHD would need to do is have stats bumped up enough to up support upscaling and maybe include 2GB of internal flash for the Hi-end consumer.

release it at the current price of $250 and drop the price of the regular Wii to $200 both including the same WiiSports Bundle and I think you have a winner. Not splitting the market at all, since it plays the exact same games.

It not very likely to happen, anytime soon atleast, so don't put any faith into this at all.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 08, 2009, 02:01:29 PM
Sega's new console is coming out this December.

You haven't heard!!? SEGA's new console launches TOMORROW 09/09/09 Return of the Dreamcast!

Dude, it was delayed.  Some **** about USA-Euro exchange rates and price cuts and Natal not being ready in time.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Stratos on September 08, 2009, 02:05:36 PM
Sega's new console is coming out this December.

You haven't heard!!? SEGA's new console launches TOMORROW 09/09/09 Return of the Dreamcast!

Dude, it was delayed.  Some **** about USA-Euro exchange rates and price cuts and Natal not being ready in time.

Sega's new console will be competing with Natal? Dreamcast 2 = Natal and Wii killer? Sign me up!
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Ian Sane on September 08, 2009, 04:32:52 PM
Wouldn't a Wii HD pretty much have to be new hardware to support HD?  It isn't like Nintnendo just cheaped out on a port on the back of the thing.  The specs have to be upgraded.  So if you're doing that you're essentially making a brand new console.  It may have backwards compatibility but it would be like going from the Cube to the Wii.

If they're smart they'll make it the Wii successor.  If they're dumb, well, they did just release the DSi. ;)  But I don't think they could just do a really minor upgrade to make the Wii support HD.  Wouldn't it have to be significant?
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 08, 2009, 04:50:21 PM
Wouldn't a Wii HD pretty much have to be new hardware to support HD?  It isn't like Nintnendo just cheaped out on a port on the back of the thing.  The specs have to be upgraded.  So if you're doing that you're essentially making a brand new console.  It may have backwards compatibility but it would be like going from the Cube to the Wii.

If they're smart they'll make it the Wii successor.  If they're dumb, well, they did just release the DSi. ;)  But I don't think they could just do a really minor upgrade to make the Wii support HD.  Wouldn't it have to be significant?

It means changing some of the parts that come out of the factories with slightly better specs to output HD.  The true end result of Wii HD would simply be displaying Wii Sports without the obvious SD jaggies -- framerate, control and everything else intact (some scaling differences for 2D sprites, maybe).  If it was like going from "GameCube to Wii" from within the Wii itself then "Wii SD" could be a backwards compatibility mode that disables the extra horsepower from being used, just as GameCube games don't benefit from Wii's faster chips.  It's not a brand new console because the experience has hardly changed; the bullshots would just not be bullshots anymore, to an extent.

After 50 million pearly white Wii units sold as one basic SKU for just under 3 years on the market, "going black" is significant enough.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 08, 2009, 05:01:00 PM
If everything I've read on the subject is to be believed, then all they really need to upgrade is the frame buffer(with possibly a small ram upgrade). The frame buffer is just too small to support 720p. All they have to do is make an invisible upgrade that allows them output upscaled graphics. Some increases internal flash(2gb) would just make it a much sweeter deal, and cost Nintendo almost nothing to do.*

Making a WiiHD with a DSi like upgrade just for what I explained above, would make it so that existing users might double dip on the Wii and fence sitters might also jump in.

*it might even be cheaper to upgrade the flash, since I'm sure they have to put in a special order to get such a small amount. With a bump upto 2gb they could use companies existing manufacturing lines which could save in cost to Nintendo.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 08, 2009, 05:07:34 PM
Watch our Wiis magickally break once the Black Wii launches to American shores.

The upgrade?  Class, style, and street cred.

That's a dirty trick, Nintendo.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 08, 2009, 05:10:48 PM
Remote triggered RRoD for all white Wiis outside of manufacturer warranty?

clever move nintendo.... clever move.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Stratos on September 08, 2009, 05:37:23 PM
Remote triggered RRoD for all white Wiis outside of manufacturer warranty?

clever move nintendo.... clever move.

I'll bet all of the 360's will RRoD when the NextBox comes out. All of those warranties are set to expire in 2011.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 08, 2009, 05:47:15 PM
MS can't use the RRoD anymore. The xboxes will have to self destruct. fry all the internal chips with a cloud smoke billowing out the back of the system. Simultaneously across the world the exact moment all neXtBox systems go on sale World Wide.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Mop it up on September 08, 2009, 06:30:24 PM
That Twitter account was probably created by Captain N.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 08, 2009, 07:47:20 PM
How 'bout I make


Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Ian Sane on September 08, 2009, 07:50:49 PM
Making a WiiHD with a DSi like upgrade just for what I explained above, would make it so that existing users might double dip on the Wii and fence sitters might also jump in.

Would this not be considered a bad thing from our perspective?  It's funny that once Nintendo became number one again there has been so much talk about profits and install bases and just all sorts of corporate stuff that unless we're Nintendo stockholders we shouldn't care about at all.  Yet something like this, which is complete douchebag consumer exploitation, is just stated so matter-of-fact.  Like this is just part of Nintendo now.  A few years ago if Sony or MS tried that kind of crap everyone would RIGHTLY **** on them for it.  Hell, they would get crapped on NOW.

They could do it.  It certainly seems like something Nintendo would do.  But they're assholes if they do it.  And anyone who buys a second Wii for this is a sucker.  I wouldn't buy it but I don't think I register as part of Nintendo's target demo at this point anymore anyway.

I guess what I'm saying is if you're going to release a new console that will involve some incompatibility with the old console (you know they would make Wii HD only games) then go for broke and make it the next gen.  They do a minor nothing upgrade and it'll be the same crap as now where Dead Rising is getting gimped to all hell because the hardware gap between Nintendo and the competition is too huge.

Nintendo should be smart enough to realize that taking advantage of a target market that just doesn't know better is not a long term solution.  Eventually that **** catches up to you and that's why companies like Acclaim no longer exist.  Nintendo's whole thing was that you could rely on them to deliver a quality product.  Companies that try to con you into buying stuff you don't need don't do that.  Blatant rip-offs like the DSi?  Those are the sorts of things that people point at in "when did it go wrong?" discussions while your IP is being auctioned off.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 08, 2009, 08:13:26 PM
"And anyone who buys a second Wii for this is a sucker.  I wouldn't buy it but I don't think I register as part of Nintendo's target demo at this point anymore anyway."

You're a casual gamer who wasn't going to buy a second Wii anyway.  Wii HD isn't targetted to you, it's targetted to those non-casual fence sitters, if such a machine exists.

Why would they make Wii-HD only games?  That doesn't make sense in the casual exploitation realm you continue to perpetuate, it's "too much work" to make prettier games.  It's not like the ability to put video on a TV screen is a separate functional device like an effing DSi camera.  Games show up on TV, the end.

Why would they break away from the norm like that?  Are you forgetting this is the same company that took away Progressive Scan output from GameCube SKUs last gen?  That didn't stop them and 3rd parties from supporting P.scan in games in the tail end of the system's life.  IT WAS WEIRD TO REMOVE IT, and it's a case of taking something away (physical function) while Wii HD DOESN'T take anything away, theoretically.

Is this some early-adopter elitism where the NEWEST NOOBEST OF THE NUB customers are supposed to be the ones that suffer while the early adopters hold on to their treasures?  (GC p.scan, PS3 BC)

Why shouldn't the new customers have access to something slightly fancier down the line?

In the end, Wii won't go HD (I hope).  I hope the rest of the industry collapses around a Standard Def white game machine.  Casual is the best long term solution there ever was, and the whatever GameCube solution was, was just a flappity flop.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 08, 2009, 08:15:09 PM
DSi is a transitional half upgrade. What I was proposing for a WiiHD isn't really like a DSi as in it is capable of soo much more, but more like Sony & MS offering a different sku with a HDMI port and a larger HDD.

*you can't focus on a single sentence that refers to an explanation above, but ignore the explanation that it was referring to*

It would be an invisible upgrade to the consumer as in the games don't get programed to take advantage of a larger frame buffer, just that all Wiis with increased Frame Buffers (e.g. the 2gb internal flash models) can now all upscale your all your current and future Wii games upto 720p. (& maybe the internet channel will work a little smoother too)

Developers now know that if they spend the time to create higher quality assets, it won't go unnoticed on the Wii and all the crying fanboys can finally get their HD output and increased internal flash. It's a win win if you ask me, and cost Nintendo (almost)nothing to do.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Caliban on September 08, 2009, 11:26:49 PM
I think that the Wii still has enough steam to paddle through the blue ocean for 4 more years until it reaches HD land.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Peachylala on September 09, 2009, 12:34:47 AM
When Wii reaches HD land, it will find the 3rd Excuse Realm?
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Stratos on September 09, 2009, 03:06:07 AM
When Wii reaches HD land, it will find the 3rd Excuse Realm?

It will conquer the 3rd Excuse Realm.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 09, 2009, 04:31:20 AM
When Wii reaches HD land, it will find the 3rd Excuse Realm?

It will conquer the 3rd Excuse Realm.

It will have transcended the realm of 3rd excuse and entered the land of 3rd partease.

XXXX for HD consoles*

*except for Wii
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 09, 2009, 04:32:36 AM

Get the **** off my lawn, kid.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: EasyCure on September 09, 2009, 08:19:09 AM
When Wii reaches HD land, it will find the 3rd Excuse Realm?

It will conquer the 3rd Excuse Realm.

It will have transcended the realm of 3rd excuse and entered the land of 3rd partease.

XXXX for HD consoles*

*except for Wii

No amount of level grinding or healing potions will let Nintendo capture 3rd Excuse makers with their giant pokeballs.


Get the **** off my lawn, kid.

Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Caliban on September 09, 2009, 11:42:29 AM
Quote from: True Blue
When Wii reaches HD land, it will find the 3rd Excuse Realm?
Quote from: Stratos
It will conquer the 3rd Excuse Realm.
Quote from: BlackNMild2k1
It will have transcended the realm of 3rd excuse and entered the land of 3rd partease.

Uh, yeah. I think the Wii has already encountered this 3rd excuse making realm that thou is mentioning.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: KDR_11k on September 09, 2009, 12:40:18 PM
They've got the realm but the inhabitants are still hiding. We're hoping they'll come out when their supplies run out but it looks like they prefer starving to death.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Ian Sane on September 09, 2009, 12:53:01 PM
DSi is a transitional half upgrade. What I was proposing for a WiiHD isn't really like a DSi as in it is capable of soo much more, but more like Sony & MS offering a different sku with a HDMI port and a larger HDD.

Is it that simple?  I ask this legitimately since I'm no hardware expert.  At the time when the Wii was revealed the common excuse for why Nintendo was releasing a Gamecube 1.5 was because by not supporting HD there was no need in having such advanced hardware.  I assumed that all the extra horsepower of the other consoles was a requirement to take advantage of HD and that the Wii as is is not up to the task.  If it's just putting a port on there, well, that's a bummer for early adopters but is not THAT big of a deal.  I was under the assumption that upping the specs would be a requirement and if so they're going to make Wii HD only games, just like they make DSi only games.  It's in their best interest to since exclusive content will attract current Wii owners into double-dipping.

Is this some early-adopter elitism where the NEWEST NOOBEST OF THE NUB customers are supposed to be the ones that suffer while the early adopters hold on to their treasures?  (GC p.scan, PS3 BC)

Uh, no one is suggesting taking anything away.  I'm saying adding stuff that should have been there from day one is jerking around the early adopters.  The whole idea of a console is that you buy it and you can play every game.  Once you start having different versions and features that are only available to some of the userbase you're moving away from the whole hook of consoles in the first place.  And this is something that all three console makers are guilty of.  It really should be "this is it" and that's what we get for five years.

When Wii reaches HD land, it will find the 3rd Excuse Realm?

When Nintendo releases hardware comparible to the PS360, Sony and MS will probably release newer, more powerful consoles and Nintendo, again, will be a step behind and third parties will ignore them.  Now Sony and MS probably don't NEED to release another console for a long time and it would financially stupid for them to do so since the current consoles were financially a fair bit too much for the current market and to replace them would just create the same problem over again.  But this is a competitive market and if one guy releases a new console, everyone else will feel the urge to do so as well, even if it makes no fucking sense to.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 09, 2009, 02:06:11 PM
DSi is a transitional half upgrade. What I was proposing for a WiiHD isn't really like a DSi as in it is capable of soo much more, but more like Sony & MS offering a different sku with a HDMI port and a larger HDD.

Is it that simple?  I ask this legitimately since I'm no hardware expert.  At the time when the Wii was revealed the common excuse for why Nintendo was releasing a Gamecube 1.5 was because by not supporting HD there was no need in having such advanced hardware.  I assumed that all the extra horsepower of the other consoles was a requirement to take advantage of HD and that the Wii as is is not up to the task.  If it's just putting a port on there, well, that's a bummer for early adopters but is not THAT big of a deal.  I was under the assumption that upping the specs would be a requirement and if so they're going to make Wii HD only games, just like they make DSi only games.  It's in their best interest to since exclusive content will attract current Wii owners into double-dipping.

I don't think you are reading what I wrote, but instead just focusing on a specific sentence. No port needs to be added to the Wii, it already has component cables. Wii is already capable of outputting HD. All the Wii needs is more fill rate to upscale to that HD resolution.

The PS360 is more powerful because it is producing HD visuals using HD assets. The fictional WiiHD that I was discussing wouldn't be using any HD assets, just upscaling regular assets upto HD resolutions. Like a DVD upscaler. The DVD's are no different than any other DVD when it comes to resolution, and they work in any DVD player. But if you put your DVD in an upscaling DVD player and hook it up to a HDTV, the upscaler will take the 480p source(your DVD) and display it at 720p or 1080i(tada! upscaled). Essentially scaling the resolution up to something higher with some pretty noticeable differences.

The fictional WiiHD I was describing wouldn't really have any hardware difference that the Developers could take advantage of, because it wouldn't be included in the development kits. Sort of an invisible upgrade just to allow the Wii to upscale the image it already sends out at a higher resolution to your TV.

You have a PS3 now. Do you also have a HDTV?
hook up you old DVD player and the PS3 to the same HDTV and put the DVD in both of them to see the difference. The PS3 didn't turn your DVD into a Blu-ray, it just displayed the image it output at a higher res producing a more colorful, crisper, sharper image.

You also have to remember that the Xbox displayed out at 720p and the Wii is more powerful than the Xbox. The Wii is just lacking in fillrate since Nintendo optimized the system to do what they wanted it to do at the time, and nothing more.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 09, 2009, 02:26:55 PM
"Is it that simple?  I ask this legitimately since I'm no hardware expert.  At the time when the Wii was revealed the common excuse for why Nintendo was releasing a Gamecube 1.5 was because by not supporting HD there was no need in having such advanced hardware.  I assumed that all the extra horsepower of the other consoles was a requirement to take advantage of HD and that the Wii as is is not up to the task.  If it's just putting a port on there, well, that's a bummer for early adopters but is not THAT big of a deal.  I was under the assumption that upping the specs would be a requirement and if so they're going to make Wii HD only games, just like they make DSi only games.  It's in their best interest to since exclusive content will attract current Wii owners into double-dipping."

Yeah, it is that simple.  Getting Wii Sports to display at 720p at the same framerate is, at the base, a matter of increasing the specs to display ~2.7X as many pixels (per frame) as the current Wii hardware does.  Given the advance in tech and the fall in prices since their R&D prior to 2006, it could be an inexpensive, minor upgrade.  The extra horsepower of the HD consoles is there to go WELL beyond the minimum of HD output, to drive more and more finer details on the screen; but that also affects the machine architecture, cuz they have to draw more power and provide adequate housing for cooling the hot and heavy tech -- 360's massive external power supply is more massive than massive, both consoles can fit multiple Wii units in each, and the PS3 Slim is still the size of a pizza.  That's too much for what Nintendo intended to fit in the Wii's current casing, already including the GCN ports and all.

Wii getting a new pair of glasses is not a big deal.  Competitors providing expensive me-too motion solutions midway is a big deal.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: KDR_11k on September 09, 2009, 02:56:31 PM
Of course I don't think people just mean HD resolution support when they talk about an HD Wii and it would not improve the third excuse porting situation either.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on September 09, 2009, 03:14:10 PM
I was just giving a hypothetical on a minimum effort resolution to the HD output problem. Upscaling.

I really doubt Nintendo is gonna do a real upspec'd Wii to support HD Assets and HD Resoultion mid generation and alienate more than 50million existing users. A Upscaling Wii, like the emulator is the best stop-gap for the complainers, and might even get developers to stop using such muddy textures when the Wii can handle better than that. Its a cheap and effective alternative to getting nothing till 2012.

Throw in more internal flash, and then you really have a reason to double dip besides just getting a different color Wii.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Stogi on September 09, 2009, 04:12:11 PM
HD Wii is a stupid idea.

Now let us never speak of it again.
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: EasyCure on September 09, 2009, 04:33:48 PM
HD Wii is a stupid idea.

Now let us never speak of it again.

WiiHD is like Duke Nukem Forever?
Title: Re: new twitter account says Wii HD will be out in 2010
Post by: Pale on September 09, 2009, 04:43:32 PM
Sorry, this thread doesn't get to be another Wii HD rant. I'm sure there is another thread somewhere where that has already happened.

People need to realize that twitter accounts might as well be the same as random forum posts as far as news is concerned unless its a confirmed source.

You wouldn't have made this thread if it was "NintendoHDFan09 made a thread on the GoNintendo forums saying he knows we will see an HD Wii next year!" would you?