Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: mamacitalew on June 03, 2009, 09:43:05 AM

Title: IMPRESSIONS: Cooking Mama 3
Post by: mamacitalew on June 03, 2009, 09:43:05 AM
Cooking Mama makes a come back to the DS.

 Majesco is set to release Cooking Mama 3 to the Nintendo DS this year in an addition that is sure to please.  And with local multiplayer Wi-Fi, the fun is sweet enough to be shared.    

The new release adds shopping for ingredients as part of the game play, which still focuses on learning new recipes and cooking them with Mama.  Cooking Mama 3 boasts 80 new recipes to be learned, as well as plenty of new mini-games, and I was able to try out the recipe for roasted marshmallows.  All of the tasks utilized the touch screen and involved whipping, mixing, cutting, pouring, and roasting, as well as other steps.  The games were simple but I admittedly had to re-do a couple of them, as a novice Cooking Mama as well as, to be honest, they just weren’t all that easy.    

Cooking Mama 3 will be available for $29.99 this holiday season.