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Community Forums => NWR Mafia Games => Topic started by: GoldenPhoenix on April 29, 2009, 02:00:40 AM

Title: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on April 29, 2009, 02:00:40 AM
      The tournament was getting starting to get interesting with the previous days removal of 3 Little Mac Clones. Doc Louis was not deterred though and remained confident in the face of his adversaries.

“Nothing is going to keep the title from me, I mean, my team” said Doc Louis in his private office quite loudly.

After the statement was made he heard the scuttle of what he swore were footsteps moving away from his door. He peered out his door but seen nothing.

“Must have been one of those clones” he said with a hint of disgust in his voice.


   Little Mac Clone, codename Pap64 was about to begin his bought with a former champion, Piston Honda. He took a few deep breaths, sat up from the corner and stood face to face with the massive Piston Honda. The bell rang, follow by a quick 3 punch burst from Piston Honda. The Little Mac Clone dodged everyone and managed to connect a few punches himself to Honda’s massive head.  Piston Honda backed up and did his infamous strafe, when he came down to land his punches the Little Mac Clone countered with a punch to the gut. Honda took a fall backwards.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9……………….Honda was up!

   This did not frustrate the Little Mac because Honda looked dazed.  Honda refused to give up and started to strafe again. Little Mac knew he could finish it here. Honda was moving in when Little Mac Heard several voices all in one gigantic synchronic boom say:


That distraction was enough to take his eyes momentarily off Piston Honda. That was all that was needed for Honda to hit his patented move. The last thing in Little Mac codename Pap64 was
“I appreciate the support brothers but why so loud?”

There was darkness.


   Don Flamenco was quite proud of himself for getting two important secrets from a member of the Doc Louis team. In fact during his warm up period in the now vacant ring caused him to dance his dance of love. Mesmorizing himself with his own good looks and ability he was unaware of the person standing in front of you.

“Pretty boy, why don’t you try those charms on me?”

   In shock Don Flamenco jumped face down on the mat in fear. When he got the courage to look up, he seen, can’t be, a woman? But women aren’t allowed in the Punch-Out tournament. She was attractive though and reminded him a bit of the fictional character Wonder Woman, only slightly more muscular. He stood up with redness permeating his cheeks, he was embarrassed of himself.

“How about you throw that flower away and lets have a fight, right now” stated the woman
“I’m sorry miss, not only am I too attractive to get into any serious battles, but I don’t fight women”
A scowl that could scare away a thousand goombas appeared on the woman’s face.

“You are a coward” yelled the woman.

“I am no coward!” yelled Don Flamenco back “To make it fair though I will allow you to take the first shot, just watch the face”

As soon as he said that he started raising his boxing gloves up and down while saying try it. Though it came out something like this:

“wah wah wah”

The woman, who is known as Big Bertha, was furious and took a swing and while it had impact Don Flamenco blocked it.
“Well if that is how she wants to do it, it is my turn” He thought.

He raised his arm to throw a devastating hook. He managed to do it right but he felt no impact. Before he could even react he seen a fist coming right at him.

“Oh no not the f………” before he could finish his statement all he could see is stars.

“Serves you right. I will get into this tournament one way or another!” said the mysterious Big Bertha as she crawled out of the ring.

Don Flamenco, also known as, Dasmos. Was out of the tournament.


   Tyson received the news of Don Flamenco’s “retirement” from the tournament. And was both furious and fearful. He could almost see the Punch-Out!! Tournament slipping way, not only would he never be able to hold the belt again but he could see the tournament that he loved so much destroyed by Doc Louis’s team.

   It was time to go after the heart of Doc Louis’s team so he sent one of his goons to fight. Who was his opponent? Why it was Glass Joe

   Standing in the ring the Goon saw Glass Joe shivering in the corner.

“Aren’t you going to fight?” said the Goon.

“I’m, I’m scared to fight. I wanted to help from the outside!”

Feeling sorry for the veteran, the goon stated.

“I realize you have only won one fight, but think to yourself. Why do you box? My guess is that you love this sport. So why not give it your all, that is what you truly are, a boxer, not someone who works outside the ring but competes in the ring”

“You know, you are right” said Glass Joe as he got out of his corner and met with the Goon in the middle.

“Are you read to fight?” Said the referee

Both competitors shook there heads. Not long after the bell finished there was a quick punch from the Goon and Glass Joe was knocked out in an instant”

As Glass Joe was in a daze down for the 10 count he thought to himself.

“At least I tried” he said with a tear rolling down his cheek.

The Goon took pity on him, helped him up and said.

“I wish we could have someone with your heart on the team.”

He hugged the now tearful Glass Joe.  Trying to hold tears back himself.

After the embrace Glass Joe, aka  Mop_it_up left the ring for what may be his last time. He realized all along he wanted to go out fighting, lucky for him he was able to do just that. Home didn’t look so frightening anymore. A croissant with his name on it was calling for him.

While in his office, Doc Louis was shaking his head in disgust because the pathetic Glass Joe had the gall to lose so easily and possibly retire form the ring for good.

::knock Knock::
“What, who could that be? “ said Doc Louis as he went to his office door and opened it. There stood a Little Mac Clone.

“What do you want?” said Doc Louis with disgust

“I’m back” said the Little Mac Clone.


“It is me, Little Mac. You know the former heavyweight champion?”

“But, how? You haven’t aged a day Little Mac”

“That is a story for another time. Right now I want my belt back.”

Still in complete shock staring at the youthful Pupil, not to mention, out of the corner of his eye, Doc Louis seen what looked to be a Little Mac Clone being hauled away on a gurney. He couldn’t help but shudder as he looked his former pupil in the eye.

“Uh, um, welcome back son” said Doc Louis.

Little Mac said nothing as he walked into Doc Louis’s office.

“Uh, yeah, let’s talk”

Doc Louis shut his door.

Who was knocked out:

Dasmos Don Flamenco, was knocked out by Big Bertha
Pap64, a townie, was knocked out by vote
Mop it Up, Glass Joe, was knocked out by the mafia by a Tyson goon.

SPECIAL MESSAGE: Little Mac Prime has been activated!

The day ends at 9PM PST Wednesday.

Night actions are due by 10pm Tuesday night.

Little Mac Prime send in your action tonight if you choose. Just remember you only get one chance!

Mafia Godfather, send in your hit and your assassin.

Great Tiger send in your action tonight if you choose. Just remember when its gone, it is gone for the rest of the game

Doc Louis send in your protection action.

Mr. Dream send in your investigation.

Big Bertha send in your hit

Bald Bull send in your sacrifice bombing if you choose.

Super Macho Man send in your frame-job.


Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: blackfootsteps on April 29, 2009, 02:21:50 AM
I need to vote, vudu received a few votes yesterday so that seems the best read: laziest plan.

Vote vudu
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: BeautifulShy on April 29, 2009, 03:50:08 AM
Well the results are mixed. The townies lost a role.That vote changing ability would of been good for later in the game when it was a close number of townies to Mafia.
Don Flamenco is dead after he used his ability.So that is a bright spot for the townies.
The vote didn't go to well.Sorry Pap.
I'm gonna think a bit about my vote.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: DAaaMan64 on April 29, 2009, 03:51:04 AM
WOOH WOOH WOOH. I voted yesterday  >:(

Anyway another **** victory for the mafia. Townies, as I sit here watching us suck ass, I'd like to see some progress.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on April 29, 2009, 04:41:37 AM
WOOH WOOH WOOH. I voted yesterday  >:(

Anyway another **** victory for the mafia. Townies, as I sit here watching us suck ass, I'd like to see some progress.

Sorry about I missed putting your last minute addition in my info sheet. ;)
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on April 29, 2009, 08:59:51 AM
Dasmos, who was mafia, claimed to have PMed several people yesterday who were sending PMs.  It's a safe bet that none of the people he PMed were mafia.  If you got a PM from Dasmos, I'd love to see it. 

On top of that, I'm not thinking that Maxi is guilty this time around.  For one, he plays a much quieter game when he's mafia, and he's not been quiet this round; for two, he voted for Dasmos out of the blue on day 1.  There's not a lot of reason for him to vote Dasmos to keep his cover if he was the only one voting for Dasmos.

So Maxi, I believe, is clean.

I've emailed a few randoms here and there looking for info, and of COURSE all of them are townie - except I'm starting to wonder who out there was and wasn't telling the truth.  I've heard from Spak and vudu, who both claim to be townie.  Spak was a little more wordy with his explanation, and thus I'm suspicious.  He hasn't been particularly active in the daily threads.  Sorry, Spak.

unVote Spak-Spang
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: Spak-Spang on April 29, 2009, 09:42:16 AM
Just for full disclosure and because I want to clear this up.  This is what I sent to DrewMG:

"Yes, I am a townie, and I am glad...I like the freedom being a townie gives you.
I have been talking to maxi and he says he has found many of the townie roles (Supposedly) but I don't know what to think.
As for me the first few days I lay low and just study, I don't know if you can truly know what is going on this early."

Anyone that knows my history of mafia knows I have messed up some roles, and sometimes ruined games of mafia.  I now stress out if I get any role, but the townie role allows me to have fun and put whatever I want into the game.  I basically told the same thing day one to maxi who contacted me. 

I don't know any roles this game, last night I had my school group project, and now that is over with I want to play this mafia game to the best my ability. 
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on April 29, 2009, 09:49:39 AM
Spak, I'm going to keep looking at the threads for Day 1 and Day 2, and if something else comes up, I'll change my vote.  For now, though, I'm sticking with it.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: Pale on April 29, 2009, 11:02:37 AM
I'm a bit suspicious that the Pap bandwagon seemed to start on a whim yesterday.  That kind of looks like it was done to protect Vudu.....

Could someone already know Vudu is an important townie and that's why he was protected? Or was his mafia helping him out?
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on April 29, 2009, 01:27:17 PM
Could you guys do me a big favor, if you change your vote just unbold your previous vote and create a new message with the new vote? It would make it so much easier to tally.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: BeautifulShy on April 29, 2009, 01:39:22 PM
GP did you not want us to put a line through the older vote? It sometimes is easier to count if it isn't struck through.
Thats why I am just going to unbold my votes. When it is like that the host just has to look for bold votes.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: RABicle on April 29, 2009, 02:11:03 PM
Oh **** gotta vote! Gotta sleep too! Gotta catch up on what happend!

um. vote vudu cos we can put wheels on this wagon?

Stuffit. Maxi seems to have a fever for this game, making every second psot. Somone that obsessed has gotta be mafia.

Vote Maxi
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on April 29, 2009, 02:15:06 PM
GP did you not want us to put a line through the older vote? It sometimes is easier to count if it isn't struck through.
Thats why I am just going to unbold my votes. When it is like that the host just has to look for bold votes.

That isn't a huge deal you can do it however you want just bold your primary vote and instead of adding a vote in a previous message, just create a new one that is bolded. It just makes it easier to see.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: BeautifulShy on April 29, 2009, 03:38:06 PM
Well I guess I will Vote Rabicle

I am pretty sure on this.
He is on top of my list at this point.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: TofuFury on April 29, 2009, 03:47:23 PM
I'm going to vote for Pale. I wasn't able to play on Monday, but I don't like the way the Stevey vote went down. I know there's not much to go for with a first day vote, but it seems weird to do a vote just to teach someone a lesson.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on April 29, 2009, 05:31:42 PM
I'm starting to teeter on my Spak vote.  If anyone has anything to say to convince me, send me a PM.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: nickmitch on April 29, 2009, 06:25:44 PM
Vote Maxi
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: BeautifulShy on April 29, 2009, 06:39:04 PM
You want to explain your vote Nickmitch.Well it seems he just voted and went offline without any explaination.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: BeautifulShy on April 29, 2009, 07:55:38 PM
Vote count:
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: Spak-Spang on April 29, 2009, 08:06:49 PM
Maxi you forgot to add your vote for Rabicle.

Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: BeautifulShy on April 29, 2009, 08:09:10 PM
Yeah you are right. Just edited it.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on April 29, 2009, 08:51:09 PM
Vote RABicle
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: NWR_insanolord on April 29, 2009, 08:53:47 PM
Vote RABicle
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: NWR_DrewMG on April 29, 2009, 08:57:38 PM
Maxi has a pretty compelling argument about why RAB is probably mafia.  If you're townie, if would be a good idea to vote along with us.  If it turns out that RAB is innocent, then we can look back at Maxi and figure out what went wrong.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: Yoshidious on April 29, 2009, 09:06:21 PM
Vote RABicle
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: blackfootsteps on April 29, 2009, 09:08:53 PM
Maxi has a pretty compelling argument about why RAB is probably mafia.  If you're townie, if would be a good idea to vote along with us.  If it turns out that RAB is innocent, then we can look back at Maxi and figure out what went wrong.

In other words tomorrow we vote Maxi ;)
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: Nick DiMola on April 29, 2009, 09:14:15 PM
Vote RABicle
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: Pale on April 29, 2009, 09:46:00 PM
Vote Rab as well I guess.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: Gylldas on April 29, 2009, 10:35:33 PM
Popping in real quick from my boatload of work.  There seems to be a good reason people are voting for RAB so we'll see where this gets us.

Vote RAB

Annnd I'm off to continue this sweet sweet all nighter.  :'(
I'll hopefully have more time to play tomorrow after everything gets turned in.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: BeautifulShy on April 29, 2009, 11:59:56 PM
Times up. Lock it.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: nickmitch on April 30, 2009, 12:04:53 AM
You want to explain your vote Nickmitch.Well it seems he just voted and went offline without any explaination.

Yeah, RAB usually only starts bandwagons to defend team mates.  Since he started at Vudu, at moved on, I figured he wasn't protecting anybody.
Title: Re: Mafia XXXIII Punch-Out!! Round 3
Post by: decoyman on April 30, 2009, 12:05:20 AM

RAB - 7
Maxi - 2
vudu - 1
Pale - 1

Looks like RAB's the unlucky one tonight.