Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: NWR_Neal on October 02, 2008, 05:00:01 AM

Title: PREVIEWS: Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
Post by: NWR_Neal on October 02, 2008, 05:00:01 AM
This pretty, side-scrolling brawler offers up a Metroidvania take on portable Spider-Man games.

 After a series of very linear portable games, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows for DS seems to be evolving in a similar fashion to its home console counterparts; that is, seeking non-linearity. However the path to success for the DS version won't approach the experience in a GTA-esque fashion as the home console versions are. According to an Activision representative, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows DS will actually be formatted as a Metroidvania game.    

The game, a side-scrolling brawler with 3D characters, will feature the same three act progression that the console versions have. It will contain five different districts ranging from the sewers to the residential area, where you begin the game, hunting for Eddie Brock's apartment. The story is generally the same as the other versions as well, even featuring the same voice acting, but will start out differently and feature more indoor locales.    

While many of the bosses have yet to be announced, the main villain will be Venom, coinciding with the similar symbiotes who are attacking New York City. Spider-Man won't be without help though, as characters such as Black Cat and the two DS-exclusives, Nightcrawler and the villainous Green Goblin, will help him fight their common enemies. These characters will come to Spidey's aid and perform special attacks. For example, Green Goblin will lay down a series of pumpkin bombs and blow up all enemies on screen, while Nightcrawler will teleport around the screen wiping out enemies as well.    

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows is currently slated for an October 21 release.