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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Badukan Yoshinoya on April 03, 2003, 09:23:54 PM

Title: Resident Evil No Longer Exclusive?
Post by: Badukan Yoshinoya on April 03, 2003, 09:23:54 PM
So says a Japanese Newspaper. Is it true? PGC has the details.

Earlier today in Japan, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun reported that Capcom is reconsidering its strategy on the GameCube platform.  One of the reasons cited was that Biohazard (known as Resident Evil outside of Japan) did not perform well overseas as expected.

Regarding this story, Capcom replied on its website in Japan, “As previously announced in September 13, 2001, as of present time there are no plans to port biohazard (GC) and  Biohzard 0 (GC) to other systems.  Also, Biohazard 4, which is currently in production, will be released for the GameCube as previously planned.  There are no changes regarding our fundamental direction.”

Title: Resident Evil No Longer Exclusive?
Post by: nineFISH on April 04, 2003, 01:36:39 AM
I could be wrong on this but I think this newspaper article was mainly referring to the fact that Resident Evil Online will be on PS2.  I think whoever wrote this article at the newspaper was a little confused on the facts of the deal made between Capcom and Nintendo and mistakenly reported it as a break on previous arrangements.  That's just my take on the report
Title: Resident Evil No Longer Exclusive?
Post by: Perfect Cell on April 04, 2003, 05:05:47 AM
Nintendo is in problems if they loose Capcom support. Capcom has been one of the strongest supporters from the start...
Title: Resident Evil No Longer Exclusive?
Post by: mouse_clicker on April 04, 2003, 12:29:55 PM
Interesting that headlines proclaiming "Capcom reevalutes Nintendo support" are seen right by headlines proclaiming "Nintendo on top in US". Capcom is apparently irked by poor sales, yet March sales for Nintendo were off the charts.
Title: Resident Evil No Longer Exclusive?
Post by: Djunknown on April 04, 2003, 01:29:45 PM
I agree with nineFISH on this one.  RE Online for the PS2 is the only RE project outside of GC so far. As far as total sales 'overseas', are they counting all the games combined? RE 1 and RE 0 should should've done reasonably well.

the RE 2 and RE 3 ports being $40 MSRP are riduculous, No surprise if they sold poorly. I can pick up the Dreamcast for dirt cheap.

Wonder if they'll be a rubuttle?
Title: Resident Evil No Longer Exclusive?
Post by: SilverBack1138 on April 04, 2003, 09:07:43 PM
I read this article or at least the translated version.  While I am a multiplatform gamer and I love each platform, I do want Nintendo to succeed the most and I think that Japanese developers like Capcom are the key to their success.  While this article is disheartening, many publishers have been whining about this crap for a while now and it seems that they're announcing games for Nintendo a couple of weeks later.  Oh No!!!!  I guess Capcom didn't check out how well Nintendo is doing here in the States right now...LOL  I don't really care if Capcom does give more support to the other consoles as long as it also gives Nintendo some good exclusives.  Guys, the funny thing is, whenever I see people buying a GCN or Nintendo products, it's always college guys or adults that are doing it.  I've only seen kids buy Nintendo stuff twice.  I seriously think that all the guys that are saying that Nintendo is kiddie is all those high school kids who are trying to be "hardcore" ..he...seems more like masculinity insecurities.  Oh well, hope this success keeps up for a  little while longer.
Title: Resident Evil No Longer Exclusive?
Post by: Gamefreak on April 04, 2003, 09:14:53 PM
djunknown - RE online is the only non GCN RE game in the works? No.....there is another.... (cue dramatic music)

Of course this other one I'm talking about may not even make it to the US and is a crappy game anyway...(RE Dead Aim for PS2, the light gun rail shooter that doesn't use a light gun )
Title: Resident Evil No Longer Exclusive?
Post by: dengar on April 06, 2003, 08:41:57 AM
      I'm seriously angry by this update.  Capcom seemed so enthustistic about teaming up with Nintendo a couple of months ago and now its reconsidering to back away from the company.  I agree with everyone else when they say that Nintendo is stacking up the bengimans  and Capcom is ignoring that, and comes up with these outrages remarks.  I like all the systems (XBOX only a small bit), especially Gamecube.  It hurts to hear this type of news.  After hearing that Rare is making Perfect Dark Zero and Conkers Bad Fur Day 2 for XBOX I felt pretty bad, this news doesn't help much at all.  I thnk that Capcom should wait a little more time before reconsidering such a decision.  They should atleast wait until Resident Evil 4.  Evryone knows that RE4 will sale better than the past RE's on GC.  RE4 is sure to bring amzing sales.  Its a matter of fact, i think it should be the best GC title for 2004 (anybody agree?).  I just want Capcom to wait till RE4 and then see how well (or bad) that sells.  After that, then they can do whatever the heck they want.  
Title: Resident Evil No Longer Exclusive?
Post by: dengar on April 06, 2003, 08:58:15 AM
I'm seriously angry by this update. Capcom seemed so enthustistic about teaming up with Nintendo a couple of months ago and now its reconsidering to back away from the company. I agree with everyone else when they say that Nintendo is stacking up the bengimans and Capcom is ignoring that. I like all the systems (XBOX only a small bit), especially Gamecube. It hurts to hear this type of news. After hearing that Rare is making Perfect Dark Zero and Conkers Bad Fur Day 2 for XBOX I felt pretty bad, and this news doesn't help much at all. They should atleast wait until Resident Evil 4. Everyone knows that RE4 will sale better than the past RE's on GC. RE4 is sure to bring amazing sales. Its a matter of fact, I think it should be the best GC title for 2004 (anybody agree?). I just want Capcom to wait until RE4 and then see how well (or bad) that sells. After that, they can do whatever the heck they want.