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Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: Khushrenada on March 03, 2008, 02:19:42 AM

Title: Mafia XXII: Star Wars Mafia Quick Sheet.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 03, 2008, 02:19:42 AM
The Players


Athrun Zala - Gambler's Luck
Bustin98 - Townie
DAaaMan64 - Townie
Pale - Townie
Spak-Spang - Jedi Mind Trick
Vudu - Townie

Sessha - Townie
Wandering - Force Manipulation
Stevey - Townie
Crimm - Force Lightning
Golden Phoenix - Force Rebound
Oohhboy - Townie
Dasmos - Jedi Master
Darkheart - Townie
ShyGuy - Townie
KashogiStogi - Townie
Plugabugz - Townie
nickmitch - Townie
Toruresu - Force Choke
Shift Key - Force Insight
Insanolord - Force Balance
Thatguy - Bounty Hunter
Nuclearspeed - Senator/Bounty Hunter Apprentice
Sister Mary LeFever - Future Forseen
Kairon - Townie

Roles Still Active

Townie Roles/Powers

Jedi Mind Trick
Gambler's Luck

And there are 4 townies still alive as well.

Action Deadlines

Actions that must be handed in an hour before the deadline

Force Insight - (who will be investigated for the next day)
Jedi Mind Trick - (who's vote is changed for that day)
Force Balance - (who's roles will be switched on the next day)
Jedi Master - (what power he is using. It will follow the same rules as listed for that power)
Bounty Hunter Hit - (who is getting hit that day)
Future Forseen - (which power is getting investigated for that day)

Actions that must be handed in half an hour after the voting deadline

Godfather Hit - (who is getting hit that day)
Force Manipulation - (which power is disallowed that day)
Force Choke - (who is getting hit that day)
Force Lightning - (who will be hurt for the next day)
Senator Bill - (the proposal for the next day)
Force Rebound - (who will be protected for the next day)

Bill Results

Bill D-1 = Defeated
Bill D-2 = Defeated
Bill D-3 = Defeated
Bill D-4 = Ratified
Bill D-5 = Ratified
Bill D-6 = Ratified
Bill D-7 = Defeated
Bill D-8 = Defeated
Title: Re: Mafia XXII: Star Wars Mafia Quick Sheet.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 03, 2008, 02:20:17 AM
Important things to know about.

Game Delay

The game is going to be briefly delayed. It will start this Monday around 9 pm EST. The first day will then continue on until Midnight Tuesday. So, you have a super voting day and a chance to pick up Smash Bros. and play it a bit. (I can't beleive I scheduled the game for the same time Brawl came out. What was I thinking.) The reason for the delay is due to a couple things and that is how I will take in actions. So allow me to outline that.

Pre-Game Actions

The mafia must select their godfather. This is a strategic decision since they must figure out which role they want to hide from the player with Force Insight. The player with Force Insight sees the godfather as a regular townie. As well, the player selected Godfather is worth 3 points if killed by the bounty hunter.

The senator also has a chance to get in contact with me and have a bill ready for the start of day 1. I need to give this player time to do so and because I'm sure there will be quite a few questions on what can and can't be done.

Game Actions and How I Will Resolve Them

All townie actions must be handed into me half an hour before the deadline. The reson for this is due to the Future Forseen power. In order for it to be of use to the mafia, they must know what that action is as soon as possible. And I need to have a solid answer in case it gets changed. So, I'm setting up a deadline for townie actions to be handed in an hour before the deadline or the player doesn't get an action for the day.

The bounty hunter must also send me his hit an hour before the voting deadline since he also can be affected by future forseen.

The player with Future Forseen must also hand in his investigation an hour before the voting deadline as well.

The mafia powers can all be sent at anytime during the day or at night but there will be a deadline at night.

Gambler's Luck is obviously only used the first time the player is killed. After the player escapes the first death, his luck will be exposed. If the player with Gambler's Luck is killed by the vote and a hit or targetted by two hits on the same day, he will surive whichever one came first.

If the player with Future Forseen is killed, then the townie deadline will end and actions can be handed in at night as well.

Powers that take effect at the beginning of the next day:

Force Balance - providing the two players who are being traded are still alive when the next day begins, their roles are then traded that morning.

Force Insight - the investigation result is revealed the morning of the next day.

The Senator - if his bill is passed, it is put into effect at the start of the next day.

Force Lightning - the player affected by this is told at the start of the next day and must wait that day out with only one post allowed.

As well, the results of all hits will be posted at the start of the next day.

Actions that can have an affect at anytime in the day

Force Manipulation - This can be carried out at any time in the day or before the night deadline and that person's power is disallowed for that day.

Bounty Hunter - Thermal detonators can be used any time and have an instant effect.

Jedi Mind Trick - Can be used anytime in the day and must be in an hour before the voting deadline.

Jedi Master - Can decide his power at anytime in the day and how he will use it but must have the order in an hour before the voting deadline

Force Rebound - Can decide to use his power at anytime in the day or at night but must hand in an order before the night deadline for it to count.
Title: Re: Mafia XXII: Star Wars Mafia Quick Sheet.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 04, 2008, 12:53:14 AM
While I wait for my pm limit to expire, I figure I'll use the time to update you on the bounty hunter points.

The Point System

Obviously, everyone understands the bounty hunter must collect 6 points to buy a thermal detonator. However, the bounty hunter can collect more than 6 points and hold them in reserve. Meaning if the bounty hunter had 9 points, he could spend six and still keep the remaining 3 points in his total.

However, killing someone with a thermal detonator will not give the bounty hunter their points. Points are only collected through the night hits.

In addition, there are 4 people worth 3 points, there are 5 people worth 2 points and the remaining 16 players are worth one point. So, it is balanced on how many high point totals there are. Most of the points are with people who have roles but there a couple plain old townies who are worth big points.

That's all there is to that.
Title: Re: Mafia XXII: Star Wars Mafia Quick Sheet.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 04, 2008, 08:15:38 PM

So, are there any people who follow this game but aren't playing it? If so, please take the time to identify yourself by posting in this thread. I'm just curious to know whether anyone enjoys watching these games even though they aren't playing.
Title: Re: Mafia XXII: Star Wars Mafia Quick Sheet.
Post by: stevey on March 04, 2008, 08:17:16 PM
stevey and 0 Guests are viewing this topic.

apparently not
Title: Re: Mafia XXII: Star Wars Mafia Quick Sheet.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 06, 2008, 02:08:19 AM
Could a mod please sticky this thread? It may be of use to the players.
Title: Re: Mafia XXII: Star Wars Mafia Quick Sheet.
Post by: Khushrenada on March 08, 2008, 12:40:32 AM
Hey, thanks Mister Mysterious mod person.
Title: Re: Mafia XXII: Star Wars Mafia Quick Sheet.
Post by: Kairon on March 08, 2008, 12:49:10 AM
I learned how to use my mod powers! Yay!

Next step: Banning Golden_Phoenix!
Title: Re: Mafia XXII: Star Wars Mafia Quick Sheet.
Post by: Kairon on March 15, 2008, 12:07:25 AM
I learned how to use my mod powers! Yay!

Next step: Banning Scruffy NerfHerders!

Fixed. &P

Now ummmmm.... where's the unsticky button?