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Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: that Baby guy on January 21, 2008, 05:14:31 PM

Title: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 21, 2008, 05:14:31 PM
Players alive:
Sister Mary Le Fever

Golden Phoenix
18 days
Atrun Zala

Wandering was Calvin, Vudu was the T-Rex, Pale was Calvin's Dad, stevey was Suzie and Decoyman was Spaceman Spiff, but you probably knew most of that already.

Winning Players: (These players are eligible for the MVP award)
Atrun Zala
Golden Phoenix
18 days
Sister Mary Le Fever

The prize: One winning player may be voted on by all players as the MVP.  This is the player who played the best, allowed the most people to win, caused the most other people to lose, whatever.  It has to fit your description of MVP, not mine, you're voting.  You may state your case for the prize here if you want, but please do not vote for yourself.  This vote ends Wednesday night, probably.  I'll close it if it appears one sided.

BONUS PRIZE:  You may vote for the player you felt played most cunningly. Let's call this "Wildcard."  Please differentiate between the two in your vote.  The winner of this prize goes to the player, regardless of win or loss, you thought played the best.  It can not go to the same player who wins the MVP, just so he/she doesn't get double prizes.

The prizes:  Both players will receive a Virtual Console prize of their choice.  Winning players may defer prizes to runner-ups if they choose.

My Friend Code should go up some time tomorrow.

Congratulations Townies!

I'll talk about how the game went in a little bit, and things I would have done differently, if I could do it all over again.  I've got some new ideas, so watch out!

Please bold all your votes!
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: ShyGuy on January 21, 2008, 05:20:36 PM
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: stevey on January 21, 2008, 05:23:53 PM
Vote Decoyman as MVP

Vote Stevey as Wildcard
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Dasmos on January 21, 2008, 06:04:15 PM
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Arbok on January 21, 2008, 06:19:06 PM
Shame we can't vote for Susie (stevey), considering she almost single handedly took down the mafia...

As a side note, I'm confused as to how Decoyman died. The rules read that there are "[townie] Calvins", so wouldn't that imply Stupendous Man and Spaceman Spiff? If so, wouldn't that grant them immunity from the rex's explosion? I was under that impression, as many will attest as I tried my hardest to find out who Spiff was to try and convince them to take down the rex for the "greater good" (as Shyguy will likely be able to vouche, as I sent him a PM under the impression he was Spiff at one point).

Anyway, I will go with Decoyman as he got: the ball rolling on the townie alliance with Khush, held it up when Hobbes perished, and landed the killing blow on old rex and went up in a blaze of glory.

Vote Decoyman

Pale deserves kudos, though, for quickly sniffing out who the rex was once the mafia was out of the equation.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 21, 2008, 06:29:26 PM
Oh, you're right.  I wasn't thinking.

Also, don't forget to vote for the Wildcard!  No one has yet! Suzie is eligible for that!
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: ShyGuy on January 21, 2008, 06:31:47 PM
UNVote Pale for MVP

Vote Kairon for Wildcard  
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on January 21, 2008, 06:53:28 PM
vote Decoyman
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Stogi on January 21, 2008, 07:01:16 PM
Vote GP (MVP)

Vote KashogiStogi (WildCard)
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Kairon on January 21, 2008, 07:35:40 PM
Vote Khush as MVP

As soon as he got the Hobbes role and declared it out loud for even Suzie to hear, I realize now, the mafia had lost. It's ridiculous. We didn't have a chance. The game was over on day one... Bah humbug!

Toruresu as Wildcard

Staying out of the townie alliance hid his role from the mafia. A smart move, considering. I think it's a pity that you guys won't give Toruresu the recognition he deserves for suspecting the townie alliance from the very beginning, and being right all along.
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: wandering on January 21, 2008, 09:34:43 PM
I guess it's time for another exciting PM retrospective.

Day Two:


to: thatguy
I'd like to transmorgrify Khush.


to: Khushrenada
I'm a townie. Can I join your alliance?

Khush says I can join, and gives me the codename "Moonraker". He also elaborates his reasons for voting for TVMan. He says that he thinks TVMan is mafia because TVMan is so quiet. According to Khush, when TVMan is a townie, he votes more.

Decoyman asks me why I haven't been posting in mafia threads.


to: Decoyman
I usually skip the first day. I'll be active from here on out.


to: ThatGuy
Will the night action I submitted take place tonight, or did it happen last night?

ThatGuy says it will take place tonight.

Day Three:


to: Vudu
Any leads?

Vudu doesn't know anything except that there's "a mini-rally against me brewing in some players' PM boxes."


to: 18 Days
Why do you think Khush is mafia?


to: Pale
Why do you think Khush is mafia?

18 days doesn't respond. Pale says that he's not sure he does think Khush is mafia.


to: ThatGuy
I'll transmogrify decoyman.

Day Four:

Decoyman, in a message I assume he sent to alot of people, begs me to contact him if I'm Calvin.


to: Decoyman
I imagine some Calvins aren't contacting you because they're afraid you're Mrs. Wormwood...

Decoyman says he isn't Wormwood. He says Spak is Wormwood, and he's Spiff. He says that Rosalyn's been messing with him the whole game. He's going to reveal the fact that he's spiff in the thread later.

I believe him.


to: Decoyman
Alright. I'm Calvin.

Decoyman is relieved. He asks if I know whether Toruresu is Stupendous Man.


to: Decoyman
I have no idea who anyone is, sorry.


to: Decoyman
I was wondering, would you be interested in pursuing a Calvin-Tyrannosaurus victory? I think that might be fun and exciting. Here's what we'd have to do:

- Find the remaining Calvins and the T-rex
- Work with them to get a massive bandwagon going against the T-Rex
- Sit back and laugh while everybody blows up except us

Decoyman says he'll think about it. He then asks me who I've used my power on.


to: Decoyman
I've used it on you and khush.


to: Decoyman

P.S. - I've sent a comprehensive character list w/ roles (all theories Khush, I and others have spent the game developing) to my most trusted companions.

So, you don't trust me?

Decoyman says not to feel bad, he's only sent the list to three people. He suggests that, if I wanted to help him trust me, I could vote for Bustin.

Toruresu contacts me and tells me he's Stupendous man, and that he knows I'm Calvin.

Decoyman asks me how we could find the t-rex.

I start to write a letter suggesting that Decoyman write an open letter to the t-rex - but then I decide to write the open letter myself.

Day Five:

Decoyman asks me about the loophole.


to: Decoyman
I lied. There's no loophole. I thought that if I just said "hey, t-rex, get in touch, I'll help you win", people would immediately realize what my role was and what I was planning.

By the way, sorry I missed the fact that you were trying for a last minute bandwagon change. I was too busy getting my tyrannosaurus bait ready.

ThatGuy asks me if I've really found a loophole. He also asks whether I'm trying to team up with, or trick, the t-rex.


to: ThatGuy
I haven't found a loophole, and I'm going for a Calvin win.


to: Pale
Any leads?


to: Toruresu
I'm going to let you in on a secret. I haven't found a loophole in the rules. I'm trying to get the t-rex to contact me because I'm thinking about going for a Calvin-Tyrannosaurus victory. And I was wondering, would you be interested in pursuing such a victory? I think it could be fun. Here's what we'd have to do:

- Find the remaining Calvins and the T-rex
- Work with them to get a massive bandwagon going against the T-Rex
- Sit back and laugh while everybody blows up except us

Toruresu doesn't respond. Pale gets back to me and says he doesn't have any leads.

In the thread, Pale asks that people PM him and tell him their roles.


to: Pale
I'm calvin.

I don't think stevey is mafia because Rosalyn voted for him yesterday.

ShyGuy asks me why I'm voting for him.


to: ShyGuy
Well, I don't like to start bandwagons, and I feel reasonably sure that neither decoyman, stevey, or myself are mafia....

Decoyman says he needs to be sure that I'm Calvin. He asks why I'm interested in a Calvin/t-rex win, and why I'm not on the side of the townies.


to: Decoyman
Because, I'm supposed to be Calvin, and Calvin would want explosions and mayham, and wouldn't want the awesome tyrannasuarus in an f-14 to die.

Also, if there's less people alive at the end of the game, there's a greater chance of me getting the prize.


to: ThatGuy
Question. Do Hobbes and the Calvins win if no one is left alive?

No, ThatGuy says. He also mentions that, in the event of a Calvin-t-rex victory, Hobbes only wins if he's alive. This means the roles chart is incorrect; I change it accordingly.  
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Darkheart on January 22, 2008, 12:18:14 AM
Haha wow I was so quiet last game and even though I was just a townie I am shocked not once was I accused of anything~!
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Spak-Spang on January 22, 2008, 12:48:31 AM
Decoyman was invaluable...but I believe he got much of his information from Khush and over clues.

MVP:  Khushrenda.  
He had a brilliant play in declaring his role and then using that power against us.  

Decoyman could have been most valuable player, but he made some early mistakes that cost him a couple of townie kills, and allies.  If we were playing by normal vigilante rules he would have been dead very early.  And I just can't give him the win.

Wildcard:  Stevey  

Oh how I wish Stevey would not have targeted sole Mafia.  He had such a nice hit first day to really open up the possibilities of the Mafia winning.  And I think he could have easily, lasted longer and been more useful if I didn't believe Stevey was just going to run through the entire mafia and kill us all.  (Same with the T-Rex.)

But, Stevey hid well, and he was able to hurt the townies and Mafia the most.  Usually, the killer just takes potshots and hopes they can effect the game one way or another.  Almost everyone of Stevey's hits had dramatic effect in the game.  And so I believe he deserves the wildcard.  
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Pale on January 22, 2008, 01:25:52 AM
Vote Decoyman MVP

Vote Vudu Wildcard
(Can I do that?) =P

I have to say, I went back and forth SO many times suspecting Vudu.  The last day kind of sealed it for me though when he refused what I thought was a perfect strategy.  Decoy and I made a bloody team, but at least we got it figured out in the end.

This is the second mafia in a row that I had a role where I virtually NEVER had to worry about dying.  It makes playing mafia games a bit strange.
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 22, 2008, 01:35:08 AM
MVP: Pale
Even if Khush got the townies going, and I kept them together for awhile after, Pale was the glue that held us together in the end. People didn't believe that I was Spiff for the longest time, and so when Pale came along, his powers guaranteed that people could trust him as Calvin's Dad. He also was highly suspicious of vudu towards the end, and rightly so... AND he came up with the strategy that, although bloody, would guarantee a townie win and ended up flushing out vudu. Pale's got my vote.

Honorable Mention: Kairon
It was a toss-up between Stevey and Kairon for Wildcard... Kairon infiltrated the townie ranks and helped nearly destroy the townies over the course of the game. I had suspicions of Patchkid, Crimm, ShyGuy, Spak, and vudu (and my "target" PMs to thatguy confirm these), but I never, NEVER suspected Kairon till the day before he was taken out. In fact, I worked up roles lists to send to my "most trusted allies" and sent the real one to Kairon and the fake to Arbok (DOH!). Oh, Kairon, I didn't think you had it in you to be a low-down, no-good, dirty rotten mobster. But you did. Now your true skills are out of the bag, and you won't be able to pull the same thing on me again next game.

I also want to say that I think vudu played the t-rex card nearly as well as he possibly could have. If he had used his message to contact me after that rule was added (and since most of my old townie friends were dead anyways ), I would have been sorely tempted to team up with him and Wandering to go for a Calvin/T-Rex victory. I probably wouldn't have, as it was fun strategizing with Pale... but there was a chance...    
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 22, 2008, 02:00:02 AM
Although I didn't originally vote for Stevey for Wildcard (and I still almost want to change my vote), I wanted to do this:

"Ode to a Homicidal Little Girl Who Turned Into a Better Vigilante Than I Ever Was"

Stevey, it sucked that you lost your way to win the game early on. Even in this sacrifice, when you could have been protecting your key to winning the game, you used your power to take out a mafia member. Then another (I'm counting Spak). And another! You nearly single-handedly decimated the mafia, and you could've turned on everyone and gone on a rampage, but you didn't. (Of course, you would've been added to my hit list, then ). You took the bad guys out when I was unable, either due to Rosalyn, or because I was TOTALLY PLAYED FOR A FOOL (cough, >Kairon< ) .

Thank you, Stevey. This homicidal little girl will forever be a friend of Spiff's.

Edit: Sorry, Kairon, but after I wrote this ode, I knew what I had to do.

Wildcard: Stevey.  
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 22, 2008, 02:10:15 AM
Anyone, absolutely anyone is eligible for the wildcard, and as some people have already deduced, you may vote for yourself on that category.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 22, 2008, 02:18:36 AM
Wandering, I also wanted to say that your post-game PM retrospective extravaganzas are teh r0x0rs. Were you the one vudu contacted with his message?

Thatguy, there's a lot I want to know (like, why you were angry at Stevey that one day ), but I'll wait to see your comments about the game. I'm sure 99% of it will be covered there.  
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Sessha on January 22, 2008, 02:26:11 AM
MVP Vote Decoyman

He put himself out from the beginning, some townies were caught in the cross-fire but he had the best intentions and had a good sense of what was going on

Wildcard Vote Stevey

I was unaware how much he did until now so I think it's only fair.

This is the first mafia I have seen the end of alive so I am very happy about that
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Sister Mary LeFever on January 22, 2008, 02:57:14 AM

What can I say? He seems an expert at this.


Excellent job hiding in plain sight.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 22, 2008, 03:00:05 AM
Oh, the stevey thing?  It was the day I was two hours late to the thread, and so I hurried to post the next day's thread, and afterwards, I checked times on the PMs, and stevey's was two minutes late.  It was really no big deal, but he had all day to get it in, and I violated my rule there.  He was lucky I wasn't around when it closed, or else I would have caught it.  Of course, I'm exaggerating, because the death had no impact on the end of the game, but still, it could have.

As far as the rest of the game goes, I'll be getting to it this evening, most likely.

Oh, and mafia:  Your plan to make stevey kill Vudu by switching his action wouldn't have worked anyways, since Susie couldn't kill the T-Rex, nothing would have happened.  Of course, you had the T-Rex wrong, but still, I figured I'd mention that.

Also, I just realized I've been spelling "Susie" wrong this entire game, and no one pointed it out to me.  
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Plugabugz on January 22, 2008, 03:19:54 AM
Vote Khush

Not sure about a wildcard yet. This is my first proper game at this.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 22, 2008, 03:24:00 AM
I just wanted to put in my vote for "Quote of the Game."


Originally posted by: Kairon on Day 3
T-Rex could hit a mafia person. T-Rex holds all our fates in his near-vestigial, tiny, two-clawed hands.

I 'd

P.S. - Also, there was a real fight to get vudu voted out on Day 3... can you imagine what day 4 would've looked like? And we thought it was a doozy already, with four people dying... yeesh.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: vudu on January 22, 2008, 05:42:41 AM
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on January 22, 2008, 05:52:05 AM
If I win MVP or wild card I will change my avatar.
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: bustin98 on January 22, 2008, 06:08:38 AM
MVP: Vudu I didn't realize how much he was controlling the game before.

Wildcard: Stevey He's always a good sport in these games. It needs to be recognized.  
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: vudu on January 22, 2008, 06:55:28 AM

Originally posted by: Arbok
Shame we can't vote for Susie (stevey), considering she almost single handedly took down the mafia...
Oh god, what's wrong with you people?  How do you think Stevey got all his information?  He didn't have the slightest idea who he was killing, he just did what I told him to.  

Originally posted by: Arbok
Pale deserves kudos, though, for quickly sniffing out who the rex was once the mafia was out of the equation.
Quickly?  It took him like four days.  I'm sorry, but Pale played this game pretty poorly (no offense).  He was invincible for the entire game, which was his only redeeming quality.  

Also, I just wanted to point out (because I don't think anyone's realized it) that the entire game I was feeding you people information as to who the Mafia was.  My inspiration was this post by Plugabugz on Day 1.

Originally posted by: Plugabugz
They all do. Everybody lies.
I decided to say the exact opposite of what I was thinking about all mafia members in order to help the townies in case I died.  But I needed to do it in a way that wouldn't draw too much attention to me until people knew my role.  The keyword was TRUST.  Everyone I said I trusted was mafia and everyone I said wasn't mafia was a townie (generally with a role).  Here are some of my posts throughout the game.


Originally posted by: vudu
Perhaps decoyman is the T-Rex?  Hard to say.  Regardless, I don't trust him.  However, I do trust Kairon, so I'll go along with things for now.

Originally posted by: vudu

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
Man, Khush and Decoyman acted like Mafia, what was I supposed to think?

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
Wait, who is Pale?
Oh come on!  I trust you, but you're playing dumb which doesn't reflect well on your allegiance.

Originally posted by: vudu

Originally posted by: Spak-Spang
Wow, I don't know what is going on or who to vote for, but since I am only on the computer in the early morning...I will just take a guess.
Vote Stevey
Can you give some sort of explanation for your vote, or is it just a stab in the dark?  We've already lost a lot of townies, and I wouldn't want to kill another one.  I trust that you're on our side, but I can't figure out why you suspect Stevey as (AFAIK) he hasn't done anything to cause suspicion.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 22, 2008, 07:07:09 AM
Huh, I never caught that, vudu... though you would have been in trouble if you were too obvious.

It's funny, though reading back through the daily threads and knowing who everyone is, and watching for little things like what you just posted. Every comment that people post seems to have new significance.  
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Kairon on January 22, 2008, 07:12:35 AM

Originally posted by: vudu

Originally posted by: Arbok
Shame we can't vote for Susie (stevey), considering she almost single handedly took down the mafia...
Oh god, what's wrong with you people?  How do you think Stevey got all his information?  He didn't have the slightest idea who he was killing, he just did what I told him to.


... are you ALLOWED to tell Suzie What roles other people are??!?!?!?!?!?!?! I take it all back, you were a HORRIBLE T-Rex!
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 22, 2008, 07:18:47 AM
Actually, yeah, I thought that wasn't legal...

(but thanks for siding with us!)
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: bustin98 on January 22, 2008, 07:21:15 AM
Vudu, I was dissapointed that you didn't respond to my goading, though I had no idea how right I was. Then Decoyman asked me about it, who told it to me and I didn't respond because I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him I made it all up. That no-response got him thinking I was mafia.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Pale on January 22, 2008, 07:22:06 AM
Heh, I'm sorry I played a terrible game =P

I think I did awesomely at acting weird enough in the beginning of the game to get my three votes right away.  From that point on I had a hard time deciphering all the damn rules =P
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: vudu on January 22, 2008, 07:29:16 AM

Originally posted by: Kairon
... are you ALLOWED to tell Suzie What roles other people are??!?!?!?!?!?!?! I take it all back, you were a HORRIBLE T-Rex!
I never told Stevey what roles everyone was.  i just told him who to kill.  Here are some of the PMs to Stevey that I still have.

1.  I wouldn't mind seeing a dead GP.
2.  Assuming you're listening to me, (and just in case I die tonight) you should kill Kairon tomorrow. Just because.

I checked with thatguy and these were legit.

You can talk to Suzie, but you can't tell or hint about any roles. You can discuss strategy, stevey's hits, your hits, whatever, but you can't tell any roles. For example, if stevey says "I would like to kill Good Calvin," you couldn't say, "Well, I suggest that you may want to hit Kairon and see where that leaves you..." This is a little touchy, but basically, I just don't want stevey to know who he hits and what the effect will be. Anything other than that is fine.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Kairon on January 22, 2008, 07:33:21 AM
But...but... WHY?!?!?!?!
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 22, 2008, 08:03:18 AM
I don't know, and I didn't account for it, and it's what left the game unbalanced.  Why would the T-Rex want Good Calvin to die?  Good Calvin and the T-Rex could have been pals.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: vudu on January 22, 2008, 08:33:21 AM
The T-Rex wanted Good Calvin to die because Good Calvin could have placed a hit on him.  Since I couldn't tell Kairon who I was (by the original rules; I wasn't playing by your wussy add-on rules) my only option was to eliminate him.

Which reminds me--I did have thatguy PM one person with my role.

Well Vudu, you're one lucky guy! The T-Rex, Vudu, wants you to know he's the T-Rex! Hooray!
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: ShyGuy on January 22, 2008, 08:39:00 AM
Changing my vote

Vote Golden Phoenix for MVP
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Arbok on January 22, 2008, 08:58:13 AM
Well I guess I will give my wildcard vote to Vudu, since he managed to survive for quite awhile and seems to have been the mastermind behind orchestrating the downfall of the mafia, which earned him a lot of trust from the townies.

In many ways, I'm glad I died when I did in the game, as I likely would have been a strong advocate for Vudu's innocence when he started being accused of the role later on.  
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Kairon on January 22, 2008, 09:06:53 AM
T-Rex should've probably had powers that diminished with each Calvin's death, that way each and every calvin would be important to him.

... I swear thatguy, if you'd given ME the T-Rex role, I would've been awesome... and FAIR!
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 22, 2008, 09:11:33 AM
I like that, Kairon.  That's not a bad idea.  Hitting Good Calvin would probably have to hurt him more than hitting the other three, IMO, but I'd have to think about it.

I didn't say whether I could do this or not, but I'm going to place a vote for Wildcard Spak, because right away he used his role powerfully enough to cast fear into everyone.  He was found out by Khush, apparently, and rather than just being quiet about it, he protected himself by saying he was Mrs. Wormwood, which kept him alive for several days extra, I believe, because the townies did not want to be on Susie's bad side.  I felt like had the game been balanced better, because of Spak, the mafia would have won.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Kairon on January 22, 2008, 09:32:58 AM
Yeah, the more and more I think about it, Spak was a really good asset to the mafia. I was mad at him when he got himself killed, but what you just explained now thatguy, and of course the susie kill switch, were genius moves.  
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 22, 2008, 09:47:12 AM

Originally posted by: thatguy
I didn't say whether I could do this or not, but I'm going to place a vote for Wildcard Spak, because right away he used his role powerfully enough to cast fear into everyone.  He was found out by Khush, apparently, and rather than just being quiet about it, he protected himself by saying he was Mrs. Wormwood, which kept him alive for several days extra, I believe, because the townies did not want to be on Susie's bad side.  I felt like had the game been balanced better, because of Spak, the mafia would have won.

Actually, it was even MORE genius than just getting the townies to leave him alone, because I chose not to target him for my hit several times. In fact, I'd settled on ShyGuy as Mrs. Wormwood way back on Day Two or Three (the day after my hit was nullified), I believe, but reconsidered after Khush told me Spak was Mrs. Wormwood... Completely knocked him off my radar (though I was going to pull Spak's name out of my pocket to save Bustin if we'd had a little more time to switch the votes around at the end).

Spak positively wreaked havoc with the townies there at the beginning and up till his death. But Spak, how'd you know to start swapping my role on Day 2? I didn't think I'd given myself away that early. I don't think I told Kairon, unless Kairon got it from someone else that I'd told...

This, and knowing that Stevey was just following orders from vudu, makes me want to reconsider my wildcard vote, actually...  
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: stevey on January 22, 2008, 12:24:30 PM
I wasn't following order from Vudu. I simply asked him who he would like to kill, no roles etc, (if I followed everything vudu said you would've died on day two) so he didn't try to back stab me, and later on to prove my suspicions on peoples. I was already going to kill both Kairon and Spak before vudu pm their name proving me right and Shyguy backstabing was all me.

The only thing about this game is the crappy killer win. Why would the killer want anyone to live..... Overall the mafia played a much better game then most of the townie, expect for decoy. (although I did make him all most have a heart attack in the last ditch effort to give vudu the win! )  
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Khushrenada on January 22, 2008, 05:58:15 PM
Wildcard vote:


Well, I think if we looked at this game of who most affected it, this would be the list of names. Nothing against the other people I left of the list but I don't think you can deny that those on the list all made impacts on what happened in the game.

That said, let's look at the ups and downs of each:

Shyguy - contacted me right away about a townie alliance and tried to get into the allaince by helping start it. It didn't pay off but it did help. When I asked for people to pm me about being investigated, Shyguy was the first person to do so. This led to me erronously assuming he had a townie role that he couldn't talk about. T-Rex maybe. Unfortunately, I did investigate him on day 2 and he came back as mafia. However, thatguy sent me a message right away stating that was an error and my investigation turned up nothing. However, I had laready told Decoyman about it. I let Decoyman know to disregard the message but suspicion probably started then. We formed two theories. One the mafia was setting me up by switching my investigation with a mafia member. This would cause me to vote out an innocent person and really ruin my credibility with the townies. Or two, the investigation wasn't an error and Shyguy asked to be investigated knowing the mafia would switch my result with someone else innocent. Due to mass confusion from the message Thatguy sent me about my investigation and becuase I didn't want to capitalize on the host's error and make him look bad (it's his first time), I just left Shyguy alone and didn't bother to work out what happened. Vudu definitly pointed out that Shyguy was playing dumb too much and if I was still in the game, I would have come after him at that point also.

So, bold play by asking to be investigated, tried to get into allaince, refused to tell role limiting his options, acted too dumb and got caught.

Kairon - according to a message I got from Decoyman, he said he had been in communication with Kairon and KashogiStogi before contacting me. So when the alliaince between Decoyman and myself started, Kairon was in due to his Decoyman connection. Although I wasn't sure about Kairon's allegiance, I had no real inkling at the time he was mafia. Plus, I was pretty sure Decoyman told me he had revealed his role to Kairon and Kashogi before talking to me. I figured the mafia would have put a hit on him fast if they knew the vigilante so that helped calm my fears about Kairon. Kairon also never spoke to me. That may have helped since I then left it up to Decoyman to contact him. Although, I did try to leave Decoyman a hint to realize I was trusting his opinion. I'll show that in a minute. Anyways, I'm sure he definitely learned some good info from that. Looking back, I'd say Kairon played the best of the mafia in that he had the lowest amount of suspicion on him and was able to infiltrate the townie allaince that way.

So, low suspicion, infiltrated townie allaince and learned important info, killed by T-Rex so no error on his part. Role reveal was a shocker to most.

Spak-Spang - This is an interesting case. I believe Spak came to me about joining the allaince and claimed to be a townie. But, I deleted the message and when I wanted to make a list of all I learned to Decoyman, I couldn't remember is Spak said he was a townie or not. So, I just sent Spak a message asking if he said he was a townie. But, as Spak told me, he thought I was on to him and thought he had told me he had a townie role. So, Spak sent me a message back saying he was Mrs. Wormwood. It was a total shock since I was just expecting to get back that he was a townie. But it was also a good play. To keep Susie on my side, I knew that Mrs. Wormwood and myself had to remain alive. Otherwise, if Susie could no longer win, who knew how she would react? Now that I knew who Mrs. Wormwood was, I could keep Spak relatively safe until he was the last mafia member. I let Decoyman know under the condition that he reveal the knowledge to no one. After my bargin plea to the mafia, I wasn't sure how people would respond to the knowledge I was holding back from revealing a mafia member to them. The only problem was this. I got killed that night. With me dead, Susie lost the win condition and so there was no need to keep from voting out Mrs. Wormwood. Might as well get rid of a known mafia member. That's not what happened but it's what I thought would happen and what I thought should happen. Of course, Spak still didn't last long after that but it was smart because the person I was looking for the most was Rosalyn and that's who he was. And now he had me on his side protecting him to keep Susie around.

So, used his power against me well, tricked me with an incorrect role and won me to his side, killed me, but ultimately revealed he was mafia which would have doomed him in the end.

Vudu - I was right to vote for Vudu at the start of the game. It was a tough vote as seen by my big apology but my instincts told me to put aside my emotion and vote him. But with Pale changing his vote and then Vudu contacting me, I let it slide. When I was killed, thatguy told me the roles. As soon as I learned Vudu was the T-Rex, all the clues became so obvious. He kept telling me that he thought Pale and Stevey were mafia. I knew they weren't so I kept wondering why he was targetting two townie roles. Was he trying to get info from me? Was he mafia hoping to get me to kill some powerful townies? I wasn't sure so I didn't talk to Vudu much and left him out of most of the loop. Once I learned he was the T-Rex, I laughed for a good minute at myself and this misunderstanding. Vudu wasn't trying to trick me. He was trying to lead me in the right direction to the townies I needed for protection. It was so obvious now. I also congratulate Vudu on sticking to the role as originally created. My only beef was when Decoyman declared you innocent of the role yet you talked yourself right back into suspicion. While you could have used the argument that it wouldn't make sense for you to put yourself back into suspicion if you were the T-Rex since you were declared above suspicion before, wouldn't the T-Rex want to have been kept out of suspicion? Ultimately, you just seemed to talk yourself into your death. I don't get it. I also don't understand why you would kill Calvin's mom and then try to lead me to those who would protect me. Maybe I'm still confused. Still, although I was right about a couple people, Crimm and Patchkid, you were the one ultimately responsible for how much of this game turned out.

So, led stevey in direction of mafia, left clues for everyone in case of death, tried to aid me, kept to the original role and refused to take the easy path despite having the chance, ultimately left himself exposed in the end.

Stevey - Didn't vote for me Day 1. I said that it must mean stevey wasn't mafia. I was right on that account but stevey was still dangerous. After the death of Calvin's mom, stevey contacted me realizing that he would sadly have to save me for the rest of the game. I actually didn't have much conversation with stevey. I asked him to check with the T-Rex so I could understand what the T-Rex was planning to do. I wanted to know if the T-Rex would hit the mafia. Specifically, Mrs. Wormwood because I wanted to convince the T-Rex to leave Mrs. Wormwood as the last mafia kill. Like I said earlier, if I lost Mrs. Wormwood, Stevey might stop protecting me to hit other people of his choosing and that could leave me vulnerable. Never did get any answer on that regard. In fact, I hardly got any communication from stevey at all. I didn't even know if he was protecting me on Day 3. Pale asked if I needed protection but since his role had already been exposed, I told him not to worry about. Day 3 ends with Suzie making a mafia hit and my death. I couldn't beleive that stevey didn't protect me. I soon learn that he did but Rosalyn switched the actions. Stevey then sends me an angry message complaining that I betrayed him and gave away his role. I told him I did no such thing and only told Decoyman his role so if anyone else knows he is Susie, it is Decoyman who told them. (Spak sent me a message also saying the switch of Decoyman and Stevey's actions was just a random guess that paid off.) I basically give stevey a pep talk telling him to never quit. Stevey never does die and is a major reason why so many mafia died.

So, was willing to withhold vendetta, did what he could to protect me, followed the T-Rex orders to kill mafia, never betrayed the townies, seemed to be defeated but then toughed it out and survived.

Looking at all the plus and minuses of the players, I'd say the wildcard vote should go to Vudu. As described, the other players all played well and everyone had some errors they committed. But with three mafia members known by the end of day 3, Spak admitting he was mafia but lying about the role and two mafia members killed at night, the mafia victory was pretty much ended. Plus, Vudu started to rally hard against Shyguy. While stevey did much to help the townies and speed the game along, he benefited greatly from Vudu's advice. Plus, Vudu survived a lot of votes against him during the day and still outlived the mafia members despite constantly having suspicion follow him. And I called him my nemesis so that has to count for something, right?

That said, I'm still going to VOTE STEVEY FOR WILDCARD. I know I think Vudu deserves it but I have to give Stevey the vote for personal reasons. I owe him from last game. He came to my aid this game and worked with me despite probably wishing he could backstab me at any time. He stuck with the townies even though he had officially lost and never betrayed the alliance. Here's to you stevey.
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Khushrenada on January 22, 2008, 06:07:39 PM
MVP Vote:


Looking at the list of people eligable for MVP, I think these are the people most deserving. Like I said about the Wildcard vote, if we look at the people who affected this game the most, this would be the list of names. Nothing against the other people I left of the list but I don't think you can deny that those on this list all made impacts on what happened in the game. Moreover, I will make mention of 4 other people, Wandering, Toruresu, KashogiStogi and Arbok and mention why you may want to consider them MVP but what I think holds them back.

The purpose of all this is to give people an idea of how I think people played this game and a better insight for those who are unfamiliar with some of the details or were killed early. Yes, I know I listed myself and I know it may look conceited but I already have some MVP votes so I might as well explain what I did. Which I will. Tomorrow.

By the way, is there a deadline of when to vote for the MVP and Wildcard?  
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: ShyGuy on January 22, 2008, 06:13:21 PM
I'm just happy that we beat Khush, I think Kairon would agree.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 22, 2008, 06:20:44 PM
Midnight tomorrow will is the planned deadline.  That's open to be postponed, though, depending on if people are still talking about who to vote for.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: wandering on January 23, 2008, 02:04:21 PM
It's hard for me to pick, because I don't know everything that happened behind the scenes, but...

Vote Decoyman for MVP, for leading the townies to victory.

Vote Spak-Spang for Wild Card, for judiciously using his powers.
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Khushrenada on January 23, 2008, 05:18:14 PM
Nuts to that. I just typed up my reasons on what the MVP's did and the reasons to vote for them. I hit edit and get a computer error thereby losing my message. I'm not retyping that. Instead, I'm just going to say VOTE DECOYMAN FOR MVP. Yeah I know he got suckered by Kairon and that may have cost us a townie or two but he was the guy I trusted my information with the most, the man I designated to be my successor to lead the allaince when I died, and despite the mafia knowing his vigilante role, he still survived despite never getting protection. So, for putting himself in harm's way the whole game and never getting killed over it, I'm honored to vote for my friend Decoyman to recieve MVP honors.

While I appreciate the votes for MVP and am honored that the two top mafia members feel that I was the biggest reason to their loss, I would prefer if the prize went to someone else. I won the MVP honor last game and I think it should go to someone else this time around. People already want to kill me early for talking to much, past vendettas and because I'm a good player. I don't need jealousy added to the list by winning a prize every game. So, thanks to those who have voted for me but if you want to change your vote, I won't be offended. Getting another win is all the prize I need.

See you next game.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Kairon on January 23, 2008, 08:09:32 PM
I refuse to give Stevey or Vudu the MVP vote because I hate them. &P
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 24, 2008, 03:02:00 AM
Hey, since all the townies--alive and dead--won in the end, does that mean I can stop feeling guilty for getting so many of you killed during the game?  
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Spak-Spang on January 24, 2008, 03:03:30 AM
Decoyman:  Kairon figured out who you were.

I should have known that you would still hit somebody.

But honestly, when I died there was nothing I could do to prevent my death...except change powers with Pale and Stevey, and I didn't know I could do that...or if it would work.

I don't deserve the wildcard because of my bad play last day.  It wouldn't of even worked, and if I did my homework better I would have known that.  But, I was too busy with my abstract plan to focus on that.  It cost my Mafia big time.

But, to tell you the truth, if I did a different play it would have been switching Stevey's hit and Decoy's hit again, and that would have caused my death too.  

There were some really fun roles this game, and what made it most interesting was there fewer traditional roles.

I want to do a game with fewer traditional townie roles.  We have gotten very good at townies finding and killing the something more challenging would be nice.

Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 24, 2008, 06:02:42 AM
Alright, so is everyone done voting?  And Khush has declined the MVP award, correct?
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Kairon on January 24, 2008, 07:33:11 AM
He's not allowed to decline it. SHOVE IT DOWN HIS INGRACIOUS THROAT!!!
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 24, 2008, 07:45:20 AM
He is, too.  I said so right at the beginning.  It means someone else gets to win the VC game.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 24, 2008, 09:42:12 AM
Alright, if my math is decent enough, I think Decoyman was the game's MVP, and stevey was the game's Wildcard.

So, both of these players need to do three things:  List their Wii's Friend code, the VC title they would like, and then right after I post my friend code, add that, as well.  That should be in about twenty minutes, don't fret.

If you don't want a prize, just let me know, or if you don't have a Wii yet, we could do an IOU or something.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: ShyGuy on January 24, 2008, 09:59:02 AM
This was the longest Mafia epilogue ever.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 24, 2008, 10:01:50 AM
It's not over yet!  Now we need someone to commit to a date and theme for the next mafia!  Who's up for it?

Alright, and now the moment you've all been waiting for!  My Wii's number!

1658 6792 3856 9599

Send me a PM if you'd like me to search your number out and add you, and additionally, my Wii is in a public place, so keep things you send to it rated PG-13, at least.  Thanks.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 24, 2008, 10:03:13 AM

4447 0372 0335 7609

Victory speech:

I want to thank all the townies I killed along the way. Without your sacrifices, I never could have managed to kill the one truly guilty party right at the end! And let's not forget the mafia, and vudu the T-Rex, and the homicidal little girl, Susie for not only letting me live WAY longer than I expected, but for rectifying many of my problems with crappy aim. You guys RULE! And Khush... what can I say to you? Other than thank you for dying and thus exiting the spotlight, and allowing the most inaccurate vigilante evar to have his moment in the sun. And how could I forget Pale, who was my ally and friend in the townies' darkest hour. I will always remember this. Until you play again and are mafia. Then I won't hesitate to kill you. But that's neither here nor there!

Thanks everybody, you guys are the best! /arrogantjerk

For real, though, thanks for the votes, guys. This was a huge team effort, and if I could chop Star Tropics into pieces and give everyone a level or weapon or whatever, I would do it.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 24, 2008, 10:04:44 AM
What game is that one?

Oh, Star Tropics.  Duh.

Well, I just tried...You have to add me first, it's up a post.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 24, 2008, 10:16:48 AM
Yep, StarTropics.

It'll be probably a half hour or so till I can get you added, though...  
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 24, 2008, 11:50:39 AM
I believe it is sending it to you now.  No real message, though, I can't type with any speed on the Wii.
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Khushrenada on January 24, 2008, 11:58:12 AM

Originally posted by: Kairon
He's not allowed to decline it. SHOVE IT DOWN HIS INGRACIOUS THROAT!!!

I'd only accept the prize if it meant you'd play more mafia games. Besides, I didn't have enough votes to win anyways so my declining didn't even count.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 24, 2008, 12:00:21 PM
I hope he plays more.  He'll be a powerful ally.
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Khushrenada on January 24, 2008, 12:03:46 PM
Kairon has always been pretty good at this game. What I want to know is when Decoyman contacted me, he already had made allies with KashogiStogi and Kairon. So, did he just like people who's names start with K? Was he trying to make an alliance with the KKK? (Khushrenada, KashogiStogi and Kairon). These are serious questions that need to be answered before he wins the prize.

Oh. I guess it's too late for that.
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: that Baby guy on January 24, 2008, 12:58:26 PM
So, uhh, Stevey, is there a prize you wanted?
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: vudu on January 24, 2008, 01:19:14 PM
I say thatguy deserves a prize for putting together this ultra confusing game.

Urban Champion
Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: Kairon on January 24, 2008, 05:55:17 PM

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
What I want to know is when Decoyman contacted me, he already had made allies with KashogiStogi and Kairon. So, did he just like people who's names start with K? Was he trying to make an alliance with the KKK? (Khushrenada, KashogiStogi and Kairon). These are serious questions that need to be answered before he wins the prize.

Title: RE:Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: decoyman on January 25, 2008, 01:27:38 AM

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
What I want to know is when Decoyman contacted me, he already had made allies with KashogiStogi and Kairon. So, did he just like people who's names start with K? Was he trying to make an alliance with the KKK? (Khushrenada, KashogiStogi and Kairon). These are serious questions that need to be answered before he wins the prize.

... Jig's up, ya caught me!


Ok, NO. But I did have a piano teacher who used to collect dollar bills with Ks on them. You know, the letter in the little circle on the (left? right?). I'm not sure what the significance was, though...
Title: RE: Homocidal Psycho Jungle: The conclusion
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on January 25, 2008, 03:00:31 AM
The K means it came from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.  Maybe he was a homesick Texan living in wherever you are?