Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: Spak-Spang on December 14, 2007, 11:58:25 AM

Title: Winter Mafia: Holiday Specials Gone Bad.
Post by: Spak-Spang on December 14, 2007, 11:58:25 AM

It seems that after all these years of sharing our hearts and our holiday air times, the holiday specials are sick and tired of it.  And a group of them have joined together to form the Holiday Mafia...but which ones are could be anybody.  Is Charlie Brown turning evil...or is Rodolph finally tired of being picked on.  Only one thing is positive, if the Mafia is not stopped the entire holiday will be ruined by murder and incredibly lame reruns.  

(Ok, so it is a silly theme, but I like.)


DarkHeart - Bomber
GoldenPhoenix -Townie
Sister Mary Le Fever - Vigilante
thatguy - Mafia
wandering - townie
vudu- Townie
Bustin 98- Godfather
Mario- Townie
ThePerm- Doctor
Zach- Townie
18 Days- Killer
stevey- Detective
oohhboy- Witness
Athrun Zala- Townie
Patchkid15- Townie

Hey, Polls End, 10pm CENTRAL TIME (US & CANANDA)  So If that is a big problem let me know now...and I may change it later...but 10PM is the best time for me, and it should allow everyone to get home and vote.

Night Actions will be all processed in the morning.  Around 8:00AM CENTRAL TIME.  

Please only send me PMs for your actions, and try to get most of your other questions answered by other players, unless it is something only I can answer.  Then Please PM me, because I want to help you as much as I can.


Mafia Roles
Godfather 2
Mafia 1

Townie Roles
Brother Role
Sister Role

2 Townies Left (If I added right, but I have been bad at Math.)

Mafia Rules:

The Godfather can either pick to investigate someone or kill someone each night.  When he puts a hit on somebody he can do it himself, or elect for another one of his Mafia members to do the hit.  If he does the hit himself, then he can choose the target.  If he chooses another Mafia member to do the hit, that member choices and must PM me the hit of his choose or a hit will not happen for the day.  Communication is key for the Mafia to survive after all.  There are no other special roles for the Mafia.  

Townie Roles:

Brother/Sister Role  The Brother and Sister are regular Townies, but they know each other from the start of the game.  They are very close and can not live in a world without each if one of them dies they both die.  So to ultimately win with this role you must both remain alive till the end of the game.  You start out with an advantage, but you also have a liability.  

Detective:  The Detective can investigate one person each day.  Once I receive his request for investigation I will let him know who that person he can use the information for day time decisions and votes.  

The Witness  The witness likes to spy/watch over the citizens.  So he will follow whomever they voted for the night.  If that person is killed they will have spotted who the killer was...but will not know the identity of that person, just the name.  The witness although a little creepy could be a very helpful tool in finding the mafia.

The Vigilante  It seems every town has that one crazy person that takes the law into his own hands.  the Vigilante can kill one person during the night...but if he killers any regular townie then he will die as well.  The Vigilante can kill all mafia/special/and unique townie roles without consequence.  And the Vigilante is the only person that can get rid of The Bomber without going BOOM!!!

Doctor The Doctor can choose to protect one person from both the night action and the daily vote out.  

Special Roles

The Bomber  The Bomber has a complete new set of rules, so pay attention.  At the start of the game the bomber must choose a Side to Support either Mafia or Townie.  This is basically a bet on who the thinks is going to win.  At the end of the game, if that time wins then the Bomber is considered a winner along with that time...with one catch.  The Bomber MUST BLOW UP to be eligible for the win.

The Bomber can be blown up by either being voted out or targeted to killed.  If he is voted the last 3 people voting for him will be killed.  If he is targeted for a hit, He and that person will both be killed.

The Bomber can also do a targeted explosion.  If the Bomber decides to do a targeted explosion he must Private Message me a name the Night Before  That person becomes the target for killing.  At the end of the next day, the bomber will kill that individual and up to 3 players whom voted for that individual.  If nobody votes for the individual only the target is killed.  

Of course, no matter how the bomber explodes he will die along with anyone else that gets caught in the blast.

The Killer

The Killer is the hardest role to win with...but it is also the most fun and evil role in the game.  The Killer can target and kill any one person he choices each night.  To win the game he must be the last person remaining alive.  Don't think of him as a killer, just think of him as an extreme Introvert.  

Those are all the roles I have...and I do not foresee adding anymore, unless we get new players, then I might add another Mafia member.

Title: RE:Winter Mafia: Holiday Specials Gone Bad.
Post by: Khushrenada on December 15, 2007, 01:34:28 PM
Don't forget the player list of who's alive and dead.

Also, when are the roles going out? Is the game still starting on Monday?
Title: RE: Winter Mafia: Holiday Specials Gone Bad.
Post by: that Baby guy on December 15, 2007, 03:06:39 PM
Alright, I need a character.  I think I might go with the Grinch.
Title: RE: Winter Mafia: Holiday Specials Gone Bad.
Post by: Spak-Spang on December 16, 2007, 01:01:59 AM
The Game is starting this Monday...and roles go out this afternoon (Sunday)  I will include a Dead and Alive and List or Roles as they disappear here.  Thanks for the reminder.

And Officially, sign up is now closed.
Title: RE: Winter Mafia: Holiday Specials Gone Bad.
Post by: Spak-Spang on December 28, 2007, 01:09:44 AM
I guess this thread can be officially unsticky-ed.  Or whatever...or deleted.