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NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: Jonnyboy117 on November 26, 2007, 02:51:23 AM

Title: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on November 26, 2007, 02:51:23 AM
Customize your controls to the nth degree, then save them on your Wii Remote.

 Controls for Brawl have long been a source of discussion and worry among Smash Bros. fans, and the official "Dojo" blog continues to feed more information regarding the extensive options available to players.  The newest update details how button configurations can be changed and saved for all four controller options (Remote, Nunchuk, Classic, and GameCube).    

Players can set up a named profile that stores custom button layouts for all four controller options at once.  Every single function can be re-mapped and tested within this menu.  You can even disable the "up-jumping" on controllers with joysticks, which may help some players activate upwards attacks without accidentally jumping instead.  (Jumping would still be assigned to at least one face button.)  It appears that the C-stick smash attacks, so infamous in Melee and now available on both GameCube and Classic controllers, has the possibility of being disabled by moving it to another part of the controller, although the blog does not specifically mention this.    

One new announcement in this update is that the Remote/Nunchuk option (also known simply as "Nunchuk") has a feature called "Shake Smash".  It allows the player to execute a smash attack by simply shaking the Wii Remote in that direction.  Unlike the C-stick smashes of Melee, this feature can be disabled from the button configuration menu.    

Once you have arranged your control preferences for all four controller options, you can save your profile name and all controller layouts to the Wii Remote's internal memory.  This feature allows you to easily transport your preferences by taking your controller to a friend's house.  To date, Brawl is only the second Wii application to use the Remote's internal memory for long-term data storage; the Mii Channel allows you to store a Mii on the Remote.  It is not yet clear whether the extremely limited data storage will allow both a Mii and Brawl controller data to be stored on the same Remote simultaneously.    

The blog update ends with Masahiro Sakurai finally admitting what Smash Bros. fans have been saying for months about this game:    

"Wow. I hate to say it, but we really have thought of everything."

Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Ian Sane on November 26, 2007, 04:00:30 AM
For online play's sake they better allow people to disable c-stick smashes.  With Melee my friends and I could just agree to not use them.  We still did of course but it was a dirty play you hoped to sneak in without anyone noticing.  And if anyone noticed, well, let's just say having someone right next to you makes it easier to punish them.  But if Jack Off from the other side of the world cheats on you you can't do anything.  If they really have thought of everything they'll allow this level of customization for online play.

Though I actually do trust these guys to think of everything.  They sure as hell have so far.  
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: sycomonkey on November 26, 2007, 04:36:09 AM
Why... why would ruin Smash like that?  C-stick smashing is a vital part of the game!  You could never win a real SSB:M tourney without C-stick smashs.  It's not cheap or cheating, it's one of the most fundamental moves in the game.  The move is still pretty weak compared to charged smashs.

It's not like one person has them and another doesn't.  Unless their controller is broken.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: KDR_11k on November 26, 2007, 04:46:35 AM
How's that unfair? Because it allows you to make sure the smash detection doesn't pull a false negative on you?
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Nick DiMola on November 26, 2007, 05:03:34 AM
I defend Ian. C-Stick Smashing is crap. Just because you guys find it ok doesn't mean everyone does, so hopefully Sakurai & co. realize this and put the option in there to disable a feature not enjoyed by many.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: ThePerm on November 26, 2007, 05:10:19 AM
if its in the game its not cheating, if they can do it, than you can do it to. Its like the soviets and the usa with nuclear weapons.  They both had them, they both COULD have used them.
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: singleman23 on November 26, 2007, 05:15:08 AM
c-stick smash were annoying but not unavoidable.... i have never used it, didnt even know it exsisted for the first few months i had the game and after that just got used to doing it manually so the idea of using it felt akward. point is i dont have a problem with it, for me its just the only way weaker players can keep up.  
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: UncleBob on November 26, 2007, 05:26:33 AM

Originally posted by: Mr. Jack
I defend Ian. C-Stick Smashing is crap. Just because you guys find it ok doesn't mean everyone does, so hopefully Sakurai & co. realize this and put the option in there to disable a feature not enjoyed by many.

I hate it when I'm playing someone in Mario vs. Luigi mode on New Super Mario Bros. and the person I'm playing against gets power ups.  I mean, just because *they* like using the mechanics of the game to their advantage, it doesn't mean everyone does.  Hopefully, future Mario games will completely disable power ups in vs. modes.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Pale on November 26, 2007, 05:26:38 AM
You know what the C in C-Stick stands for don't you?
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: UncleBob on November 26, 2007, 05:38:25 AM
C me kick your butt?
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Nick DiMola on November 26, 2007, 05:39:22 AM

Originally posted by: UncleBob

Originally posted by: Mr. Jack
I defend Ian. C-Stick Smashing is crap. Just because you guys find it ok doesn't mean everyone does, so hopefully Sakurai & co. realize this and put the option in there to disable a feature not enjoyed by many.

I hate it when I'm playing someone in Mario vs. Luigi mode on New Super Mario Bros. and the person I'm playing against gets power ups.  I mean, just because *they* like using the mechanics of the game to their advantage, it doesn't mean everyone does.  Hopefully, future Mario games will completely disable power ups in vs. modes.

While sarcasm is noted, I actually couldn't agree more. Games should have more customization to strip out powerups and such. It's very annoying when playing Mario Kart for instance that I can't completely turn off certain powerups. Just because they are available in the game doesn't mean you *have to* use them. Why is customization so terrible? PC Gaming has thrived in that department for years and years.  
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Morari on November 26, 2007, 06:30:25 AM
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: ShyGuy on November 26, 2007, 07:22:28 AM
Nice to see the C stick debate raging on after, what, six years?
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: LuigiHann on November 26, 2007, 07:24:34 AM

Originally posted by: Pale
You know what the C in C-Stick stands for don't you?

"Camera," if I'm not mistaken.
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Pale on November 26, 2007, 07:27:05 AM

Originally posted by: LuigiHann

Originally posted by: Pale
You know what the C in C-Stick stands for don't you?

"Camera," if I'm not mistaken.

Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Nick DiMola on November 26, 2007, 07:56:33 AM

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
Nice to see the C stick debate raging on after, what, six years?

Hey man, this thing is bigger than you and me, and C-Sticks! This is about customization in video games and what it means to enjoy a game as an individual.

/Corny voice from a character in an 80s movie
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Ian Sane on November 26, 2007, 08:03:38 AM
"if its in the game its not cheating, if they can do it, than you can do it to."

Then I suppose snaking in F-Zero isn't cheating either.

I'm actually surprised there is so much support for c-stick smashing here.  Back when Melee came out I remember everyone here crapping on that.  It was the one common complaint.  I'm just shocked that the sheer suggestion of an OPTION to turn it off is getting any sort of negative response (actually I'm not shocked at all considering how Nintendo ever providing a lack of options is typically defended, but I SHOULD be).  You can turn off specfic power-ups in Melee.  You can pick what stage you want.  You can have limited lives or a time limit.  SSB is traditionally FULL of options and having one for this, which is something that has been controversial with fans since Melee came out, makes sense to me.

Does anyone who likes c-stick smashing or is indifferent to it deprived in some way if the option is available?  No.  So I don't understand why anyone is against this suggestion.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: DAaaMan64 on November 26, 2007, 08:44:52 AM
Personally I don't really care. I feel c-stick smashs put the player at a shear disadvantage anyway.  Anyone who actually uses c-stick smashes against me got their ass kicked.  
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: NeoThunder on November 26, 2007, 09:14:20 AM
For the record....your wrong about this being the only game along with the mii channel to use the wii-motes internal memory.  The Pokemon Battle revolution game used it to store your pokemon to and take to a friends house.

About the C-stick issue.  It's there, it's in the game to be used.  If you have to use it non-stop all the time.  Your no better than someone who corners someone in a fighting game and does non-stop kicks or punches to get a cheap win.  So use it, just to use it to an extream that pisses everyone off
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: sycomonkey on November 26, 2007, 09:17:27 AM
Honestly this is the first I've heard of anyone having something against c-smashs.  I guess it's a holdover from the first SSB (the one for the N64).  I never played it, but they said that it didn't have the move at all, so I can imagine how the idea of a smash from a simple stick flick could feel wrong to someone brought up on the original flavor of smash...

I just feel like, if you approach the game with a clean slate, and consider the move on it's own merits, it is not any different than any other particular move in any other fighting game.  It has it's strengths and weaknesses, which depend on character and skill set.  It's a strong move, to be certain, but regular smashes are much stronger.  You can't c-smash while holding an item.  It is an important part of the SSB:M mechanic, and so it will probably be an important part of the SSB:B mechanic, so I don't really see why they would even bother coding in an option to turn it off.  It's a simple thing to do, so maybe they just will anyway, but I kind of doubt it.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 26, 2007, 10:35:49 AM


Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: SkiDragon on November 26, 2007, 12:35:49 PM
What I want to know is if the Wii remote can hold control configurations for a Gamecube controller.
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on November 26, 2007, 12:43:56 PM
C-Stick a basic move in the game is horrible, but cliff hopping (or whatever goofy name it was called) and animation exploits are A-ok in tournaments.
Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: singleman23 on November 26, 2007, 02:38:47 PM
i personally am not against the option to turn it off, I just don't really have an issue with it being kept on. Though the idea of being able to turn it on or off is great, for those who are annoyed with it, instant relief, for those who dont know how to play the game with out it can mingle with others who feel the same way. Or enjoy using a true manual smash attack against the weaker c-stick ones.

Since we are tossing are feelings in this I think there should be an option to turn off StarFox. Man I hate Fox.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: KDR_11k on November 27, 2007, 01:18:11 AM
Really, what's the beef with the c-stick? Is the game balanced so badly that always pulling smash moves is a good idea?
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Nick DiMola on November 27, 2007, 01:31:31 AM
Stupid options in games, I hate when a game is more accommodating and has more choices for me. That totally sucks.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Ian Sane on November 27, 2007, 03:56:10 AM
"Since we are tossing are feelings in this I think there should be an option to turn off StarFox. Man I hate Fox."

Technically you already have that since you can just agree with anyone you're playing that no one gets Fox and they can't secretly cheat since, you know, you can see they're using Fox.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on November 27, 2007, 07:15:37 AM
C-Stick smashing should definitely be an option to be turned on or off.  The fact that it wasn't available in single-player modes in Melee just proves that it wasn't meant to be a basic part of the game but rather a crutch to allow new players to keep up.  While I applaud that sentiment, it should be optional just like the handicapping system.  It's pretty clear to me that C-stick smashing was added late in development and wasn't completely balanced, resulting in it being overpowered and used much later into the learning curve than it should be, simply because it is so effective.  There are characters with such potent, quick smashes that it takes advanced (rather than intermediate or beginner) techniques just to consistently avoid them.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Stogi on November 27, 2007, 09:16:12 AM
I rarely use a non-charged smash attack; even if it's a split second charge. So yea....noobies can have their crutch.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 27, 2007, 10:36:59 AM
I stopped playing that stupid game.

Title: RE:Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: UncleBob on November 27, 2007, 10:55:16 AM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"Since we are tossing are feelings in this I think there should be an option to turn off StarFox. Man I hate Fox."

Technically you already have that since you can just agree with anyone you're playing that no one gets Fox and they can't secretly cheat since, you know, you can see they're using Fox.

To be fair, everyone can agree not to use C-Stick attacks.  If you can't trust the people you're playing with, then don't play with them.
Title: RE: Smash Bros. Control Details
Post by: Athrun Zala on November 27, 2007, 04:02:52 PM
being able to turn Tap Jump off is insta-win for me ^^

there's no hope for the Remote-only option however...