Nintendo World Report Forums

NWR Interactive => TalkBack => Topic started by: WindyMan on January 29, 2007, 07:10:37 AM

Title: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: WindyMan on January 29, 2007, 07:10:37 AM
This is the talkback thread to the massive Greatest GameCube Games feature.  Feel free to comment on the special in any way, shape or form.  The staff spent months planning this feature, so please enjoy it!
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KnowsNothing on January 29, 2007, 07:34:27 AM
I just typed up a whole big thing about how much you guys suck when I went back and read this:

Using these criteria, we (reluctantly) settled on 18 games that we believe are the GameCube's greatest.

Cuz right now there are only four up there, and....well, yeah.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: WindyMan on January 29, 2007, 07:36:12 AM
It's a week-long reveal.  We made that clear everywhere on the site.  Yeesh.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KnowsNothing on January 29, 2007, 07:37:03 AM

Well, going directly to the article from talkback there was no clear indication that it was a week long thing.  SO THERE.  You should FIX THAT.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: King of Twitch on January 29, 2007, 08:10:50 AM
or fix this: "I looked just like Star Wars."

5 years seems so far away now. This thing really brings back memories, especially remembering the early demise of the L/R click.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Ian Sane on January 29, 2007, 09:46:47 AM
So far I agree with all the selected titles and so far I own them all.

Though it looks like using the criteria set my three favourite Cube games won't get a full article.  Being a sequel Pikmin 2 already got relegated to a paragraph in the Pikmin article and I figure Metroid Prime 2 will get the same treatment.  And since it was technically a Wii exclusive for a little while Twilight Princess won't be included either.  Still it'll probably get mentioned in a Wind Waker article.  I hope however that Wind Waker and Four Swords Adventures get seperate articles since they both play so differently.  I have a feeling FSA won't get its due but it is the best use of connectivity (I'd argue it's the only worthwhile use).  That alone should get it some mention.

Reading about Rogue Leader makes me want to play it when I get home from work.  WHY did Nintendo push Luigi's Mansion as the flagship title?  If they pushed Rogue Leader instead things could have turned out a lot differently.  Rogue Leader is not only way better but also has mainstream recognition by being a Star Wars game AND its a non-cutesy title that wouldn't be considered k!ddy by anyone.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Ceric on January 29, 2007, 10:17:09 AM
In a way I hope Crystal Chronicle makes it.  Also thanks for backing me up on Sunshine.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Artimus on January 29, 2007, 10:27:31 AM
I own all but Rogue Squadron (the only 3rd but my friend had that game and I beat it several times and loved it, so I sorta owned it.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Kairon on January 29, 2007, 10:56:05 AM
I want to see more Evan Burchfield. MORE. MORE. MOOOORE.

His only comment is the dissenting opinion on Mario Sunshine, for which I APPLAUD him, and I was eager to see his opinions, laudatory or dissenting, for the other two games... /sad

Svevan! I'm like, your biggest fan!

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on January 29, 2007, 11:00:39 AM
He wrote two of the write ups.  Hello? Is anybody home, McFly?
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on January 29, 2007, 11:08:58 AM
Evan wrote at least two or three of the main game articles and commented on several other games.

Also, when the entire feature has been posted, I don't think there will be too much grumbling about certain games being left off or certain ones being put on.  I'd say it's a 90-95% unassailable list.  Which means this thread will end up being twenty pages of bitching about the other 5-10%.  :-)  Bring it on!
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Kairon on January 29, 2007, 11:09:56 AM
You mean that Newsbot didn't write them?!?!?!


Oh god oh god oh god. <3 Svevan's write-ups!!!

... and the rest of you guys are cool too. This is an amazing retrospective and write-up of not only history, but also design, philosophy, and awesomeness that simply blows me away.

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red  
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Karl Castaneda #2 on January 29, 2007, 02:31:06 PM
My dissenting opinion on Eternal Darkness didn't make the feature, but you'll hear it during this week's podcast.

And I think one of my write-ups is going live tomorrow. ENJOY GET.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: mantidor on January 29, 2007, 03:14:08 PM
good articles.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Dasmos on January 29, 2007, 04:27:49 PM
Oh wow, Rogue Squadron was a horrible game.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: willie1234 on January 29, 2007, 04:33:39 PM
great articles!

rogue squadron was a great game *if* you went on to get all the gold medals.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on January 29, 2007, 04:42:35 PM
Sunshine fully deserves to be on there.. I also don't understand most of the criticisms.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on January 30, 2007, 02:46:37 AM
I only have one major complaint about Sunshine.  The tropical setting limited it too much.  There were a couple of ice blocks in the game that could be melted by spraying water on them for some reason, and it really made me wish for a level in which the water I sprayed would freeze.  Maybe they could have even added a warm water source that would temporarily let you melt ice instead.  It felt like unused potential, and that's always disappointing enough in non-Mario games.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Ian Sane on January 30, 2007, 05:00:58 AM
Super Mario Sunshine may be one of the weaker Mario titles but I would still consider it part of the "Best of the Gamecube".
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on January 30, 2007, 05:30:15 AM
Rogue Squadron should've made way to another game or reduced the number of games picked to 17. For franchises I'd say list the best part of the series, not the first. It's supposed to help people buy games, right? So prioritize the ones we should really buy instead of listing inferior predecessors just because their number is lower.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Bloodworth on January 30, 2007, 05:54:58 AM
First I really don't think Rogue Leader is inferior to its sequel.  Sure the sequel has all of Rogue Leader in it, but only as multiplayer.  And the main game was pretty mixed.

Second, while this may be seen as a shopping list for some, it's more of a walk down the emotional high points of the GameCube's life.  Rogue Leader had a huge presence in my house.  It was a part of the magic of the GameCube launch, and the game is still fun today.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on January 30, 2007, 06:54:14 AM
I think the Rogue series as a whole doesn't really deserve to stand among the greatest games. I got a Cube when Sunshine was new and Rogue Squadron already had no meaning to me.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on January 30, 2007, 07:02:11 AM
Wow.  Technology aside, Rogue Leader is one of the greatest space shooters ever and stands with Goldeneye among the best movie licensed games ever.  I can't fathom the hate on it.  It is a classic game; the fact that it had incredible graphics and sound just make it more impressive.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on January 30, 2007, 07:16:51 AM

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
Rogue Squadron should've made way to another game or reduced the number of games picked to 17. For franchises I'd say list the best part of the series, not the first. It's supposed to help people buy games, right? So prioritize the ones we should really buy instead of listing inferior predecessors just because their number is lower.

Rogue Leader is not the first game in the series, actually, and it is better than its sequel, Rebel Strike, in gameplay and level design.  Rebel Strike only wins out in graphics and multiplayer.  Rebel Strike's foot missions were hindered by crappy controls, its ground vehicle segments were fun, but misplaced, and its space combat was dumbed down to the point of insult.  Chasing TIE fighters became next to impossible.  Instead, you turn a little, shoot an oncoming TIE, turn a little, shoot an oncoming TIE ad nauseum.  It had its moments (I really like Attack on the Executor, and if they couldn't resist making another Hoth level, at least they did something different), but if only one of the games in the series is going to make this list, it has to be Rogue Leader.

Rogue Leader doesn't just have better gameplay.  It has better missions.  Not only does it feature every major battle from the original Star Wars trilogy, but all of its missions are directly tied into the main Star Wars plot.  You escort freighters fleeing Hoth.  You raid Bespin for supplies for the upcoming showdown at Endor.  You attack an Imperial Garrison to steal the very shuttle that will carry the Rebels to Endor.  Rebel Strike's missions felt disjointed and out of order from each other, let alone the Star Wars movies.  To play them in order, you had to play the Luke branch up to a certain mission, then play through the Wedge branch, then finish the Luke branch, and finally play the final missions (which you could have played after finishing only one of the two branches, further muddying the story).  Even then, there are gaps in the story and a lack of cohesion that Rogue Leader doesn't suffer from.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Bloodworth on January 30, 2007, 07:34:36 AM
If you didn't notice, Day 2 is up.  Check it out.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on January 30, 2007, 07:51:57 AM
I wasn't referring to the Rogue Squadron games with that sequel bit, more games like Pikmin where the sequel is a big improvement and makes buying the first one basically redundant or Mario Party where you'd want only one of them.

Wow. Technology aside, Rogue Leader is one of the greatest space shooters ever and stands with Goldeneye among the best movie licensed games ever.

There are much better Star Wars space games alone. X-Wing, Tie Fighter, etc are a very popular series. Non-licensed better games include the likes of Wing Commander, Freespace and Starlancer, possibly games like Privateer, X and Freelancer.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Ian Sane on January 30, 2007, 08:15:04 AM
"games like Pikmin where the sequel is a big improvement and makes buying the first one basically redundant or Mario Party where you'd want only one of them."

I wouldn't consider the first Pikmin redundant.  Mario Party is a little more unessential but Pikmin has completely different levels than Pikmin 2 and it's time limit makes the game play a fair bit differently.  To consider Pikmin redundant would be like dismissing Super Mario Bros as redundant because Super Mario Bros 3 was better.

I'm happy to see Four Swords Adventure on the list!  Though I didn't like being reminded that unpluggin a GBA resets the game.  I don't know why they designed it that way.

Reading about Animal Crossing took me back to when I first got it.  That was such a unique experience.  I quit playing once I realized I was altering my life to play a damn videogame.  At that point the game had become somewhat of a chore anyway since some days I didn't want to play it but at the same time I didn't want to miss out on a certain item appearing at the shop or a specific event.  It's odd in that it's a game I love but I never ever want to play again.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on January 30, 2007, 08:32:15 AM
I'm all for praising TIE Fighter and Wing Commander, but they are several times more complex and difficult to get into.  If you want a simulation, you won't like the Rogue Squadron games on principle.  I've talked to people who acted personally insulted that they couldn't stabilize their rear deflectors.  On the other hand, I like that kind of game, but I can't keep up with all the simulation aspects.  I always end up turning on invulnerability in those games, and the fact that invulnerability is a menu option instead of a hidden cheat says worlds more about the mainstream appeal of such games than I ever could.  Rogue Leader throws out everything but the bare essentials.  I don't need to be able to adjust the recharge rate of my ship's different systems to have fun shooting down bad guys.  In fact, it gets in the way.  I guess the difference is in where you want to find the fun.  Is the fun inside the ship, or outside it?  Is the fun in pretending to be a starship pilot, or is it in pretending to be the hero of the Rebellion?

Besides, none of the space games you mentioned are available for GameCube, so they're not really competing with Rogue Leader for a position on this list.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on January 30, 2007, 08:38:13 AM
I'd forgotten about how special the GameCube was.. I'm definitely going to replay these games soon.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on January 30, 2007, 08:39:41 AM
I'm a total whore for TIE Fighter (X-Wing sucks in comparison) but it's a completely different kind of game from Rogue Leader.  I think they are both brilliant in different ways.  I once wrote a Dream Games article about how Factor 5 should make TIE Fighter 2 and blend elements from Rogue Leader and TIE Fighter together for a new empire-focused game.

Also, a ProTip: You can access the most recently added GGG pages through the page menu on the right sidebar of the feature.  It beats scrolling down and clicking through the previously revealed pages just to get to the new stuff.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: vudu on January 30, 2007, 09:26:50 AM

Originally posted by: IceCold
I'd forgotten about how special the GameCube was.. I'm definitely going to replay these games soon.
Agreed.  I'm going to start replaying Sunshine tonight.  
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Nephilim on January 30, 2007, 11:43:46 AM
bring on naruto 4
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Hostile Creation on January 30, 2007, 03:44:34 PM
I also don't get the Sunshine hate.  Probably one of the most visceral and just purely fun platformers I've ever played.  While Mario 64 had a better layout, in terms of level design and all that, I felt that Super Mario Sunshine controlled better and had more possibilities.  They didn't fully explore them, but what they did have was pretty good.  The story was god-awful, yes, and the final boss was a bit disappointing, but I just plain enjoyed controlling Mario.
Also, the tropical atmosphere was somewhat repetitive, but I liked the vacation-y feel of it.  Plus I'm sick and tired of the grass/fire/ice standard video game environments.
I still intend to buy this game.  I never owned it, only borrowed it twice, extensively.

The other games I generally agree with, though I never owned or got into Rogue Squadron or Animal Crossing.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: trip1eX on January 30, 2007, 05:34:40 PM
Rouge?  Eh I thought that game was dumb.  It had some good parts, but I remember it being a bit confusing at to what the hell you're supposed to do.  I played this before I got a 'Cube though.

Eternal Darkness?  Fun at first, but got old quick as the novelties wore off.  

animal crossing?  Nice concept, but just not my type of game.  I tried to play it for awhile, but I felt like a fool.  I can go in the kitchen and cook dinner or do laundry  and kill two birds with one stone - aka I can get work done and do the types of things that are in this game.  

Zelda:4 swords?  Practically speaking this game didn't quite hit the mark.  You guys putting this game on the list is the same type of mentality Nintendo had in releasing it.   Wishful thinking.   Oh and they should have sold this game for $20 to start with.

Super Mario Sunshine.  Never played SM64.  To  me this game just put a smile on your face.  The colors, the sytle, the controls,... It felt so relaxing.  And yeah the music on those abstract levels was killer and those levels were a blast.  Quite  a few throwaway levels, but overall just pure bliss.  I liked the dialouge alot too.  Good writing imo.

Pikmin - IN many ways I like it better than 2.  I think the challenge with the timer does it for me.  2 is good too though for the mp stuff especially.  The dungeons or caves not as good.  Another just pure enjoyable title.

Super Paper mario.  Fun one and good description there somewhere about it's strength being it's simplicity.  Personally I get turned off by games that think that they are more fun if they throw another 1000 spells, weapons and items into the mix.   To me you can't make that many items distinct in a game.  They all blur together.  I appreciated the this rpg and I appreciated that there was some skill to the battles which kept you on your toes.    
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Svevan on January 30, 2007, 06:12:01 PM
Thanks for the love, Kairon.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on January 30, 2007, 08:58:08 PM

Svevan! I'm like, your biggest fan!
Yeah... kind of by default, though
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on January 31, 2007, 04:10:50 AM
I also don't get the Sunshine hate. Probably one of the most visceral and just purely fun platformers I've ever played.

I agee but only for the first 20-30 stars (errr... shines). After that it turned into a chore to find the remaining shines and do the requisite levels to unlock bowser and finally be done with this. SM64 was a lot better in that it allowed you to go for any star in a stage instead of only the next one (so it's harder to get stuck), only required star counts to beat the game so you didn't have to beat specific stars (with the exception of Dire Dire Docks and the Bowser battles), had more stages overall so there were even more stars you could try your luck at if you couldn't get one and kept unlocking levels at much higher star counts so you would still see new levels when hitting 50 stars. I liked the SMS levels themselves but SM64 handled the in between much better.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on January 31, 2007, 07:37:34 AM
Ahaha, I was just reading a "Making of" Sunshine interview, and here are some excerpts..

Q: The scope seems immense thanks to the new overworld.

Tezuka: Yes because it is large.

Q: What features didn't make the cut?

Usui: Well of course several nozzles we had on the cutting room. Some preliminary gun type water nozzles could not be used because of all the controversy in the United States.
Whoa.. that's interesting.

Usui: Please play this game to the ending. The motives behind Mario's disappearance is very interesting. It is the first time a Mario ending may bring you to tears !!
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: archioverload on January 31, 2007, 07:47:57 AM
Super Mario Sunshine> The camera was horrible.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: willie1234 on January 31, 2007, 08:21:41 AM
today's edition was great.  I think I played Viewtiful Joe more hours than any other game.  I replayed it many times and enjoyed each play through as the challenge got harder.  Blue is great.

I also think games are too easy these days.  I loved the challenge of getting gold medals in Rogue Squadron and fighting my way through VJ.  I'm also one of those who would have liked to see a game full of those classic warp levels in Sunshine.  They were to me the most fun and memorable of the game.

To those who think it's too hard or couldn't beat Fire Leo - I hope you revisit it and play through to the end, it's a treat.  
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Famicom on January 31, 2007, 10:29:48 AM
Interesting. Two of the games in today's updates just happened to be my most played GC games: Tales of Symphonia and Soul Calibur II. I don't have neither game on me to check, but I'm pretty sure I put just over 80 hours into Tales and almost 100 into SCII. Those SCII hours being mostly multiplayer, quite an achievement.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on January 31, 2007, 10:38:30 AM
I have played SSBM for over 300 hours.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Kairon on January 31, 2007, 10:46:38 AM
I hate JRPGs today. I forced myself to beat ToS, but that was 60 hours of my life that i want BACK.

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on January 31, 2007, 04:27:12 PM
Yeah, SSBM easily eats the most hours, even though I rarely have folks to play with.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: WindyMan on January 31, 2007, 04:58:46 PM

Originally posted by: Jonnyboy117
I have played SSBM for over 300 hours.


Originally posted by: Kairon
I hate JRPGs today. I forced myself to beat ToS, but that was 60 hours of my life that i want BACK.

SSBM: 300 hours divided by five years = 60 hours/year
Tales: One game = 60+ hours


One game of Tales of Symphonia = One year of Super Smash Bros. Melee
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Dasmos on January 31, 2007, 06:21:29 PM
Would it be possible to link to the new entries everyday instead of having to go through every entry before it. Or maybe a master list that links to each addition.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Bloodworth on January 31, 2007, 07:05:04 PM
There's a list on the right...
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Smoke39 on January 31, 2007, 07:07:03 PM
There's a list on the right.  Jonny even pointed it out on the previous page of this thread.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Mario on January 31, 2007, 10:22:24 PM

Originally posted by: archioverload
Super Mario Sunshine> The camera was horrible.

Don't be so hard on yourself.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Bloodworth on February 01, 2007, 12:35:51 AM
AHAHAH  That's what I always think when someone complains about Sunshine's camera.  Sometimes it will force itself into weird spots, but most of the time it's under the player's control.  

I probably need to go out and get US copies of Sunshine, F-Zero, Viewtiful Joe, Cubivore, and Chibi Robo because it's going to feel like a lot of hassle to hook the Cube back up for Japanese games.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on February 01, 2007, 01:01:41 AM
Sunshine's camera is bad, SM64's is worse. I haven't seen many decent cameras for games featuring this much movement.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: oohhboy on February 01, 2007, 02:23:59 AM
I found Sunshines camera more than serviceable. Maybe it was the fact that I manipulated the camera without hassles or thinking twice, but it was rare that I had to fight the camera. I fail to see what the fuss is about.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on February 01, 2007, 03:11:04 AM
In the theme park, jumping from grate to grate...
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Famicom on February 01, 2007, 04:08:34 AM

Originally posted by: Jonnyboy117
I have played SSBM for over 300 hours.

My friends all hated SSBM because they nerfed throws, so I didn't get the longevity out of it like most others.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Khushrenada on February 01, 2007, 06:02:28 AM
When are they going to get to F-Zero GX? That's THE best cube game on the system. At least, for single player. That's right Metroid Primes. As much as I loved those games, F-Zero GX is still the game to beat. Let's declare the winner already.

Actually, F-Zero, Metroid Prime, SSBM, and Wind Waker haven't shown up yet. Maybe today? I wonder if Twilight Princess will get a nod?

I am glad to see Rogue Squadron get some recognition. It really is a great game. It's why I bought my cube and it's a series I hope is revived with the Wii. I still love flying around in the Battle of Endor, with the huge capitol ships turning around and waves of tie fighters swarming all around you. That's the best fight. Too bad the Millenium Falcon always controlled poorly.

Super Mario Sunshine. I'm in the love it camp. I agree that the blue coin hunt could be annoying. It was the first time I ever had to turn to a guide for a mario game. Spraying the moon at night on top of a golden mushroom? I would never think of that. The only camera issue I ever noticed was what KDR mentioned, the grate area in the amusement park. But, I still loved that game. I've played it through and beat it 100% like 5 or 6 times. In fact, it's been awhile since I last played. I may want to go through it again. It's funny, I'll visit my friends. They have Mario Sunshine but have never collected all the shines. So, I've put their copies in a few times and will immediately start getting a bunch of shines for them. I also loved the whole water backpack. I hated the personality and voice they gave it but I loved the mechanics.

Those quotes on Mario Sunshine puzzle me. The ending of the game never says anything about Mario's disappearence. Heck, how does he disappear? I was disappointed that there was nothing new shown after getting all 120 shines. That picture you see after beating the game for the first time with the magic paintbrush and El Piantisiammo (or what ever that runners name is), leads you to believe there is something else to the story or game but nothing ever comes of it. I always wondered if they took something out of the game.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Ceric on February 01, 2007, 06:12:16 AM
Any of the 2D style area in Sunshine were a little buggy Camera wise because it wanted to be behind you when you wanted it to look at your said.  (Theme park grates the biggest offender.)
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: vudu on February 01, 2007, 06:27:12 AM

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
Actually, F-Zero, Metroid Prime, SSBM, and Wind Waker haven't shown up yet. Maybe today? I wonder if Twilight Princess will get a nod?
I'm sure all four of those games will be mentioned sometime in the next few days.  Just sit back and relax.

Eleven games have already been mentioned.  Those four a surely to be named before the event is over.  Any guesses at to the last three?  Resident Evil 4 will definitely be on it.  Double Dash!! might be.  Fire Emblem should be, but I doubt it is.  REmake or RE0 could be, but again I doubt it.  Either Mario Tennis, Golf or Soccer might make the list.  I'm not sure if Twin Snakes is even eligible.  Did I forget any big names?
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on February 01, 2007, 06:59:25 AM
The only one which probably won't make it but deserves to is Jungle Beat.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on February 01, 2007, 07:30:12 AM
Well, the new ones are up, but there's nothing on the front page about it, and the link isn't active in the main story.  Double Dash, Fire Emblem, and F-Zero made the cut.  
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Khushrenada on February 01, 2007, 08:16:33 AM
I wasn't sure if Mario Kart Double Dash would make it or not. I'm glad to see that it did though. Mario Kart is the one game my brother will still play. I personally loved Double Dash more than Mario Kart 64 and maybe even the SNES Mario Kart. I loved the special items that you got with certain characters and the way you could steal items or hold on to them by switching around who was on the back of the cart. It added a neat strategy element to the items. Co-op was a really neat feature. I loved the look of the game also. It has some wonderful tracks. Dry Dry Desert, Daisy Cruiser, DK Mountain, Wario's Colissium, Yoshi's Circuit and I happen to love the Bowser Castle and Rainbow Road of this game.

Battle mode always seems to be where this game gets docked marks and I don't disagree with that opinion. After the stages in Mario Kart 64, it definitely seemed like a disappointment. Plus, I was sad that there were only 2 unlockable courses. I felt they could have had a few more battle arenas. But it's funny. After playing those battle courses again and again since then, I've gotten over that initial disappointment. Yeah, I still think the battle arenas are a bit weaker but I've still had a blast playing them. And I have come to like playing them more than I did. But after the job they did with Mario Kart DS, I really hope they continue that battle trend through on to the Wii.

Yay for F-Zero. I've been playing that game for months. I stopped for awhile but recently popped it in my Cube and am once again addicted to it. You didn't mention anything about the racer videos. You mentioned the theme songs and bios but the videos are the trophies of the game. Right now, I'm racing again just to interview racers with new questions. Still so many interview questions I have to ask.

Jonnyboy, where did you get stuck? I'm curious.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: vudu on February 01, 2007, 09:11:37 AM
Yea for Fire Emblem!  Someone at NWR has good tastes.

So we're left with just four spots left.  That means tomorrow will be Metroid Prime, SSBM, Wind Waker and Resident Evil 4.

EDIT:  Jeez guys!  When I said someone at NWR has good tastes I wasn't kidding; apparently the only one of you who played it (and liked it) is TYP.

This is ridiculous.  Two of the blurbs in the Thoughts From the NWR Staff are from staffers who haven't even played the game.  Ouch.  You should all be ashamed of yourself.

Should Ike die, you’ll get a Game Over and the mission will restart. This proves especially challenging in chapters where you’ll endure multiple missions without save points. It’s difficult enough for even the most seasoned of turn-based strategists.
I feel it is my duty to chime in here.  There's only one section comprised of four (smaller-than-normal) levels where you can't save between missions and it's honestly not that hard.  While I'm very good at Fire Emblem, I'm hardly a seasoned professional; I beat this section on my first try.  Please don't let Karl's weakness scare anyone away from this game.      
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Karl Castaneda #2 on February 01, 2007, 09:40:50 AM
Hehe, yeah, I had to play through that chapter a few times, probably because I'm anal about keeping all of my characters - if someone died, I restarted. I maintain that's it's a difficult game. Awesome, but difficult.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 01, 2007, 10:35:46 AM

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
I wonder if Twilight Princess will get a nod?

TP will be mentioned, but it was ineligible for this feature because it debuted on a system other than GameCube.

As for F-Zero GX, I got stuck pretty far in the game, so I'm not bitter or anything.  It was either in the Expert or Master grand prix mode.  I also got stuck on the story mode at the last chapter.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on February 01, 2007, 11:29:09 AM
Come on Jonny.. you can do better than that. Unlocking the AX Cup is the biggest gaming thrill I got this generation. I've said this before, but it's one of the few games where it's never frustrating to play; despite the difficulty you're smiling the whole way through.

So I guess Jungle Beat did get snubbed.. a shame. I would replace Super Monkey Ball for it. I'd also put TimeSplitters 2 in there somewhere. Personally, my favourite five games of the GameCube were SSBM, Mario Sunshine, Eternal Darkness, F-Zero GX and Pikmin 2.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Ian Sane on February 01, 2007, 11:43:24 AM
"it's one of the few games where it's never frustrating to play; despite the difficulty you're smiling the whole way through."

To me Ikaruga was the Cube game that was like that for me.  F-Zero GX became frustrating for me when the difficuly shot through the roof on the story mode.  The story mode was pretty much useless to me since it pretty much required flawless runs in order to complete on the NORMAL difficulty setting.  I still really enjoyed the game because the Cups were obtainable and I unlocked all the tracks except the AX cup so my friends and I can enjoy multiplayer.  But the difficulty of the story mode ramped up too quickly.  Level 1 was a cakewalk and suddenly level 2 required you to boost the entire time while never getting hit once.  Yeah that's a really logical difficuly progression.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: miedo on February 01, 2007, 11:47:49 AM
Changable difficulty a la Devil May Cry?  Impossible in Fire Emblem, especially because you get a lot more ingame experience on Hard Mode.  You'd be going from overwhelmed to underwhelmed.  Eh, I'm rambling.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on February 01, 2007, 11:50:59 AM
Wait, I didn't see the "exclusive" condition.. scratch TimeSplitters then.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Karl Castaneda #2 on February 01, 2007, 12:01:22 PM

Originally posted by: IceCold

So I guess Jungle Beat did get snubbed.. a shame. I would replace Super Monkey Ball for it. I'd also put TimeSplitters 2 in there somewhere. Personally, my favourite five games of the GameCube were SSBM, Mario Sunshine, Eternal Darkness, F-Zero GX and Pikmin 2.

The week is not yet over!
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on February 01, 2007, 12:05:55 PM
Well. It is a list of 18 games, right? And, unless my math is horribly wrong, 14 spots are used up, leaving four to be announced. As vudu said, Metroid Prime, SSBM, Wind Waker and Resident Evil 4 are all practically guaranteed to be on there. Unless you have an "honourary" game or something.

EDIT: I want Ty's dissenting opinion!
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: King of Twitch on February 01, 2007, 02:33:28 PM
First SMS: "awesome music" and now F-Zero GX: "one of the coolest soundtracks." I have to disagree, they were both disappointing for me, outside of a few great songs. Too bad there's no love for Smuggler's Run; I had more fun with that than DD
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on February 01, 2007, 02:39:00 PM
The "Challenge of the Bloody Chain" level (Story Mode) music is amazing - too bad it wasn't for an actual map.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Dasmos on February 01, 2007, 02:45:24 PM

Originally posted by: Bloodworth
There's a list on the right...
wow missed that one!
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: oohhboy on February 01, 2007, 04:10:04 PM
As tight as the F-zero was, the last cup is brutal. Also there was this weird bug where you can over speed and simply just fly off the track.

Shame the F-Zero TV show is crap. I'm guessing they didn't pay the North Koreans enough to do a good job. They had amazing tracks to base races on, a solid libray of sound tracks, tons of charaters, almost everything was already pre-existing. They turned it into a sub-par cop show with uninspired charaters, villian of the week plot design, poorly animated bland mess on and off track.

They should have just CGed the lot and just followed one charater on thier path for the GP cup. Throw in 5 minutes of just racing the 3 laps and not used the lowest bidder. Initial D set in the future would have worked wonders.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Khushrenada on February 01, 2007, 04:13:33 PM
I found the F-Zero GX soundtrack a mixed bag. There are some characters theme songs that I will listen to over and over like Spade or Dr. Stewart and others I can't stand like Billy or Micheal Chain. Same with the tracks. I like Mute City and Casinopolis and the unlockable Big Blue soundtrack but other's like Lightning and Green Plant are forgettable. But my favorite song just might be the ending credit theme song for the story mode. I wonderful celebration of Captain Falcon. There was just something about it which kept me coming back over and over again.

To Jonny: Yes, I found the last story chapter hard. But the key is just to learn the track. I found that once I was finally able to learn the track and go through it regularly, then it became much easier and I could start boosting and everything. But, it took me quite awhile to beat that chapter. I've found however that I can now beat that track regularly on normal since then.

If you are looking to beat the grand prix on expert or master, unlock Pheonix Lestrade. I found his craft to be absolutely perfect and was the racer that I used to beat those modes and unlock the AX Cup. I find he controls and steers excellently.

To Ian: I didn't find the stroy too difficult. The first time I played the game, I rented it for a week and was able to get to the last chapter. In fact, I even beat two chapters on very hard. I think IGN has it right. In their review, they said the story mode helps train you on different skills to use. I think that's what makes it difficult. Just learning to develop that skill.

By the way, if anyone has not unlocked the AX cup, get to it. Believe it or not, the cup isn't that hard. The hardest track just may be the Port Town race for it. But, you need to play and see Meteor Storm, the Lightning race and the Green Plant race. Green plant especially has some wonderful visual images and blows away it's other two race offerings.

I also recommend unlocking James McCloud's video. I never get tired of it.

Like Icecold, I hope Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat crashes the party. There's a girl in my class at college who's boyfriend has this game. She says its one of the few games she plays. She just loves beating on the bongos. It's one of the first examples of Nintendo reaching out to non-gamers.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on February 01, 2007, 05:18:19 PM
The AX Cup itself is a joke. It's probably easier to adjust to the control in arcades, but it's really easy compared to Diamond Cup. The tracks are beautiful, though.

The last cup wasn't so bad.. in fact, if you practiced for a bit on each one (a few laps each track) you could get first by a wide margin. The only track that was "unfair" was the last one. That one is brutal, but by the time you get there you should be comfortably ahead, so it wouldn't matter.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on February 02, 2007, 02:45:20 AM
I disagree that F-Zero GX's difficulty isn't frustrating.  I finished the story mode on Normal, but the stress was way too much for me, so I had to put it away for a while.  I went back and beat a few missions in Hard and a couple on Very Hard (the Red Canyon and Chain Gang ones, I think.  I know I unlocked the Spark Moon and Fat Shark), but that was it.  That game is the poster child of unfair unlockables.  I paid for the game, and I want access to all of it, but it is beyond my ability to unlock a large chunk of it.  Sure, I could go on a quest to find the AX version to unlock it, but I'd have an easier time finding the Holy Grail.  Ever since F-Zero GX, my belief is that everything should eventually unlock even if you suck at the game.  The extras could have been in the shop for an insane number of tickets, so that eventually, even a novice could beat the easiest cup enough times to unlock them.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Ceric on February 02, 2007, 04:36:58 AM
I beleive the same... Especially since playing Super Swing Golf.  I can't seem to beat UncleBob in Story Mode,last set in Scouts thing... I know thats terrible, and I've beaten all the other modes level 1 stuff and going to do some of the level 2 stuff and I'm considered a Junior in rank and I haven't gotten anything new in the store in forever.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: vudu on February 02, 2007, 08:06:24 AM

Originally posted by: vudu
So we're left with just four spots left.  That means tomorrow will be Metroid Prime, SSBM, Wind Waker and Resident Evil 4.
I was right!  What do I win?!
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Acefondu on February 02, 2007, 08:09:17 AM
If a list like this was made for XBOX, I seriously doubt it would hold a candle to this list. A PS2 list could compete, but seriously, what stellar games did the XBOX have that could match the Cube?

I say this to hopefully refute the quote of "the cube wouldn't be a gamer's first or even second choice" or something like that mentioned in the article. I just honestly think the XBOX is the worst system ever that generation. The 360 is gaining some awesome ground though.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: t slog on February 02, 2007, 08:12:45 AM
Great work NWR.  That was a massive undertaking and I loved the whole Coverage.
It's not often that a games system gets it's own comprhensive and collective eulogy. Usually systems just fade, or are windscreen mush with the arrival of the all encompassing new systems. You guys gave historical credit where it's due.

For me, Metroid prime was the only AAA game last genration, with resi 4 coming in a close 2nd.

Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Kairon on February 02, 2007, 08:15:42 AM
The write-ups and retrospectives and sidenotes are BEAUTIFUL. Especially Svevans! <3

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: WindyMan on February 02, 2007, 08:19:06 AM

Originally posted by: vudu

Originally posted by: vudu
So we're left with just four spots left.  That means tomorrow will be Metroid Prime, SSBM, Wind Waker and Resident Evil 4.
I was right!  What do I win?!

Nothing.  You need to guess what we're doing this weekend to,
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on February 02, 2007, 08:35:06 AM
Watching the Superbowl?
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Bloodworth on February 02, 2007, 08:52:19 AM

Saturday: ????????????
Sunday: ????????????
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: vudu on February 02, 2007, 09:00:10 AM
I'm going to guess one day will be a list of the best multiplatform games and the other is a list of worst games and/or biggest disappointments.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on February 02, 2007, 09:13:17 AM

Originally posted by: Bloodworth

Saturday: ????????????
Sunday: ????????????

Are you insinuating that my guess is invalid?  Fine.  Since the implication is that these days will be about "some other stuff thrown in there for good measure" as opposed to the weekday lists of "must-own" games, I'll guess that you'll discuss games that are notable for their outrageous bizarreness and good games that flew under the radar.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: trip1eX on February 02, 2007, 10:38:13 AM
Mostly great list overall and a very solid organized writeup.  

Games I would have put on the list:


Jungle Beat

and maybe Burnout 2.  

Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on February 02, 2007, 10:49:20 AM
I supported Jungle Beat, but it didn't make the cut.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: ryro on February 02, 2007, 11:11:30 AM
I skipped the Cube, I never had the money when it was new, and then I got to a point where it was just like "There's a new system in two years.  Meh."

So far I own Wario Ware, Metroid Prime and F-Zero all for less than forty bucks combined.  The only real drawback right now is buying controllers and memory cards which are still going full-price.  I was able to pick up two wavebirds for 25 dollars each.  

I will definitely get my hands on Res4 since the Wii isn't giving me any deep one-player games for a while.

Good job guys!
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 02, 2007, 11:52:28 AM
DK Jungle Beat was more "on the cusp" of making this list than any other.  I think the review scores were not quite high enough and probably not enough of the staff have played it to give it enough support.  Chibi-Robo was also mentioned, but I think it suffered for the same reasons as DKJB.

Burnout 2 would not be eligible according to our rules, and besides, the third and fourth games are MUCH better.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: bustin98 on February 02, 2007, 05:17:32 PM
I have to kinda disagree with Burnout 3 and 4 being better than 2.

On one hand, you have the takedown feature which is awesome. On the other hand, the crash modes were completely destroyed by use of tokens and more realistic crash costs. There's nothing like being able to brag about getting a $90,000,000 crash.

Single player mode really seems the same to me, other than fleshed out environments. The difficulty was upped a tad, too. Ok, being able to have a custom soundtrack thanks to the Xbox harddrive is a plus, too. But if I'm having a gaming party, Burnout 2 is the game that comes out.

And let me say thanks for making this list. Its great to read what everyone's thoughts are on the great games that came out last generation. I feel its a fitting beginning to what may turn out to be a gaming renaissance thanks to the Wii and DS.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: WindyMan on February 02, 2007, 05:49:45 PM
Burnout 2 was the best racing game in the series, and Burnout 3 was the bset game and combining the racing and crashing aspects of the series.  Burnout Revenge went too far into the crashing end of the spectrum.  I'm excited for Burnout Dominator because it's supposed to be closer to how 2 and 3 were.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Dasmos on February 02, 2007, 06:13:16 PM
Definately an empty list without Jungle Beat.

Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: TrueNerd on February 02, 2007, 07:10:49 PM
I also really liked the write-ups/blurbs. A round of applause for all involved, you deserve it. Although, I guess it's not over yet...?
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Mario on February 02, 2007, 08:11:18 PM

Originally posted by: Dasmos
Definately an empty list without Jungle Beat.


Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Shift Key on February 02, 2007, 08:17:11 PM

Originally posted by: Mario

Originally posted by: Dasmos
Definately an empty list without Jungle Beat.



Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on February 02, 2007, 08:22:54 PM

Originally posted by: Shift Key

Originally posted by: Mario

Originally posted by: Dasmos
Definately an empty list without Jungle Beat.



Fully agreed.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Extra Terrestrial on February 03, 2007, 05:42:12 AM
That is the most interesting, informative and enjoyable article I have read on a (videogame) website in a long time even though I expected all 18 games to be mentioned on the list at some point. Although I didn't think the GameCube offered the diversity and arguably, quality the PS2 offered it still managed to release at least five games that are probably my all time favourite experience on any system.

I never did enjoy the very shallow Super Smash Bros. Melee (Soul Calibur/Edge, Street Fighter, Tekken, Virtua Fighter are better in my opinion) nor did Mario's return in Sunshine or Double Dash after the SNES/N64/GBA versions made me sit up and appreciate the game on offer but everything else mentioned, especially Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime, Pikmin and Viewtiful Joe are absolutely brilliant.

The more I look back at the GameCube, the more I realise how good the games were.

Good stuff from NWR once again!  
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KnowsNothing on February 03, 2007, 05:55:10 AM

Originally posted by: IceCold

Originally posted by: Shift Key

Originally posted by: Mario

Originally posted by: Dasmos
Definately an empty list without Jungle Beat.



Fully agreed.

*nods head*
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on February 03, 2007, 06:08:02 AM

Originally posted by: Extra Terrestrial
I never did enjoy the very shallow Super Smash Bros. Melee

I think quite a few people will be upset about you calling SSBM shallow.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Extra Terrestrial on February 03, 2007, 06:54:51 AM

Originally posted by: KDR_11k

I think quite a few people will be upset about you calling SSBM shallow.

Well, in comparison to the games I listed - Soul Calibur/Edge, Street Fighter, Tekken and Virtua Fighter - it certainly is.

You only really needed to use the A & B button but for those who perhaps took the game a bit more seriously may find some depth to the 'system'.

Either way, I do appreciate just about every game bar a few on the list that NWR gathered together.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KnowsNothing on February 03, 2007, 07:11:41 AM
Super Smash Brothers is as shallow or deep as the people playing it, and that's why it is such a masterpiece.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: WindyMan on February 03, 2007, 07:53:06 AM

Originally posted by: Extra Terrestrial
Well, in comparison to the games I listed - Soul Calibur/Edge, Street Fighter, Tekken and Virtua Fighter - it certainly is.

You only really needed to use the A & B button but for those who perhaps took the game a bit more seriously may find some depth to the 'system'.

Either way, I do appreciate just about every game bar a few on the list that NWR gathered together.

There is depth to SSBM.  It's one of the games featured on the Major League Gaming professional circuit.  (Halo is another.)  Five years later, people are still playing it, and people are still buying it.  Those that got the game when it came out in 2001 are still playing it, more than five years later.

People don't play a game for five years if it's shallow.

Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 03, 2007, 08:00:27 AM
You might as well say that the sun is cold.  Could not be more wrong.  Melee is simple -- that is not nearly the same thing as shallow.  Tekken is complex -- that is not nearly the same thing as deep.

Edit: However, I appreciate your kudos and your courage for staking out what is definitely a controversial opinion.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Smoke39 on February 03, 2007, 11:47:55 AM
I'll never understand the praise RE4 gets.  I thought it was extremely annoying to play.  The controls and camera are good only when compared to the old RE games.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: TMW on February 03, 2007, 12:13:04 PM
What?!  No Beyond Good and Evil on best Multiplatform?  Or are you going to do more "Best of Multiplatform" tomorrow as well?  

Fo reals.  If BG&E doesn't get any recognition, I am going to write SUCH a letter.  
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: ShyGuy on February 03, 2007, 12:43:22 PM
Agreed. BG&E Deserves recognition!
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: oohhboy on February 03, 2007, 02:09:31 PM
In all their praise for RE4 they missed something. The A.I. They usually not only had a numerical advantage on you at all times, but in open ground they are as dangerous as they can get. Using the village as an example, in the open, the villagers would send the main group at you in a frontal assult. Now if you watch, a number of them break off from the main group for your flank. I have seen them move around building to hit me in the back. Lock yourself in building? They bust down the doors and windows. Start bringing up ladders. Not the type will to wait for you to stave to death. The reactions to being shot.

Short of the cheat weapons, you just can stand there blasting away. Your constantly forced to run or atleast take a step back to check your 6. The A.I. is still more intelligent than most games today.


Originally posted by: Smoke39
I'll never understand the praise RE4 gets.  I thought it was extremely annoying to play.  The controls and camera are good only when compared to the old RE games.

The gameplay is an early variant on the "Cover" system that alot of games use nowdays like GRAW and Gears or War. In those games you wouldn't think of shooting anybody without having cover yourself. If you start blasting people while in the open, you died. In RE4 you are given two distinct choicies. Flee or fight. Flee is only a tactical choice as you aways have to fight. In other games, that is moving away from cover. Your only going to more cover so you can shoot some more. Hence not being able to shoot on the move.

The game constantly forces you to make that fight or flight choice. It is never "and" choice. It engages you on a very, very low level that most other games can't.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Hostile Creation on February 03, 2007, 02:11:57 PM
I'm with the Jungle Beat camp.  Totally should have made the list.  Thinking about it, I want to play it right now.

SSBM is simply the best fighting game ever created.  The depth and flexibility of the game is astounding.  My friends and I will all play together, but whenever we play, my one friend and I are sure to go one on one at least once.  We'll only have five lives and the match might last a half hour or longer.  We're so good at avoiding each other that we hardly ever accumulate damage.  It's incredible to experience.

I'll also note that while I really enjoyed Resident Evil 4, the game was way too long and repetitive.  I was ready for it to end when I finished the first disc; I remember being disappointed when it said enter disc 2.  It was just zombie, shoot, zombie, shoot, with only an occasional boss as a terrifying breath of relief.  I mean, I did enjoy it, but it got less good the more I played.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Khushrenada on February 03, 2007, 03:56:06 PM
Personally, I'm hoping to see some recognition for:

Jungle Beat
Donkey Konga 1
Battalion Wars

I think that's about all the list needs. Though it wouldn't hurt to add:

Beyond good and evil (people seem to like it)
Harvest Moon: A wonderful life.
Sonic Adventure 2

Yeah, I guess I'll stop there. I'm not very good at making lists and limiting myself.  
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on February 03, 2007, 04:16:56 PM
I would not put Donkey Konga anywhere near this list.  It's one of the most boring rhythm games I have played.  Some of my non-gamer friends were eager to try it because of the controller, but they got bored with it almost as fast as I did.  The problem is not that it's too easy -- although it mostly is -- rather, it's too limited.  There are only four moves and very few combinations possible among them.  I thought the game got repetitive before the end of the first song.  It's like a one-dimensional DDR or Guitar Hero, and that's one dimension too few.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Khushrenada on February 03, 2007, 04:25:36 PM
I admit the game does have its faults. But I didn't think it was a total bore. Maybe that's because I like drums though. Plus, I prefered the song selection of the first Konga. I've always been curious what it would be like to get 4 people playing the game but I don't have that many bongos. But I did think the game was still worthy enough to be included and it is a different rythym game.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on February 03, 2007, 08:47:58 PM
You only really needed to use the A & B button

The complexity of the controls does not necessarily define the depth of a game. Or is Street Fighter more complex than, say, Virtua Fighter because it uses more buttons?

And besides, A and B don't let you block, catch, throw, dodge, ... In short, using only A&B is like using only FP and FK in SF.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: TMW on February 04, 2007, 06:23:58 AM
Sonic Adventure 2 belongs nowhere near this list.  It belongs on no list save for the "Slightly fixed version of a broken game" list.

I just realized another Dreamcast game that deserves to be on here.  Skies of Arcadia.  

Fo reals.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Kairon on February 04, 2007, 06:25:58 AM

~Carmine "Cai" M. Red
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on February 04, 2007, 07:42:53 AM
Skies of Arcadia is overrated.

And the Freeloader needs a mention on the list somewhere. How else are you going to play Naruto GNT4 and Kururin Squash?
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Bloodworth on February 04, 2007, 09:17:05 AM
With a real mod of course.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: TMW on February 04, 2007, 09:40:23 AM
Any staff response as to why you guys shunned BG&E?  Sure, it was short as hell, but thats no reason to dismiss it?
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: King of Twitch on February 04, 2007, 10:33:15 AM
Where's Wavebird, the greatest wireless controller ever made?
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: ShyGuy on February 04, 2007, 10:36:13 AM
no Bg&e, no wavebird, this list is PHAIL.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Acefondu on February 04, 2007, 12:24:34 PM
This list is responsible for me getting re-addicted to SSBM....thanks a lot......
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: oohhboy on February 04, 2007, 02:23:10 PM
Skies of Arcadia when comaperd to TOS does come off as abit of a dead duck. But never the less, as a game it was alot of fun and the sense of exploration especially early game was great. But it does suffer all the penalties of being a TBRPG, though the SP system helps it out a little by giving another resource that your need to manage.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Karl Castaneda #2 on February 04, 2007, 03:52:30 PM
BG&E is a multiplatform game, and as such can't be on the list. As for why it's not on the multiplatform list, I don't think many on the staff played/liked it enough to get it through. I know Obi's a huge fan, though, so if it makes you feel better, I'm quite sure it's on his list.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: IceCold on February 04, 2007, 05:28:58 PM
How on EARTH did the Wavebird not make it?
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on February 04, 2007, 06:32:48 PM
With a real mod of course.

Does that even work with PAL?
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on February 04, 2007, 06:52:57 PM
I take partial blame for not suggesting the Wavebird.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Artimus on February 04, 2007, 07:18:11 PM

Originally posted by: ViewtifulGamer
BG&E is a multiplatform game, and as such can't be on the list. As for why it's not on the multiplatform list, I don't think many on the staff played/liked it enough to get it through. I know Obi's a huge fan, though, so if it makes you feel better, I'm quite sure it's on his list.

The fact that it's a decent game that's excessively overrated is probably the reason.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on February 04, 2007, 07:39:29 PM
Psychonauts > BG&E.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Smoke39 on February 04, 2007, 07:59:49 PM
Psychonauts was worth the money just for the milkman level.  So incredibly funny. XD
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Bloodworth on February 04, 2007, 09:23:29 PM
Personally, I'd have to say that BG&E is quite a bit overrated.  Don't get me wrong, I like the game.  However, I think the main key to its charm is that they actually hired competent voice actors whose performances allowed you to connect with the characters.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Nephilim on February 04, 2007, 11:46:08 PM
kind of sad naruto 4 didnt make it
since series was only on gamecube, and 8ing isnt making the new wii version (which makes it totally gc only)
but it did get a mention, still proberly is one of the top selling gc games in japan  
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Ian Sane on February 05, 2007, 04:37:38 AM
I borrowed BG&E from a friend once and I thought it was okay but I didn't really get into it.  I think it's a classic example of an overrated-underrated game.  It's a decent game that doesn't sell very well and is largely ignored but then gets a lot of praise from the few that did play it and that snowballs into undeserved hype.  It seems like the game initially got a raw deal so its fans try to get it some exposure and overcompensate by praising it a little too much.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Karl Castaneda #2 on February 05, 2007, 10:31:09 AM
DeadlyD, I'm pretty sure Eighting will go back to making Naruto soon. Remember, the one that Dream Factory is working on is Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX, highlighting the fact that this definitely isn't the next main game in the series. GNT5 will probably happen eventually, and it'll probably be from Eighting.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: ShyGuy on February 05, 2007, 11:00:24 AM
Is Beyond Good and Evil Michelle Ansel's greatest game? Yes
Is Beyond Good and Evil Ubisoft's greatest game? Yes
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: Svevan on February 05, 2007, 06:59:11 PM
I agree with ShyGuy.
Title: RE: SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: KDR_11k on February 05, 2007, 07:00:54 PM
I hope Eighting is taking time off from Naruto to make a new Kururin game.
Title: RE:SPECIALS: Nintendo World Report's Greatest GameCube Games
Post by: NWR_Lindy on February 06, 2007, 05:19:38 AM
For the record, I suggested Ikaruga but all I heard was crickets.  I thought that it deserved to be on the list, since it was the best old-school shooter on the system.  It's a niche title, but it was great for what it was.