Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 03:45:41 AM

Title: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 03:45:41 AM
GUESS WHAT GUYS if you guessed copy/paste from gurnal, you'd not be incorrect!

I have Zelda, Excite Truck, and a controller, but no Wii =(

Now, I didn't exactly put my all into this, I only got there at six this morning, but still. READ MOAR.

I call walmart yesterday and they say they will hand out tickets at seven, and that you can't line up on the property until then. Okaaaaay. So I get there at six, and they're sold out. Later on I learn that sold them all at 5:30. I WAS LIED TO. Lot's of other people in the Best Buy line had been told the same thing. Bastards.

The Target line was easily 120 people long. No thanks.

Best Buy line. I'm number 46 in line. There are 45 units. BITCHES. The guy in front of me got the last one.

Circuit City apparently got 15 units. Lawl.

So I go home. has them in stock. I should order them, but first lets go search some more.

I get to Toys-r-us right like 10 minutes before it opens. Not two minutes after I arrive this dude who was behind me at best buy shows up. Lawl. Nothin there. Apparently though, the best buy I went to had 90 units but they only put 45 up for sale. Sigh.

We head over to the mall. FYE wasn't even open yet and they were sold out. EB Games didn't have any, duh. Nor did walmart. Me, the best buy kid, and a couple others waited by sears for a while, only for them to tell us that they had a total of TWO UNITS and they sold at 8:00. EIGHT? YOU GUYS OPEN AT ELEVEN WHAT THE HELL.

I get home. says the product is unavailable.


Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: The Omen on November 19, 2006, 03:56:55 AM
Yep...the Wii has vanished all around my area.  It's a bummer to be sure.  But I hope to gank one this week either with an online bundle or some insider trading from my friends at Circuit City or Gamestop.  (gee, you think they would've hooked me up prior)
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: BigJim on November 19, 2006, 04:30:10 AM
No Wii here yet. dropped the ball a bit.  I received 2 of the 4 games in the bundle. The other 2 (Zelda/Excite Truck) are still "processing" so who knows when I'll get those. It's not like everybody wants Zelda the MOST or anything, so why worry about getting it on time.

The system was shipped but may not get delivered until Tuesday now. At least the Wii is accounted for... but darn it I had my N64 and GCN a few days early. They messed up my record.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: ThePerm on November 19, 2006, 04:35:33 AM
im going to try to get one on black friday
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: chaingunsofdoom on November 19, 2006, 04:35:51 AM
Sold-out here in Calgary - everywhere I went - this morning. People were lined-up at places all night in weather below 0C (32F) . Future Shop - 72 units gone. Walmart - 55 and 61 gone. Superstore 12 and 15 gone. Costco only had a handful. TRU sold-out.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 04:37:37 AM

im going to try to get one on black friday

Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Pale on November 19, 2006, 04:38:14 AM
Well I have to say I was wrong about them being readily available.  Smash and VG can laugh at me.  I did however luck out and managed to get one though.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: BigJim on November 19, 2006, 04:41:53 AM
By the way... an FU to those that said you could just waltz right in to Walmart on Sunday morning to pick one up.

I was going to go to an actual Walmart last night (and sell the incoming one) but when I called they said they already had more people in line than they do systems.

Preordering cannot be dismissed. At least I'll have my Wii, just not as fast as I'd hoped.

Edit: Yeah, hang your head in shame, Pale.  
Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: NWR_pap64 on November 19, 2006, 04:44:53 AM

Originally posted by: Pale
Well I have to say I was wrong about them being readily available.  Smash and VG can laugh at me.  I did however luck out and managed to get one though.

Not just you, but all the NWR editors that mocked S_B and VG's decision of pre-ordering.

Don't worry guys, I got this one...



Anyways, no Wii for me till either December 25th, January 6th or much later in 2007, depends if I am able to get one.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: matt oz on November 19, 2006, 05:24:27 AM
My morning went a lot like KN's.

Started at one Target (120) and all the tickets were given out.  Went to another Target (also had 120), same deal.  Circuit City had a sign in their window saying 'sold out of wiis' or something.  I didn't even bother with Best Buy.  I drove past Toys R Us at 6pm on Saturday and there was a line, so I figured that was pointless.  KMart (9!) opened early and let people buy them.  WalMart (~50) had a midnight launch, which I didn't think was happening since this isn't a 24 hour WalMart.  Then CompUSA, which I knew wouldn't have any, and they didn't, then Sears.

I'm not too disappointed though.  I only decided like 2 weeks ago that I wanted one at launch.  I'm actually more disappointed that I spent about 3 hours driving around two different towns.

I can't believe KMart only got 9 though.  That's a frucking PS3 number right there.

And if you think about it, so many of the Wiis bought today are just gonna be sitting in closets and in attics, hidden from children, waiting for Christmas.  They won't even be played!  The horror...
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Smash_Brother on November 19, 2006, 05:39:43 AM
I got to Wal-Mart at 4 PM and there were already 14 people before me.

Funny thing is, the hick town Wal-Mart had MORE people than the population dense area. Go figure...

Sorry to hear you didn't get one. But this isn't Sony: 2nd shipment will be in VERY soon.


Originally posted by: Pale
Well I have to say I was wrong about them being readily available.  Smash and VG can laugh at me.  I did however luck out and managed to get one though.

Honestly, I thought it would be easier than this coming down to the wire since I don't own a cable connection and can't see Nintendo's media influence.

But like I said, I hoped everyone would get one regardless. Sad to see it wasn't the case.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KDR_11k on November 19, 2006, 05:58:46 AM
I'm Wii-less but that's mostly because there's no Wii in my country yet.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Artimus on November 19, 2006, 06:07:13 AM
I don't' have it yet and I've chosen to wait for Christmas. I had enough money but it felt better to wait and save the money I had.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 19, 2006, 06:16:52 AM
I'm IMPOTENT here as well.

Stupid thing is, I went to Gamestop at midnight last night.  I wanted to pickup my GAMES.  6 GAMES.

Policy was, they would not give system-preorder priority to people who pre-ordered things like games.

When I get there, they had 4 copies of Red Steel.  The people who pre-ordered systems got priority over the games.  Mind you, I pre-ordered my games in September, while these people did the system preorder in October.

I stood outside in line for an hour, and they never let me in, and told me "sorry"



Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 06:28:41 AM
I have come to the conclusion that Gamestop does not actually want my business.  I'm not going there again.

The only store that actually seemed to care about its customers was Sears <3
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Kairon on November 19, 2006, 06:31:28 AM
Yeah, I'm thinking the next best thing to an indie game store is a Sears, Toys R Us, or some online outlet.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Judge_Dredd on November 19, 2006, 06:38:59 AM
I'm in Calgary, didn't get one either and I'm depressed.  I missed it by 5 minutes at Walmart, 2 people at another Walmant and about 7 people at Best Buy......what gives.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: zakkiel on November 19, 2006, 06:40:28 AM
I share all y'all's pain. My town, pop. 20,000, has a Circuit City, Sears, Walmart, Target, Gamestop, EBGames, K&B toys... I thought I was set. Didn't get up until 6:20 this morning. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Thing is, even though mroe may come this week, it could be just as bad. Judging from the number of people on this very forum who failed to get one, there's a large segment of dedicated fans still in the same boat. I foresee every shipment from now until Christmas selling out within 24 hours of arrival. Oh well. To the vigilant go the prize!
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: WalkingTheCow on November 19, 2006, 07:35:32 AM
I worked for the Wii launch and therefore was quite ineligible to purchase one. However, my girlfriend DID just get one and Zelda so I'll get to play it over at her place untill I can get one for myself. This is probobly a good thing because now I can try to be patient and get a Wii on a double discount day and make off like a bandit.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KDR_11k on November 19, 2006, 07:37:24 AM
Stores don't open till 9:30 or 10:00 here so I have time on that launch day. That's why I can casually walk into a store and still see unclaimed stock, I don't waltz in 6 hours after opening, just 6 minutes.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 08:54:31 AM
It was funny before, but now I'm just pissed.

I was one person away.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Garnee on November 19, 2006, 09:51:46 AM
This blows.

I was umm...deer hunting this morning.  (No, really.)  So, needless to say, I didn't get a Wii.  I'm gonna call every store everyday from here on out, basically.

Or, if even possible, buy online.  But not on eBay.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: zakkiel on November 19, 2006, 10:10:07 AM

Stores don't open till 9:30 or 10:00 here so I have time on that launch day. That's why I can casually walk into a store and still see unclaimed stock, I don't waltz in 6 hours after opening, just 6 minutes.
I casually waltzed up to a store three hours before opening. No dice. Nowhere close to dice. No dice on the friggin' horizon. If you want a Wii, for all that's holy on launch day you better camp or have a preorder.
Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: IceCold on November 19, 2006, 10:23:07 AM

Originally posted by: chaingunsofdoom
Sold-out here in Calgary - everywhere I went - this morning. People were lined-up at places all night in weather below 0C (32F) . Future Shop - 72 units gone. Walmart - 55 and 61 gone. Superstore 12 and 15 gone. Costco only had a handful. TRU sold-out.
Damn man, I feel the pain. The stupid Chinook didn't help - in the good old days it would be snowing on November 19th! I really wanted to get it from Superstore, but no luck there, of course. Couchmonkey, any luck?

This is sad. We, the fiercest of Nintendo fans, who have been following the consoles for two and a half years, can't even secure one at launch, even when Nintendo ships an unprecedented amount of consoles to North America.

Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: eljefe on November 19, 2006, 10:48:26 AM
last in line a TARGET

got there at 5:30AM

sad that they ran out of nunchuks

felt worse for the gent behind me in line

he went home with nothing

Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 19, 2006, 10:53:58 AM
You got a Wii?


The other thread has much warmer, welcoming arms.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: stevey on November 19, 2006, 11:24:20 AM
I spent hours this morning going to 10 different store with all of them were sold out!  

"By the way... an FU to those that said you could just waltz right in to Walmart on Sunday morning to pick one up."

Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Smoke39 on November 19, 2006, 12:51:57 PM
I gave up on at around 6:50am since apparently their customer service had no idea when they were actually gonna sell them and I didn't want to stay up all freakin' DAY waiting for a chance to order one.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 12:52:41 PM
Apparently even if you DO get one on the estimated ship date is january 18th.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: D_MaN87 on November 19, 2006, 01:18:08 PM
Although I did get one (camped out 11 hrs in -5 c weather), shipments will be coming every week until dec 31st.  UNLIKE the ps3.  Feel lucky.  Rest assured you will all get one.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: zakkiel on November 19, 2006, 01:49:48 PM
So, how badly is Nintendo doomed? Very doomed, or very VERY doomed?
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: matt oz on November 19, 2006, 02:20:58 PM
By my count, Nintendo shipped approximately 500 Wiis to my town and the neighboring town.
Combined population: 180,000
That's 0.0028 Wiis per person.

People on the GameFAQs board are saying they live in towns with much less people, and all their stores had a higher per capita rate of Wiis.  Like 200 Wiis for 20,000 people, which is 0.01 Wiis per person.

I think the allocation of units may have been a bit skewed.  My town is the 7th most populous in the state (New Jersey), having 97,000 people, and our KMart got 9 Wiis.  Granted, they're not the biggest video game retailer in town, but they're in the top 5.

It seems I've gotten a bit angrier as the day has gone on...
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 02:37:42 PM
Ahahah, me too.  I'm in a terrible mood right now, whereas in line when I got denied I laughed it off.
Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: IceCold on November 19, 2006, 02:50:11 PM

Originally posted by: zakkiel
So, how badly is Nintendo doomed? Very doomed, or very VERY doomed?
They should drop out while they can..
Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: redding on November 19, 2006, 02:51:28 PM
I have to wait untill 7th of december or 8th, cant remember. But thats only cause i live in australia. I threw in my pre-order early september at eb, so i sure hope i get my wii.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Nile Boogie on November 19, 2006, 03:39:25 PM
I'm still broke.
Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: decoyman on November 19, 2006, 04:37:49 PM
Well, I got a Wii today, but it turns out to be broken, so I could very well be Wii-less very soon.

But it all started out so promising. I got to Target this morning around 2 hours before it opened, and there was a line of around 70 people ahead of me. Circuit City across the street wasn't much better.  

I got ticket #60 at a store where there were 60 Wiis available.

I missed out on all the controllers on the displays and endcap. While waiting for the monstrous line to die down, though, I was wandering around the aisles, and found a remote all by its lonesome at the bottom of one shelf in the Xbox 360/Gamecube aisle. Good enough for some Wii Sports two-player with my wife.

All good, right? Well, I felt like I was riding on cloud 9. I was saying hi to random people, and being all outgoing and zany in Starbucks, because I was just happy. The day was going perfectly. THEN I got the Wii hooked up and tried to go online, only to have it successfully find my router, connect, download an update, and then fail every other online-related thing. No Wii Shopping Channel. No message sending. No more updates. Now I've got to send it in, and could very well be without a Wii for 8-10 days. If there are weekly re-stocks, some of you may have your Wiis for a week before I get mine back.

My point? Don't feel too bad, for all is not perfect in Wii Get Land.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: mantidor on November 19, 2006, 04:49:28 PM
So, I found out the launch was the same day as opposed to what I initially thought, but not only there are no launch games apart from wiisports, the console comes at the preposterous price of roughly $460 (using current exchange rates), its even more expensive that the cost the 360 has here! I really feel like just modding all their consoles in the future or just going to pirate-friendly xbox and ps, because seriously its simply not worth it, I don't know what the hell Nintendo is thinking, but they sure seem to not like to have any fans here. For now I'll be will-less for a long time, and I felt like coming here and whine :P

Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: NWR_pap64 on November 19, 2006, 04:52:20 PM

Originally posted by: mantidor
So, I found out the launch was the same day as opposed to what I initially thought, but not only there are no launch games apart from wiisports, the console comes at the preposterous price of roughly $460 (using current exchange rates), its even more expensive that the cost the 360 has here! I really feel like just modding all their consoles in the future or just going to pirate-friendly xbox and ps, because seriously its simply not worth it, I don't know what the hell Nintendo is thinking, but they sure seem to not like to have any fans here. For now I'll be will-less for a long time, and I felt like coming here and whine :P


Where are you from? Are you counting games and accessories?
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: mantidor on November 19, 2006, 05:01:49 PM
Thats the standalone price for the console, including wiisports, no games, they aren't even available, not even the extra controllers are available at launch either! I'm starting to look for import sites because even with a probable price drop, once MP3 or Mario Galaxy hit I'll be ripped off with local prices anyway. Location: Bogotá, Colombia (yes I know, I bit far from all you in more ways than just physical distance, what the hell am I doing here in these forums you might ask, well I ask that myself too sometimes )

Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: NWR_pap64 on November 19, 2006, 05:04:29 PM

Originally posted by: mantidor
Thats the standalone price for the console, including wiisports, no games, they aren't even available, not even the extra controllers are available at launch either! I'm starting to look for import sites because even with a probable price drop, once MP3 or Mario Galaxy hit I'll be ripped off with local prices anyway. Location: Bogotá, Colombia (yes I know, I bit far from all you in more ways than just physical distance, what the hell am I doing here in these forums you might ask, well I ask that myself too sometimes )

Ah, I see. Just be lucky you are not in Brazil. I heard it will cost 1000 bucks in there... O.O
Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KDR_11k on November 19, 2006, 06:31:42 PM

Originally posted by: zakkiel

Stores don't open till 9:30 or 10:00 here so I have time on that launch day. That's why I can casually walk into a store and still see unclaimed stock, I don't waltz in 6 hours after opening, just 6 minutes.
I casually waltzed up to a store three hours before opening. No dice. Nowhere close to dice. No dice on the friggin' horizon. If you want a Wii, for all that's holy on launch day you better camp or have a preorder.

Preorders? Don't make me laugh, I had a better chance of getting a 360 than those who preordered it. I don't think stores 'round here take any care not to exceed their shipment numbers with preorders.

I'm not sure camping out is legal here, they'd probably think you're a hobo and get you moved to the local police station.

And hell, if it doesn't work, what do I lose? The fun of trying to hunt down the other stuff I'd want for the system (let's put it like that: No Zelda left = no Wii purchase from me)?

Mantidor: Hey, that's not far away from most of the other users, at least you live on the same continent (or physical land mass?) as most of them. Try Australia if you want "far away".
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: mantidor on November 20, 2006, 03:15:52 AM
yeah, but theres also the language barrier and third world economy, if you think $450 is expensive there in developed countries you can imagine how it is here, is simply out of anyone's budget except the filthy rich.

Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Kairon on November 20, 2006, 03:27:47 AM
Yeah, upper-working-class americans live like kings compared to other countries.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: vudu on November 20, 2006, 06:31:25 AM

simply out of anyone's budget except the filthy rich.
Which reminds me, are you filthy rich?  I've been meaning to ask that for a while.

*Whoops!*  I have a Wii.  I better get out of here before the mob gets me!
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: mantidor on November 20, 2006, 06:43:32 AM
I'm one of the lucky ones who got good education (hence the english) and internet access, but I'm not rich at all, just a middle class guy here, and obsessed with gaming enough to expend so much money in games with the cube, DS and PC, but the wii has reached my limit

Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Luigi Dude on November 20, 2006, 09:14:32 AM
Well it's nice to see I wasn't the only one who was unlucky.

I arrived at the local Best Buy a few minutes before it opened and to my surprise there was a huge line that stretched around the entire store.  Then I went to the Toys R Us that was nearby and they were sold out, the Walmart and Shopko were also sold out.  I then drove to the Shopko on the other end of the city and they were sold out, so was the Walmart on that end.  

I then drove the next Walmart that was over 30 miles away since it was located in a town of only four thousand I thought I might be able to find one there, but I was wrong.  Then I drove back to the city I realised that I didn't try the K-mart, and thought who goes to K-mart anymore.  Well the lucky people that now own a Wii that's who and so K-mart was also sold out and with that every single store in my area is now sold out.

So now I'm spending my time playing Wind Waker to get my Zelda fix until I finally get my hands on Twilight Princess.  Hopefully I'll be able to arrive early enough for the second shipment whenever it arrives.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 20, 2006, 09:35:54 AM
How am I spending my Wii-less Wiik of Wiikness?

A soil mechanics exam and a steel design exam.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: RickPowers on November 20, 2006, 09:48:52 AM
So when I need someone to design me some sort of steel container to hold soil in a very specific configuration, you're the guy?
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 20, 2006, 10:57:55 AM
I'll design your open-channel toilet drain that runs through the middle of your kitchen.
Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: The Omen on November 20, 2006, 11:13:35 AM

Originally posted by: Luigi Dude
Well it's nice to see I wasn't the only one who was unlucky.

I arrived at the local Best Buy a few minutes before it opened and to my surprise there was a huge line that stretched around the entire store.  Then I went to the Toys R Us that was nearby and they were sold out, the Walmart and Shopko were also sold out.  I then drove to the Shopko on the other end of the city and they were sold out, so was the Walmart on that end.  

I then drove the next Walmart that was over 30 miles away since it was located in a town of only four thousand I thought I might be able to find one there, but I was wrong.  Then I drove back to the city I realised that I didn't try the K-mart, and thought who goes to K-mart anymore.  Well the lucky people that now own a Wii that's who and so K-mart was also sold out and with that every single store in my area is now sold out.

So now I'm spending my time playing Wind Waker to get my Zelda fix until I finally get my hands on Twilight Princess.  Hopefully I'll be able to arrive early enough for the second shipment whenever it arrives.

That's about the exact same experience I had.

And I'm playing OoT to get my Zelda fix until I can gank a Wii and Twilight Princess.

Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Tansunn on November 20, 2006, 11:26:51 AM
I'm stuck on a military base in Korea.  I'm not likely to get one until I'm out of here.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 20, 2006, 11:27:12 AM

And I'm playing OoT to get my Zelda fix until I can gank a Wii and Twilight Princess.

Me too =p  I'm playing Master Quest right now.  It's hard for me ;___;

I hate all the reports of mid-week shipments.  It puts A LOT OF PRESSURE ON ME.  Should I call EVERY STORE?  Should I just go hunting?  Will any be left after school anyway?  WHAT IS GOING ON.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: matt oz on November 20, 2006, 05:18:06 PM
Does anyone else think if the Wii had launched before the PS3, we would all have gotten one?

The PS3 launch put it into EVERYONE'S head that if you camp out for a system on launch day, you can sell it on ebay and make a quick profit.  I know this isn't the first time a console has gone on ebay during a launch, but it's the first time that a launch was so widely publicized, especially all the news crews interviewing people in lines saying they were gonna sell their PS3s.

I remember Nintendo saying for about a year they would launch before the PS3, that it was integral to being successful.  And instead, they launch two days later, on a Sunday of all days, and all the PS3 campers who went home empty-handed ended up camping for a Wii to sell on eBay.

Could I have camped?  Yes.  Was I going to waste a Saturday night sitting on the ground in 40 degree weather, not getting any sleep, being cold, hungry, and going to the bathroom in a bush?  Hell no.

I really wanted to get one before Thanksgiving.  It's the only time I'm gonna have to play games until winter break starts on December 19.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Requiem on November 20, 2006, 05:39:14 PM
Broke as a joke....

Plus, like Ian, the Wii hasn't proven to me that I should purchase it. Zelda is the only thing I want (possibly Trauma Center) and I am perfectly content with renting the damn thing for my cube (plus, it gives me a reason to play the cube version). Also, with all the reports of the Wii network servers hiccuping and stores selling out their supply, I think its best just to wait till after the christmas season. After a month or so, when everyone has gotten past the novelty of the Wii and the reality starts to sink in, that's when I'll make my decision to purchase the Wii. The Wii seems like its worth the purchase for future software alone, but that has no bearing for me right now.

As for the rest of yall who actually own a Wii, I salute you.
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Ceric on November 20, 2006, 05:50:42 PM
My Wii is defective and I'm going to lose all my game saves when it becomes undefective...  Does that count.... (I waited a whole day trapped in Lawn and Garden for it Too... )
Title: RE:Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Rhoq on November 21, 2006, 04:59:15 AM

Originally posted by: matt oz
Does anyone else think if the Wii had launched before the PS3, we would all have gotten one?

Not a chance.


Originally posted by: matt oz
The PS3 launch put it into EVERYONE'S head that if you camp out for a system on launch day, you can sell it on ebay and make a quick profit.  I know this isn't the first time a console has gone on ebay during a launch, but it's the first time that a launch was so widely publicized, especially all the news crews interviewing people in lines saying they were gonna sell their PS3s.

Wrong, the 360 started the trend last year. PS3 merely mimicked history.


Originally posted by: matt oz
I remember Nintendo saying for about a year they would launch before the PS3, that it was integral to being successful.  And instead, they launch two days later, on a Sunday of all days, and all the PS3 campers who went home empty-handed ended up camping for a Wii to sell on eBay.

Nintendo lies. It wasn't the first time and certainly won't be the last. They launch on Sundays because they don't want people having to miss work or school to camp-out and wait in lines for their new systems. Any unsuccessful PS3 hopeful that bought a Wii had more-than-likely planned to buy a Wii anyways. Nobody waiting in the line that I was a part of was there because they missed-out on a PS3. I'd be surprised if any more than 10% of all Wii consoles sold on November 19th were because the buyer settled for a Wii instead of a PS3.


Originally posted by: matt oz
Could I have camped?  Yes.  Was I going to waste a Saturday night sitting on the ground in 40 degree weather, not getting any sleep, being cold, hungry, and going to the bathroom in a bush?  Hell no.

That's what I originally said, too. Until the reality hit at about 10 PM Saturday night that there would be absolutely no way I would be able to get a Wii if I had waiting until the morning. Me and 67 others suffered through the conditions you described, except it was 35 degrees and we had plenty of food options available to us throughout the night. Me and a friend got some Pizza Hut. Others had Taco Bell and Dunkin' Donuts. A few guys supplied some beer. Besides the cold weather (and the nasty chest cold I now have as a result), I had a blast! I personally didn't use a bush. The back wall of Target was secluded enough for me.


Originally posted by: matt oz
I really wanted to get one before Thanksgiving.  It's the only time I'm gonna have to play games until winter break starts on December 19.

Thanksgiving is in 2 days. Aren't new shipments expected in stores today?  
Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: Plugabugz on November 21, 2006, 06:13:42 AM
With the exception of Infernal - who managed to land in proverbial fourth place - I've pretty much been shafted repeatedly.

I did manage to secure a pre-order with Game, with a £20 deposit. I am guaranteed one before Xmas. Wii Play has been pre-ordered while i decide on what else (Zelda, one other game and one other item, probably a nunchuck).

Title: RE: Official *I DON'T HAVE A WII* thread!
Post by: nitsu niflheim on November 21, 2006, 08:42:23 AM
the problem is that pre-ordering was almost impossible because how Microsoft fked over the retail stores so bad last year by under-delivering and stores themselves not using common sense, knowing full well that launch day supplies are always slim, that this time around they chose not to take any advance orders and most stores still aren't.  Those that did take pre-orders raped their customers by forcing them with useless stuff, gamestop especially with their warranty thing.  That was my main contention with thier bundle.  if they hadn't forced that I would have done my best to get a pre-order with, but I went with yesterday and procured a order.

they are acting like the intial stock is th eonly wii systems to ever be manufactured.