Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Smash_Brother on November 18, 2006, 02:53:59 PM

Title: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: Smash_Brother on November 18, 2006, 02:53:59 PM
Wii GET, as of 12:15 AM EST! Playing Red Steel, my first sword fight will live in my gaming memory for years to come...

Extra controller and chuck

Red Steel
Tony Hawk

Waiting at home.

Let's hear yours! WII GET?    
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: NWR_pap64 on November 18, 2006, 02:57:02 PM
Did YOU get a Wii, though?

I assume you did, considering you are posting when there are only hours left till ithe Wii is officially released.

As for me, I won't expect a Wii till Christmas (or in the worst case scenario, sometime next year), so no WIIGET for me :\ .
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: Smash_Brother on November 18, 2006, 03:00:02 PM
I have the Wal-Mart ticket to get one in my pocket at this moment. I need to head back to the store around 11:45ish to actually GET the damn thing, though.

Still, figured we needed a thread about this.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: Martin Q. Blank on November 18, 2006, 03:13:13 PM
A little under 4 hrs left until I pick up the Wii.  

We should use this as the thread as to what everybody picked up at launch.    
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: vudu on November 18, 2006, 03:18:59 PM
I'm too old to be out and about at midnight; I'll pick mine up at eleven tomorrow morning.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: Smash_Brother on November 18, 2006, 03:21:56 PM

Originally posted by: vudu
I'm too old to be out and about at midnight; I'll pick mine up at eleven tomorrow morning.

I spent some time explaining to mothers about the Wii and what they'd need for their kids in the line inside Wal-Mart.

Thankfully, they let us wait inside.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: Zach on November 18, 2006, 04:24:30 PM
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!  Seeya suckers later.   Sucks for you westerners!
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: decoyman on November 18, 2006, 05:18:45 PM
Dang, if I still lived in Nebraska, I COULD HAVE MY WII RIGHT NOW. I've got a friend in Des Moines who's been calling me and updating the situation as he waits for his (it's DrewMG, actually)

P.S. - Hate you, Zach. HATE.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: UncleBob on November 18, 2006, 05:45:47 PM
This will be my last post for awhile.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: Shorty McNostril on November 18, 2006, 06:10:23 PM
I got 3 weeks to wait yet.  Grrrrrr.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: Ceric on November 18, 2006, 06:11:20 PM
Wii GET!!!!

I had to wait since 3:00 am to get my hands on this Wii at 12:01.

I got:

Blue Glove

The component cable is coming because Nintendo messed me over on next day.  Something about Next day being the NEXT day doesn't register with UPS.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: BiLdItUp1 on November 18, 2006, 06:21:23 PM
I just got back from the main launch at the ToysRUs in Times Square. Got extra controller, nunchuck, zelda. Update soon.

Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: BiLdItUp1 on November 18, 2006, 06:50:32 PM
This just in: Wii Sports comes in crappy cardboard sleeve, not full-blown box. Not that I care that much...
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I GOT WEE" thread***
Post by: Smash_Brother on November 18, 2006, 07:03:43 PM
THDJ is pretty fun, but I know there's so much more to the game since I'm passing by all these grinding rails and shortcuts at all times. Seriously, some of these courses are VERY diverse and have a slew of paths to take.

Red Steel is pretty good so far, with the swordfights being VERY enjoyable. Getting used to the aim takes time, but once you do, you'll prowl the halls like a professional killer. Magnum, FTW!

FYI, only posting this now because a friend and I are swapping off levels in Red Steel.

Also, my Wii is now my GC: I attached 4 wavebird sensors to the top and plugged in the memory cards. The top of the Wii IS a GC.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Bill Aurion on November 18, 2006, 08:58:26 PM

Someone hid the accessories at Wal-mart, so I could only get Zelda and Excite Truck!
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Shorty McNostril on November 18, 2006, 09:25:44 PM

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion

Someone hid the accessories at Wal-mart, so I could only get Zelda and Excite Truck!

Oh that posting that pic is soooo low.  Well all you lucky americans, enjoy your new peices of awesomeness whilst us unfortunates agonize through another 3 or so weeks.

Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 18, 2006, 09:28:26 PM
i hope i get one =s
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Infernal Monkey on November 18, 2006, 09:47:08 PM
Three weeks to gooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO (o). No BIG DAMN TRUCKS, Smash? Pfft, that's no Wii get. That's no Wii get at all!
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: MilkManX on November 18, 2006, 09:48:15 PM
Got mine also. Damn Wii Sports is sooo fun. Fired up Zelda but I want to wait for my Component Cable to come in before I dive into that.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: ThePerm on November 18, 2006, 10:01:55 PM
wii60 ftw
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Smash_Brother on November 18, 2006, 10:03:12 PM

Originally posted by: Infernal Monkey
Three weeks to gooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO (o). No BIG DAMN TRUCKS, Smash? Pfft, that's no Wii get. That's no Wii get at all!

Lack of 4 player made me shy away from it...for now.

I'll need to try it tomorrow at Gamestop (when I wake up after my 6 AM Wii binge...).
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: WuTangTurtle on November 18, 2006, 10:09:27 PM
I had to drive 20 miles, wait in line at 3:30pm and walked out the 69th person with a Wii in hand.  Toys'R'Us had 160 of em.  

I had to drive 20 miles because I live in a very small area that only has like 1 Bestbuy, Target, and Walmart all of which were spoken for since yesterday apparently (stupid geeks with no life).

I got:

Red Steel

extra set of controllers
classic controller
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Martin Q. Blank on November 18, 2006, 10:10:38 PM
Wow, its been a long night.  Played a little Wii Sports and Zelda.  Zelda is amazing, I can't wait to dive into this game during the holidays.  I haven't opened Monkey Ball yet and might return it because of the awesomeness of Zelda.  I messed around w/ the Mii channel and checked out the Wii Store.  I had a huge smile on my face throughout.  This thing is f*ckin' awesome !!!  

I'll have to head out tomorrow morning because Gamestop didn't get any extra Wiimotes or Nunchuks.  All in all, I am very happy with Nintendo.  The revolution has begun !!!
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Shorty McNostril on November 18, 2006, 10:26:55 PM
Hey Kairon, where is your sensor bar at?
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Svevan on November 18, 2006, 10:33:13 PM
I have to go wait in line AGAIN tomorrow morning to get Zelda. I am tracking down a copy if it kills me.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Jerman on November 18, 2006, 10:41:02 PM
I got to Wal-Mart at 9 AM. Figured I should, with the stir the PS3 made. Good thing I did. Was 9th in line, and scored everything I was hoping for:

Monkey Ball
Excite Truck
Zelda: Twilight Princess

2 Controllers
2 Nunchucks
Classic Controller
A points card

And my component cables arrived on Friday. Played about 2 hours of Zelda tonight, but I am going to go hit the sack now. Happy gaming!
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on November 18, 2006, 11:58:04 PM
I have to tell yah my first impression of Wii had to be the slickness of the console itself, I'm sorry but the Wii is probaly the most gorgeous system I've seen, it is small yet looks futuristic. One area where I've changed my mind for the better is the Wii system menu/channels, I really like the look of it now, everything looks so polished and professional. Kind of dissapointed that the Opera browser isn't available yet, but I'm not going to worry too much about it.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 12:56:49 AM
I did not get Wii.

Walmart lied about when they were handing out tickets, so I was too late when I got there.  Target had around 120 people in line.  Best Buy had 45 units.

I was number 46 in line.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: wandering on November 19, 2006, 02:43:10 AM
I got one. Waiting in line all day at Wal-Mart was fun., really. We waited inside, in the training room. They provided chairs. We watched Spaceballs.

Playing Wii is also fun.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Caterkiller on November 19, 2006, 03:18:19 AM
I waited at the L.A. Party and for the most part I had a great time. Nintendo fans weren't killing each other. We played amazing Mario Kart, and Tetris battles. I met Matt from IGN, got to talk with him a bit, and he took an awesome photo with me posing as Spider-Man. Met George Harrison, got to talk with him for a nice amount of time. Was alot of fun, I was one of the first to get theres, and did a few interviews for tv. Oh boy I had a good time. And I sware, I didn't find a single person who was trying to sell theres on EBAY. There well over 700 people at this launch, it was awesome.

I will post pictures, soon, but right now I have a stunt class, then its ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA!  
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: BranDonk Kong on November 19, 2006, 03:30:31 AM
I got mine at 9:00 (ish) at Best Buy, along with Zelda, so did EVERY OTHER FREAKING PERSON IN LINE. Well, almost everybody. This one girl bought about 5 games and the organizing case and extra controllers. I'd love to give impressions, but my console has been updating for about 2 effing hours!
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Kairon on November 19, 2006, 03:53:27 AM

Originally posted by: Shorty McNostril
Hey Kairon, where is your sensor bar at?

*looks left*

*looks right*

Are you talking to me???

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Ghisy on November 19, 2006, 04:07:50 AM
I got one from Amazon: it's being shipped to a friend in Cali then shipped to me!!
So hopefully, I should be able to play the Wii in about 10 days! ^_^
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: BiLdItUp1 on November 19, 2006, 04:13:18 AM

Hahaha...the TRU @ times square had so much stuff...they were handing out copies of Zelda like candy; all the stuff was in huge bins...almost bought red steel, didn't...still in need of a real multi-player game (besides Wii Sports). No pictures until the Lumenlab Evo comes (another ten days)

Took subway at 6. Played Zelda tracks from OCRemix on the way. Zelda music comes on exactly when I get off; taking this as a sign, did mad dash. Fun.

Segways were insane. I didn't get to see Reggie, as I was on line. Total about 8 hrs wait. (6 to around 2, when I finally got to buy.) Met cool dude on line, glad. There were girls there! Not that many were waiting in front of Circuit City for PS3 two nights ago (saw the line on the way to Casino Royale). More glad. Brought laptop w/Celebrity Jeopardy on it, and my DS, and (sadly) my Econ textbook. No free Wifi (why I wasn't posting from the event). Gripe: cashier gave me stupid ToysRUs bag, not cool cardboard Nintendo bag like most ppl. Ah well. Still got free shwag (Iron-on thingamajig, baseball hat, winter hat, some ppl got tshirts too)

At the end, actually caught a cab in NYC. Yay! Home by two. Ppl evidently OD'd in dorm; ambulance, public safety outside. Downer for 1/2hr, big downer. Eventually snapped out of it. Got to room, slowly opened package, packed up GC. Unpacked Wii. Double Yay! (Time: about 3:20, somehow took an hour to unpack GC (was setting up air mattress and cleaning up room at the same time)

Wii Sports Tennis was cool (had a friend, fun). Baseball was annoying, could not get into it. Zelda - only got to ride Epona (whom I've named Crystal) for a while, though that was fun. Doors in village seemed to be locked. At this pt, it was 4:45, and we both have long Sundays, so we fell asleep.

Wii remote controls - finicky at first, got used to them. May be that it was stacked on top of my DVD player. Moved it down a bit, will try out ltr today (work to do). Altogether - the whole damn thing is pretty anti-climactic., not like Cube launch for me at all. At the very least,  I read NOTHING about TP, so everything is new to me. My theory: I need Brawl. NOW

I'm gonna pick up a real multiplayer game once I actually try it out, to tide me over till ssb:b

According to Firefox 2 spellchecker, 'multiplayer' isn't a word (nor is 'spellchecker', for that matter).

good bye my friends  
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: King of Twitch on November 19, 2006, 04:20:49 AM
I camped out. Longest, coldest night of my life sitting under a blanket of fog but it paid off. I found a Target at 9pm, was the 21st person in line, and they opened promptly at 8am. The place I went to was very organized, the crowds were calm and fun to talk to; they passed out tickets and order forms(!) to fill out at 7am. They had 69 units and the same number of Zeldas.

Got my extra controller set, a VC card and Zelda. Going to go try Wii Sports pretty soon and Zelda later today.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Pale on November 19, 2006, 04:45:12 AM
I got one after a ton of stress this morning.  VG and Smash can see my post in the people who didn't get one thread for my admission of being wrong on the readily availableness of them.

So this is how my system went down.  I shot over to Target (who opened at 8am) at around 5:45 this morning.  When I get there no one is in line and I'm puzzled.  I park my car and figure I'll stay warm for as long as I can.  Then some security guard kicks me out of the parking lot saying no one is allowed on the property until 7am.  That explained why no one was there.  Anyway, I pace around until around 6:50 and shoot back over.  I'm second in line.  HURRAY.  Then this huge line of ass hats come walking over from the Lowes that is like a quarter mile away and claimes they made a list and that i had to move.  Of course I'm like, "Like i'm believing your stupid list, you can get in line behind me"

Shouting ensued and the dumb Target manager decided he would solve it with a raffle.  A god damn raffle.  So on the spot they hand out tickets.  I got my fiance to get one too even though we only wanted on system.  When all was said and done, we had two out of around 100 tickets and they pulled 42 out for systems.  One of our numbers got called and I lucked out.

God damn, what a stressful morning.  
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Smash_Brother on November 19, 2006, 05:49:44 AM
I was stunned when I called Wal-Mart at 3:30 PM and they said 6 people were already waiting, and the hick town wal-mart had SIXTEEN people waiting at the same time.

I thought they'd be easier to get this. I managed to get one for me and one for either my parents or my coworker and his kids: I'm convinced one of the two will want one.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 05:51:01 AM
If they don't want it, you're selling it to me.  THIS IS AN ORDER.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: trip1eX on November 19, 2006, 05:57:15 AM

The gods were with me. Finally.

I went to 5 or 6 different stores this morning (after being at Walmart at midnight last night) and all were sold out or had more folks in line than the store had Wiis.

And then I happened upon a Sears with 3 people in line. It was almost nine o'clock too. And only 3 in line??? And thank goodness the couple in front of me was only buying one Wii because Sears only had 3 Wiis.  

I was the cutoff. 3rd in line for 3 Wiis.

So I got one and it looks like they are sold out everywhere around.

But as much as I want to play it I might Ebay it. It looks like you can make a couple hundred right now.  :?  Hhhmmmm.  
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Smash_Brother on November 19, 2006, 06:02:35 AM

Originally posted by: KnowsNothing
If they don't want it, you're selling it to me.  THIS IS AN ORDER.

Sure, and because I own a home business, I can actually just charge your credit card.

But I'm still rather certain my parents will want the thing once they try it, especially when my mother realizes it's exercise for my father.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: D_MaN87 on November 19, 2006, 06:03:36 AM
Got mine at 8am at Best Buy, Scarborough Ontario.  Got to the lineup at 9:30pm Saturday.  At that time, only about 10 people.  I was number 13.  This store got 55 units.  I saw many people walk away unhappy.  Currently playing zelda, and finished toying with wii sports.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: ShreddersDojo on November 19, 2006, 06:08:37 AM
Quick report...

Wayne TRU:

Arrived, 10:40PM. Luckilly no dear hit. 40 people in line, 20 intending to get a Wii...
12PM: Same situation, two extra people behind me.

1AM: Mis judged the cold, went inside car for 4 hours.

5AM, waited till 5:30, went back out line. Line now goes beyond TRU to the route road, almost around the building.

8:30AM: Call father, saying I think it would be a good idea if you drove here, we leave one car there, we drive home in my car. Dead tired, cold getting too me with only a sweatshirt on.

8:45 re-inforcments arrive via one parent and winter clothes, ala jacket, glove, and hat . It was only for an hour, but well worth it .

9:50AM: Manager lets people in, (Who I thought was an antsy customer counting people ahead of him to see how far behind he was in line. He obviously didn't need me to tell them they only had 85 units ), I get my Wii after I teach my legs how to walk again. 12 hour experience done in 5 minutes .

Picked up Dragonball and Zelda.

See you in five years )
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Kairon on November 19, 2006, 06:27:30 AM

Originally posted by: ShreddersDojo
See you in five years

We'll hold you to that.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: segagamer12 on November 19, 2006, 06:53:09 AM
I got mine this morning at 8:05 AM had to drive 50miles to nearest town to get one. Waited in line at K-mart, I was so right I figured if I went to K-mart nobody else would go there cuz our K-mart is way outta the way and sucks, and I was right! I must admit my first impression of the thing was it seams so small.

I do have 1 major gripe, the Wiishop channel SUCKS!!!!!!! I waited for over an HOUR! for that damn thing to laod and they promised TG-16 games at launch and none were available. Also the web browser doesnt work yet.

So after an hour of waiting I reset mysystem (called Nintendo five times inbetween no answer) then it finally worked. My frist two VC Dls were Sim City and something Key forgot the name but it was fun.

Wii sports is better than I imagined! I like the Bowling and Golf, the seam to work well. Boxing was fun but often unresponsive, Baseball sucked and Tennis also was hard to get to work right.

My sister bought me Zelda TP but she is still in KS for another two weeks so I wont get to play that till seh gets here. But so far the Wii is loads of fun
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Rhoq on November 19, 2006, 09:25:50 AM
Went to the Toys "R" Us in Deptford, NJ for the midnight sale. Arrived to witness a sea of 200+ people for (160 systems). No go.

People were camping-out in front of the Deptford Target. At that time there were 22 people in line for 68 systems. We headed back towards Philly to try the 24-hour Wal-Mart at Franklin Mills. After 5 minutes of busy signals on the phone, I finally got through and was basically told not even to bother trying since the line was already massive and well beyond theit stock.

My friend decided the only way we would get a Wii was if we camped-out. We headed back to Target and were numbers 26 & 27 in line. We arrived around 10 PM. The quota was reached at about 6 AM. Security began running down the rules around 6:30 AM and handed out a "shopping list" at 6:45 AM and our official numbers at 7 AM. The store opened exactly 8 AM and we were escorted to electronics for check-out.

I came home, took a shower and slept for roughly 3.5 hours. I woke up and hooked-up my Wii. I've only played Red Steel and Monkey Ball, so far. I also have Excite Truck, Trauma Center and Zelda.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: MarioAllStar on November 19, 2006, 09:31:16 AM

Originally posted by: Kairon

Originally posted by: ShreddersDojo
See you in five years

We'll hold you to that.

~Carmine M. Red

Everyone make a Wii memo for November 19, 2011.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Ceric on November 19, 2006, 11:22:15 AM

20 Pack of d_Skins

I'm using one to protect Wii Sports initial they make some noise but work find  So I'm using them on all my games so the don't get scratched.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Dirk Temporo on November 19, 2006, 11:55:43 AM
My night was... Interesting.

I went to the 24-hour Wal-Mart expecting to wait inside, but what do I find but a bunch of people camped outside. Turns out it was up to the store manager, and I guess she decided to be a douche. So we sat down and hung around. Talked to the people in front of us in the line, they were cool. As it turns out, the stupid store manager had decided she didn't want to deal with keeping track of the line, so she gave #1 a notepad, and told him to make a list, and keep track of it. And of course, what does he do besides sell spots in line? Not to mention he was a total dick in the first place. He kept coming back to the end of the line and telling us there was no point in waiting and that we should just leave.

Interesting side story, a guy walked up to me and said "Dirk?" and naturally I thought it was Smash_Brother because he said he might head out there, but it actually turned out to be a guy I know from ANOTHER forum where my name is also Dirk Temporo, so that was cool.

Anyway, it became fairly evident that we weren't going to get one at midnight at Wal-Mart, so we decided to go to Target. The people who were in front of us at Wal-Mart wound up being right behind us at Target, because they didn't get one either, so we talked to them some more. It certainly was an interesting experience waiting outside in the cold for fourteen hours. Not so sure I'd want to repeat that experience. But we did finally get one, so all was well. Unfortunately, I can't play it until Thursday because it's a birthday present. ;_;
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Babyboy8100 on November 19, 2006, 11:55:56 AM
I got mine today at 11am waited in line at a local Toys'R'Us since 5am but i finally was able to get a Wii, xtra wiimote and numchuck got Zelda and red steel, Rayman Ravvin rabids. i'm still playing Zelda though witch i think is going to consume all my time for now i love the way the TRU that i went to they had a line of about 100 people and i saw everyone getting one TRU must of be Nintendo's favorite or something because even Target had only 40 something Wii's.
oh this stupid guy bought a Wii like around 7am went by there trying to sell it for $600 what a moron not only did he get booed but everyone was telling him off. you F'N Geek get the F out of here before we bust a PS3 and jack your
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: 31 Flavas on November 19, 2006, 02:42:53 PM
here are some photo's of my wii. Notice the t-shirt.

tEh photos

Edit: My friends and I blasted Weird Al's "White and Nerdy" with the windows wide open, all the way to shopping center.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Dirk Temporo on November 19, 2006, 02:56:28 PM
Damn you! I NEED one of those shirts!
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Hocotate on November 19, 2006, 03:05:11 PM
Got the Wii and trauma center at target on launch day^^ This just might replace the N64 as my all time favorite console, ever.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Spak-Spang on November 19, 2006, 03:17:56 PM
So my birthday party was Saturday night, so I couldn't lineup all day and I thought I was going to miss the Wii all together.  But after some bad dreams, and waking up early I got lucky and got the last Wii reserve ticket from Circuit City.  I feel lucky and blessed.

Here is what I got:

4 complete controllers (minus the classic controller of course)
Super Monkey Ball
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Super Mario 64
Solomon's Key
Legend of Zelda

Solomon's Key is fun, but extremely hard.  Super Mario 64 feels classic and beautiful (it is perfect, except I had some camera issues with the Gamecube controllers.  And I don't know why people say the original Zelda hasn't aged well.  It is great fun, and has aged much better than say the original Metroid and other games.

Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: 31 Flavas on November 19, 2006, 03:24:15 PM

Originally posted by: Dirk Temporo
Damn you! I NEED one of those shirts!
The Wii and games I got at Circuit City. The t-shirt I got at GameStop. The first GS, where my friends pre-ordered Wii was, I asked about the t-shirt and they said "The day after Thanksgiving, and you've got to buy 2 DS games." But the other GameStop, where this same said friends copy of Zelda was pre-ordered, were already wearing them! And I said, "I HAVE TO HAVE ONE OF THOSE!", to which they said, buy 2 DS games now. I promptly did and recieved the t-shirt.

So, I guess, it's hit or miss. But, i'd stop by a GameStop (or two) and take in a picture or article print out and confront them.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Kairon on November 19, 2006, 05:51:15 PM

My bro and I got our Wiis!

We pre-ordered at a distant Toys R Us 1 hour away because it was sleepy and there wasn't much of a line there. Our cousin drove us, she slept over Saturday and we all had trouble waking up Sunday morning because we'd watched movies late into the night. I got up at 8. Poked my brother and cousin a couple of times, waited 'till 10am, and walked the cat. By the time I came back, they were both up. We headed to the local mall to check out Circuit City (no accessories left even though the day before a guy had enticed me by saying they had ltos and didn't expect to sell out) and target (which I didn't have high hopes for, but when I asked the guy he showed me the box beside me, which had their last NUNCHUCK!!! It also had tons of Wiimotes and VC controllers. I got the nunchuck, 3 wiimotes, and a vc controller).


Then my younger bro bought his OWN copy of Zelda TP. We had breakfast/brunch at the McDonald's in the mall.

Then we set out to get our Wiis at the distant Toys R Us. Despite the directions being complicated and the location being far and us inexperienced, we didn't get lost! We got to the Toys R Us, went in, and they had NUNCHUKS! I grabbed 2 more for me and some other lady grabbed the last ones after that. (SCORE! FULL COMPLEMENT OF CONTROLLERS! AT LIKE 12PM THIS WAS!) We got out our thick wad of pre-order tickets and gave it to the cashier, who disappeared behind the backroom for awhile. He returned with 2 WIIs (one for me one for my bro), and 7 games. We'd have to wait longer for Trauma Center and Metal Slug. *shrug* We'd have to come back later. I paid for it all with my life savings.

Then we had an awesome surprise! Our friends, (two brothers) had waited at the same Toys R Us with us for their Wii Pre-order and all of a sudden their family showed up (minus the college-bound older brother)! AWESOME COINCIDENCE! HYPE ALL AROUND! HAPPY FACES! FILIPINO EXTENDED FAMILY GREETINGS! They picked up their wii too (only one) and their 3 games. Unfortunately, there were no controllers of any sort left for them to buy.

Then our cousin who had driven us got UBER NICE and bought us each our birthday presents early: my bro got a Mario controller glove and I got a nice black Zelda one!

Then we all went to our friend's nearby place and played our WIIS!


~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: IceCold on November 19, 2006, 06:14:40 PM

We'd have to wait longer for Trauma Center and Metal Slug.
Why do you keep forgetting that Metal Slug isn't at launch
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Kairon on November 19, 2006, 06:15:38 PM

Originally posted by: IceCold

We'd have to wait longer for Trauma Center and Metal Slug.
Why do you keep forgetting that Metal Slug isn't at launch

Why do you keep reminding me? /cry

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 19, 2006, 11:12:38 PM

and walked the cat.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on November 20, 2006, 03:41:52 AM
This is probably boring, but here's what happened to me.

I missed out several times this weekend.  The people I talked to at WalMart said there wasn't going to be a line for Wii.  I decided that, combined with other anecdotal evidence, meant that the hype around these parts wasn't very high.  My friend and I decided to head to WalMart in the evening of the 18th just in case some people did wait in line, particularly after we found out the store was only getting the bare minimum of 20 units.  When we got there, I felt pretty good because there was no sign of a line whatsoever.  Not wanting to be bored for several hours, we left and went to the nearby GameStop.  The big positive of the evening was discovering a good GameStop.  I didn't know such a thing existed.  This store is pretty far out of my way, and there are closer stores, but I think I'm going to head there from now on.  I bought a couple of used PS2 games and chatted a little about the Wii.  That's when I learned that there was a line at WalMart with over 50 people in it, and that WalMart only had 18 units.  Where was this mysterious line?  We still couldn't find it, so we decided to head back to my place to kill some time.  We played Smash Brothers for a while, then headed back to WalMart to find out what the heck was going on.  It turns out that the line had formed early in the morning, and to get rid of the crowd, they handed out tickets.  All the Wiis were in layaway.

Our next option was Target.  I had heard it would have 24 or 26 units.  I didn't want to wait there all night, although it turns out that would have been my best chance to get a Wii.  I only saw three people sitting in chairs outside, so we decided to try to get there early the next morning before Target opened at 8.  We went to my place again, watched the Transformers movie, and played some more Smash Bros.  In the morning, there were easily more than 30 people at Target, so we dropped that idea.  We drove to Sam's.  There were people waiting outside, but the sign on the door said they were already sold out.  We checked things out at Best Buy, knowing that we had no chance of getting a Wii but needing to kill time.  They still had remotes and nunchuks, I noted.

We went to Sonic for breakfast, then decided to go to Target anyway to buy games and get the gift card.  I was pleased to see that they had tons of games left.  I bought Zelda, Red Steel, and Rayman, though it was hard to choose between that and ExciteTruck.  My friend bought Zelda, Super Monkey Ball, and Call of Duty 3 because I had shown some interest in it, which typically affects his buying habits.  I can't say I've never led him astray, but since he buys stuff like Monkey Ball when left entirely on his own, I never feel too guilty.  He also didn't want our purchases to overlap too much since we often borrow games from each other.  I convinced myself to get a classic controller while I was at it because it was too tiny to refuse, and he bought a points card, a classic controller, and a remote.  Target was out of nunchuks, and he had finally become convinced that getting a controller would be difficult.  He still wasn't in a rush because he didn't think either of us was getting a Wii that day.  I wasn't ready to give up just yet.

I had one last hope, in fact, and that was Sears.  I had no idea if they even had any.  All I knew was that there wasn't a single person waiting outside and that it didn't open until 11.  That meant more time to kill, which meant more Smash Bros.  I was despairing just enough that I almost didn't leave in time to get to Sears when it opened, but we walked in right after 11, ran up the escalator, and found the video games.  I walked right up to an associate and asked if they had any Wiis.  There were two other guys standing around, one in white and one in black.  He said, "We only got two and you're the lucky ones."  He didn't point at me.  He pointed at the guy in white and an indeterminate point in space that could very well have applied to the guy in black.  I didn't think I made it, but the way he talked to the guy in black made me wonder if he worked there.  He wasn't wearing a Sears shirt or badge, but he wasn't acting like a customer.  I was confused enough to wait until they brought the Wiis up from the stock room to see what happened.  I looked at the other games.  Sears has terrible prices on games.  A couple walked up and asked about the Wii.  They were turned away.  I was starting to feel very warm, and realized I was blushing.  My friend said that since we weren't getting one, he was going to look at something else while we were there.  Right after he walked away, I turned around to see the sales associate put a Wii on the counter and motion me over.  He looked me right in the eye.  There was nobody else.  Black shirt guy worked there.  Wii freaking GET!

I was so excited I messed up my own signature.  I tried to give him my copy of the receipt.  I dropped the receipt when I tried to put it in the bag.  I turned around and tried my hardest to hide my smile as I looked for my friend.  He didn't see me coming at first.  He later told me that he saw me walking up with a big bag and a bigger smile on my face and couldn't figure out what I could have possibly bought.  He's a dork like that.  We were too excited to remember to buy a nunchuk, so we had to stop at Best Buy on the way out.  They only had three left.  The remotes were all gone already.

I spent the rest of the day in giddy euphoria.  It occurred to me that I had probably bought the last Wii in town.  Sears was quite likely the last store to open for the day that had Wiis to sell.  They only had two.  I bought the second one.  I unbelievably lucked out.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Kairon on November 20, 2006, 04:30:34 AM

Originally posted by: PartyBear
I was so excited I messed up my own signature.  I tried to give him my copy of the receipt.  I dropped the receipt when I tried to put it in the bag.  I turned around and tried my hardest to hide my smile as I looked for my friend.  He didn't see me coming at first.  He later told me that he saw me walking up with a big bag and a bigger smile on my face and couldn't figure out what I could have possibly bought.  He's a dork like that.  We were too excited to remember to buy a nunchuk, so we had to stop at Best Buy on the way out.  They only had three left.  The remotes were all gone already.

I spent the rest of the day in giddy euphoria.  It occurred to me that I had probably bought the last Wii in town.  Sears was quite likely the last store to open for the day that had Wiis to sell.  They only had two.  I bought the second one.  I unbelievably lucked out.

LOL. Awesome.

Also, if I was you and didn't buy a full complement of controllers at best buy while I had the chance... oh god I'd be friggin' DRAMATIC.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: JonLeung on November 20, 2006, 04:34:23 AM
I didn't post yesterday - too busy playing with my Wii.

But I'm at work now which is the only reason I'm posting now.  :P

I don't know if this is a deal for all EBGames but anyone who preordered got some special deals.  One deal was that for buying another controller or accessory you could get have one free GameCube game, either Geist or Viewtiful Joe 2.  I'm guessing it's because they didn't sell too well.  I picked Geist even though I'd already finished it on a rental 'cause I kind of liked the multiplayer, but I don't know if or when I'll ever replay it.  At least it was another product I registered at MyNintendo, hooray!
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: UltimatePartyBear on November 20, 2006, 04:39:37 AM
Unfortunately, I don't have a strong need for more controllers at this point, but at least it saved me some bucks.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: segagamer12 on November 20, 2006, 05:23:08 AM
controllers sold out here faster than the systems. Igot a Classic COnroller though but so far just the one that came with it.  
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: SixthAngel on November 21, 2006, 02:26:26 PM
I'm a little late but finally joined the party.  After calling up 5 stores and them being sold out (some from the second shipment) I decided to try wal-mart as I happened to drive by and grabbed the last one.  Nintendo is shipping these things out at lightning speed and they just keep getting sucked up.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: BigJim on November 21, 2006, 03:19:23 PM
Finally, got my pre-ordered system in today. Wii Tennis is suprisingly fun.

But they still haven't friggin' sent my Zelda or Excite Truck yet! GRRRR!
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: vudu on November 22, 2006, 06:09:30 AM
That's what you get for getting GameCube before all the rest of us!  Seriously though, sorry to hear.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Ghisy on November 22, 2006, 08:31:04 AM
C'mon Amazon, ship my Wii already!!!! It's been 3 days, sheesh.
*waits impatiently*
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Ghisy on November 23, 2006, 05:26:38 AM
Okay, my Wii has finally been shipped yesterday.
Now I just have to wait for my friend in Cali to receive it and send it back to me.
Oh the wait is still killing me...
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: nitsu niflheim on November 24, 2006, 03:36:11 AM
My Wii shipped from Wal* yesterday, but I can't track it right now.  I don't know if I'm getting it today or tuesday.  the email says it will arrive 11/28 but does that mean my Will will reach me that day, or is that just a date when they are expecting more systems?  Oh the confusion.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: ThePerm on November 24, 2006, 06:29:44 AM
got my wii!!!!! yipii!!!
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: couchmonkey on November 24, 2006, 06:54:52 AM
Did KnowsNothing die trying to rip a Wii from some soccer mom's hands? :*(
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Dirk Temporo on November 25, 2006, 05:37:08 AM
My Wii is bricked. Goddamn it.

What do you guys think? Should I hold onto it in hopes that Nintendo will release a fix for it, or should I just call up customer support and have them send me a new one?
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: BigJim on November 25, 2006, 05:56:30 AM
Call them. They may send a replacement unit faster than a fix for your problem.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: CardBoardBox on November 25, 2006, 06:18:07 AM

Originally posted by: couchmonkey
Did KnowsNothing die trying to rip a Wii from some soccer mom's hands? :*(

Yes =(

Actually, KN is sitting in his room with his Wii remote pointing it at a blank t.v screen.  He went last sunday at lauch and waited in line at Walmart, ending up being number 46, and there only being 45 units.  Yesterday morning we got up at 4a.m, got to Gamestop at 4:30 and waited for opening at 7am.   At around 6:50 the manager came out and told us, "Due to a mishap, we only have 9 WII CONSOLES"  *cry*.  We counted back and we were probably 13th(maybe 15th) in line.  I THINK (KN insists that we would not have) we could have gotten one if these 5 or so kids had not cut the line (friends were saving a spot, wtf?), but even though some old lady was pointing out those that cut in line to the manager, he didnt do anything about it.  So we stayed in line to see the end of that drama, and then went to McDonalds for breakfast.

Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: zakkiel on November 25, 2006, 09:09:01 AM
I likewise tried and failed the 4:00am-Gamestop-Black Friday thing. We were eighth in line. I thought we were set.

They had four.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Ghisy on November 25, 2006, 11:42:06 AM

Originally posted by: Dirk Temporo
My Wii is bricked. Goddamn it.

How did that happen?!
All these "my Wii is bricked" posts are making me nervous about mine arriving next week (hopefully).
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Dirk Temporo on November 25, 2006, 02:59:13 PM
It just happens when you update for the first time. It would appear to be random, but I figure systems that were produced earlier (hence having earlier firmware) are the victims of it. I'm calling Nintendo tomorrow. Just to clarify, you give them your credit card number, they send you a new one, and when you get the new one, then you send your old one back, right?
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: BigJim on November 26, 2006, 07:20:35 AM
Pretty much. If they have your CC# on file, that's insurance in case you don't return the brick.

If they instead suggest sending yours first, try offering your CC#. Some reps are better at this than others.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Dirk Temporo on November 26, 2006, 08:36:37 AM
Yeah. I called them today. Nintendo customer support is awesome. I was seriously on hold for about ten seconds, then the guy knew exactly what to do, and he was real nice.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: KnowsNothing on November 26, 2006, 12:12:03 PM
I got Wii
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: decoyman on November 26, 2006, 06:08:00 PM
Yay, congrats, KN! How'd you snag one? Did you have to wait in line somewhere?
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: nitsu niflheim on November 28, 2006, 05:11:38 AM
I got my Wii today, it's so small and cute.  The controller is smaller than I thought it would be, not too small, just smaller.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: IceCold on November 29, 2006, 06:48:40 PM
Didn't know where to stick this, but look at that range!  
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Ghisy on December 07, 2006, 05:02:38 AM
WII GET!!!!!
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: IceCold on December 29, 2006, 11:39:34 PM
I FINALLY GOT ONE! Waited 5 hours in -13 weather, but it's all worth it. I expect handwritten letters of congratulations from all of you. I haven't even played a game yet; just messed around with all the channels. It's awesome!
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Ghisy on December 30, 2006, 12:23:02 AM
Congrats IceCold!!
I hope you got Zelda though
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: 31 Flavas on December 30, 2006, 01:35:00 AM
congrats! Now you can get weather forcasts on your Wii so you can plan around cold/bad weather.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: vudu on December 30, 2006, 03:29:55 AM
Congratulations.  Now go to bed.

Wake up in 7 hours and give me your Wii code.
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: IceCold on January 01, 2007, 08:14:36 PM

I actually did sleep through that day
Title: RE: Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Caliban on January 02, 2007, 01:28:18 AM
Welcome to the Wiiniverse.
Title: RE:Wii GET! ***Official "I WIID MYSELF" thread***
Post by: Smash_Brother on January 02, 2007, 07:31:28 AM

Originally posted by: nitsu niflheim
I got my Wii today, it's so small and cute.  The controller is smaller than I thought it would be, not too small, just smaller.

Am I the only one who didn't think the controller was smaller than expected?

Maybe it's because I heard so many reports of "It's smaller than I thought it would be!", but I expected a device designed to accommodate the hands of tiny Japanese children. I was relieved to see that this was not the case.

Also, grats, Ice. I'll add you soon.