Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: wandering on October 04, 2006, 06:46:09 PM

Title: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: wandering on October 04, 2006, 06:46:09 PM
I think it's too much and some person who posted his opinion on his blog agrees with me. Discuss.
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: couchmonkey on October 04, 2006, 06:49:11 PM
Too discussed is the answer!
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: Smoke39 on October 04, 2006, 07:08:20 PM
Wii Sports isn't worth $50 I don't even want that game they're only including it to make us spend more money because they know we all want a Wii but don't care about that game so they're forcing us to buy to it get more money because they're mean and stupid and I hate Nintendo I'm gonna boy cott them and their stupid gimiky controller because they suck and I hate them Nintendo is lame
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: Mario on October 04, 2006, 07:12:03 PM
It's way too much, i'd have to sell one of the free HDTVs I got
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: ThePerm on October 04, 2006, 07:49:01 PM
$250 dollars is too much to have in your hands...thats why you should give it to a store in exchange for a wii
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: TrueNerd on October 04, 2006, 10:23:47 PM
First things first, we need to discuss the name! Wii? What the hell was Nintendo thinking?!  
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: KDR_11k on October 05, 2006, 02:25:33 AM
If the PS3 is too cheap the Wii is even more so.
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: blackfootsteps on October 05, 2006, 02:51:39 AM

Originally posted by: ThePerm
$250 dollars is too much to have in your hands...thats why you should give it to a store in exchange for a wii

so then you can have a Wii in your hands?
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: vudu on October 05, 2006, 02:55:18 AM

Originally posted by: blackfootsteps
so then you can have a Wii in your hands?
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: EasyCure on October 05, 2006, 04:38:38 AM
$250 for that TINY thing? how could i ever have fun with something so SMALL, and to ask me to pay that much for someting so MINUSCULE is an insult to my intelligence.

i would only pay that price if it was the longer, black model. now thats something to hold in your hands. rumour has it the black wiimote can only be weilded with two hands, so the nunchaku is out of the question for it...

oh god i just had the most horrible image in my head.... i'll give you a hint, it involves one wiimote and two nunchaku attachments all positioned oddly. *waits for someone to figure it out an photoshop it*
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: Infernal Monkey on October 05, 2006, 04:52:49 AM
Silly Nintendo. $250 for a NES with a stick that shoots lasers. What is this, Amiga? I could go buy a hoop and a stick for three bucks from the pond down town in the sky. What is this, Master System? What is this, Atari? What is this, Space War? What is this, Pez? What what what what what what what.
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: Smoke39 on October 05, 2006, 07:29:33 AM

Originally posted by: EasyCure
oh god i just had the most horrible image in my head.... i'll give you a hint, it involves one wiimote and two nunchaku attachments all positioned oddly. *waits for someone to figure it out an photoshop it*

Is it the remote being a penis with the two nunchakus being balls?
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: wandering on October 05, 2006, 11:17:40 AM
What? No, of course not! Get your mind out of the gutter.
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: Smoke39 on October 05, 2006, 01:22:26 PM

Originally posted by: wandering
Get your mind out of the gutter.

That's like telling a duck not to quack.
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: IceCold on October 05, 2006, 02:39:32 PM

Originally posted by: wandering
What? No, of course not! Get your mind out of the gutter.
Isn't gutter a slang word for ass?
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: Smoke39 on October 05, 2006, 03:39:49 PM
You can't mix slang like that.
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: EasyCure on October 05, 2006, 08:36:49 PM

Originally posted by: IceCold

Originally posted by: wandering
What? No, of course not! Get your mind out of the gutter.
Isn't gutter a slang word for ass?

maybe in crazy-canada-snow-filled-funland where you're from... i kid, i kid because i love


Is it the remote being a penis with the two nunchakus being balls?

yes, now get to work ;-)

i dont recall ever seeing a black nunchaku controller though...
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: Smoke39 on October 05, 2006, 09:12:54 PM
Is this what you want?

Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: Svevan on October 05, 2006, 09:14:28 PM
Stop it.
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: EasyCure on October 05, 2006, 10:49:45 PM
haha the crude drawing makes it even funnier then the "professional" one i envisioned
Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: Athrun Zala on October 06, 2006, 06:33:04 AM

Originally posted by: Svevan
Stop it.
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: Requiem on October 06, 2006, 08:07:34 AM
I need to take a s*#@

on this thread
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: Spak-Spang on October 06, 2006, 08:16:26 AM
Ok.  This thread is dumb.

But lets take a break for a second...and pretend this thread isn't dumb...which it clearly is.

Wii Sports contains: Boxing, Baseball, Bowling, Golf, and Tennis

If we concluded that each one of these games could be a virtual console download (a fair assessment) then they would be priced about $10.00 each.  

Perhaps Baseball would be less.  Still, that means Wii Sports is in fact worth $50.00

The point is if the game if fun and you enjoy it...and play it then it is worth it.

That being $250 seems perfectly fine.  Specially when you consider a controller is $60.00 retail.  So now lets take $110.00 off that and you have a system for: $140.00  Sounds like a great deal to me.

Boy am I stupid for bringing this up...and this thread is stupid.

Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: Smoke39 on October 06, 2006, 02:15:25 PM

Originally posted by: Spak-Spang
This thread is dumb.

Yeah, I come to the funhouse expecting serious threads, too.  Wtf is this?
Title: RE: $250: too much or too little?
Post by: Spak-Spang on October 06, 2006, 03:55:52 PM
Hell.  I was having fun with the thread...not really being serious...or rather being serious in the make it even more crazy in here.

Title: RE:$250: too much or too little?
Post by: wandering on October 06, 2006, 09:49:19 PM

Originally posted by: IceCold

Originally posted by: wandering
What? No, of course not! Get your mind out of the gutter.
Isn't gutter a slang word for ass?

ahaha, touché.