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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: JonLeung on September 07, 2006, 09:57:56 AM

Title: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: JonLeung on September 07, 2006, 09:57:56 AM
With the major Wii hype this year, and the PS3 trying to kill itself before it's even released, I'm starting to grow heistant about my chances of securing a Wii, since I haven't pre-ordered.  Am I just being paranoid today?

I've never relied on preorders.  Well, I've done so - twice...and neither of them went through.

Okay, the first one wasn't a pre-order, exactly, but more like a reservation that turned out to be unnecessary.  I went to an EBGames when the GBA was new...I think this was the summer of 2001?  I was surprised to run into a Drama classmate who was working there.  I asked her about CastleVania: Circle Of The Moon.  She put my name down and said I'd be contacted when they got a shipment of more of them.  They called me back a couple months later - when I'd already acquired the game elsewhere and finished it the morning they called me.  >_<

Then I was hyped about the GameCube, so I had it pre-ordered at Future Shop.  I was waiting in front of the store the morning of launch, and the only person ahead of me was this mother who was getting it for her boys and husband.  For a while it seemed like we were the only ones waiting, though a couple more people eventually showed up.  But then my dad, who seemed to be embarrassed about the whole waiting-in-line thing, had cruised around the block and found that Zellers had already opened and had lots of GameCubes and no line-up at all.  So we grabbed a Jet Black GameCube from there instead (and cancelled my Future Shop pre-order later in the day), and I was already back home taking on the Death Star in Rogue Leader just as Future Shop was opening.

I got the DS on the first day at Wal-Mart, no problems save for a small line-up.  Throughout the course of the GameCube, I've managed to score games on the first day of release (or at least the first day I had time to go shopping for them), never bothering with pre-orders and never having difficulty finding those games (except for when renting - stupid Blockbuster and Mario Superstar Baseball!  $#@%! But that's another story).  Oh, wait, I did have trouble getting Nintendogs...

Now all that unnecessary banter above has led me to believe that on whatever day the Wii comes out (which we'll hopefully know next week), I might be able to waltz into a Zellers or Wal-Mart that morning and just pick up a Wii and a couple games off the shelf.  That is, if it was as relatively unhyped (well, compared to the Xbox) like the GameCube or like the DS (which initially wasn't as hot as it has come to be).  As my singular difficulty with Nintendogs shows, I may be in for some trouble if I don't get off my lazy butt.

Every week this year it seems like there's been praise for the Wii and disdain for the PS3.  The Wii is even interesting people who at one point seemed to be anti-Nintendo fanboys.  These people are now going to be after the coveted Wii, and now I wonder if I should've already pre-ordered.

I already spent a few hundred dollars to go to E3 and see the Wii for myself firsthand - it'd look bad if I couldn't get my own Wii just as early as anybody else this autumn!

Again: should I have already pre-ordered?  I don't know why I feel like I should at least wait for Nintendo's unveiling of the date and price...
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: NWR_pap64 on September 07, 2006, 10:02:43 AM
When I went to visit my friend in summer we went to a couple of Gamestops and he would always ask if they were making Wii Pre-orders and all of them said that they were not doing any pre-orders for hardware, they were only taking game pre-orders.

This was in summer, though and things may change after the press event next week. I would recommend calling the stores in your area and ask about the pre-orders.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Ian Sane on September 07, 2006, 10:14:46 AM
Even though the Cube was never quite as hyped as the Wii is it still sold like hotcakes on release day.  New consoles always do because there's always enough hardcore early adopters to buy the initial stock.  So odds are you probably will be able to waltz into Zellers on release day and get one.  No one ever thinks to go there anyway.  The only time I've had to deal with a system being totally unavailable is when the initial supply was low like the PS2 or X360.  I think Nintendo is probably going to be okay since they're usually good about that sort of thing.

Still it wouldn't hurt to ask around regarding pre-orders, just to get a feel for how many the existing stores have.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: couchmonkey on September 07, 2006, 10:17:21 AM
Well if you want to avoid the stress, why not try pre-ordering right now?  Maybe it's too late, but it couldn't hurt to try.

That being said, you know Wal-Mart and probably a lot of similar retailers won't take preorders at all, so a lineup will probably work fine.  I found there was quite a crowd waiting to get Cubes at my Wal-Mart, but there were still more than enough to go around.  I'm just lining up, personally.

And Nintendo isn't shorting us like Sony is...I fully expect Wii to more or less sell out on day one, but I think the only people that really miss out will be the ones who didn't know what day the launch was.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Adrock on September 07, 2006, 10:19:47 AM
I didn't reserve Gamecube, but I got one launch day. I just had to stand in line since like 7 am. You're better off reserving Wii. The problem is no one is taking pre-orders until the launch date and price is announced (as far as I know and I've asked every retailer in my area). Still, some people who reserved 360 didn't get one at launch anyway so you never know what might happen.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: TrueNerd on September 07, 2006, 10:59:48 AM
I also have been told by GameStop that they have yet to take any preorders on either the Wii or the PS3, and yesterday's revelations from Sony is exactly the reason why. They don't want to f*ck everyone over like they did last year with the 360. They were taking an infinite number of reservations and had an incredibly finite amount of units to sell. It was like that episode of Seinfeld when Jerry reserved that rental car and they didn't have it, minus the laughter.

Anyways, I would imagine that GameStop will be open to registration soon after next week's megaton.  
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Dirk Temporo on September 07, 2006, 11:01:55 AM
I don't know of a single place that's actually taking pre-orders for the Wii yet. I don't think it's going to be a problem since nobody else could have pre-ordered yet either.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: couchmonkey on September 07, 2006, 11:16:41 AM
So the REAL race will be to see who can pre-order fastest!  And personally, I laughed a lot when people couldn't get 360s!  I also rubbed my chin and declared, "HMMMMMMMMMM" when I saw them selling for over $1000 on Ebay.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Caliban on September 07, 2006, 12:43:28 PM
I bet you can pre-order a Wii quicker than you can for the PS3.

I will pre-order, with relative ease, a Wii and anything else related to it, like games and accesories/controllers, when the north-american price and release date are anounced.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: JonLeung on September 07, 2006, 01:03:37 PM
Part of why I was wondering was that I was in Toys ? Us a week or two ago (I live in Canada if that matters) and I saw that they were advertising that they were taking Twilight Princess (I forget which version they meant) pre-orders as well as Wii pre-orders.  The in-store ads were very simple.  They said something like two controllers and something else - maybe a game - but I don't know if it was a real bundle, as in, it sounded speculative.  No price was shown on the ad, though I think they said to put $50 down to reserve it.

I suppose I could've asked for more info, but I'm guessing they won't have Wii ads in their flyers or a more confident ad campaign until they know the real details like date and price and available games and accessories.

Good to know, though, if most people haven't preordered yet that I'm in the same boat at this point.

Gosh, I hope they have the component output cables on the first day.  I don't want to have to show off the Wii to my doubting friends the first day and have it actually look less crisp than my GameCube.  >_<
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Ian Sane on September 07, 2006, 01:06:01 PM
"Part of why I was wondering was that I was in Toys ? Us a week or two ago (I live in Canada if that matters) and I saw that they were advertising that they were taking Twilight Princess (I forget which version they meant) pre-orders as well as Wii pre-orders."

Although I haven't seen the Wii pre-order ads Toys 'R' Us in Canada has been advertising pre-orders for Twlight Princess for a long time.  The original ads were back when it was a Cube game only.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: RickPowers on September 07, 2006, 01:10:03 PM
Go to Walmart midnight on launch day.  Problem solved.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: jasonditz on September 07, 2006, 04:27:00 PM
I'm not going to pre-order until the date and price are announced either... I can't imagine that when some of the websites aren't even taking pre-orders yet it's "too late".
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Ceric on September 07, 2006, 05:02:01 PM
Is the US the only place that doesn't have Pre-Orders?
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: jasonditz on September 07, 2006, 07:30:29 PM
You can find pre-orders in the US if you want, I'm sure... but there are sites (Gamestop) that still aren't taking pre-orders... unless the largest game retailer in the country is getting absolutely no launch Wiis, there are still some pre-orders to be had.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 07, 2006, 09:23:10 PM
I'll just waltz into a store on launch day, chance is they'll still have a few consoles around (they did on XCircle launch). Although I don't think the Wii will offer enough at launch to make that a good idea.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Hostile Creation on September 07, 2006, 10:10:05 PM
I'll probably preorder someplace online, or just buy it day of online.  Who knows.  I'm not even sure where I'm going to be when it's released.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Mario on September 07, 2006, 10:15:46 PM
Got my preorder down a week or so ago, I was on the third page. About 20-30 per page so i was 60 something on the list? This is Australia as well, we care about Nintendo the least.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: RiskyChris on September 08, 2006, 12:55:15 AM

Originally posted by: jasonditz
You can find pre-orders in the US if you want, I'm sure... but there are sites (Gamestop) that still aren't taking pre-orders... unless the largest game retailer in the country is getting absolutely no launch Wiis, there are still some pre-orders to be had.

I'm pretty sure the largest game retailer in the country is Wal-Mart.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: BigJim on September 08, 2006, 03:54:11 AM
Most stores probably don't even know what kind of supply they're going to get. Or IF they do, they're only just finding out. Relying on such early pre-orders are a crapshoot. If you have to wonder or be concerned about your pre-order, then it defies the purpose of the pre-order.

I only rely on online pre-orders from reputable stores like Amazon and EBGames. They sell the stock they know they're going to get. Then the product is removed from sale when the allotment is sold. Period. You know if you're in or out. If by CHANCE their computers oversell, they would cancel the order and inform you shortly after you ordered it. You wouldn't have to find out the day of launch.

I pre-ordered the $400 EBGames GameCube bundle. It arrived on the Friday before the official launch date. It's just as viable as showing up at a store, if not much easier, AND I never had to worry about it.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: nitsu niflheim on September 08, 2006, 04:10:04 AM
they got burned by Microsoft over the Xbox360 so most stores are waiting until they get 'concrete" figures before they start accepting pre-orders, and with what happened last fall I'm really not surprised.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Ceric on September 08, 2006, 04:34:03 AM
That's how it should be.  You shouldn't take pre-orders unless you can quarentee product.  That was understood before but lost now till they got burned.  The fact of the matter is I almost wish that we didn't go into this pre-order mode.  It give games longer legs.

Here me out.  For consoles it makes since to have Pre-orders because you want to get the most hardware out at a given time.  Games it makes less sense.  Why?  You want to get a lot of product out initially be gaming buying is still a impulse type thing.  I mean how many of you bought a game because it "looked good" even though you never heard of it before?  With Pre-orders you greatly lessen that opportunity.

It takes 2 trips to the game store to preorder a game 1 to do the order and another to pick up.  For the most part you go straight to the counter in both.  Don't even eye the other games.  Now if there were no game pre-orders then you have to search the shelf for the game that may or may not be there but in so doing you'll notice other games you like to try and expand your collection.  It would also lend to a more longterm demand for a game.  No more spike of everyone who wanted it the first day and then a few the next few months and the game goes out of existence it would seem.  Interested people would be paced a little.  Also there be the collectors side of this as well.

(Also I wanted to put this analogy in but couldn't find a spot.  It be like using an electronic dictionary to using a bound one.  Sure with the electronic dictionary you find the word faster but with the bound one you expand your vocabulary faster.)

Edit: Corner does not mean the something as counter.  I think and type faster then I can actually acquire the right word it seems.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: couchmonkey on September 08, 2006, 05:03:46 AM
What?  No, no, I never buy a game without knowing what I'm getting into first.  They're just too expensive - or rather they used to be just too exepensive.  That has started to change thanks to discs but growing up with NES, SNES, and N64 taught me to research all my buying decisions way ahead of time.  I didn't want to be saddled with an $80 CAN purchase that I didn't like.

(Edit: But yeah, your theory might apply to other people, I'm a very cautious consumer.)
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: JonLeung on September 08, 2006, 09:50:24 AM
I rent the majority of the games that I play, so I'm rarely disappointed - a game has to be REALLY bad for it to not even be worth the rental price.  And I finish the majority of games that I rent in a short enough time that I rarely extend it or rerent it.  (What's the point of renting a game if you don't devote the weekend to playing it?)

The majority of the games that I DO buy are Nintendo's own first- or second-party games, and the majority of THOSE games I haven't even rented or played beforehand since I likely read about them to death on the Internet already.  And I'm more likely to replay a Nintendo game so it matters less if it could've been finishable even on a rental.

As you can see, I have faith in Nintendo.  Maybe too much.  But I think Pokémon Snap was really the only game in recent times where I questioned the purchase.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: jasonditz on September 08, 2006, 12:00:13 PM

Originally posted by: RiskyChris

Originally posted by: jasonditz
You can find pre-orders in the US if you want, I'm sure... but there are sites (Gamestop) that still aren't taking pre-orders... unless the largest game retailer in the country is getting absolutely no launch Wiis, there are still some pre-orders to be had.

I'm pretty sure the largest game retailer in the country is Wal-Mart.

You're right, I meant game-specific retailer
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: jasonditz on September 08, 2006, 12:04:15 PM

Originally posted by: Ceric
That's how it should be.  You shouldn't take pre-orders unless you can quarentee product.  That was understood before but lost now till they got burned.  The fact of the matter is I almost wish that we didn't go into this pre-order mode.  It give games longer legs.

Here me out.  For consoles it makes since to have Pre-orders because you want to get the most hardware out at a given time.  Games it makes less sense.  Why?  You want to get a lot of product out initially be gaming buying is still a impulse type thing.  I mean how many of you bought a game because it "looked good" even though you never heard of it before?  With Pre-orders you greatly lessen that oppurtunity.

It takes 2 trips to the game store to preorder a game 1 to do the order and another to pick up.  For the most part you go straight to the corner in both.  Don't even eye the other games.  Now if there were no game pre-orders then you have to search the shelf for the game that may or may not be there but in so doing you'll notice other games you like to try and expand your collection.  It would also lend to a more longterm demand for a game.  No more spike of everyone who wanted it the first day and then a few the next few months and the game goes out of existence it would seem.  Interested people would be paced a little.  Also there be the collectors side of this as well.

(Also I wanted to put this analogy in but couldn't find a spot.  It be like using an electronic dictionary to using a bound one.  Sure with the electronic dictionary you find the word faster but with the bound one you expand your vocabulary faster.)

I agree 100%, I hate the idea of pre-ordering games, and have never done so. It has come back to bite me in the ass a couple times though, one when Harvest Moon came out for the Cube (and the only retailer in town that carried it had only enough available to satisfy their pre-orders) and again earlier this year when I tried to get NFL Head Coach for the PS2 and it took me a week because several local retailers "didn't get any pre-orders so they didn't order any".

Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: IceCold on October 13, 2006, 12:51:43 PM
With the news of those preorder lines, I'm getting more scared by the minute.. Like couch, I should be able to get one at launch, and I don't want to preorder. Still, if the lineups for preorders were that huge only a few days after GS announced when they would take them (and  I doubt many others apart from the Internet community knew about them), then I may be in trouble.. Imagine when the real advertising starts..
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: JonLeung on October 13, 2006, 01:12:11 PM
Yeah, it's bugging me too.  Maybe I should preorder.  Never having required to before, I'm scared of the process of them taking down my name for some likely irrational reason.  o_0
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Crimm on October 13, 2006, 01:55:55 PM
I thought it was silly of me to get up on my day off to get one.  However, now that I've seen the excitement myself and pictures online, I'm glad I did.  I don't wanna deal with that on a day we've known was coming for 2 months instead of 2 days
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: stevey on October 13, 2006, 01:56:55 PM
Damn I'm screwed, I show up at six to per-order and they were already sold out atlease I got Trauma Center, way better than a stupid paper say wii on it that cost $50/sarcasm anyone know when game crazy are taking perorders or do I have to go to buffalo, NY to the last store that didn't perorder/sell out....  
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Smash_Brother on October 13, 2006, 02:46:19 PM

Originally posted by: IceCold Imagine when the real advertising starts..

This is what alarms me about it as well.

Like I said in another thread, if there's THIS much pre-hype before the hype machine has technically even started, I don't relish my chances of trying to land a Wii on the day the hype machine will be in absolute full swing.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Pale on October 13, 2006, 02:57:50 PM
Except todays hype is artificially created by gamestop.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Smash_Brother on October 13, 2006, 03:18:39 PM

Originally posted by: Pale
Except todays hype is artificially created by gamestop.

This current hype is partially due to GS, but the grassroots progression of the Wii plays a huge factor as well.

Do you doubt the massive advertising campaign Nintendo is going to unquestionably roll out when the Wii launch nears?

Look at what people who shouldn't even like games ALREADY think about the Wii! These people haven't seen a single TV ad to date, and yet they are already anxiously anticipating it as though they've tried it.

In fact, there were people in line at GS who were clearly not the gaming type, and yet they were there getting in line at 8 AM with the rest of us hardcore early adopters.

There's no sense in throwing out the whole pitch, but preordering couldn't hurt just in case the Wii becomes the next Furby.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: SixthAngel on October 13, 2006, 04:05:28 PM
I expect launch units to be hard to find.  With companies like toys r' us telling people it will be one of the hot items it very well might not be available at the stores that might not sell out as quickly either.  It looks like I will have to line up the night before because I didn't want to wake up early on my day off to preorder.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Crimm on October 13, 2006, 05:03:13 PM

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
In fact, there were people in line at GS who were clearly not the gaming type, and yet they were there getting in line at 8 AM with the rest of us hardcore early adopters.

I noticed that too.  One woman in line with me said this was her first console since her brother had an SNES back when she was in high school.

Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: wandering on October 13, 2006, 05:13:15 PM
When I saw stevey had posted, I predicted his post would involve a crying smiley. I'm a psychic.

Anyway. I have a date with wal-mart at midnight on launch day. I hope it goes well.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Smash_Brother on October 13, 2006, 05:20:00 PM

Originally posted by: wandering Anyway. I have a date with wal-mart at midnight on launch day. I hope it goes well.

I hope it does, too.

I have mixed feelings: on one hand, I want Wiis to fly off the shelves like crazy. On the other, it means that a lot of die-hard Nintendo fans will lose out on them to "non-gamers" who won't appreciate them in the same manner the fans would.

Hopefully, Nintendo's stock can even account for explosion of Wii popularity which I predict will happen.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: IceCold on October 13, 2006, 06:52:45 PM

now that I've seen the excitement myself and pictures online
Pictures online? Where would these happen to be?
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on October 13, 2006, 08:26:54 PM

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother

Originally posted by: wandering Anyway. I have a date with wal-mart at midnight on launch day. I hope it goes well.

I hope it does, too.

I have mixed feelings: on one hand, I want Wiis to fly off the shelves like crazy. On the other, it means that a lot of die-hard Nintendo fans will lose out on them to "non-gamers" who won't appreciate them in the same manner the fans would.

Hopefully, Nintendo's stock can even account for explosion of Wii popularity which I predict will happen.

Yeah but if those people are truly die-hard Nintendo gamers they would be camping out .
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Hostile Creation on October 13, 2006, 09:39:53 PM
Important question: When do you think pre-orders will be available online (amazon, or whatever), and do you think it arrive soon if I do preorder it online.

I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll be outside of Walmart in Florida, around midnight.  Oyvey.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: BigJim on October 13, 2006, 09:45:34 PM
I would anticipate a number of stores breaking the date as early as the Friday before.  Just be ready for anything that entire weekend.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Crimm on October 13, 2006, 09:51:16 PM
Some image boards had pictures posted this morning.  I'll grab any I come across.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Smash_Brother on October 14, 2006, 11:37:01 PM
I wish the GS I reserved at had a female manager.

It wouldn't matter if she was 40+, I'd have my Wii the moment it arrived in the store.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: RiskyChris on October 15, 2006, 10:21:15 AM

Originally posted by: BigJim
I would anticipate a number of stores breaking the date as early as the Friday before.  Just be ready for anything that entire weekend.

I am going to be an emotional wreck that weekend.  I've never anticpated a console this strongly before.
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: BigJim on October 15, 2006, 01:18:57 PM
A Friday date break can usually be a real helper. Call stores early that morning and see if they're breaking the date. You'll have a chance to get over there before most others find out.

And those in school might wanna come down with something on Thursday night just in case.  
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Berto2K on October 16, 2006, 12:54:24 AM
I know I'm going to be camping this year for my Nintendo console too.  I did it for Cube as well.  Places like Toys R Us, Walmart, Circtuit City, K-Mart, Target usually will not do preorders and you can line-up or walkin at opening and pick on up.  Thankfully for my I have each of those stores right near my house.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: JonLeung on October 16, 2006, 04:49:10 AM
At this very moment, I'm at work, while my mom is in line in front of EB Games waiting for the (Canadian) pre-orders to start so she can get me a Wii.  Yay for Mom!  I take back some things I said about her.  >_>  And this does remind me of when she waited five hours for Phantom Menace tickets a few years back.  0_0

I wish she had a cell phone in case something's up.  I really hope she knows what she's doing and I don't end up with just a pre-ordered PS3 (the pre-orders for those at EB Games in Canada start today, too, I think).  I did print off a list of things I wanted, in order of priority just in case they don't have it all, which she could just hand to the person taking the pre-orders, so it should be okay.  Do they let you pre-order all accessories?  In particular, I'm wondering if I'll get the component cable for the Wii pre-ordered today.

They open at 10:00 (it's about 7:48 now) but they said they may open as early as 8:30 to clear out the people.  Hope she's doing okay.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: couchmonkey on October 16, 2006, 04:59:14 AM
Oh sh- Jon.. What time did your mom leave?

I was all like "HA HA HA, Americans are my guinea pigs" on Friday.  Mine and every other Canuck's.

I wish I had brought my camera.  I got to EBGames at 7:10, and there were 15 people outside the store, and me and one other guy approaching.  This is the same store that said they would have eight maximum a couple of weeks ago.  So I didn't bother lining up, I figure there's no way I'd get one, and like I said last week, I'm not taking the day off work for this.

Thanks to BigJim on the date-breaking suggestion.  Otherwise, I'll be checking Wal-Mart after my Saturday night poker game on the 18th. Edit: However, on the topic of breaking dates, with PS3 coming out on the Friday, I bet a lot of places will be too busy to bother breaking the Wii date.  I guess I'll be in the stores either way, sweet!
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: JonLeung on October 16, 2006, 05:30:23 AM
The store she is lined up at said they'll have 15 Wiis.  My mom should've arrived there right when the mall opened (7:00) but I told her there might be some people there by then too, and not to freak out if fifteen people are ahead of her because they may be ordering PS3s.

It's almost 8:30...sometime between now and shortly after 10 I expect a phone call from my mom about whether she got it or not and what accessories and etc.

I'd be more calm if I was there in line myself instead.  >_<
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: couchmonkey on October 16, 2006, 06:30:46 AM
Didn't realize PS3 was in there too, so 15 in line isn't so bad after all.  Now I wish I'd gone and asked what they were there for, but either way, I wasn't about to be three hours late for work.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: JonLeung on October 16, 2006, 06:34:48 AM
Not that you guys care, but my mom got one reserved!    She just called me from the store, I'm sure after work today she'll recount what to her was probably an adventure.

She was sixth in line, so there was no problem getting a Wii.  But there were only two things on my list that I couldn't get - one was the component cable, which they didn't know if they'd have.  I sort of expected that.  I was surprised, though, that they didn't have a Wii Nunchuk for my mom to reserve.  Or maybe they just didn't have enough if the five people ahead of her got a few extra each.  I'll have to get one somewhere at some point.

So I should be getting from EB Games, assuming my mom and/or the EB Games person didn't screw up reading my list:
-Wii console (and all that naturally comes with it)
-The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii version)
-another Wii Remote
-some Wii points (they weren't sure of the amount on the cards they'll get, apparently)
-and two Classic Controllers

I have at least some peace of mind now.  
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: couchmonkey on October 16, 2006, 07:07:30 AM
Congratulations, man.  I'd love to hear if she got an idea of how many people were there for Wii vs. PS3, I'd guess she at least noticed what the people in front of her were ordering.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Smash_Brother on October 16, 2006, 08:22:29 AM

Originally posted by: JonLeung Not that you guys care, but my mom got one reserved!  

Wow, your mom just keeps getting better and better!

(sorry, I had to)
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Kairon on October 16, 2006, 11:45:17 AM
Okay, there are no independent game stores in San Francisco or Daly City... I'm not getting my Wii stuff from GS or EB if I can possibly help it, so now it's either preordering from FYE, Sam Goodies, Game Crazy, or I line up Saturday Night in front of a Toys R Us, Target, Circuit City, or Best Buy.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Kairon on October 16, 2006, 01:47:25 PM
My last chance will be Toys 'R Us.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Smash_Brother on October 16, 2006, 01:58:08 PM
I hope you guys get yours.

If you don't, we can basically blame TRU and the xmas hype for turning the Wii into this year's Furby or Tickle Me Elmo.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Kairon on October 16, 2006, 02:11:36 PM
I'd blame TRU, but I'd also thank them as well, being the deluded fanboi I am.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Ceric on October 16, 2006, 02:16:48 PM
For the love of mike why didn't you pre-order back in September when I did Kairon if you were going with Sam Goody?

Jon don't think for a second that we don't care.  You have a cool Mom.

Game Crazy has been taking accessories pre-orders since September.  I entertained reserving a Wiimote combo at the time.  I asked when I preordered at Sam Goody but they weren't and I didn't tgink they be hard to get.  Methinks tomorrow I'll take them up on the offer.
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: IceCold on October 16, 2006, 02:28:27 PM
Congrats! I didn't get a chance to preorder, so now I guess it's all up to luck. I'll definitely be calling around from Friday onwards to see the situation in stores..

I was surprised, though, that they didn't have a Wii Nunchuk for my mom to reserve. Or maybe they just didn't have enough if the five people ahead of her got a few extra each. I'll have to get one somewhere at some point.
It was mentioned in the other thread that EB said that the analogue attachments might be in short supply. Why, though? As I said, they can't be that hard to produce, can they?
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Kairon on October 16, 2006, 02:28:46 PM

Originally posted by: Ceric
For the love of mike why didn't you pre-order back in September when I did Kairon if you were going with Sam Goody?

Jon don't think for a second that we don't care.  You have a cool Mom.

Game Crazy has been taking accessories pre-orders since September.  I entertained reserving a Wiimote combo at the time.  I asked when I preordered at Sam Goody but they weren't and I didn't tgink they be hard to get.  Methinks tomorrow I'll take them up on the offer.

I can't find one.../cry

Wait, I have the internet at my tips! That's no excuse! YESSIR, SAM GOODY HERE I COME!

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Kairon on October 16, 2006, 02:37:05 PM
I can't find one closeby...this makes no sense... /cry

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: UniversalJuan on October 16, 2006, 02:51:11 PM

Originally posted by: Kairon
I'm not getting my Wii stuff from GS or EB if I can possibly help it...

~Carmine M. Red

Um, why? Tis all I want to know
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Kairon on October 16, 2006, 03:02:45 PM

Originally posted by: UniversalJuan

Originally posted by: Kairon
I'm not getting my Wii stuff from GS or EB if I can possibly help it...

~Carmine M. Red

Um, why? Tis all I want to know

A matter of principle. GS/EB ran Wii/PS3 pre-orders in Hawaii and other Pacific Islands where gamers were forced to trade-in 50 dollars worth of games and stuff in order to get their pre-order, no cash accepted.

They haven't done the same thing stateside, but I will not stand by ignorant as people half-the-world-over are being fleeced... at least in a way where I have a clear alternative. Is Walmart evil? Yes, but sometimes you have no alternatives and must buy there. But in this Gamestop issue, I have a clear and ready choice that is easy to execute: I don't pay more, I merely buy at a different location.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: nickmitch on October 16, 2006, 05:04:58 PM
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on October 16, 2006, 05:39:14 PM
Title: RE: Am I screwed? Should I already have pre-ordered?
Post by: Hostile Creation on October 16, 2006, 10:28:02 PM
I remember when I laughed at one of the comics they drew, once.