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Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 04:48:11 AM

Title: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 04:48:11 AM
Firstly, I will present to you the rules I used.

There were five different roles.  Each of the four teams had one of each role.  If you had a role, you knew the other three people who had the same role.  At any point, you could team up with them instead of your team to try and win.


-When on one of the two Mafias, assassins had the highest probability of performing a successful kill if they are sent to do it.  Specifically, they had a 95% chance or success.  Any other mafia members only had an 80% chance.
-When on the suicide bombers the assassins subconcious sense of survival gave him the lowest chance of successfully committing suicide on a kill.  Specifically, an assassin would only have a 10% chance of dying and every other member of Dash would have a 25% chance of dying.
-When on townies, they acted just like the vigilante of the past.  They could kill every night and were always successful, but if they killed a fellow townie, they would commit suicide.

-Just like investigators of the past, they could find out who someone was with a 90% success rate.  Current godfathers of any of the three mafias would come back as townies.

-These people would automatically try and save someone on their team if they were attacked.  This even held true for voted out people.  Their chance of success was 25%.
-They would also try and save fellow doctors if no one on their team was attacked that night.  At any point they could reverse the priority though.

Security Guard
-Fairly straighforward, they could take a bullet for whoever they were charged with protecting.

-Recruiters could try and recruit someone to their team with a 25% success rate.  They could NEVER succeed at recruiting a fellow recruiter.
-Because Mafia's already knew who was on their team, they would never try and recruit someone who was already on their side.
-This wasn't true for the townie recruiter, so I gave him a slight twist.
-Calling the townie recruiter a priest meant that, every night he would try and recruit someone.  If it wasn't a townie, he had a 25% chance of making him a townie.  If the person was already a townie, 100% of the time he would reveal himself as a townie and in turn know that that person was a townie.  This was done to give the townies a better chance at teaming up with each other.

I hope that no one can say that this game was bias towards one particular team, as all teams started out with basically the same abilities.

Full story in short form:

Stabby was voted out.
Blackfootsteps was chosen at random to kill him.
Snap ordered Crimm to kill Pryo and was successful.
Snap ordered Stevie to investigate Ceric, and he was successful.
Snap ordered TVMan to try and recruit Bill, and he failed.
UncleBob tried to recruit Pryo, but he was already dead.
Zach tried to save Stabby, and he failed.
Because Zach had already tried to save someone, he couldn't try and save Pryo.

SUPER got voted out.
UncleBob was chosen at random to kill him.
XD ordered Bill to investigate Couchmonkey.  He was successful.
XD ordered Vudu to try and recruit 18 Days.  He failed.
XD ordered NuclearSpeed to try and kill BnM.  He succeeded.
UncleBob tried to recruit Zach.  He was already a townie.  They now knew who each other were.
Wandering tries to kill TVMan.  TVMan was protected by Couchmonkey.  Couchmonkey dies instead.
Zach tried to save SUPER.  He failed.
TYP tried to save Couchmonkey.  He failed.

Crimm got voted out.
Zach was chosen at random to kill him.
Dash sent Athrun Zala to kill Khush.
Amazingly, with only a 10% chance, Athrun blew himself up.
ShyGuy was protecting Athrun though, so he stepped in and died instead.
Dash ordered MattVDB to recruit Bill.  He failed.
Dash ordered Nemyh to investigate Ceric.  He succeeded.
UncleBob tried to recruit 18Days.  He failed.
Wandering killed TVMan.
TYP tried to save Crimm.  He failed.
18 Days tried to save ShyGuy.  He failed.
Zach tried to save Khush.  He failed.

18 Days go voted out.
Garnee was chosen at random to kill him.
18 Days blew up Garnee.
UncleBob tried to recruit Bill.  He failed.
Snap ordered Stevey to investigate DecoyMan.  He succeeded.
Snap ordered TYP to kill Wandering.  He succeeded.
TYP tried to save 18 Days, his fellow doctor, and succeeded.
Zach tried to save Garnee.  He failed.

18 Days got voted out.
Stevey was chosen at random to kill him.
18 Days blew up Stevey.
UncleBob tried to recruit Bill.  He succeeded.  Bill is now a townie.
XD ordered Vudu to try and recruit TYP.  He failed.
XD ordered NuclearSpeed to kill Zach.  He succeeded.
TYP tried to save 18 Days, his fellow doctor, and succeeded!
18 Days then got up and ran to try and save Zach, his fellow doctor.  He also succeeded!

Nemyh was voted out.
UncleBob was chosen at random to kill him.
Nemyh blew up UncleBob.
Dash sent Athrun Zala to kill Bill.  He succeeded.
Again, with only a 10% chance, Athrun also blew himself up.
Dash sent MattVDB to try and recruit NuclearSpeed.  He failed.
18 Days tried to save Nemyh.  He succeeded.
Nemyh gets up and investigates TYP, but fails.
Zach tries to save UncleBob.  He failed.

18 Days is voted out.
Decoyman was chosen at random to kill him.
18 Days blew up Decoyman.
Snap sent TYP to kill Vudu.  He was successful.
TYP tried to save his fellow doctor, 18 Days.  He failed.
Zach tried to save his fellow doctor, 18 Days.  He succeeded.

Nemyh got voted out.
Ceric was chosen at random to kill him.
Nemyh blew Ceric up.
XD sent NuclearSpeed to kill TYP.  He succeeded.
Zach tried to save his fellow doctor, TYP. He failed.
18 Days tried to save his fellow doctor, TYP.  He failed.

And now for Day 9, featuring a full story!

So we have to kill two people tonight.  First, who will kill NuclearSpeed?

Blackfootsteps, you are the winner.

Well now BFS was torn.  For he was ordered to protect NuclearSpeed with his life.  Instead of carrying out the deed and killing him, he flew straight up in the air, refusing to stop.  No one would ever see him again.

Now, who will kill 18 days?

Dasmos, you are the lucky winner.  Fire agains grass?  Wait, he's gonna want that to happen so it will trigger the explosives...  Then, Dasmos' stomach grumbled.  "Hmm, how bout I take care of this kill and my hunger at the same time?"  He went to town, eating 18 Days up.

18 Days was smart though.  He even anticipated this action.  He had worked on filling his body with as much poison as possible.  Dasmos quickly gagged and his heart stopped.

Well, now this would make the teams 1 to 1 to 1.

NuclearSpeed was the last member of XD.  MattVDB was the last member of Dash.  Zach was the last member of the townies.

Dash didn't choose to kill anyone last night, as they didn't want to have to blow themselves up.  Instead MattVDB went over to Zach's house to try and recruit him.  Surprisingly, Zach was all for the idea (SUCCESS).  Zach was now a member of Dash.  Now Dash had the advantage.  He didn't even bother trying to save 18 Days.  Instead Matt and Zach worked to make Zach the largest suicide bomber in history.  They covered him in so many bombs, the exposion would be HUGE!  Matt then rolled him, slowly building up speed, straight into NuclearSpeed's house!


The explosion was huge.  The last three pokemon died!


How the teams started:

Crimm - Assassin
Stevey - Investigator
TYP - Doctor
Couchmonkey - Security Guard
TVMan - Recruiter

NuclearSpeed - Assassin
Bill Aurion - Investigator
Khushrenada - Doctor
Blackfootsteps - Security Guard
Vudu - Recruiter

Athrun Zala - Assassin
Nemyhlovecraft - Investigator
18 Days - Doctor
ShyGuy - Security Guard
MattVDB - Recruiter

Wandering - Assassin
Pryo - Investigator
Zach - Doctor
Stabby - Security Guard
UncleBob - Recruiter

Throughout the game, Bill became a townie and Zach became a Dash member.

Dash won, so all Dash member who died, won.


Athrun Zala
18 Days
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Ceric on July 28, 2006, 04:52:39 AM
Pale, Will the retrospective be done tomorrow?  (I'm assuming not today.  It should be pretty long.)  On another note yeah... The last few pictures are going to be a lot late.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: 18 Days on July 28, 2006, 06:27:53 AM

I'd like to thank my collegues Zach and TYP, particularly TYP, who abandoned his mafia to come and save me night after night. He didn't have too, and all I had to do was sell out Athrun Zala. I'm really glad that comrade Zach joined the righteous Dash in the end, I couldn't have a victory without him!

And it's cool to see how everyone wanted but failed at my services.  
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: wandering on July 28, 2006, 06:41:05 AM
Good show. I didn't think the secret roles thing would work, but I think giving each team one of each role helped make piecing everything together easy. The one concept I'd say maybe should've been left out, not the probabilities (the townies shouldn't blame anyone but themselves for trying to vote out the same person 3 times in a row) but the recruitment idea. The possibility of people changing sides changes what townies should be looking for when voting, and is a pretty big thing to keep secret. But even then, the townies found out about it pretty early when a recruiter died, I don't know. Things seemed to work out.

....I'm sure others disagree, though, and will be jumping in any minute to say how much the game sucked....

edit: oh, and congratulations, team dash. Since we know how much you guys like dying, we'll celebrate your victory by killing off 18 days first thing next game!
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: decoyman on July 28, 2006, 07:01:02 AM
This is interesting, Pale. Lots of thought clearly went into this, and I like the wrinkle having three Mafias brought (there was even the possibility for a townie to pretend to be Mafia if he was gutsy enough... not sure what benefit it would've brought, but it would have allowed some mystery about which mafia he belonged to.... never figured out how to take advantage of that, unfortunately)

But there's one thing I don't understand... Why have Doctors protect their fellow Doctors?

Realistically, why would a doctor from a competing team want to save a member of another team? Regardless, it had an unforeseen consequence, at least for me... one of my first notes was, "Zach = Townie Doctor?" After I (and my townie bud Ceric) began wondering how 18 days kept surviving vote-offs, we came to the conclusion that they must've recruited a Doctor to their side, namely ours, and that was why both Nemy and 18 Days wouldn't die. So, I ruled Zach out from that time as being a townie (even if he had been at some point), and never tried to contact him. In essence, it kept some townies from forming up. And ironic as it is, he would be the last townie left... because he was saved by 18 days, whom he later saved... Overall it would've been better for the townies had Zach just died that day. Apparently, it formed a bond of trust between Zach and Dash, which they would later take advantage of

But yeah, I had a great time anyways. All the espionage, the deductions, the hidden motives, the sad but relieved feeling you get when you see that your co-conspirator has died and is revealed as a townie, but at least you were right in putting your trust in him. Ceric, if you hadn't turned out to be a townie, I would've felt just betrayed, lol.

Congrats, Dash. You did best at what you didn't want - living - but it brought about your ultimate desire in the end. And 18 days had me fooled right up till that first vote I even sent her a message that very night "I think you're a townie, team up pardner blahblah" Ah, dumb mistake. :P

But the stupid mistakes made it fun, too. Overall, well done, Pale.

So... when's the next game? ^_^
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 07:07:46 AM
Thanks for the kind words.

Decoy, the reason why the doctors worked together is because 1. They themselves could have decided to betray their teams and strike out along, and 2.  By teaming up, they would all be more likely to survive.

Basically, by making it so every job knew their fellow people with the same job, I faciliated each mafia to know every single role in the game.  It was just up to the individual members how they wanted to play it.

I could be wrong here, but I think you'll notice that very early on XD had most of the game figured out.  I think, thanks mostly to vudu and khush, each person shared their info with the others.

All in all, Dash won mostly because of luck, but that's why I put the probabilities in there.  XD played an incredibly strong game.  Wandering tore Snap to pieces which basically removed all of their chances.

I thought the townies had an extremely strong chance of winning until UB got picked at random to kill a suicide bomber.

Overall I think it went pretty well.  The only thing that makes me upset is the string of doctor successes that made people start thinking there was some secret role.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: blackfootsteps on July 28, 2006, 07:09:59 AM
Ha so I was right about Zach being Dash (belatedly). Congrats to Dash. My protection on Nuclear almost got us XD members over the line.

I think it was a good game Pale, well done. You had the guts to try something different, it didn't always work out but on the whole it was quite interesting.

Yes the XD mafia shared the identity of our fellow graduates at the very beginning of the game. Did the other Mafias do this?
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Ceric on July 28, 2006, 07:17:17 AM
I disagree that the roles knew who each other were.  At that point you knew 8 people alone.  Your mafia and your three counterparts.  If a mafia pooled their information together then they knew exactly who the roleless townies where hence they could ignore them.  So in other words you made my part in all this useless.  I was just there to fill space.  The 6 of us that had no role where in the dark by definition.  Blah... I'm just really jaded.  I think this would have worked better if everyone had a role or if every plain townie had known 3 other plain Townies.  (Like grouping we all knew the same three in a group) That way people would start on a semi-level playing field.  I'm guessing that Mafia is always biased against townies though.

*grumble grumble* Congrats Dash *Grumble Grumble*

The rest after reading it I don't disagree with.  I think it was interesting.  Knowing what I know now I know what I'm going to do next game if I don't have a role.  CSoT for life.

Also why all the explosions and flattening?
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Zach on July 28, 2006, 07:37:37 AM
Damn, thats not how I had hoped it would work out, but oh well, Im still happy I won, and this is the first time I have lived through the whole game (even though it meant commiting suicide).

I told pale that I wanted to save dasmos first, because if Matt targeted Dasmos, there would be a chance I would save him, and matt would die, leaving just two townies, and BFS.

I plan to explain all of the things I did during the mafia retrospective.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: stevey on July 28, 2006, 07:41:54 AM
So TYP fail to save us but saved 18 three time in a row but 18 couldn't save typ once... Winner for the most unlucky team go to snap I like the serect roles and knowing other with the same role part but the luck thing and randomly pick idea isn't fair enoughf. This whole game no matter what was won on luck and luck alone.[/sore loser] and what was the point of Investigator I got my mafia to tell me everyone role from day 1 (although typ didn't but after two days it was very clear who all the doc were and side) and since their was no secert role like town idoit or mad bomber their was nothing to find and no real point.
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: 18 Days on July 28, 2006, 07:43:39 AM

Originally posted by: blackfootsteps
Yes the XD mafia shared the identity of our fellow graduates at the very beginning of the game. Did the other Mafias do this?

I know over at Dash we didn't, unless we asked about specific members. eg. "why's Zach acting like that?" "Oh he's a doctor."

I know


Originally posted by: Pale
All in all, Dash won mostly because of luck, but that's why I put the probabilities in there.  XD played an incredibly strong game.  Wandering tore Snap to pieces which basically removed all of their chances.
Overall I think it went pretty well.  The only thing that makes me upset is the string of doctor successes that made people start thinking there was some secret role.

Oh comon, you have to give us more credit than that! :p
Actually yeah there was a lot of luck involved but at the same time XD's game was their ultimate undoing. Taking out Snap left TYP completly dissillusioined and I approached him with the motion of a doctors alliance, knowing it to be a far stronger team than either of our Mafia's. Eventually Zach got on board too. Some people thought me and Zach for feigning some public row to make it seem like we wern't allied. But no, my PM box is full of angry PMs from Zach, it wasn't until I saved him from death did he join us.
And ultimately, this doctors alliance kept me alive while I flaunted being dash and I kept my Dash teammates alive.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 07:53:16 AM
I was kind of counting this as the retrospective ><  You want something more special than this?
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Ceric on July 28, 2006, 07:58:49 AM
I'd liked to know about the flattening.
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: decoyman on July 28, 2006, 08:09:13 AM
Ok, I accept that Doctors can save each other... I just wished that Doctors couldn't save people from vote-offs. It dilluted the townies' only real weapon to the point where it ended up doing more harm to them than good.

If there were multiple doctors trying to save one person (which happened on multiple occasions) in this situation, their odds of survival got much better.

Crippled townies = (if you were a townie)
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: vudu on July 28, 2006, 08:11:08 AM
I'll admit the game was a lot more balanced than I had originally thought.  Looks like there were just some really wonky random numbers.

I'm not a fan of the doctors coming to the rescue of fellow doctors and their mafias.  I think it would have been better if the doctors had to specify which team (their mafia or their fellow doctors) they would protect; of course they could change it at any time.  In the end, doctors were much too powerful.  Also, my doctor got himself killed right away, which sucked.

As far as sharing information within the mafia, XD decided on the frist day that the chances of winning the game with the people who shared your role was pretty much impossible.  Because of this, we shared our information immediately.  With the exception of a couple people I knew who everyone was by the third day (I didn't know if Zach/TYP was Townie/Snap until almost the end though; that's why I didn't try to kill off Snap when they were down to one member).

All in all, a good game.  Although I agree with Ceric that the townies were screwed from the beginning.  Usually the townies have at least a fighting chance because they outnumber the mafia members so they can afford to lose some people and still win.  In this game, there were fifteen mafia members and only nine townies at the very beginning.  They had almost no chance of winning.  Something should have been done to give them at least a fighting chance (more so than just the priest).
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 08:16:47 AM
It was 15 mafia members and 11 townies, but I still see your point.  I was trying to get the townies to team up faster with the help of the priest.  That didn't really work out though.  Had they been teamed up, the could have controlled the votes almost the whole game.

Which flattening are you curious about Ceric?  Vudu's?

TYP carried out vudu's kill.  Mew is so super powerful I had to think of a clever way to do it.

TYP used lullaby and while Mew was sleeping, pushed him over next to a sleeping snorlax and waited until snorlax rolled over.

Keep asking if you want to know about a specific death.  As of now I don't have time to write them all out.  
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Zach on July 28, 2006, 08:18:55 AM
oh, ok, well then I will try to esplain myself.  First of all, I think the role of doctor was especially unique, because we had the ability to save eachother, and that made it advantageous to keep the other doctors alive, and try to target other mafia members.  

We also had the ability to choose our priorities, if a townie and a doctor was attacked, then I had the option of either saving the townie first, or the doctor first.

So at first, I was all for the townies, and I saved the townies before doctors.  But as you can see, luck was not on my side (we REALLY would have stood a chance had I not failed EVERY NIGHT!).  That was what caused my rant about WHERE THE HELL HAS THE TOWNIE DOCTOR BEEN! I was getting really frustrated, and that was my way of telling pale.  Its also what started the quote war between me and Athrun.

The second night 18 was voted out, I decided I wasnt going to save her, but I changed my mind when she gave me Athrun's name. (although at this point I still saved townies first)

Now since Athrun had called me out on being a doctor, I figured that 18 days had ratted me out, and I got really ticked off at her.  So I decided that the townies shouldnt have to vote her out again, and I didnt want to be betrayed by her again.  So I decided not to save her no matter what.  Ironically, that was the night she saved me.

At this point, I had been voted for several times, the townies seemed to be faltering, and I thought I wanted to keep my option open and I wanted to stay alive to help the townies, so I joined the doctors alliance, and everyone started to think I was dash because I was one of the very few people who didnt want 18 days dead.  I was hoping for a townie win, but I would take a doctors victory if that failed. (and I still never trusted 18 days).  I only saved 18 days once, at the expense of decoyman's life and it was the only time I ever succeeded.  Other than that, 18 days was kept alive by TYP.  I regretted that decoyman died, but I wanted to live the whole game for once, and the way to do that was to join with the doctors.  (IF I HADNT FAILED EVERY NIGHT I WOULD HAVE STILL BEEN WITH THE TOWNIES, SO BLAME PALE!!!).  I was still trying to save townies, but I knew the best way for me to live was to keep the other doctors alive, so that I could keep trying.

Then that last night, I thought we had a chance, if I could save Dasmos, then the townies might have a chance.  Of course FAILURE!!!  Also I didnt count on being recruited by dash at the last minute, and you all know the rest.

So that just leaves me with one question.  Stevey, do you still think I am an evil backstabbing doctor? (yes that last night was evil, but I couldnt help that last minute recruitment)  
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Athrun Zala on July 28, 2006, 08:21:50 AM

Originally posted by: 18 Days

I'd like to thank my collegues Zach and TYP, particularly TYP, who abandoned his mafia to come and save me night after night. He didn't have too, and all I had to do was sell out Athrun Zala. I'm really glad that comrade Zach joined the righteous Dash in the end, I couldn't have a victory without him!

And it's cool to see how everyone wanted but failed at my services.
heh, I knew you were a mole, but a pretty useful one (that's why I didn't get rid of you ), enven though you sometimes didn't give accurate info ¬¬....

um, Pale, luck? you sure? the fact that most of our actions failed and we still won shows that it wasn't luck ^^
a thing I must say though, is that I loved the "internal struggle" that happened inside the mafias, really life like XD

seems Bill is a prized player, EVERYONE (except the side he was on) tried to recruit him

an interesting thing is that I wanted Zach dead, and he ended being a big help! ROFL
I still don't believe though that people didn't see through his lame responses to my accusations.....same with vudu

and wandering, sorry, I didn't trust you in the begining (as I assumed, correctly, that at least one mafia would've shared their role list), but when I decided to share info, you died

all in all, an interesting game, we won, 18D will be the first to die next game, the townies had a slight disadvantage, Bill sucks for changing his avatar after dying, Ceric's and Nemy's are the best dead avatars, and....where is yours pale? I mean EVERYONE died in the end.....

EDIT: Zach, actually 18D saved you in the begining, you were acting odd and suppoused you were mafia and/or had a role, ao you were going to be my first kill. Then she told me you were a doctor but had suspicions on someone else, and Khush began his accusations and etc, so I decided that it would be better if I got rid of him instead
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: decoyman on July 28, 2006, 08:24:01 AM
I'd like to know what happened to BnM!
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Zach on July 28, 2006, 08:26:32 AM

Originally posted by: Athrun Zala
an interesting thing is that I wanted Zach dead, and he ended being a big help! ROFL
I still don't believe though that people didn't see through his lame responses to my accusations.....same with vudu

lame responses for lame accusations (especially since I was the one telling the truth!)

Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 08:29:16 AM
Oh yeah, BnM...

He simply got swallowed whole by NuclearSpeed's tail.  
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 08:31:02 AM
The only truly broken part about the precentages this game was the fact that Athrun failed, er succeeded at killing himself for both of the first two kills.  There was only a 10% chance of that happening each time.  That is what I'm most puzzled about.

So yeah, I concede that Dash had pretty crappy luck too.  I should rephrase that to, the doctor's got really lucky on day 5 and that ended up facilitating a Dash victory.  
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Athrun Zala on July 28, 2006, 08:34:06 AM

Originally posted by: Zach

Originally posted by: Athrun Zala
an interesting thing is that I wanted Zach dead, and he ended being a big help! ROFL
I still don't believe though that people didn't see through his lame responses to my accusations.....same with vudu

lame responses for lame accusations (especially since I was the one telling the truth!)
so I LIED about you being a doctor??

really, you did reveal yourself with those answers (especially the last one)
and read the edit btw

Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Zach on July 28, 2006, 08:36:05 AM
I dont believe I denied being a doctor, you accused me of being a SNAP doctor, and I denied that!
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: ShyGuy on July 28, 2006, 08:37:35 AM
Wow, first time I have won. Maybe we could have a post from Pale that includes all the storyline PMs he sent us when we died?

I think the next Mafia game should be a classic and simple. I like the custom player icons and the illustrations, it adds to the immersion factor
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Zach on July 28, 2006, 08:40:32 AM
Athrun, I looked at my last response, and I dont think I revealed myself.  You were just so anxious for me to reveal that I was a "snap doctor" that you read it completely wrong.

COULD WE HAVE SOME HELP...I dont feel like turning this into another war between me and athrun, could we get a third party (maybe pale) to settle this!
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Ceric on July 28, 2006, 08:48:02 AM
Heres an avatar for ya. ;P
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: vudu on July 28, 2006, 09:24:29 AM
Nice avatar.  

This game totally should have had a real Double Agent role.  That would have been sweet.  
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: NuclearSpeed on July 28, 2006, 09:54:51 AM
we didn't have a chance to recruit Bill, Dash was nice and killed that traitor for us the next night. The big turing point was the second night we went for 18 Days, and TYP saved her and then she turned around and saved Zach from my kill. If only TYP would hve failed that night the doctor's would have been gone.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: wandering on July 28, 2006, 10:57:16 AM
You know what sucks? Working for an hour on a post, only to lose it, that's what.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: vudu on July 28, 2006, 11:10:55 AM
You know what sucks?  Having so little of a life that you have an hour to work on a post (especially in a mafia thread).
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 11:15:28 AM
Is that real hostility or friendly ribbing?
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: wandering on July 28, 2006, 11:16:02 AM
Maybe I was exaggerating a bit!
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Ceric on July 28, 2006, 11:24:05 AM
I resent that.
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: vudu on July 28, 2006, 11:35:59 AM

Originally posted by: Pale
Is that real hostility or friendly ribbing?
Friendly ribbing.

Wandering and I have a love-hate relationship--he loves me and I hate him.  
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: wandering on July 28, 2006, 12:11:18 PM

Originally posted by: Pale
Wandering tore Snap to pieces which basically removed all of their chances.

I wish I could take credit for that, but that was all Khush. How’s that, you ask? That’s something that can only be answered in another exciting Mafia PM retrospective

We join Wandering early in the game, where, after prodding pale, he learns that at least some assassins were mafia members. Knowing that nasty, untrustworthy mafia members with the ability to kill him knew his role, wandering fears for his life and quickly tries to make sure he was buddies with his fellow assassins…

to: Athrun Zala, Crimm, NuclearSpeed
Howdy pardner. You look the same as you did during assassin's school.

(Athrun Zala responds with a humorous reply. As does NuclearSpeed, but not until later.)

I want to be able to propose some strategy to AthrunZala, but I don’t have enough information. So I decide to risk pressing him for some…

to: Athrun Zala
I don't suppose I could press you for a bit of information? I'm a townie, so I don't know much of anything. Who are you allowed to kill? Does your mafia team know you're an assassin? Is there a traditional godfather who kills and picks a successor when he dies? Do you know the roles of your team members?

(No reply.)

Meanwhile, Khush does his charade where he tells everyone Crimm is a mafia assassin. Thinking him to be a mafia investigator, I put a hit out on him…

to: pale
please kill khush tonight, if possible.

But I have second thoughts, so I decide to pm him…


to: khush
I don't suppose you could tell me your reasoning? I can keep a secret.

(He has a source with a special role, but has promised to reveal as little information as possible. Also asks me to help vote out crimm.)
Hmm, there probably are secret unguessable special roles….


to: pale
I'd like to take back my hit on khush tonight, if possible.


to: khush
How do you know for sure your friend is working on the side of the townies?

Good question, he says he doesn’t. If I want him to trust me, I should put a hit out on TVMan, a mafia recruiter.)
Well, he knows I’m an assassin, and he does have an honest face…


to: pale
Okay, new target. Please kill tvman tonight, if possible.

…his security guard dies instead, but I do learn TVMan is indeed a mafia recruiter.


to: khush
You were right about TVMan.

(he wasn’t right, his source was right. He also asks if I’m the townie assassin, and if I can put a hit out on TVMan. He asks because he’s the townie doctor, and wants to protect me.)


to: khush
Yes. I've targeted TVMan tonight. Hopefully he doesn't have another security guard up his sleeve.

I'd very much appreciate the protection, though it's hard for me to imagine you surviving much longer...

(I’ve made khush’s night, if this turns out to be true, he’ll tell me who his source is and everything he knows tomorrow.)

Meanwhile, Athrun Zala still hasn’t replied, so I send him another pm….

to: Athrun Zala
Your silence scares me. I'm not dead, am I?

I figure I better cast a throwaway vote for someone I think may be in Athrun Zala’s mafia, for protection. I remember Athrun saying he agreed with BlackNMild on something awhile back, so that seemed as good as anything (whoops!)
…Much to my relief, Athrun contacts me and says I’m not dead.

…My relief doesn’t last long, though. After khush dies and his role is revealed, I feel certain that I’m dead. Pale asks why…

to: Pale
I kind of sort of told khush my role.

(Maybe he didn’t tell his teammates.)

decoyman also asks why I think I’m dead. Hoping he either is the townie doctor or knows the townie doctor, I try to hint that I want protection on XD’s night.

to: decoyman
I think I've gotten on one of the mafia's bad sides. XD mafia, to be precise.

Ceric contacts me around this time, asking if we could team up and share information.

to: ceric
Sure, okay. Teaming up is always good. Though I'm afraid I don't have much information to share.

He responds by asking if I have a role, and also says that he suspects Nemy, Vudu, and Zach. …Although I think ceric is a townie – he did, after all, show he was ignorant of how the mafias worked earlier  - I am a little leery of sharing my role after what happened with khush. So I ignore the question.


to: Ceric
Hmm....I agree with your suspicions. I also suspect stevey.

(Ceric thinks stevey is either Snap or a townie. Also raises questions about UncleBob and Bill.)

Meanwhile, NuclearSpeed contacts me and says khush told him I was a townie. But he says he thought our assassin’s group could win with the extra kills per night, and said he could provide me with names as a reward for sticking with the group for now. But he also says that, if his mafia decides to kill me, there’s nothing he could do. …which was interesting, because I hadn’t known the mafias had more than one killer. [edit: actually, I misread his pm. He said that, if his mafia wanted to go after me, it would be in, his mafia's plan would be botched by him.]


to: NuclearSpeed
I'm still with the group. Any names would be appreciated. I'm thinking about going after zach tonight.

Oh, question. Does the rest of your mafia know I'm an assassin?

(No reply.)

Meanwhile, Khushrenada contacts me from beyond the grave to say hi. After pressing him, he says that his mafia does know I’m the townie assassin, but they don’t want to kill me yet. They want to use me to kill more people.

….And, wouldn’t you know it, blackfootsteps contacts me right then to say he was khush’s top secret source, and the townie doctor (he had told khush that he was the dash doctor, you see, and that’s why XD hadn’t killed him yet. But now that 18days has told everyone she is the dash doctor, he is afraid he doesn't have much longer to live. He knows I am the townie doctor, and knows other people’s roles as well. Specifically, he is sure Nemhylove is a snap member, and he wants me to put a hit out on him. He also says that, if there was anyone I was suspicious of, I should tell him so that he could get some information on them.)


to: blackfootsteps
I'd appreciate your protection if you can provide it.

Are you sure nemy's snap? I was afraid he was dash.

Actually, how are you getting this information in the first place?

Oh, I'm suspicious of zach and stevey.

(No reply.)

I was suspicious, but blindly following khush’s advice worked for me before, so…

to: Pale
Please kill nemy tonight, if possible.

…but wait. Didn’t khush say his mafia would try and manipulate my kills? Wasn’t it likely that blackfootsteps was a member of khush’s mafia, just pretending to be his secret source? And why hadn’t he replied…had he turned on me? New plan: I had to eliminate XD mafia before they had a chance to kill me. And, as they had a kill the next night, I didn’t have much time.

I noted 18days said vudu was an XD recruiter. Good enough for government work, thought I…


to: Pale
Sorry, scratch that. Please kill vudu instead.

I wanted to give blackfootsteps a chance to convince me he was a townie, but didn’t want to give him a chance to kill me. So, my plan was to put a hit out on him first thing next morning.

You know what happens next.

I get a letter from ceric, saying he's sorry I died…

to: Ceric
Yeah, me too!

I also geta letter from khush, where he tells me he told a townie my role…

to: khush
Wouldn't be ceric, would it?

(It was.)


to: khush
Yeah, ceric contacted me. He didn't tell me about his contact with you, though.

Blackfootsteps contacted me too, but I guess you knew about that. If I was still alive, I would've put a hit out on him first thing today... after taking care of vudu last night.

Khush wonders if maybe my ‘Well. I’m dead’ comment didn’t give me away…

to: khush
Yeah, probably.

And that’s all she wrote.

….Oh, one more thing. I sent a pm to stevey…

to: stevey

btw if any Failuremon want my list of everyone roles/side just pm me...

I want it!

The list was spot on. I’ll reprint it, if stevey gives permission.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: ShyGuy on July 28, 2006, 12:12:09 PM
Where is MewTwo's death Avatar?? I wanna see that uppity kangaroo rat get his...
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Ceric on July 28, 2006, 12:53:26 PM
Yeah... I was getting a nice group together but Pale saw fit to kill them off the first night I had them.  I couldn't really grow from their.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: NuclearSpeed on July 28, 2006, 01:07:21 PM
hmmm, I thought I had told wandering that I could save him if the rest of XD had wanted him dad. considering I was the assassin I had a lot of say in who to kill.

PM retrospectives would be crazy, I know there was a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes for us and some I don't have because of that message limit.  
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Sir_Stabbalot on July 28, 2006, 01:12:10 PM
I wish I could make a write-up about how I played this game, but I can't.

Eh, it was probably my fault for not checking near the end of Day 1.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: stevey on July 28, 2006, 01:18:17 PM
"Well. I’m dead"

You know I had no idea when khush said he was working with an assassin intill you gave yourself away. I was plaining on killing 18 with typ getting rid of both of them ( and so sould've done it look at all of typ save of 18 now >< ) till you said that. and feel free to reprint the list if you want  
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Ceric on July 28, 2006, 01:49:39 PM
I just got done deleting mine getting ready for the next game.
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: vudu on July 28, 2006, 01:51:07 PM

Originally posted by: NuclearSpeed
hmmm, I thought I had told wandering that I could save him if the rest of XD had wanted him dad. considering I was the assassin I had a lot of say in who to kill.
Actually, as the assassin you had no say who you would kill on any given night.  You had a say because you were the godfather.  The godfather chooses who to kill, investigate, guard and recruit every turn.  The people with those roles have no say whatsoever.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: NuclearSpeed on July 28, 2006, 02:11:24 PM
well yes that is true vudu, but as the assassin we had the ability to botch the kill, so if I wasn't the godfather, it would've been adventageous for the mafia to listen anyways.

snap did help us out by taking out the townie investagator the first night. although they then turned around and took out the townie assassin who I thought I had working for us, and was supposed to be going for zach that night he died.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: vudu on July 28, 2006, 02:32:19 PM
Botch the kill?  That's news to me.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on July 28, 2006, 02:40:46 PM
I abandonned my mafia because I was stuck with only stevey quite quickly.  Not that great a partner, and he exploded fairly quickly too. No way I was gonna win alone as Snap, so I teamed up with the doctors.  I figured I had a better chance of winning with them, even though I knew I was doing Dash a favor in the process.  Had things gone differently with the suicides, etc. Docs could have won.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 02:50:07 PM
Yeah, secret ability of Assassins was to botch kills.  Their team would think they just had a failure.  It never got used though.
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Athrun Zala on July 28, 2006, 03:01:00 PM

Originally posted by: Pale
Yeah, secret ability of Assassins was to botch kills.  Their team would think they just had a failure.  It never got used though.
besides doctors and us, did the other roles have any special ability like those?
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 28, 2006, 03:10:33 PM
Investigators were in charge or relaying the results to their team... They could choose to lie if they wanted to.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: 18 Days on July 28, 2006, 06:32:59 PM
Awesome secret powers. Bodyguards should've been allowed to let their target die.

I enjoy the way Zach was again, most exploited and stevey least accepting of the result "o i waz gunna do this and that but but i knew it all along" shut up stevey.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Zach on July 28, 2006, 06:47:18 PM
Hey, what the heck are you talking about 18 days.  I did what I did because I was trying to win, I wouldn't call our shaky doctors alliance exploitation.

I will admit, you got me pretty good in mafiaV (my first game by the way) But if you remember correctly, In mafia VI I was Nook, and not only did I have everyone thinking I was just a gullible townie, but I also managed to kill you on the very first night.  Looks like you will probably die on the first night in the next game as well because everyone hates you
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: 18 Days on July 28, 2006, 07:14:35 PM
Maybe exploited was the wrong word.

And I wont die first!
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Zach on July 28, 2006, 07:18:44 PM
Well Im not sure what your talking about.   I guess you could be talking about the fact that Dash recruited me that last night (lol, snorlax must have been one heck of a bomb).
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Garnee on July 28, 2006, 08:48:51 PM
Not cool, not the slightest bit cool.
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: wandering on July 28, 2006, 08:54:07 PM

Originally posted by: vudu
Wandering and I have a love-hate relationship--he loves me and I hate him.  

Yeah, well, I love me, so it all balances out.


Originally posted by: NuclearSpeed
hmmm, I thought I had told wandering that I could save him if the rest of XD had wanted him dad. considering I was the assassin I had a lot of say in who to kill.

aha, I know what happened here. You said, if your mafia decided to come after me, it would be botched. What I thought you meant was, our plan to work together would be botched if your mafia decided to kill me...but what you actually meant was, if your mafia tried to kill me, you'd botch it with your special power. Sorry. I've edited my retrospective.


Originally posted by: TheYoungerPlumber
I abandonned my mafia because I was stuck with only stevey quite quickly.  Not that great a partner....

And yet he DID figure out everyone's roles (including mine, unfortunatley for both me and him)...


Originally PMed by: stevey
The Snaps Crakely and Pop mafia

Crimm/ Spoink /The Assassin
Stevey/Electrode /Investigator/Godfather
TheYoungerPlumber/Jigglypuff /Doctor Back stabber
couchmonkey/ Psyduck /Security Guard
TVMan/ Slaking /Recruiter

The other guards:

Blackfootsteps / Dragonite - XD
Shyguy / Meowth - Dash
Sir_Stabbalot / Blastoise - townie

The other Investigator

Bill Aurion / Nidoqueen - XD
Nemyhlovecraft / Bulbasaur - dash
Pryopizm / Omanyte - townie

The other assassins

NuclearSpeed / Girafarig - XD
Athrun Zala / Lugia - dash
Wandering / Altaria - townie

the other recruiters
Vudu / Mew - XD
MattVDB / Wobuffet - dash
UncleBob / Calumon - townie

The other Back stabbing doctor

Khushrenada / Pikachu - XD
18 Days / Hoppip - dash
Zach / Snorlax - townie

The townies

Ceric / Farfetch'd
S-U-P-E-R / Voltorb
BlackNMild2k1 / Gastly
Decoyman / Goldeen
Garnee - Zapdos

unknown super serect role

Dasmos - Blaziken

I dont really know what is dasmos's role but for now I guess on bomber or the far more likely town idoit role....


Originally posted by: NuclearSpeed
]although they then turned around and took out the townie assassin who I thought I had working for us, and was supposed to be going for zach that night he died.

Well, I wasn't going to kill you. And I really WAS planning on going after zach when I said that, as I was fairly sure he was mafia.

...Actually, I don't remember lying a single time the whole game. I think that's a mafia first for me.
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: blackfootsteps on July 29, 2006, 05:32:09 PM
Yeah  Wandering I knew I should have responded straight away to that PM but my teammates decided I shouldn't. We knew Nemy was Dash but we couldn't hit him so we thought we'd get you to do it for us, we so should have followed that through. It was a risky move (to not reply) and luckily you died that night.

Ceric you knew I was Mafia didn't you? Either way, thanks for the help and trust.  

EDIT: Oh yeah Pale one complaint, I didn't really 'die' storyline-wise, you could have made me hit a jumbo jet as I flew away or something. I was really looking forward to having a dead-avatar!
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Ceric on July 29, 2006, 05:45:01 PM
Yeah.  But towards the end I figured it didn't matter.  Their wasn't enough townies left to make a difference even if voting worked.  

I also thought everyone started with roughly the same info except mafias knew their members.  Yeah.  No wonder most of the game I was wondering how everyone knew so much.

I thought I did well as one of the least informed.
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Zach on July 29, 2006, 08:48:05 PM

Originally posted by: Ceric
Yeah.  But towards the end I figured it didn't matter.  Their wasn't enough townies left to make a difference even if voting worked.  

Thats a big part of the reason why I joined the doctors alliance.  The townies seemed like a sinking ship, and I was hoping to survive through the whole game for the first time (which I did, even though I had to commit suicide).

There would have been a decent chance if Matt had made a kill rather than recruited me.  I was thinking that Matt would attack Dasmos, and If I could have saved dasmos, it could have been 2 townies vs one XD (varying depending  on who had to sacrifice themself to kill 18 days)

But then again, its easy to say that if I had better luck earlier in the game, the townies probably would have stood a better chance.  It was kinda funny that everyone was complaining the random number generator succeeded too much (because of 18 days).  I was one of the very few people who complained it didnt succeed enough (because I kept failing).  
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: MattVDB on July 30, 2006, 01:14:48 PM
Oh my gosh, this game was so much fun.  Thank you Pale.  I was surprised to see that I got an actual role, and even more shocked when I became godfather.

The last day was the best part for me though.  I left for the coast Thursday afternoon, so I wasn't around to vote snipe.  Instead I called some people on my cell phone and got them to read me the results.  When I had left it was 1 vote per person.  When I called, it was 2 for me, 2 for Nuclear, and 2 throw aways.  Well, knowing what it would do, I voted for Nuclear as well.  FULLY expecting to be picked as the other death, I was fine with it.  Well, so votes got changed around and it ended up changing to 18 Days and Nuclear, and I freaked out.  I had already put in a request for Zach, but was hesitant to put any faith into that actually happening.  

Well, on the way to the coast, I filled in my friends on how the game was played, and what position I was in at the time.  It looks like we may have some more recruits for next round.  Anyway, Friday morning, when I called to get an update on the game (no internet connection at the beach cabin) I was shocked to hear it had ended.  Even more shocked to hear that I had won.  So, thank you guys for making the game fun.  I had a blast, and it really got some people wanting to play next round.  (Around 7 or so)  So, that's good news, right?
Title: RE:Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: couchmonkey on July 31, 2006, 06:17:40 AM
Good ol' Snap:

I thought the game was pretty well designed, though I'd agree that the townies were maybe a little weak compared to the mafias.  Though they did manage to survive to the end in spite of getting blown up by 18 Days over and over again, so maybe I'm being too kind.

Also, being a security guard was kind of poopy.  When I read that if one of us survived, Security Guards could win, I just kinda blinked and said, "But there's no way we'll survive!"  It was still a clever role in the grand scheme of the game, though.

As for how I played, the answer is stupid.  I panicked when everyone started voting Crimm on the second day and drew too much attention to Snap by starting a Khushrenada bandwagon.  In retrospect I should have just left things alone for Crimm to sort out, probably all he had to do was make an appearance to save himself.  Chalk it up to newbie enthusiasm.  Though it was kind of cool how that act changed the way the game played.  
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: Pale on July 31, 2006, 07:23:48 AM
The picture is great.  Especially the facial hair on stevey.    Who's the other chick?
Title: RE: Pokemafia: GAME OVER!
Post by: couchmonkey on July 31, 2006, 09:14:11 AM
Nurse Joy!  When I gave her a cigarette, I thought the ironing was delicious.