Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: Killer_Man_Jaro on June 08, 2006, 10:27:19 AM

Title: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on June 08, 2006, 10:27:19 AM
Right now, a lot of focus is on the launch in the Fall, and to be honest, I don't blame them. But has anyone stopped to think about the Wii in the long run? If not, this should be the place to discuss it.

Obviously, the most important thing to consider is games. Of course, there shall be all sorts arriving over the years to come, but I was wondering: what should be included in that 'all sorts'? Personally, I would imagine we will see these at some point:

Mario Kart Wii
Star Fox Wii
Pikmin 3
Animal Crossing 3
Mario Party 8
A Mario Sports game (or two)
TimeSplitters 4
Atlus sims (and not just sequels to DS versions, but actually ideas exclusive for Wii)
Resident Evil 5?

It is proven that all of these are killer apps already on current systems, so a return is inevitable, not to mention the fact that the new control system could innovate massively. As for brand new and unique ideas, I bet a few are bound to show up, but I have no idea what they could be - after all, Nintendo are full of surprises.

Feel free to post your own thoughts on what you think is to come with the Wii.
Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on June 08, 2006, 10:36:17 AM
Kid Icarus (hey I can dream)
Another Metroid Game
Wave Race is possible
Donkey Kong (I hope for a platformer)
Star Wars Lightsaber based game
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Requiem on June 08, 2006, 10:43:36 AM
Anyword on the infamous Camelot RPG?

Camelot was absent during E3....

It makes you wonder what the hell they are working on....

I have a feeling that at TGS, Camelot is going to make every gamer crap their proverbial pants....and then their real pants.
Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on June 08, 2006, 10:44:26 AM

Originally posted by: VGrevolution
Kid Icarus (hey I can dream)
Another Metroid Game
Wave Race is possible
Donkey Kong (I hope for a platformer)
Star Wars Lightsaber based game

Wave Race is indeed possible. The controller could be used like the handlebars of a jet-ski.

Star Wars has many elements that could be used well by the controller i.e. lightsaber battle, shooting, starship flying.

Metroid Prime 4 might happen, but will need some good thinking to add some more clever and original stuff to it.

Not sure about the others.
Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on June 08, 2006, 10:47:24 AM
Sorry for the double post ...


Originally posted by: Requiem
Anyword on the infamous Camelot RPG?

Camelot was absent during E3....

It makes you wonder what the hell they are working on....

I have a feeling that at TGS, Camelot is going to make every gamer crap their proverbial pants....and then their real pants.

The only word I have heard on it was that it would be in the Golden Sun series - and that might just be a rumour.

On the topic of 'little info', I am also looking out for news on the so-called Battalion Wars 2 that IGN talked about earlier. I hope both of these come to life eventually, as the Wii shall want all the genres it can take, so an RPG and a Strategy is a good plan.

Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Requiem on June 08, 2006, 10:56:03 AM
The last thing written about the Camelot RPG was in this article:


But then, all the sudden Gamespy updated their previews with the new Camelot RPG for Wii seen here:



It is possibly the earliest game to go into developement, the earliest Wii game ever made, yet there is no word at all that it even exists. Someone needs to interview somebody...
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Stimutacs Addict on June 08, 2006, 11:00:24 AM
 - A perfect FPS
- Firepro Wrestling? pwease! Sideways Wiimote can do it! (maybe not, you grapple w/ 2, strike w/1, run with B?)
NEW IP! Maybe  a tale as grand as Zelda, but different combat system ??

what i want to see: Ian's Wrestling game. seriously, anyone who has read his idea for a wrassler will tell you its a pretty solid concept (more about showmanship than fighting)
Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on June 08, 2006, 11:04:12 AM
Requiem: Does Camelot have an official company website? If so, I would want to search around on that for information.

Stimutacs Addict: This wrestling game you are on about - do you mean like a WWE game? Or something completely new and bizaare? I would prefer the latter.  
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Requiem on June 08, 2006, 11:08:38 AM
Super PunchOUT! Wii?

On the rail shooter

SUNSET RIDERS quick draw game with lasso mini-game

Samurai Blade - One hit kill type game

killer - If they do, it can't be found with google.
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Hostile Creation on June 08, 2006, 11:25:53 AM
Prime is a trilogy, according to Retro.  If they do make another Metroid game on Wii (quite likely), it will probably not have the Prime part of the title.  It'll be something else.
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Frozen Atlantic on June 08, 2006, 11:50:58 AM
Wrestling on Wii won't be WWE. I mean, there will BE one, of course, but it'll probably use the shell.

Midway has the license for TNA, who are WWE's (distant second) competition. They've got a focus on smaller cruiser weights pulling unique moves... I think using the freehand to flip Alex Shelley around would be pretty core. AMIRITE IAN?

Star Fox Wii? Online? Create a player? 16 player co-op and versus? Hells yeah.
Kid Icarus is a given.
I think we'll see Final Fantasy Tactics on the Wii if it launches well and PS3 does poorly.
Wave Race.
Hmm... Balloon Fight seems Wii-centric.

Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on June 08, 2006, 12:13:36 PM
I hadn't thought of Star Fox multiplayer, but now that you bring it up, I agree that some large Deathmatches would be awesometastic.

I reckon us forumers could think up a massive list of potential online games. Mario Kart Wii and Animal Crossing Wii are likely. FPS game are often popular online, as are RPGs, so if Nintendo supply them, hours of fun will follow.
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: IceCold on June 08, 2006, 01:08:18 PM
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Frozen Atlantic on June 08, 2006, 01:24:22 PM
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Athrun Zala on June 08, 2006, 06:47:30 PM
as long we get good Gundam games, I'll be happy (using two wiimotes as the MSes control? hell yea...)

even better, if there are a lot of anime based games I'll be REALLY happy (a Mai HiME game!! : drool: )
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: mantidor on June 08, 2006, 08:03:00 PM
Itsa hopeless dream, but I crave for a Thief sequel using the remote extensively.

Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on June 08, 2006, 08:19:12 PM
Namco will probably throw in a beat 'em up, possibly Soul Calibur 4.
Fight Night might return, and you could use the nunchuk and remote as fists.
Whoever does it, there will be another FPS, seeing how the genre is growing to be one of the most popular.
Ubisoft will do anything you tell them to, so having them on board helps.
Harvest Moon is almost a guarantee, as it always appears about three times on a Nintendo system.
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Infernal Monkey on June 08, 2006, 09:41:53 PM
Mario Party 9, Mario Party 10, Mario Party 11, Mario Party 12, Mario Party 13, Mario Party 14, Mario Party 15, Mario Party 16, Mario Party 17, Mario Party 18, Mario Party 19, Mario Party 20 (with special pre-order bonus, a two-disc set including Mario Party, Mario Party 2, Mario Party 3, Mario Party 4, Mario Party 5, Mario Party 6, Mario Party 7)
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Jensen on June 08, 2006, 09:52:37 PM
I'm not looking foward to Mario Kart Wii, unless they can change the formula quite a bit.  But I tend to like racing games without gimmiks....

I would like to see a new Miyamoto franchise.....  I was disappointed by Nintendo's E3 showing in this regard, I wasn't shown a major new IP
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Infernal Monkey on June 08, 2006, 11:10:00 PM
Excite Truck was major enough! MAJOR BIG DAMN TRUCKS.
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: wandering on June 08, 2006, 11:16:33 PM
But ExciteTruck is part of the Excite franchise....

Anyway, I too was dissapointed at the lack of a new Miyamoto IP. I'm hoping we're going to get that at launch, like promised, and they're just holding off on talking about til later for publicity's sake.
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Infernal Monkey on June 09, 2006, 02:38:05 AM
But the Excite franchise basically doesn't exist. ExciteBike and ExciteBike 64 were anything but exciting and porting ExciteBike to GBA was only exciting for Nintendo. BIG DAMN TRUCKS is exciting!  
Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Nick DiMola on June 09, 2006, 03:17:09 AM
I know Mario Party is a big joke because Nintendo releases so many of them, but I believe if they change up the formula a bit we could have a really fun game here. The wiimote opens up all sorts of interesting gesture-based minigames. I just wish with each passing game, they didn't get so complicated. I loved #1 but it was a control stick (and palm) killer.

Anyhow, I'm sure that we will see a bunch of new games that we have never experienced before, and those are the ones I am excited for. Sure I love my classic Nintendo IP's but I want new things on the Wii. Very few new concepts blossomed from this generation and it has made gaming stagnant. I hope the Wii really does change the world of gaming.
Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Stimutacs Addict on June 09, 2006, 02:37:06 PM

Originally posted by: Killer_Man_Jaro

Stimutacs Addict: This wrestling game you are on about - do you mean like a WWE game? Or something completely new and bizaare? I would prefer the latter.

I want something sound and simple -- like FirePro (god, why did I trade that in for credit towards a DS>?!) -- but completely fresh. and Ian has wanted a wrestling game that rewards players for giving the audience a good match rather than pummeling the opponent relentlessly

I really think that the Wiimote could be used (in retro mode) sans motion control for some great wrestling action (like, WCW/NWO: World Tour quality wrasslin)

then again, I would LOVE to clothesline some fools, or try to break a pinfall/submission by tapping buttons AND shaking the hell out of my Wiimote.

goodness-- imagine actually tapping out!!!

EDIT: okay, so that was supposed to be a joke, but it ties in with my vision for an online wrestling title where there are scheduled matches and leagues and factions and rankings and ratings. WiiConnect24 will supply us with results from the matches that we have missed, or you can tune in and watch the match online (is that possible with the WiFi Connection's infrastructure?). I'm talking about the creation of a fake online wrestling circuit. you create your character, his entrance, his sparkling innovation, his legacy. Everything works like the big leagues -- you search for random matches, make a name for yourself, once you earn some rankings you can compete in a bigger market, join major factions, start feuds with people on your Friends or Rivals list.

Maybe-- and I don't know how this would really work-- you could interfere with a match against a Rival (he would have to be in an opposing faction and the members of the factions would have to come to mitual terms of acceptance with interference -- if KnowsNothing is alright with HostileCreation interfering to help him, then he can approve, but before the match Ian gets to see that KN allows interference, at which point Ian can choose to lock the match)  That makes it seem like every match would be locked, so perhaps there would be some other system for handling that, but who really cares? this game will never come out. I'd allow people to jump in for/against me mid-match, but they better believe that I'd check the scheduled events the next morning and rush the ring after his match (Dake Ken style -- or should i say Project HAMMER?)

plus, if you competed in a season, you'd really have to worry about your wrestler's health. If you are too stubborn to tap out in a match, your character will feint, the Referee (which can be a player or comp, this is the digital age, after all) will call the match, and your wrestler might suffer a serious injury that would affect his performance for weeks. now that's drama.
Title: RE: The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Ceric on June 09, 2006, 06:40:12 PM
Banjo Master: Tales of the South.  That is all.
Title: RE:The stuff that should be expected over the Wii's lifetime
Post by: Killer_Man_Jaro on June 09, 2006, 08:21:04 PM
After the recent uproar of joy from fans of Super Paper Mario, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw ...
Paper Mario Wii

DK always has some sort of strange game, so I guess I'll put down ...
Donkey Kong Adventure Wii

Seeing as Nintendo have started to give all the Mario characters leading roles in games, you never know when you might see ...

Waluigi Land
Toad Adventures
Koopa's Revenge?

Nintendo will shock us all.