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Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: wandering on April 09, 2006, 08:46:46 PM

Title: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: wandering on April 09, 2006, 08:46:46 PM
Mayor Bloomershelaiplarestian was walking home, chuckling to himself, when a ghostly figure jumped out and scared him into running right into an oncomming UGO.
The mayor got up, brushed himself off, and looked down at his mangled corpse.
The ghost of Bill Aurion approached him. "Sorry, I needed to exact my revenge without actually being liable for your death."
"Wait, what?" asked the mayor.
Bill Aurion gave him his best puppy-dog eyes as the ghost of the mayor was dragged away by weird cartoonish blobs.


Jack Thompson stepped out of his UGO and gasped in shock.


Pryopizm, walking in the woods with Ty, stepped on something.
“What is it?” asked Ty.
“I don’t know,” said Pryo. “Some kind of bioluminescent mushroom.”


Ken Katarugi sipped his tea, quietly. As soon as all of this got out, he would be demoted again for sure.


The three werewolves made their move.


A loose plot thread wandered off into the woods, never to be seen or heard from again. No one really seemed to care.


“If you want Pryo, you’ll have to get through me!” screamed Ty.
“Who said anything about wanting pryo?” asked the werewolf king.
Ty looked at the three werewolves in horror. “What…me? Are you kidding? I OWN this town!” Being the skilled doctor that he was, Ty slipped off his backback and began unzipping it with one fell swoop of his right hand. But before he could get to the wolfsbane, the backback was knocked out of his hand.
Pryopizm, knowing there was nothing he could do, walked away sadly as the werewolves ripped into Ty's flesh.


The three werewolves looked around Ty’s famed Funhouse.
“This place is good,” said the king. "This will make an excellent new hideout. Lots of space…”
A stripper approached them. “Excuse me honeys, what the hell? We aren’t open yet.”
“Free food…”


Jack Thompson began a speech in the town square. "Excuse, please. Pietriot act provision 1234.78"
A nearby citizen got out and flipped through his pocket pietriot act. "1234.78...Each day must begin with a novel's worth of introductory text..."
Jack frowned. "No, no. Maybe point seven nine."
The citizen read. "In the event of the death of the mayor, the person with the most law experience shall take his place." He looked up. "Oh. Crap."
Thompson smiled. "Jack Thompson save town yet."
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 09, 2006, 09:08:01 PM
ok, I'm sort of confused, let me try and work this out ...

Bill used Jack Thompson & his UGO (whats a UGO?) to exact revenge on the Mayor.

Ken Kutaragi is getting blamed for something.


A loose plot thread wandered off into the woods, never to be seen or heard from again. No one really seemed to care.
what ??? i think we needed that plot thread.

I assume Ty has been killed since his Funhouse has become a werewolf sanctuary now.

And last but not least Jack Thompson is the new Mayor of the town?

did I get it all right?

It kinda seemed like a re-cap to a really complex show I've never seen b4, and I'm still not sure if I understand completely.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: MysticGohan on April 09, 2006, 09:08:13 PM
Hey Wandering can you clear this all up? I'm severely confused now. I think the majority are lost and or confused and are committing suicide:p
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: wandering on April 09, 2006, 09:27:58 PM
ahaha, sorry. The important thing is that Ty, the doctor, was killed by the werewolves.

Oh, BlackNMild, you seem to have everything about right. A UGO is a car.


It kinda seemed like a re-cap to a really complex show I've never seen b4

Yeah, that was kind of the effect I was going for.


what ??? i think we needed that plot thread.

Probably. Unfortunatley, this game has like, 5 novels worth of pointless backstory, and my story posts are already way too long as they are.

edit: shortified  
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Dasmos on April 10, 2006, 03:03:05 AM
Holy crap, I am so lost.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 10, 2006, 04:13:25 AM
Basically, werewolves win.
But everyone who is not a werewolf, Vote BlackNMild.  That's the best we can do.

(And yes, that's my vote)
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Dasmos on April 10, 2006, 05:10:27 AM
I'll comply. VOTE BlackNMild.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Mario on April 10, 2006, 07:25:22 AM
Vote MaryJane who's suspicious because the wallpaper in my room reminds me of toast.
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 10, 2006, 08:13:27 AM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation

But everyone who is not a werewolf, Vote BlackNMild.

(And yes, that's my vote)

But why would I vote for myself, that makes no sense, if you want to find a werewolf i suggest you Un-Vote Hostile. There is a reason why the only other time Hostile voted, he killed off a townie.

Just cause TVman is dead

Originally posted by: TVman
Well, the townies are doomed now.
I'm dead, and if experience tells me anything, it's that if I don't win, townies don't win.
doesn't mean I have to give up fighting. I am one of the last ones left.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 10, 2006, 10:24:12 AM
I voted once, against Sir Stabbalot, and he didn't die that day.  A vampire killed him later.
I had nothing to do with the deaths of any townies.
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: blackfootsteps on April 10, 2006, 02:03:41 PM
Vote maryjane, because the vision I had told me to.
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Pryopizm on April 10, 2006, 02:42:45 PM
If I'm still alive. . .

vote BlackNMild.  He is the king of the werewolves.  And you idiots are just giving yourselves away.  

Also, Reinfeld, remember, it behooves you to vote against these guys.
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: blackfootsteps on April 10, 2006, 04:28:15 PM
Idiots? That's funny last I checked the werewolves were all still living, can't say the same for us townies.
It's a numbers game now, the townies need to win every coin toss to win the game. We need supreme luck.

Love, a townie.
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 10, 2006, 05:53:51 PM

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
I voted once, against Sir Stabbalot, and he didn't die that day.  A vampire killed him later.
I had nothing to do with the deaths of any townies.

Riiight, you vote for a townie who doesn't get killed by the vote, but is instead killed later by a vampire..... I smell a rat.

But a wise player (who admits to being the ghost) once told me that he was sure MJ was a werewolf.
so VOTE MaryJane.
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Pryopizm on April 10, 2006, 05:57:23 PM
A liar is what you are BlackNMild, and a terrible one at that.  Mary Jane is 100% pure innocent.  
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Dasmos on April 10, 2006, 05:58:09 PM
MaryJane isn't mafia.

EDIT: Beaten!!
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 10, 2006, 06:14:10 PM

Originally posted by: Pryopizm
A liar is what you are BlackNMild, and a terrible one at that.  Mary Jane is 100% pure innocent.
Oh if only I saved chat logs, I would post them for I am not lying and I think you know what you said.
but as the vote goes it me or him, so I have to vote the other way.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: MysticGohan on April 10, 2006, 06:59:53 PM
I'm convinced VOTE: MARYJANE  
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Pryopizm on April 10, 2006, 07:19:13 PM
Now we're truly lost.

May as well end the game tonight, wandering.

King of Werewolves = BlackNMild
Henchmen = Mario and Blackfootsteps

Reinfeld = Mystic Gohan

They win, they have majority for the rest of the game.
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: wandering on April 10, 2006, 07:21:31 PM
Jack Thompson, the new surrugate mayor, looked at the chained-up MaryJane. “Say, MaryJane, do you have a sister? You look just like this waitress I met….”
MaryJane blew Thompson a kiss.
Thompson frowned. “Yes. Well. Kill away.”
Dasmos raised his gun and fired. When MaryJane fell, a bit of his pants leg was raised, revealing fish-net stocking. MaryJane was the sweet transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania.


Hostile Creation was hanging by his legs from a bar near the ceiling. His long hair touched the floor. Three orange balls, the orbs of Alafkalaoakal, hovered near his face.
“Nice balls, seer” said Blackfootsteps , who had just burst through the door a moment before. He sniffed the air. “I hate incense.”
Hostile Creation opened his eyes. “Your death will be far more painful than mine.”
Blackfootsteps looked at his pocket watch. “5…4…3…2…1” And with that, his eyes glowed red, his skin grew fur, his teeth grew fangs, and he ripped himself out of his clothes. “I wouldn’t count on it.”


Dasmos was practicing twirling his gun when Mario appeared out of the darkness.
“Not one step closer,” said Dasmos, pointing the gun at the approaching werewolf. “This gun isn’t just for twirling.”
Mario smiled, got down on all fours, and started running towards Dasmos full speed.
Dasmos fired. Mario disappeared, and reappeared behind him, breathing down his neck.
Dasmos gasped. “How did you…”
“Oh, I can make time stop around me, didn’t you know? One of the perks of being the monster” Mario sniffed Dasmos. “I hate smelly people.”
And with that, he ripped out Dasmos’s throat.


BlackNMild approached MysticGohan.
“Hey, doggie,” MysticGohan squealed, giving BlackNMild a pet.
BlackNMild growled somewhat. “You’ve served me well, Mysty.”
“A fair bit better than I served the vampires,” Mystic replied, giggling maniacally.
“But,” continued BlackNMild, “All maniacal giggles aside, all good things must come to end.”
Mystic screamed as BlackNMild jumped up and ripped a piece out of his chest.


A voice came over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s intercom. “There’s a call from a Ken Kutaragi, sir. Shall a put it through?”
“Yes,” President Ahmadinejad replied. Then: “Ken?”
“Mr. President?” came the reply. “Thank god. Listen, I’ve made a terrible mistake. The PSP Model-T… you know, the combination portable media device and personal transport vehicle…well I test drove it in Transylvania. And there was a virus. A PSP Model-T virus.”
“A T-Virus?”
“Yes. Everyone who received a preview version, turned into a werewolf.”
“I see.”
“There’s all kinds of evidence there,” continued Ken Kutaragi, “I hear Jack Thompson himself went to investigate. He’s planning a massive lawsuit. Listen, I need a favor.”
“Well, you know all those Playstations I gave you? For your nuclear program? I need you to return the favor. I need you to nuke Romania. Can you?”
President Ahmadinejad coughed. “Um…no.”
“What? Listen to me…”
“Don’t call here again.”


BlackNMild, Mario, and Blackfootsteps, now in their human forms, lay naked in the woods, covered in the blood of their victims, and laughing.
Blackfootsteps twirled a yo-yo he had made from one of Hostile Creation’s eyeballs.
“Tonight,” began Mario, “is the last night of the moontacular – the month where every night is a full moon.”
“We need to finish everything tonight,” said Blackfootsteps.
“There’s only one thing left to finish,” said BlackNMild, as he adjusted his Burger King crown. “Pryopizm.”


Pryopizm stood on the platform at the center of town. He gave off a bluish glow which almost canceled out the torch light and moonlight. Below him were the bloody bodies of MaryJane and Dasmos. Behind him, knocking around in the wind like a giant wind chime of flesh, were five bodies strung up by the necks. They were hanging under a sign which read, in giant red letters, “BEWARE VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES”.

Three pairs of glowing red eyes appeared out of the darkness. And then, a fourth. They started circicling the platform Pryopizm was standing on.
The ghost continued his sword training, barely giving the four werewolves, who were now surrounding him, a second glance. “Ah, BlackNMild…Still getting your fashion from burger king, I see,” Pryopizm began.
BlackNMild snapped his teeth at Pryopizm’s heels.
“And,” continued Pryopizm, “Is that a..fourth werewolf?”
One of the werewolves started giggling maniacally. “BlackNMild liked me so much he made me part of the team.”
“I’d offer you the same, Pryo” said BlackNMild, “But I’d have to rip into your flesh, and you don’t have any of that.”
Prypozim continued his sword training.
Blackfootsteps smiled. “Scared, to finally look death in the face?”
Strike, thrust, block, went Pryo’s sword. “Not really.”
“I knew you when you were still alive, Iwamatsu,” said BlackNMild.
Block, block, block. “I know.”
“You were just as pathetic then as you are now,” said Mario.
Strike, strike, thrust. “Can we get on with this?”
BlackNMild growled. “What were the moves again?”
“It’s just a jump to the left,” said MysticGohan. BlackNMild jumped to the left.
“And then a step to the right,” said Mario.
“Begone, you blight,” whispered Blackfootsteps.
BlackNMild stepped to the right, then screamed, “Begone you blight!”

Pryopizm smiled as he faded away.

BlackNMild, Mario, Blackfootsteps, and MysticGohan howled until morning. The werewolves had won.


The Mafia will return in the next exciting Mafia adventure, Mafia V: In Space  
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: Mario on April 10, 2006, 09:58:16 PM
VICTORY! Cheers to the greatest mafia team ever.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: MysticGohan on April 10, 2006, 10:10:00 PM
Indeed, Aaaaaaroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! hehe, I loved every minute of it. helped me pass time away after surgery. It's been great, Can't wait for E3 Luv ya stan
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 10, 2006, 11:23:54 PM
I'm glad you guys remember the ritual,

Flashback from moments ago
BlackNMild growled. “What were the moves again?”
“It’s just a jump to the left,” said MysticGohan. BlackNMild jumped to the left.
“And then a step to the right,” said Mario.
“Begone, you blight,” whispered Blackfootsteps.
BlackNMild stepped to the right, then screamed, “Begone you blight!”

I was about to up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, a, b, a, b, select, start his ghostly @ss.  
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale
Post by: blackfootsteps on April 11, 2006, 01:03:21 AM
Yeah I had a great time, I'll always remember the time I lost my mafia virginity.

Thanks to the 'Wolves and to Wandering.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: MysticGohan on April 12, 2006, 07:30:11 PM
Woot! you know it
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: Pale on April 12, 2006, 07:49:18 PM
So I need to know from the wolves...  Was my killing a shot in the dark or did you have info?
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: UncleBob on April 12, 2006, 08:07:04 PM
You'll have to excuse me, as I stayed out of the game after I was killed (the very first day) so that I wouldn't be tempted to interfere (since I don't think the dead should play)...

So who killed me and why, if I may ask?
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 12, 2006, 08:52:21 PM

Originally posted by: Pale
So I need to know from the wolves...  Was my killing a shot in the dark or did you have info?

It was mostly a shot in the dark, but WE kinda had an idea of who was who on the night you were killed. We didn't know you were Dracula but we figured you were probably dirty.

Once the vigilante took out a townie, and revealed himself, figuring out the roles were alot easier from there. We already knew who was the Ghost and had a good idea of who one of the last two vampires were(ShyGuy*). We knew MJ & Ty were either the Whore or the Doctor and HC was the seer. So that left a choice between you and Dasmos. Since we figured Das was most likely a townie that left you as the obvious choice, if only to see what your role was. Looks like we were right

*previously thought ShyGuy was the vigilante due to the comments that he made on Day 2, but didn't aim for him yet cause we didn't see him as an immediate threat, we figured finding out the other roles was more important.


Originally posted by: UncleBob
So who killed me and why, if I may ask?

Pale(& the Vampires) killed you, but I don't know why.
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: wandering on April 12, 2006, 11:45:25 PM
Well, I'm glad the werewolves enjoyed themselves.

If anybody has any criticisms to throw my way, they'd be appreciated. You know, for future reference. Not that I'm doing this ever again.

Oh, Mystic, I have to ask, why did you betray the vampires?
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: Mario on April 13, 2006, 05:47:10 AM

*previously thought ShyGuy was the vigilante due to the comments that he made on Day 2, but didn't aim for him yet cause we didn't see him as an immediate threat, we figured finding out the other roles was more important.

Actually that was because we didn't want to raise suspicion, I thought.

Oh, Mystic, I have to ask, why did you betray the vampires?

What's up with this? Did Mystic know all their identities? Is that where we got the Pale suspicion from? I know BlackNMild suspected Pale for reasons of his own, I didn't suspect Pale though, but Mystic seemed to agree with BnM and I didn't know why, but I believed them.

Alright i'm gonna post my mafia journal I kept. Though I didn't keep one on Day 5 because it was too insane and I didn't have time, so I just wrote that now from what I remembered, and there's lots left out, and PM's are slightly edited.

Day 1

Don't know much, not too into the game yet. Vudu is suspicious for his trainwreck posts. ShyGuy gets one suspicion point. Notes Pryo started bandwagon, SUPER, Stabby, Animerat, Toru, Pale, Icecold all follow. ShyGuy votes for animecyberrat, why? One vote isn't going to do jack after someone else has 5 votes, looks like he just voted to throw people off and avoid voting patterns if one of his fellow mobbers voted stevey. Dasmos votes stevey. Stevey makes interesting plea revealing he's the ghost. I don't believe him. He edits his post very quickly, I think he's the ghost now. BnM is doing a great job acting townie-ish.


Day 2

The serial killer (Vudu) is dead, good news, less ways one of us can die. I regret making my post how I did, even though it was sincere and if I was a townie I would have said the same thing, it just seemed a bit unnecessary and forced to the outside eye, as I read it over. Though I am doing all my posts very quickly without thinking too much, like I would as a normal townie, people can take anything the wrong way. In a way, while posting in the threads, I AM a townie, trying to figure out who the (other) mafia are. ShyGuys post after me give me a bit of a fright.  Mystic comes in acting nicely innocent. TYP makes a post lacking logic, mafia suspicion. MaryJane comes in quickly with a lame reason and agrees. If either TYP or MaryJane turns out to be a vampire, the other goes high on the suspicion list. Pryo breaks up the TVMan bandwagon with a supposed other bandwagon. [why would he do that? Isn't the point of bandwagoning to just get a whole heap of votes on someone?]

BnM informs me ShyGuy is his pick for death, but it will probably change before tonight. I respond with this..


Hmmm, ShyGuy would be a good person to keep quiet, but I think if he died one of us could be a suspicion, and I don't know if that's worth risking.

" Hmmm, either I'm getting better at this game or it's more obvious who the bad guys are this round."

He posted that right after my post, which means it seems like he was referring to me (or you, the post right before mine and the only other one in the thread at the time), so if he died, if people were smart enough they'd figure out that it was because one of us saw him as a threat, and it seems like the Vigilante isn't scared to go after anyone in this game after the quick Vudu execution, which means we've got to keep suspicion down to a minimum. [On the other hand, I quickly realised after typing this PM, if he DOESN'T die we could be even more suspicious if people are REALLY smart, because any other smart mafia group would have killed him to put the mafia spotlight on us]

Your call though, i'm probably looking too far into it, and I can't think of another person I want dead. It honestly doesn't matter who we kill though, it's us against everyone so a death of anyone is a plus for us, basically the goal we should have in doing our kills is to just avoid suspicion.

I think we need to kill Pryo soon though. We also need to figure out who the other mafia group is, so we can get rid of them and have total control over killings, i'm suspecting TYP right now, but i'm not sure. Pryo could also be mafia because he's starting bandwagons for no reason, which indicates he doesn't care who dies as long as its not one in his group. Icecold I also suspect for some reason, but this is totally baseless. It's still early so I could be wrong about everything i've just said, but I thought i'd share it anyway.

Killing Pryo tomorrow would be good bet, plus it would give us an excuse tomorrow to vote for TVMan. [Pryo stated "we'll kill TVMan tomorrow", I was going to make a case that TVMan killed Pryo to stop that happening]


Day 3

We find out Pryopizm is the ghost. I find it hilarious that both us and the Vigilante tried to take him out. I inform blackfootsteps of the finding, he replies asking how Pryo can be killed, I respond.


He can be killed... but only if both us and the vampires both decide to take him out at the same time. He's going to be tricky to kill, we're going to have to wait until the vampires accidently try and kill him overnight so they learn of his identity as well.

Not sure which targets we should go after, mainly we need to avoid suspicion so we can't kill anyone who's shown suspicion towards us or anything, and when voting we have to make sure we don't reveal any patterns, so we can't always vote together. I'd say our best bet is to figure out who the Vampires are so we can kill all of them and gain complete control of the killings and get to kill every night. I suspect TYP and Icecold at the moment to be vampires, got any suspects yourself? It's still early days, it's about survival for now. Oh yeah, the Vigilante too, he's dangerous, he needs to die. Got no idea who he is, but he's certainly trigger happy, hopefully he ends up taking out a villager and himself.

Now I form a strategy within myself. If I publicly voice my suspicions for Pryo, neither the other mafia or the vigilante will see me as a threat. The vigilante will know i'm only voting for the ghost, and shrug, the other mafia group will be happy that i'm intent on casting eyes on people who are not them. Only Pryo will be unhappy, and he can't do anything cause he's just the ghost, and i'm confident any bandwagon he'd start against me in these early days would not go very far.

I question this method as I question how smart the vigilante may be. If he is very smart he'll notice that i'm only starting to vote for Pryo after that incident, and he could think i'm trying to make Pryos ghost status public so the other mafia will know and I can finish him. Then again, I don't see the ghost as much of a threat, and that's not how i'm thinking. Unless he's thinking that too... Now I just wish I had voiced my Pryo suspicion before the ghost incident.


Day 4

Alright, i'm in a pickle, for all the wrong reasons. Holy ****, too much to write for today. I've got damn notes and windows and chat convos all over the damn place. I suspect Pryo and HC both suspect me and HC will investigate me tonight, despite the front they are both putting up saying they trust me. BlackNMild does lots of sluething himself, together we find out a lot, and form a plan.

PM to blackfootsteps


TYP is dead by voting tonight, Pale is dying tonight (BnM is sending Wandering the request right now). That's two vamps dead (hopefully Pale is one). I've become fake allies with Hostile Creation, he told me he's investigating Ty tonight. Tomorrow I fear Hostile Creation will investigate me, so i'm using my power as "The Moonster" to nullify all night actions tomorrow [ended up not doing this], which means we'll be completely safe tomorrow night. Then we need to find the last vampire (probably ShyGuy). The one thing I know about the Vigilante is that he hasn't contacted Pryo, which means he isn't too bright as that would be a free ally for him. I can't think who that would be, unless Pryo is lying. [It would have been sweet if I contacted him saying i'm the vigilante, but it was too late for that]

Also, Mystic may be a spy or a rat. Did you get a PM from Wandering stating that Mystic was Reinfeld who had allied with us? Apparently BlackNMild didn't, and I did.

As far as voting in the next few days, we're going to take it as it comes, and not start anything.

I've just found out that MaryJane may be the Vigilante, but i'm not so sure I believe it. I'll keep you udpated.

I now think Ty is the doctor [pretty much by elimation]. Waiting for HC to confirm it. I'm hoping he didn't investigate me tonight, but he probably did. I do not think I am going to survive the next few days. However I have faith our team will be triumphant, we wont settle for anything less than victory.

All the threats

Pryo - Big Mouth, Temporarily Invincible
Hostile Creation - Could find our identities
ShyGuy - Nobody else suspects him so he coudl live for a while
Ty - Doctor (?) could save people, killing him woudl mean it takes longer for us to kill others
MaryJane - Vigilante?
Mystic - Spy? Rat?

I don't have time to think more right now, i'll wait for tomorrow, if i'm still alive.


Day 5

WHOA! Icecold = vigilante, and he took out a townie too. Pretty good, I wish he would have taken out Hostile or Shyguy instead, that would have been perfect. Oh well, not everything can be perfect. Time to inform Wandering i'm using my power today.

The alive

* Blackfootsteps - Awesome
* BlackNMild - Awesome
* Mario - Awesome
* MysticGohan - Awesome
Dasmos - Unknown (Townie? Doctor?)
Hostile Creation - Threat / Seer
MaryJane - Dying by vote hopefully, no threat
Pryopizm - Threat / Ghost
ShyGuy - Threat
Ty - Unknown / Townie / Doctor

The game is as good as won for us. Good work team. Our goal now is to be the last 4 people left. Funnily enough, this is the furthest i've ever made it in a mafia game, and it's when i'm on the bad team, go figure. Not much else to think about, just have to let nature run its course. OH yeah BTW I think MaryJane is the last vamp now, dunno who ShyGuy is. Ok, apparently MJ is the tranny, thanks Pryo [Pryo says "I know MaryJane is good']. ShyGuy it is!

Pryo isn't gonna vote MaryJane, obviously it's going to be me. Yep, it is, and doctor Ty (?) as well. My focus now is just on helping my team mates as much as I can before I die. Pryo and co have to know at least one of them via process of elimination, but they can only kill one at a time, and time's running out.

... Alright, I decide I don't want to die, because I might not have to. It can't hurt to evaluate my options. I run through this plan with the team, this was my PM to everyone


Alright, we're in a tight spot. I have a semi-plan! It's to vote off ShyGuy at the last minute. Pryo and Ty know i'm a werewolf, and they think BlacknMild is a Vamp. All voting for ShyGuy at the last minute means is that our identities become exposed, BUT, after we do this, it wont matter. This is an all out assault! If we do that and ShyGuy dies, we kill Pryo overnight. Right now from a top down view it all looks like this

* Blackfootsteps - Awesome
* BlackNMild - Awesome
* Mario - Awesome
* MysticGohan - Awesome
Dasmos - Unknown (Townie?)
Hostile Creation - Threat / Seer
MaryJane - Threat / Tranny
Pryopizm - Threat / Ghost
ShyGuy - Threat / Mafia
Ty - Threat / Doctor

If our plan today works, and we then kill Pryo overnight, the next day things will look like this.

* Blackfootsteps - Awesome
* BlackNMild - Awesome
* Mario - Awesome
* MysticGohan - Awesome
Dasmos - Unknown (Townie?)
Hostile Creation - Threat / Seer
MaryJane - Threat / Tranny
Ty - Threat / Doctor

4 / 4. Which means voting power on both sides is equal, except we have the upper hand as we can kill overnight.


Now we all discuss how we're going to get the majority vote today, when it's 6 vs 4. We consider a number of things. One is to get HC to vote ShyGuy with us, but that wouldn't work, he'd believe Pryo over me. I PM Dasmos a bit of trickery to try and get his vote.


Hey, the townies are in big trouble. There's obvious mafia voting in the thread right now, if they get this vote it's almost gonna be all over. I know you're a good guy via process of elimination. I know those are bad guys, and so is ShyGuy. We need to kick off another bandwagon on one of those before it's too late, vote Ty and i'll back you up, i'm getting more help as well.

This was made when BlackNMild voted against me along with Pryo and Ty, so Dasmos would look at the thread and see those three voting together and agree with me and vote Ty, then we'd all still vote ShyGuy at the end, but that would just be one less vote for me. 4 vs 5, that's close, MaryJane, ShyGuy and HC might not even vote, but we have to cover the worst possible scenario. There isn't much we can do to convince HC and MaryJane, so we think about contacting ShyGuy. He doesn't come online, so we leave him alone.

Mystic votes for me, it's shaping up pretty well. It looks pretty much like i'm a goner. I act this way towards Pryo on MSN, pretending that i'm already dead and not caring so he wouldn't suspect anything early and call backup or whatever.

Turns out Dasmos doesn't show up that day anyway, neither does ShyGuy and HC doesn't vote. We all put in our votes with 10 minutes to spare, easy win 4 > 3.

Pryo was annoyed, we were laughing! We decided to keep him alive for longer just to torture him, so we killed Ty that night instead. (If we killed anyone else we'd risk having them protected by Ty)


Day 6

Game is pretty much over, I put my vote in and go outside into the sunshine. Come back, we've won. All members alive, flawless victory!  
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: Pale on April 13, 2006, 06:10:49 AM
Bob, they day you talked to me in planetchat, you just gave me the impression you were a wolf.  Obviously I was completely wrong, but that's why you were killed.

I was also worried that I gave my position away to you, so I wanted you gone ASAP.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: UncleBob on April 13, 2006, 07:06:27 AM
Ah, Okay then...
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on April 13, 2006, 07:52:41 AM

Originally posted by: Mario

*previously thought ShyGuy was the vigilante due to the comments that he made on Day 2, but didn't aim for him yet cause we didn't see him as an immediate threat, we figured finding out the other roles was more important.

Actually that was because we didn't want to raise suspicion, I thought.

It was for that reason too, but I was pretty sure ShyGuy wasn't an immediate threat  so there was no rush to kill him, I only put his name in ahead of time just incase I didn't make it home in time to put a kill in. Since I already knew he was something I figured he would be a safe bet.



Oh, Mystic, I have to ask, why did you betray the vampires?

What's up with this? Did Mystic know all their identities? Is that where we got the Pale suspicion from? I know BlackNMild suspected Pale for reasons of his own, I didn't suspect Pale though, but Mystic seemed to agree with BnM and I didn't know why, but I believed them.

I was only curious about Pale since he was kinda quiet, and I started asking some questions to which it seemed like there was an answer that I wasn't getting, so I made Pale the pick of the night. Since we had gotten the 411 on HC, & Ty w/ suspicions on MJ, there were only a few people left with roles, 2 of them were vampires & I knew Shy was one of them. Dasmos was unanimously agreed upon as mostlikely being a townie, so Pale became the favored choice.

I was mostly interested in finding out who was who, and manipulating the game from there, not just killing off those I knew and being left in the dark with nothing to lean on from there.  
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: vudu on April 13, 2006, 09:44:30 AM
Question:  Since I died before I killed anyone, can I really be considered a serial killer?  I think future rules should be amended to say that if the Vigilante attempts to kill the Serial Killer before he kills anyone the Vigilante dies.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: wandering on April 13, 2006, 08:16:36 PM

What's up with this? Did Mystic know all their identities? Is that where we got the Pale suspicion from? I know BlackNMild suspected Pale for reasons of his own, I didn't suspect Pale though, but Mystic seemed to agree with BnM and I didn't know why, but I believed them.


Role - Reinfeld

King of Werewolves - BlackNMild
Werewolf henchmen - Blackfootsteps, Mario
King of Vampires - Pale
Vampire Henchmen - ShyGuy, TYP

This deserves a bit of an explanation. Both the vampires and the werewolves think you are working exclusively for them. They all know who you are. In reality, you are working for both and neither. In order to win, at the end of the game you want yourself, and either the vampires or the werewolves (but not both) alive, and no one else. Nobody except you knows you know the identities of both the vampires and werewolves.

Don't give out your role. Any questions, please PM me.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: Pale on April 13, 2006, 08:53:23 PM
Well we kind of assumed he knew everyone's roles and kind of kept him in the dark...  That could be why he chose to turn on us.
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: wandering on April 13, 2006, 09:05:23 PM
Could be...but unless you gave him the impression that you were going to kill him, I don't see how betraying the vampires made any sense. Even if it got down to just the vampires, werewovles, and him...neither side was likely to kill him, so why betray one in favor of the other, especially when the biggest threat was from the vigilante and townies? Maybe he wanted to quell the werewolves' suspicions?

edit: interesting post, mario, btw. I still have no idea how you guys figured out HC was the seer.  
Title: RE:Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: animecyberrat on April 24, 2006, 05:51:31 PM
ok well this last mafia game sucked and wasnt very fun, are there going tobe any more anytime soon or are we taking abreak?
Title: RE: Mafia IV: The Grand Finale (the game's over: everyone who played, feel free to post)
Post by: Mario on April 24, 2006, 06:04:33 PM
After E3