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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: MaryJane on April 08, 2006, 09:32:44 AM

Title: Weeds!
Post by: MaryJane on April 08, 2006, 09:32:44 AM
Alrighty then.

I was just watching Weeds, on showtime one of my favorite shows about surbanites who smoke and sell marijuana. And the main character was playing a DS! (she's gotta be like 40 something) they didn't show what game she was playing but I was like woah wtf! Is nintendo sponsoring this risque show?

Anyway the other point of this topic is DS sightings on T.V. This is the only one I've seen.  
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: jasonditz on April 08, 2006, 09:34:19 AM
House has a DS and a GBA SP.

One time it shows him playing one of the Metroid games for the GBA, I don't think you see a view of the screen when he's playing his DS though.
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: IceCold on April 08, 2006, 09:52:10 AM
My friend told me that a GameCube appeared on Smallville once..

I've seen the DS on YTV (Canadian kid's channel) one or two times; not sure which show it was.

On our local transit, they have cartoon posters that tell you to be courteous on the buses and trains. One of them talks about noise pollution, with a boy playing a DS with the volume up..

Hmm, can't think of any other at the moment..  
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Hostile Creation on April 08, 2006, 05:35:22 PM
Gamecube is mentioned during Garden State.
I'm not sure, but I think I saw a glimpse of someone playing a DS in Arrested Development once.  It may not have been (it was Maybe, and only briefly), but I don't know what else it would've been.
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: IceCold on April 08, 2006, 06:19:48 PM
Seriously? Wait, maybe I know what you're talking about.. Was it in the episode where Tobias took a picture of his (you know what) with GOBs cellphone in the bathtub? Because I remember it looked similar to the DS, but I'm pretty sure it's not.

He had The Final Countdown as his ringtone too
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: norebonomis on April 08, 2006, 07:44:38 PM
gosh! marijuana? how taboo!

Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: BranDonk Kong on April 08, 2006, 08:09:00 PM
I bet the folks at HAL were high on PCP when they came up with Kirby Canvas Curse. A witch with a magic paintbrush?!
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: wandering on April 08, 2006, 08:34:40 PM

I bet the folks at every Nintendo company were high on every drug imaginable when they came up with every Nintendo game ever.
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: kirby_killer_dedede on April 09, 2006, 04:34:28 PM
I think it's hilarious that "Mary Jane" would create a topic about "Weeds."
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Nephilim on April 10, 2006, 01:28:48 AM
Yeah house plays his ds alot on the show, normally playing it when someone walks in his office
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: mantidor on April 10, 2006, 05:03:22 AM
There was an episode in two and a half men that was basically about the lost game boy of the kid, it was actually a DS when they showed it at the end of the episode, but they kept calling it gameboy.

Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: MaryJane on April 11, 2006, 12:53:10 PM
I was watching the Apprentice, and the team that won got a reward of helping out this 8yr old girl with terminal cancer fulfill her wish of getting a shopping spree in Toys R Us, through the make a wish foundation. Although they didn't show her buying a DS (perhaps she already had one) they should her pick out Nintendogs.

On a side note, it was kind of sad, but at the same time it was cool, that she could have that happened, and also i was impressed by the fact that she was also buying things for other people as well.

Anyway, one more victory for Nintendo!  
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: vudu on April 12, 2006, 09:26:31 AM
Am I the only one who thinks it would have been really funny if the girl got home and tried to put Nintendogs in her Game Boy?  Then she died of cancer?  I'm going to Hell.
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: animecyberrat on April 12, 2006, 05:36:12 PM
is it just me or did anybody else notice that 'maryjane' said his favorite show is called weeds.  
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: vudu on April 13, 2006, 09:15:43 AM
It's not just you.

Originally posted by: kirby_killer_dedede
I think it's hilarious that "Mary Jane" would create a topic about "Weeds."
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: TrueNerd on April 13, 2006, 10:48:13 AM
I've seen DS' in SNL sketches and I saw one in the 'meh' movie Just Friends. Van Wilder's little bro is playing one on the couch towards the end of the movie.  
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Shorty McNostril on April 13, 2006, 03:13:04 PM
I saw a group of kids playing hunters at the start of a supernatural episode. The ds got a bit of a plug on NCIS as well.  McGee said it was an "excellant system".

I've seen a gamecube on gilmore girls and my wife and kids.  But when i saw a later episode i noticed he had "upgraded" to a ps2.

By the way, I've seen House use a psp as well.
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: animecyberrat on April 14, 2006, 07:15:14 AM
well I dont knwo about TV really I dont watch I alot, but I ben delivering pizzas for Pizza Hut for a few months latley and I see a lot of people in houses playing DS right aloing side thier Ps2s, have nly seen a couple GCs and it seams that the only places I find Xboxes right now is the college dorms. Have yet to see a 360 on delivery.  So thats my observations around here. OF course I did notice that most of the people who had GCs had small children and the xbox were all at teh college so clearly Nintendo is for kids and Xbox is for us adults.  
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: Rhoq on April 14, 2006, 08:19:49 AM

Originally posted by: animecyberrat
OF course I did notice that most of the people who had GCs had small children and the xbox were all at teh college so clearly Nintendo is for kids and Xbox is for us adults.

Oh my. What about us 30 year-olds that own a GameCube, DS and an XBox? I think that makes a PS2 fanboy somewhere, cry.
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: animecyberrat on April 14, 2006, 08:50:29 AM
oh yeah forgot that i only see pS2s at the halfway house so its those crazy druggies playing them.  
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: Rhoq on April 14, 2006, 11:22:59 AM

Originally posted by: animecyberrat
oh yeah forgot that i only see pS2s at the halfway house so its those crazy druggies playing them.

I'm surprised they haven't tried to sell the PS2s to get more money for drugs. Even I would buy one from a crackhead for $10.
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: ShyGuy on April 14, 2006, 12:48:18 PM
...And we are back to the drugs and videogames. The tangent has once again merged with the main theme!

On a sidenote, I remember they used OS/2 on the computers in the movie Goldeneye and I was all like "yeah!"
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Renny on April 15, 2006, 08:49:44 AM
That one belongs in a sig.
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: MaryJane on April 15, 2006, 09:14:08 AM

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
...And we are back to the drugs and videogames. The tangent has once again merged with the main theme!"

Drugs and videogames go together like animal crackers and cream cheese.  
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Kairon on April 15, 2006, 07:06:25 PM
They go together like Milk and Water.

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: Mario on April 15, 2006, 07:49:45 PM

Originally posted by: Shorty McNostril
I saw a group of kids playing hunters at the start of a supernatural episode. The ds got a bit of a plug on NCIS as well.  McGee said it was an "excellant system".

I've seen a gamecube on gilmore girls and my wife and kids.  But when i saw a later episode i noticed he had "upgraded" to a ps2.

By the way, I've seen House use a psp as well.

Yeah House has used a DS and a PSP. I saw that in Supernatural too, and I think I saw someone playing a DS in some aussie horror film that I forget the name of. I haven't seen many home consoles, but I remember N64 appeared in lots of things.
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Zach on April 15, 2006, 08:14:43 PM
Hey, I was watching Saturday night live, and during the commercial break there was an ad for the news.  It looks like on monday NBC will be doing a bit on Brain Age for the DS that will be about how the elderly are playing the games to exercise their minds.  Its really good to see video games get some good press for once.

Edit: Gotta give some props to MaryJane, weeds is a great show.
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Mario on April 15, 2006, 08:18:44 PM

^ There's one commercial for Brain Age already on Discovery Channel.
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: IceCold on April 15, 2006, 08:28:35 PM
I'm really curious to see how the game sells over here.. I don't expect it to do very well, but it's budget-priced and, well, it's an X-Factor. It's just too difficult to predict.
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Mario on April 15, 2006, 09:01:31 PM
I expect it to be the top selling DS game of the year. It's fun and cheap and it's being advertised, that's all there is to it.
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: MaryJane on April 16, 2006, 06:58:54 AM
I think it will sell well, t.v spots, and commercials once the old people herer that it's good for them they buy it like its fiber.

Oh and btw, animal crackers and cream cheese tastes really really good. Unlike milk and water. AC and CC go really well with green tea also, cuz then you could dip it in the green tea. MMMMMMMMM.

They showed the DS on weeds again, except that this time it was the kid holding it, but unrealistically he said he needed to go out and buy batteries for it... no one on set noticed that it didn't need batteries? I wonder why...
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: vudu on April 17, 2006, 10:02:01 AM

Originally posted by: Kairon
They go together like Milk and Water.
Ha ha.  I got the joke.  I wonder if anyone else did.
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Kairon on April 17, 2006, 11:02:34 AM

~Carmine M. Red
Title: RE:Weeds!
Post by: IceCold on April 17, 2006, 02:01:25 PM
I always wonder, Kairon, why you put the slash in front of your emotion. So like "/cry" and "/happy".. doesn't that mean the end of something? Like after you say something sarcastic you write [/sarcasm] but it seems like that's not what you're using it for.
Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Zach on April 17, 2006, 04:03:53 PM
yeah Kairon, whats up with that?

Title: RE: Weeds!
Post by: Kairon on April 17, 2006, 04:17:15 PM
It's umm... a WoW habit... and the sad thing is I sometimes use it for emotes that WoW doesn't even support yet...


~Carmine M. Red