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Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: Pryopizm on March 11, 2006, 07:52:30 PM

Title: Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: Pryopizm on March 11, 2006, 07:52:30 PM
Stevey had been hand picked by the Mayor of Rio de Setembro to be Phoenix Wright for his skills at plea bargaining, but Stevey's persistant alcohol abuse had gotten the better of him.  His decision making was weak and, at this point in time, by refusing to defend three innocents and successfuly defending the Ninja-Pirate, he had the blood of five townies on his hands.

On the fifth evening of the Revolucion, Stevey was spending another night soaking his brain with booze.  At about 11:30 in the PM, he heard a knock on the door.  He staggered up to open it and was flabbergasted to see Mary Jane standing there in full Samurai regalia.

"I am Iwamatsu, the Ronin.  I am here to kill you, for you bring dishonor upon the people of Rio de Setembro."

"Oh man.  This is going to hurt isn't it?"  Stevey questioned.

"One can only hope,"  Mary Jane replied.

With that, Mary Jane brought down his Katana straight down Stevey's head and cut his entire body in half.  Such is the power of the Ronin.  As he wiped his blade off, a card on Stevey's end table caught his eye.  It read:

Phoenix Wright:  Defense Attorney.

Mary Jane was caught by surprise.  He was sure Stevey had been working for the Mafia.  After all, he was responsible for voting for the deaths of so many innocents.  Then he considered the fact that as the defense attorney, Stevey wasn't exactly competent allowing those same innocents to die.  One had to wonder how Ty, of all people, had slipped through the cracks.  After all, Ty, despite being a Pirate, was responsible for killing the Ninja-Pirate.

Whose side was Stevey on anyway?

But, in the end, the Ronin knew he could not continue to live an honorable life with the death of an innocent weighing on his conscience.  No matter how he tried to justify it, at a best Stevey was an innocent pawn.  With that, that Mary Jane Iwamatsu the Ronin raised his blade and stabbed himself through the heart.


Ice Cold loved a hot cup of sake the night after a killing, and tonight was no exception.  He sat in his parlor playing sudoku enjoying his sake when he was startled by a rustling outside his back door.  Quick and spry was the Ninja as he rose, armed himself with his bo staff, and slipped stealthily out in the night.

"Arr!!  I have Pirate night vision goggles, you stupid ninja!"  cried a voice in the darkness.  Ice Cold quickly turned toward the voice, and up in a tree he saw a Pirate with a rather large contraption on his head with a skull and crossbones emblem above two small green dots which covered his eyes.  What Ice Cold didn't see was the shotgun the Pirate was holding.  To be sure, he didn't quite have time to notice as the Pirate quickly fired at the stunned Ninja.  And while Ice Cold may have survived the first shot, the Pirate wasn't stupid.  He quickly fired off two more, then climbed down the tree, and fired another blast with the muzzle held toward the Ninja's forehead.

"Now we're even, matey."

Title: RE: Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: TheYoungerPlumber on March 11, 2006, 07:59:52 PM
So the DA is dead, huh. I hope he picked a good successor.   And MJ was the ronin, no less!

But onto more pressing matters....
As some of you may know, I've had some discussions with UncleBob recently.  These alarmed me, so I went over his previous posts.  After reading over the posts, I couldn't help but make note of UB's strong tendency to be both defensive and play the innocent fool.  At first I did not see a pattern, but now I think he is a ninja.

Day 2: UncleBob votes for ShyGuy (now known to be a ninja) when it's a landslide vote for KN.  I say it's an attempt to hide their relationship as ninjas.

Day 3:
He constantly asks who he should vote for and has claimed innocence and that he voted randomly.  He's paranoid about being blamed for a bandwagon.  All in all, he oversells himself as being completely clueless on this day.

What's more, ShyGuy brings up UB's vote from Day 2, and both make a point of establishing antagonism.

AFTER THAT, he posts

EDIT: EDIT: Vote Stabby beccause I recieved some interesting messages....

So he defends ShyGuy, now, when the voting is close?  This whole thing feels too staged.  Vote UncleBob.

Title: RE:Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: Deguello on March 11, 2006, 11:46:10 PM

Thank you for joining us on Channel 8, the Great, I'm Wince Cardinger.  Our news coverage begins with our top story.

This year, vanilla crops are at an all time low for the area of Rio De Setembro.  They have fallen almost 1000%.  Analysts believe that the causes of this massive drop are the fact that the vanilla bean is not a native plant to Rio De Setembro, and that the only time the "crop" was counted was last year, when a man dropped his jar of vanilla beans and accidentally left one on the ground for a farmer to pick up.  2 people were hospitalized.

In local news a man by the name of Halbert Studelbraker was seen selling insurance on the corner of Macando and Chestnut.  He has since disappeared and apparently...  has left the area once and for all, taking all of the policies and money with him.  Reporter Descort Pavillion has the story.  Des?

Descort:  Yes Wince.  Halbert Studelbraker has been standing here on this corner, selling insurance for the Day of Foot when he suddenly disappeared.  Some say he was taken by the various organized criminal that nest in our sultry city, others believe he was just a conman taking their money.  We interviewed one denizen of Rio de Setembro to find out more...

Denizen: Well, he was here, handing out papers and taking money.  HE handed one out to an old lady that said "Please do not mind the turnips."  He handed my sister "I can't stand the ceiling fan."  When it was my turn he handed me on that said "vote UncleBob."  It was most distressing.  I do not even have an uncle Roberto...

Descort: That man on the street made a fleet discreet retreat with the sheets.  Wince?

Wince: Neat.  In our special segment "Why Can't He Get It Straight?", we once again take a look at our less important citizen Deguello, as he once again evades Post Consistency Agents by changing formulas with every post.  The report is that they are closing in on him as we sp-


"Importance is the meat of fame."    
Title: RE: Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: UncleBob on March 12, 2006, 03:09:23 AM
Title: RE: Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: Infernal Monkey on March 12, 2006, 03:32:55 AM
I will leap onto this musical wagon by careful-vote UncleBob
Title: RE:Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: animecyberrat on March 12, 2006, 07:22:49 AM
the rats has left the cematary as he said his final go beys to sir stabbalot. "you will be missed" He decided to take a break today and sets hi Email program to auto away so that he isnt bothered. "I came to this little island for peace and quiet and all I find is death and mayham. THE RATS COLLECTIBLES has never been so booming though so it seams that living here is at least good for bussiness. I just cant seam to get any of the so called priates or ninjas to shop my site. tobad cuz if they only knew my website sold such great stuff.

Rat decides to goto the local tavern today and do something he never does.  Walking into the door he finds the place empty, which is extremely unusual. He then pulls out his PSP and logs onto the internet to check his favorite news site and see whats going on, when all of a sudden he gets an annonymous email to his privtae account. URGENT is the only title of the email, so he dicides to read it. "I have news for you, there is a person in your island who is plotting to kill you, you must put a stop to this man, he is evil and has betrayed your trust. His name is


Title: RE: Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: nickmitch on March 12, 2006, 07:26:30 AM
I'll VOTE UNCLE BOB, but I'll keep my reserves.
Title: RE: Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: Jonnyboy117 on March 12, 2006, 10:11:33 AM
What the hell is going on in here
Title: RE: Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: Karl Castaneda #2 on March 12, 2006, 10:54:56 AM
Man, I'm wondering the same thing. Suddenly The Funhouse has become The Mafia House. I heard Ty's walking around in 20's styled suits and everything.
Title: RE:Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: Dasmos on March 12, 2006, 03:08:10 PM
You can't argue with the evidence.

VOTE Uncle Bob
Title: RE: Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: MysticGohan on March 12, 2006, 03:38:53 PM
After spending most of the day at the spa, I came to the conclusion that nudity is only tasteful when alone, then I keep hearing chants just outside the building About UncleBob being put to court, under such conensus, I left to proceed with the crowd

Title: RE: Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: Pryopizm on March 12, 2006, 06:36:33 PM
Uncle Bob is up for trial.  Phoenix and Judge, I need your votes.
Title: RE:Mafia III: Day Six
Post by: UncleBob on March 12, 2006, 07:01:54 PM

Originally posted by: Jonnyboy117
What the hell is going on in here

We're voting on a new PGC leader.  I won, now give me your E3 Tickets.

And If I'm going down, I'm taking the Ninjas with me.  Argle Bargle Funfer Dink is the other frickin' Ninja.  Have a nice day.