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Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: Pryopizm on February 23, 2006, 09:31:43 PM

Title: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Pryopizm on February 23, 2006, 09:31:43 PM
Deguello was out patrolling the streets.  He knew he was fortunate to find both Pale and Ice fighting against eachother.  Things were a little tougher this time around.  He had no leads and running around on his own wasn't doing much good.  Especially tonight.  Patrolling the alleys wasn't the safest job in the world.

"It's time we retired you, vigilante.  Too bad you only had one lucky shot."  A voice called from behind him.

Deg's body was found the next day split in two right at the stomache and hung high in a tree like Christmas ornaments.  His intestines wrapped around the tree like streamers.  A sign hung up with him, "HAPPY HOLIDAYS, KAPLAN MAFIA."
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: wandering on February 23, 2006, 09:43:26 PM
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on February 24, 2006, 12:05:36 AM

Originally posted by: wandering on Fri February 24, 2006 @ 12:43 AM:

Wandering.... no cheezerium story this time?
You seem a little quick on the vote this time, especially after accusing Deguello

Originally posted by: wandering yesterday directed towards Deguello:
Your vote seems suspiciously early and arbitrary.

Not trying to make accusations, just finding an interesting fact.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Dasmos on February 24, 2006, 12:17:03 AM
Yes, but Deguello made his vote about 2 hours after the initial post. Whereas wandering voted 12 minutes after the initial post. wandering is far more suspicious..!
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on February 24, 2006, 12:26:19 AM
that was the purpose of my post
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Dasmos on February 24, 2006, 12:51:25 AM
But you made no specific points. People need to know all the stats.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on February 24, 2006, 01:17:53 AM
I just find it funny that Wandering would accuse you of making a suspiciously quick post on one day and then make an even more suspiciously quick post the next.

Wandering always has a story to go with his first couple of post (cheezerium) and always comes across as "not trying to point the finger" at least right away.

This time though he is going straight for the jugular(first to post), like he is tryin to protect himself(minutes after day 5 started). I just find that a little wierd, its not like Wandering at all.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: vudu on February 24, 2006, 03:27:28 AM
Vudu sits and ponders why wandering wants him dead so badly.  Is it because he slept with his sister last year?  Is it because his wife left him for vudu the year before that?  Is it because vudu accidentally killed wandering's dog?  (Really, it was an accident.)  Or is it simply because wandering wants vudu's snackie cakes which are often rumored to have been left to him in vudu's will?

Then it hits him--of course!  Vudu is a silent partner in wandering's Cheezerium.  With vudu gone, wandering will have it all to himself.  Selfish bastard.  Vudu contemplates his next move.


I'll be the first to admit ... mistakes were made.  I thought Deg was mafia and it turns out his was the vigilante.  For that I apologize.  But you have to admit, even though the end result was wrong, my reasoning was top notch--Pryo gave the important positions in the game to his favorites.  I was mislead because I thought the position of vigilante was filled by someone else.  

Luckily, people changed their vote after I went to bed and Deg didn't die at my poor judgement.  Unluckily, the Godfather of the Kaplans killed him anyway.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: UncleBob on February 24, 2006, 04:01:05 AM
Now, if I'm correct,  (which I rarely am) there are four mafia members left and four townies left.

And assuming everyone votes, the four mafia will vote for a random townie and the four townies will (hopefully) vote for a random mafia - if we can figure out who's making sense here.

I'm sorry man, but I have to VOTE NOONE

Right now, at least.  Can I PM my vote in?  That way no one has to know that I don't know what I'm doing?
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Pryopizm on February 24, 2006, 05:29:51 AM
Sorry Uncle Bob, can't PM your vote.  People gots ta know who it is you're voting for so they know whether or not to trust you.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: UncleBob on February 24, 2006, 05:32:48 AM
Heck, at this point, I don't even trust myself!
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: UncleBob on February 24, 2006, 08:18:22 AM
We need Captain Lavender.  Right Now.  We need him to bring back PALE as the Vigilante.  Then Pale could let one of us who is obviously a townie (should be easy) know a member of the Kaplan Mafia and we could get that person voted out (Pale would make the vote 5-4).  Secondly, before the mafia would kill Pale tonight, he, acting as the vigilante could kill one of the other members of the Kaplan Mafia - Thus bringing the Kaplan Mafia down to 1 and possibly brining the Reggie mafia down to 1 as well (assuming that either we vote out the rat or Pale kills him).  Obviously, Pale would be killed overnight, but his sacrifice would allow us to bring the voting down to 2 Mafia members (1 Kaplan and 1 or 2 Reggie) vs. 4 townies.  Plus, knowing who the mafia is would really help to see who's really who around here.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Pryopizm on February 24, 2006, 08:20:48 AM
One new rule:  Whoever gets resurrected gets immunity for one day.  So no voting him off or killing him off for one night.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: UncleBob on February 24, 2006, 08:29:33 AM
Well, in that case, with my plan, one of the townies would be killed over night, still leaving the vote 2 mafia and 4 townies.  The next day, again, Pale could reveal the last of the Kaplan Krew and the four townies would kill him off.

Then, overnight, we'd all be wondering who the last Reggie Mafia member is as they strike out and kill a townie (it wouldn't really help the Reggie Mafia to kill off Pale, so he might live through the end afterall).  The next day, we'd all have a 1 in 2 chance of voting for the mafia.  It could be interesting.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: wandering on February 24, 2006, 08:41:29 AM

I just find it funny that Wandering would accuse you of making a suspiciously quick post on one day and then make an even more suspiciously quick post the next.

I really don't think I have anyting else to say at this point. I'm tired of arguing and it didn't do any good last time. Read the day four thread. Vudu's guilt should be obvious by now.

As this vote is a continuation of what happened yesterday I consider it late rather than early and anything but arbitrary.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: vudu on February 24, 2006, 08:50:48 AM

We need Captain Lavender. Right Now. We need him to bring back PALE as the Vigilante.
I have a feeling that Mario is waiting until the Rat is dead.  If he brings back the Rat then we'll know who all the mafia members are, not just one team.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: UncleBob on February 24, 2006, 09:00:08 AM
The problem is that we cannot wait for the Rat to die.  The number of townies vs. mafia is dead even - and since I'm too stupid to know who's who or who to trust, our best shot is to take Pale - at least then we'd be able to kill off all but one of the Mafia members.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: UncleBob on February 24, 2006, 09:10:39 AM
As of this point, I'm going to do exactly as I've said in PMs.  I'm going to board up my house and sit in my basement - which has one door - which has my shotgun pointed right at it.  I'm going to trust no one.  I'll phone my vote in later.  Maybe.  I might just vote for myself and end it all!
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: UncleBob on February 24, 2006, 12:40:46 PM
Okay, I'm out of options here.  I have to leave (my wife wants to go out tonight).  And I don't have a clue who to vote for.  So I'm giving my vote to whomever Mario brings back to life.  If Mario does *not* bring someone back to life, then we're pretty well screwed anyway.  If the polls aren't closed by the time I get home, then I still reserve the right to vote.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Sir_Stabbalot on February 24, 2006, 01:27:16 PM
So, we still vote today?
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Pryopizm on February 24, 2006, 01:28:06 PM
Yes, please vote.  We're playing through the weekend.  I am off.  So vote vote VOTE!
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Sir_Stabbalot on February 24, 2006, 02:00:26 PM
Wait, so will the vote end tomorrow or last all weekend?
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Pryopizm on February 24, 2006, 02:10:38 PM
Polls close tonight.  And they will open tomorrow morning and close again that night, and so on.  I would shut the game down during the weekends last time because I was working, now I am not working, so VOTE.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Sir_Stabbalot on February 24, 2006, 02:31:00 PM
I still think Vudu's Mafia...

Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: vudu on February 24, 2006, 02:36:07 PM
I still think Stabby's Mafia...

Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: MysticGohan on February 24, 2006, 02:47:03 PM
Hear's commotion going on outside, two guys and a hooker were arguening about the psp porn, the hooker stated she's seen better with Samuel L. Jackson since he's into everything, the guys argued that point and mentioned We've seen better from UncleBob's porn collection of the 70's Imagine this debate could go on, especially about the afro part.

I noticed walking down the street, that stabby, once a sex-crazed shot gun totting beer drinking Anti-Hero of old has tradded his gun in for something that better suited his name sake, walking pass him, he revealed he has acquired a double bladed knife that extends 3feet across, with a trigger to have the blades fold in or out in an arc. I have no idea if stevie would be as unpredictable as ever, but I'm not staying to find out what's for dinner.

Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: MysticGohan on February 24, 2006, 03:27:28 PM
Vote Changed To: SIR_STABBALOT For I can't trust a stabber  
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: UncleBob on February 24, 2006, 04:21:40 PM
I'm back for the evening, yet I still haven't voted yet.  Pryo, please give a five min warning before you close the polls...
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: MysticGohan on February 24, 2006, 04:23:34 PM


Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on February 24, 2006, 05:17:43 PM
umm umm, I don't know which one to pick, OH SHT only 5 minutes left, ......

uhhhh well who was voted for last?

hmmmm.... Stabby...... well random VOTE for the night goes to Sir_Stabbalot

* I reserve the right to cahnge this vote at anytime before polls are closed, so don't hold it against me, I'm in a rush.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Sir_Stabbalot on February 24, 2006, 05:30:11 PM
If I die, it's just another innocent caught in the crossfire. If you think I'm Mafia feel free to vote for me. I have nothing to hide.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: UncleBob on February 24, 2006, 05:34:36 PM
BNM: you do know there's actually been no five min warning, right?
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Five
Post by: Pryopizm on February 24, 2006, 06:19:28 PM
Uncle Bob, dejected, and realizing that the town was edging ever closer to mob rule asked Stabby, "You're a townie aren't you?"

Stabby nodded.

"Yeah, I figured."  

Someone in the crowd, Kirby, yelled, "Hey, Judge, rules are rules!"

Bob, feeling guilty, turned his head away as he shot a hole straight through Stabby's innocent heart.

"I hate this job," he said, as he stepped off and away from the scaffold.