Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: Pryopizm on February 21, 2006, 01:23:40 AM

Title: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Pryopizm on February 21, 2006, 01:23:40 AM
After TVMan judiciously blew a hole in his own head for the entire town, everyone went to bed feeling pretty stupid.  On the first night, they effectively killed the one man who could really help them.  Many prayers went out that night.  Many to a certain Captain Lavender, whom the town believed could raise the dead.

Ty felt particularly bad.  He went to the local brothel and ordered an appletini.  As he sipped the drink, another man sat next to him and placed his own drink order.  After half a drink, Ty was already quite tipsy and feeling more than just a little amorous.  Believing that the hulking mass next to him was actually Star Jones, Ty used his best lines to no avail.  The man would not respond to his advances.

Suddenly, Ty started to cry.  The guilt, the pressure, the alcohol broke down what little remained of his emotional wall.  

"It's all my fault!  I'm the reason TVMan is dead!  He just looked so guilty!"  Ty buried his face in some peanuts to help dry his tears.  

The giant finally gazed at Ty's pathetic figure wallowing in the pre-salted legumes.  "I need to thank you for that, buddy."  He raised his fist and smashed it through Ty's skull, effectively ending his wallowing and beginning his convulsing.

The man wiped his bloodied fist on Ty's shirt.  "Compliments of the Reggie gang."


That morning, everyone was glued to the news of Ty's death.  The kettle was whistling and the water was boiling.  Who was next?  Where would this all end?

One man had the courage to step up and take TVMan's place:  Uncle Bob.

He held The Crucible high above his head.  "We will vote again.  This time, may the wisdom of Captain Lavender be on our side!"

The crowd retorted, "ALL HAIL CAPTAIN LAVENDER!"

Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Deguello on February 21, 2006, 01:30:36 AM
I vote AnimeRat because he is genuinely annoying as all get out.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: vudu on February 21, 2006, 02:04:10 AM

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
VUDU YOU DECIEVED ME! You must have wanted the detective dead!!
What part of

Originally posted by: vudu
Whoa now, don't pin this on me. If we condemn an innocent man to die, I don't want to take the blame.
didn't you understand?
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Pale on February 21, 2006, 03:51:08 AM
Hahah appletini.  What a final drink to have.  

But seriously?  Ty is gone already?
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 04:18:23 AM
So rat wakes up this morning full of paranoia, I know that my friends are gonna  turn on me I just know it. rat gets on the phone with his former mentor boss Yuji Naka and tells him the latests. "He I cant take it anymore these people are onto me.  apparently that new game we were making, "Sega Virtual Brothel, is gonna have a hell of a run in this town. All we need to do is make it look like a real porno and all the sony fans will eat it up" Naka replies, good, but what about your safety has that been compromised any? "I cant say for sure, I know this guy his name is wondering, he looks at me with this evil eye all the time, I am a little weary of him." Naka replies "I am sending you our secret Agent from Funkotron, his name is Earl, he will be your body gaurd." rat tells Naka 'cool thanks, Ill see if i can get im in town and under cover ok. Ill say he is my cousin from Cybertron they will beleive that." all of a sudden the phone goes dead and rat realizes tehre is someone in the room with him "who's there" he asks. Tehre is a deadly silence. Rat sits in fear as he rememebered his trusty gun turnoud out to be an undercover Decepticon who was pissed that tehre were no Transformers games on the PSP and wanted to kill off all the people making games for it. With no gun and someone in my house what will i do? If only I could fidn someone Icould trust with the truth...
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: ShyGuy on February 21, 2006, 05:32:43 AM
I think I'll pour a some cheese fondue on the ground in memory of Ty. Here's for my homies!!
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 06:16:45 AM
If you happned to be wandering near the old House of Polysolysheoth in the district of Parcheesi in the town of Dagafabawat, you'd see a new sign on the old door: "Wandering's Cheezerium - NOW OPEN"

And if you stepped inside, you'd find heavy oak tables and chairs, old but comfy coaches, and of course, just behind the cheese bar, rows and rows of the finest cheeses from around the world. And standing at the cheese bar, you'd see the familiar cheese bartender, Wandering...looking rather worried. The cop he was bribing to avoid health and safety inspections had just died the other night."
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: vudu on February 21, 2006, 09:22:11 AM

Originally posted by: animecyberrat
... boss Yuji Naka ... these people are onto me ... what about your safety has that been compromised any? ... Ill see if i can get im in town and under cover ok ...
Wait ... did animecyberrat just admit to being in the mafia?

Does he even know how to play this game?  Or does he think we're supposed to all pretend to be in the mafia.  I'm so confused.

I agree with Deguello, VOTE ANIMECYBERRAT
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 09:25:26 AM
Stumbles into "Wandering's" cheezerium, I was looking for Sharp Cheddar, I assumed Wandering would have it in a variety of cheese soup dishes. Cheese being a fave of mine, I asked Wandering for a samples platter. "Don't worry about an inspection" I told wandering, since the whole deal with PSP porn was garnering attention, I doubt you'll have to worry about being inspected for health violations heh.

Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: ShyGuy on February 21, 2006, 09:33:10 AM
Hmmm, Vudu is starting another bandwagon. Does this seem like Mafia activity to anybody?
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 09:37:29 AM
Not really, it could be Ty calling Vudu from the grave, or something of equal weirdness that involver LSD, laser tag and trees
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: vudu on February 21, 2006, 09:44:21 AM

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
Hmmm, Vudu is starting another bandwagon. Does this seem like Mafia activity to anybody?
I'm not starting a bandwagon, I'm jumping on it.  (Deguello started it.)

If you read animecyberrat's post he pretty much said he's in the mafia.  Whether he is and he said it for God only knows what reason or he's just an idiot I'm not sure.  I'm just going with the flow.

I'll change my vote (or not vote today at all) if someone better pops up, but for right now, he seems to be the most suspicious (except maybe for Mario, who has been strangely quiet for this entire game).
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: ShyGuy on February 21, 2006, 09:47:25 AM
Why hasn't Stevey popped up either?
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: vudu on February 21, 2006, 09:51:31 AM
Because he's an stupid.  Stupid like a fox!!

I bet he's a Godfather.  ::angry townsfolk arrive with pitchforks::
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Sir_Stabbalot on February 21, 2006, 10:03:09 AM
VOTE ANIMECYBERRAT because he used shorthand.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on February 21, 2006, 10:18:16 AM

Originally posted by: animecyberrat
So rat wakes up this morning full of paranoia, I know that my friends are gonna  turn on me I just know it.  "I cant take it anymore these people are onto me. gonna have a hell of a run in this town. good, but what about your safety has that been compromised any? "I cant say for sure, I know this guy his name is wandering, he looks at me with this evil eye all the time, I am a little weary of him. I'll see if i can get im in town and under cover ok. If only I could find someone I could trust with the truth...

Hmmm very suspicious comments by AnimeCyberRat*, he is either mafia or he thinks he is the new cop. I'll VOTE ANIMECYBERRAT (the cop can only be replaced by someone that is dead right?). He also seems to be implying something about The Wandering. I'm sure there will be a public response to this...


*The comments quoted above may be taken out of context, but spelling errors were fixed.
and its also kinda funny ACR continues to refer to himself as "The Rat" considering that would be the mafia snitch.  
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 10:42:53 AM

So rat wakes up this morning full of ParanoiaSuper...

Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 10:45:34 AM
my thoughts summed up in three letters ^-^
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 10:48:19 AM
Wandering hands Mystic a platter of about 10 different cheddars of different ages and colors.
"Here, sir, what's your taste?"
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 10:54:59 AM
Motery Pepperjack Cheese plz. Sir, did you noticed that Animerat referrs to himself in "third person"? seems rather strange, I think he took too many rat traps to the head, Maybe you should keep an eye on him, you know Rat's "N" Cheese. That ole chestnut  
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 11:21:17 AM
"Rats and cockroaches? Here? Sir, your very accusation offends me to the core!

...what's that? You were asking about Animerat? Oh. Sorry. Yeah, he's a strange one. I'll check him out for you if he stops by.

Here's the montery jack you ordered. Excellent choice. Straight from california, aged six months, oiled and peppered a bit."
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 11:39:13 AM
heh, thank you my good cheese man, it'd be cool if you had a cheese fountain fondue that keeps spouting out cheese like a water fountain
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 11:51:14 AM
Wandering looks at MysticGohan oddly, as if he had inadvertently stubled upon a secret and Wandering was wondering how he had done so.

"Yes. Well. If you'd excuse me."

Wandering taps on a glass and shouts: "I'm sure you've all noticed the giant object in the corner of the store over there. The one that's draped in red cloth? Well, it's not quite ready yet, but tommorow, the red cloth will be removed and a secret new feature of this Cheezerium will be revealed!"

The crowd applauds somewhat.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 11:55:39 AM
Can't wait to for the unvieling, btw do you carry the wheel cheese? I'd like to cut the cheese
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 12:41:25 PM
"Please, sir, outside! We have standards!" Wandering spots a cockroach scurrying across the bar and smashes it.

"Uh? Oh? You were being literal? We have many cheese wheels. Here's a wheel of Roquefort Sheep cheese with blue veins, does it suit your fancy? Only 90 dollars."
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: IceCold on February 21, 2006, 01:05:47 PM
He raised his fist and smashed it through Ty's skull, effectively ending his wallowing and beginning his convulsing

Heh, only Reggie has the FIST powerful enough to do that. (Sorry RAB)
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: stevey on February 21, 2006, 01:32:19 PM

"Because he's an stupid. Stupid like a fox!!

I bet he's a Godfather. ::angry townsfolk arrive with pitchforks:: "

sevey looks out the window and see the townsfolk, "WTF can't a man raise an army of evil monkeys and mail pike bombs in peace?" sevey dose monkey shouts and by doing do orders part of the army of evil money armed with razer blades to kill the townsfolk and then lol at the blood shed as they all died "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MU HAHAHAHAHAH hack *coughf* hack"  stevey choke on his own drool a little while looking at Wandering cheese  
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: BlackNMild2k1 on February 21, 2006, 01:54:44 PM

Originally posted by: stevey
sevey looks out the window and see the townsfolk, "WTF can't a man raise an army of evil monkeys and mail pike bombs in peace?" sevey dose monkey shouts and by doing do orders part of the army of evil money armed with razer blades to kill the townsfolk and then lol at the blood shed as they all died "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MU HAHAHAHAHAH hack *coughf* hack"  stevey choke on his own drool a little while looking at Wandering cheese

Sevey? Pike bombs & evil money? what is going on in this town?
who is sevey? is a spear like device not dangerous enough so you have to attach a bomb to it too, and I know money is the root of all evil but I didn't think it was evil in of itself.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: UncleBob on February 21, 2006, 02:44:52 PM
Vote Vudu.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: ShyGuy on February 21, 2006, 02:58:31 PM
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 03:01:21 PM
the rat continues to be scared as he looks around the room to find out who it is that is in his house. He then looks downa nd seess that  he tripped on the cord and unplugged it form the wall, "it wasnt unpluged by someone I was being paranoid. Damn so ok now I have to just plug this in and *knock knock* 'Wait someone is at the door. Rat goes over and opens the door. standing there is a stange looking creature witha  fat belly and big ugly shorts. "hey man its me Earl your protection" "cool I was getting scared. Ok I am going to take you with me to go and tell the only person here I can trust what it is that I know." rat and Earl head outside and go over to the house of a freind named vudu. Rat knocks on vudus door "hey man its me I came by to bring you that giuft I promised and i got someone I want to introudce you to.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 03:06:30 PM
rat waits for a long time and vudu does not respond. Earl looks down and comments "man I think its time you come clean after all thast what Naka says if you admit the truth you will have a beter chance of winning the prize" rat decides that Earl is right so I decide to leave a note on vudus voice mail "hey man its me rat, I just wanted to tell you that I cant take it amy longer I have to get this off my chest. Look I was the one who slept with tvmans wife, I know it was wrong and thast why i went and treid to kill him last nite, because I was afriad he found out." anyways I have a friend form funktron he is going to be my body gaurd but I need your help, if tvmans family finds out that I was planing on killing him they will think it *was* me. I need your help man your the only guy I can trust."
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Mario on February 21, 2006, 03:10:02 PM
Mario decides to give roleplaying a go

Mario wakes up, has some toast and tea. Hears something going on outside, people seem to be chanting "animecyberat" over and over again. He opens the door to see what's going on, but before he can see anything all of a sudden he's in bed again... he was dreaming. He knew for sure though, that the dream was trying to tell him something

EDIT: UNVOTE (animecyberrat)

PS what was Ty's role?  
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 03:10:44 PM
vote stevie

because he is suspiscous.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 03:14:32 PM
ok I have to explain something ok my nick name has always been THE RAT, whenI first read the first sign up thread I some how thought they were specificaly asking ME to sign up. I refer to myself as the rat because thats my name.  
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 03:15:28 PM
Somethings wrong with animecyberrat, I find his motives odd yet subspicious.

Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 03:17:44 PM
Wandering sighed.
"I hate to do this, as always, did vote for me the other night.
Also, what everyone else has already said."
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 03:21:35 PM
rat just alone in his room at his desk pondering what is going to happen next. he look sat the pic of his wife who died al those years ago, dear dear wife, he thinks to himself, I can no longer take this any more. I cheated on you after your death witha married woman and now her husbands brother is after me. I can nolonger hide my secrets I am coming to be with you" rat goes over to his closet and opens it up to reveal a rope he tied to the cieling, he steps onto the stool he placed unerneath, places the rope around his neck and screams, "Stevie you bastard! If it wasnt for you and Mario taking me out that nite and introducing me to tvmans wife I wouldnt have this quilt and now the towns people somehow mistake me for someone else!" he jumps off the stool and dies a lonely death
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Pryopizm on February 21, 2006, 03:22:29 PM
Unfortunately Rat failed at suicide.  You're still alive until I kill you, buddy.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 03:24:43 PM
damn ok fine

rats wakes up and ralizes his rope broke at the last second. "well fine then but I can at least sit hear and know that they are coming for me. I only told the truth to one man and I cant figure out what it is about that man.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 03:30:29 PM
rat sits all alon in his closet thinking of tvamns wife, and all the times they spent together. "oh bridgett, why did yo chose tvman over me? i mean just because you were born a man does not mean anything to me!"
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Sir_Stabbalot on February 21, 2006, 03:45:15 PM

You're still alive until I kill you, buddy.

Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 04:12:42 PM
rat finally comes to his senses when ear coems in and tells how extremely hungryhe is, being a rat and all he dicides that he knwos the perfect place "hey earl Didnt that new chees place open up today, lets go over there and get some cheese, that should satisfy our hunger"  So rat and earl go over to the new cheese place and place an order"hey tehre man" rat says" you dont have any limberger cheese do you? Earl here loves that smelly cheese." rat knwos its along shot, beause he has always feered that wandering guy but he dont knwo why.  
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 04:24:30 PM
"Follow me." Wandering leads the two the one his comfier seating arrangements. Then he leaves, and comes back with a large platter of limberger. And some cheddar. "Here you go, straight from Belgium. And, ah, you seem like the kind of guy who likes cheedar, AnimeCyberrat."

Wandering sits down next Cyberrat. "Listen, man, if it makes you feel any better, I slept with TVman's wife too. She was some kind of woman. Or man." Wandering sighs softly. "You shouldn't beat yourself up about those times. She/he wouldn't want that.  Instead, you should cherish the special memories you shared with her. Or him."

"How much do I owe you?" AnimeCyberat asked.

"Oh. No charge for last meals." Wandering pats Animecyberrat on the back, then gets up.

"Oh. One more thing, Animecyberrat. In another lifetime, I think we could've been friends.

...Preferably, a lifetime where you aren't a mobster. Okay then, have a nice rest of your life."
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: IceCold on February 21, 2006, 04:34:50 PM
Hmm, well I'm assuming whoever started the bandwagon knows what they're doing..

Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: vudu on February 21, 2006, 04:41:22 PM
AnimeCyberRat's getting weirder by the minute.  When's do we get to kill him?
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: nickmitch on February 21, 2006, 04:41:29 PM
TVman's ghost witnesses the ongoings of the events that are occuring. He sees how wrong the people are and uses his ghost powers to generate a flashback.


Originally posted by: Pryopizm
Judge Aurion heard the revolver's hammer pulled back just above his head.  He was totally helpless.

"NO!  Stop!  That's my husband!"  TVMan yelled as he ran in.  He was dressed in a white blouse and a long blue skirt and wearing a long blonde wig.  He actually looked rather lovely.

"What the fu-" Pale started.

"My name is Bridget!  That's my husband!  You can't kill him!  Please no!"

TVMan/Bridget then reached down, and lifted Aurion up and held him up in an embrace.  He was tearful, but strong.  He laid Aurion down and started tending to his wound.  "You bastard!"

Pale was flabbergasted.  "You know what?  This is enough.  I'm going back home.  This place is too damn weird for me."

After the flashback TVman possesed Ice and screamed to the people, "I am Bridget!! Judge Aurion was my husband and Ice is my son! Get your damn facts straight!!!"

He then exits Ice's body and everyone looks at him strangely while he finishes his sentence without any knowledge of what just happenned.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 04:46:12 PM
rat leaves the cheese store with his cousin from cybertron and decides that he hs one last thing to do. Rat and earl start to head out when rat rememebrs that no body knwos who earl is. "earl we have to give you an alternate identity for your safety. Form now on I will call you patrick." "earl just says "cool man"  So rat and pat head over to the town cafe to meet up with 'an old friend'  Rat enters the booth were he always ate and waiterd for her to come over. His waitress came over and reconized anime. "Hey rat what are you doing here" bridgett asked. She looked unusualy cheerful for someone whos husband died this morning. "listen I have to tell you I think your husband killed himself because he found out about us, I think theres something else going on in town but I cant figure it out. What was your husband involved with, I really need to know because I think someone is trying to kill me." bridgett sits down and starts talking very softly. "i cant tell you what he was really dsoing and you kow that, all I can tell you for sure is that he did find uot about me cheating on him, but he never accused you he thinks it was someone else. But the truth is we were never really married" she lowers her voice toa wisper "the truth is we were never married, I only pretended to be his wife because he needed a cover up for fear that someone would kill him." rat sat tehre and contemplated all that. then she looked over at teh fat ugly man with the shades and asked, "who is he anyways" "oh him, this is patrick my cousin from cybertron, he came here to help me figure out who is trying to kill me. bridgett, tell me something, did tvman knwo you aren't really a woman? "sure he did but nobody else did. well except you anyways *wink* but then again its ok cuz your not even human." rat thanks her for her help and leaves even though he knwos that he didnt get anything really help full. thinking to hmself 'so if tvman wasnt jealous of me because he knew she wasnt a woman than whyd id he kill himsellf? SOmeone sauid something about a mafia but I dont knwo anything aboiut mafia I jsut work for Sega and am trying to sell our sex themed video gaem to the sex starved psp fanboys. but of everybody finds out that I am not who I appaer to be then I really am screwed'  
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Mario on February 21, 2006, 04:48:27 PM
OH CRAP! The bandwagon is on fire, must jump to a new one!

Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 04:50:06 PM
Wandering makes a sudden realization.

"AnimeCyberRat! Bridget wasn't TvMan's husband, Bridget WAS TvMan!

...In a manner of speaking. You see, his brain was divided into two halves like that person in Psycho.

Anyway, you were sleeping with your wife: TVman, who you married after TVman's first husband died, the whole time!"

But AnimeCyberRat had already gone.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 04:53:51 PM
youguys suck, ok well at this game I suck but yo guyss just suck
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 04:57:13 PM
If we suk... do you swallow? we still love you, you crazy paranoid Skitzo rat you
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: vudu on February 21, 2006, 04:58:04 PM
I just noticed that UncleBob votes against me.  Why?
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 04:59:54 PM
i never said WHAT you suck.

anyways thsi isnt fair I didnt knwo what we were doing until tonite.  
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Mario on February 21, 2006, 05:00:16 PM
Don't know, but there are some fishy things going on.... and that's the least of them.
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 05:01:55 PM
rat wakes up and see he is back in the closet where his rope broke and realizes it was all adream. "what is going on around here...."

: )
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 05:07:15 PM
I still vote Steviestevie
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Pale on February 21, 2006, 05:21:08 PM
Can we still vote?

Vote Rat
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 05:25:45 PM
I am changing my vote if its nto too late I say vote pale
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Mario on February 21, 2006, 05:27:24 PM
I think we can still vote until Pryopizm comes in and posts.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Pale on February 21, 2006, 05:44:58 PM
I don't think I was ever voted for last game....
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: IceCold on February 21, 2006, 05:49:36 PM
After the flashback TVman possesed Ice and screamed to the people, "I am Bridget!! Judge Aurion was my husband and Ice is my son! Get your damn facts straight!!!"

He then exits Ice's body and everyone looks at him strangely while he finishes his sentence without any knowledge of what just happenned.

Why me?
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 05:59:10 PM
Because he wanted the sweet sexy Buttocks one more time
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 06:00:40 PM
you know what? Never mind. I have nothing to say on this Bridget issue.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: ShyGuy on February 21, 2006, 06:05:08 PM
I abstain from this round of voting because multiple people need to die and  I can 't choose . Now at this time, I'd like to encourage everyone to purchase a PSP. "It's like cheese you can play outside!"  
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: animecyberrat on February 21, 2006, 06:24:31 PM
so am i dead yet? when i die then what do I do?  
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: wandering on February 21, 2006, 06:40:53 PM
Nothing. You don't post in any mafia threads or discuss the game with anyone else who is playing, publicly or privately.
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: ShyGuy on February 21, 2006, 06:41:04 PM
The grim reaper seems a bit  tardy...
Title: RE: Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: MysticGohan on February 21, 2006, 06:45:45 PM
heh, he's waiting for the rat's closet portal to open and scare him with very bad PSP porn commercials about cheese  
Title: RE:Mafia II: Day Two
Post by: Pryopizm on February 21, 2006, 09:37:42 PM
And so, by an overwhelming majority, CyberRat was chosen to be sent through the Crucible.

Uncle Bob held the historic magnum above his head and proclaimed, "I, the defacto Judge Bob, do hereby declare you guilty of being Mafia.  And if you aren't Mafia, then whatever.  You're too annoying to live."

With that, the crowd exploded in applause as the back of Rat's head burst wide open.  It gave that satisfying "squish" sound that made men stand erect and women swoon.


That night, in a secret meeting, the Reggie Mafia regrouped.  

"So, CyberRat is dead."

"Yes, but he was a worthless member."

"I rather thought him worth a laugh or two."

"Shush, you, we all know you had a crush on him."

"He did have a sweet, sweet as-"

"QUIET!  We need to restructure our plans, here's what we'll do. . ."

With that, CyberRat's death was easily forgotten.

And No, CyberRat was not THE RAT.