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Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: wandering on May 16, 2005, 01:08:53 PM

Title: REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: wandering on May 16, 2005, 01:08:53 PM
If this is being discussed elswhere, I apologize.

The best coverage seems to be on the BBC. Here's their report on e3, currently their top story in the technology section. It actually isn't biased in favor of sony or microsoft.

CNN. TV coverage has been terrible. Today they had a report where they said Nintedo "announced" that they would be "late" in the upcomming console race, missing the "crucial 2005 Holiday season" where XBOX 360 would be launching. They mentioned Nintendo's negative tiku tiku tiku!  image, then said that, with Sony's apparent unveling on Monday (not sure if they meant today), it was looking like a "two horse race" this year (implying that the ps3 would launch this year).
But they actually have a fairly decent article on line here (though it does use the 360 as it's picture). It's currently the top story in it's technology section.

Microsoft-NBC. I haven't seen any TV coverage. The web coverage is pretty bad. Their E3 article  mainly focuses on the XBOX 360, PS3 and (to a lesser extent) the new Zelda. It has a funny quote:  'nintendo will show off the next "Legend of Zelda." And with no single game dominating the E3 expo floor as in years past, it's a total guess as to which title or titles are worthy of praise.'
After Nintendo released some more information about the revolution, MSNBC released this article, which takes that information and puts it at the very end of the article. The headline is "Nintendo's Revolution will have to wait", and the article mangages to get a whole paragraph about the xbox 360 in before talking about the known details of the Revolution.

Haven't seen anything on fox.

So, yeah, mainstream media coverage sucks for the most part. Not that we didn't already know that.
Thoughts? Anyone catch more mainstream reporting on revolution?    
Title: RE:REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: nolimit19 on May 16, 2005, 01:46:41 PM
nintendo really should make this system "cool"...they should be assertive with the mainstream media, because they are getting respect otherwise. they should send myimato (spelling) to do some interviews or something.
Title: RE: REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: LuWoo75 on May 16, 2005, 01:58:14 PM
I'd agree, most of the boards i've been on NO ONE is talking about the Revolution.  Even some family and friends dont' even mention it.  Nintendo is going to havta come up with something 'cool' in order to even be competitive.  It's like everyone thinks its a 2 system race.
Title: RE: REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: jasonditz on May 16, 2005, 01:59:33 PM
Expecting the mainstream media to understand video games, let alone have something insightful to say about them, is like expecting them to understand literature, music, politics, or well... anything that matters.

As an investor in Nintendo the last thing I want to see is for them to try to "mainstream" their products. Microsoft has spent a mint trying to do that, and despite what the press may think, has failed mightily.

Title: RE:REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: nolimit19 on May 16, 2005, 02:06:14 PM
i agree, they dont need volumes of advertising....they need smart advertising. if they send some of their big boys out for a rare interview or two, it could do a lot to boost the way people percieve nintendo. i guess it really depends on whether or not the news outlets are interested...
Title: RE: REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: ThePerm on May 16, 2005, 03:38:22 PM
its funny how the media puts a negative spin on how nintendo is launching later then xbox 360........MICROSOFT IS JUMPING THE GUN!!!! They are launching earlier then what the industry wants.  
Title: RE: REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: LuWoo75 on May 16, 2005, 03:43:05 PM
Well it's official now the ps3 is now unveild and the specs are shown over  It looks alot like the ps2 IMHO just more streamlined.  Nintendo looks to be last at unveiling it's new console.
Title: RE:REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: Dirk Temporo on May 16, 2005, 04:51:07 PM
After Microsoft and Sony both baring all, there is NO WAY Nintendo can afford to not show off a whole lot. It'll destroy them, figuritively at least.
Title: RE: REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: wandering on May 16, 2005, 04:51:40 PM
agreed, the perm.
Actually, the cnn article did have a good quote on the matter: "While [the early launch] may tip the balance in Microsoft's favor, analysts said being first has often hurt game manufacturers in the past." I haven't seen anyone else say it, though.
What really kills me is that they completley miss the fact that while they chide Nintendo for being 'late' they completle fail to notice that beloved sony is doing the exact same thing. Furthermore, the media doesn't mention quotes where Nintendo said they would match Sony's launch date. And, when analyzing the upcomming launch, the media doesn't think to look back at other launches and draw comparisons. In fact, the media doesn't really seem to think much at all. Bleh.  
Title: RE:REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: Rancid Planet on May 16, 2005, 08:04:27 PM
This just in. A CNN news bulletin from E3.--"Nintendo is TEH SUX and is gai and fer babies who r gai" says Wolf Blitzer.
Title: RE: REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: OptimusPrime on May 17, 2005, 06:23:37 AM
Really, you're veins are filled with coffee right about now aren't they...
Title: RE:REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: nolimit19 on May 17, 2005, 07:00:53 AM
damn that wolf blitzer
Title: RE:REV's mainstream media coverage
Post by: wandering on May 17, 2005, 11:38:37 AM
Well, the mainstream reaction is comming in....
and it's not half bad. I was expecting Nintendo to be completley trashed by everybody, but it doesn't really look like that's happening. The media seems to be eating the new gameboy up ( Same for the Revolution's extended backwards compatability...although the PS3 clearly still has the most hype.

Look at the offical playstation E3 board. ( Alot of people are going nuts over the 20-year year backwards compatability... and a good deal are ambivelant about the PS3. Look further at this piece on the BBC:, where the reaction to the PS3 seems decidly mixed. Look at other message boards, where many seem surprised that Nintendo showed so much.

The press and reaction have been kind of bleh, because the presentation was kind of bleh. But the important thing is that Nintendo isn't getting bad press out of this, at least not yet. And, people aren't really writing off Nintendo's console either. Was Nintendo right after all? I think they might've shown just the right amount to stay on the mainstream radar...while saving themselves for Revolution's true unveiling that will send out massive shockwaves to be felt all over the world by gamers and non-gamers alike.

Or am I missing the boat here? Has the reaction actually been terrible?  
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Rancid Planet on May 17, 2005, 11:53:54 AM
It's been terrible around here. As always the most loyal Nintendo die hards are ALWAYS the hardest on Nintendo.
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: OptimusPrime on May 17, 2005, 12:03:22 PM
Well, why do you think crap-games don't sell on the GameCube (well mostly don'y)?? N-fans are probably the most critical gamers out there. The new Game Boy Micro looks like a very sleek gadgety thing...and mainstream likes very sleek looking gadgets and quite some people are indeed allready saying that they would buy a Rev just for the enormous backwards compatibility. I mean... think about it: Sin of Punishment, DragonQuest I-somehugeromannumber for download...gah!
If Nintendo is smart they should trow in "The Wind Waker: Lost Scenes" and stuff like that. Heck, i demand the 64DD-version of F-Zero X!! online play + creat-a-track editor woohoo!
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Ian Sane on May 17, 2005, 12:03:34 PM
If you think about it isn't that surprising that the mainstream media is more impressed with the E3 conference than us.  They're ignorant and that prevents them from seeing what was so crappy about it.

The mainstream media doesn't know games, they know gadgets.  The new Gameboy is a nifty gadget so they love it.  Any gamer knows that the GBA is on it's last legs and will for all intents and purposes be completely obsolete by the time this new GBA arrives.  But the mainstream press doesn't know that so they're blown away.

Same with the Rev.  Gamers care about games and controllers.  The mainstream media just sees a nifty gadget so they're impressed.   It's small and high tech looking and that's all that matters to them.
Title: RE:REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: NRevolutionR on May 17, 2005, 12:11:26 PM
Ya'll should really lighten up.

  There is plenty of postive coverage to go around.    

Bleed Nintendo

I think that my, I mean , this site is really going to become popular and will take an active part in leading the Nintendo Revolution.
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Rancid Planet on May 17, 2005, 12:39:36 PM
Geez Ian, you sound like you WANT the media to crap on Nintendo just to proove some point. Now I know that isn't what you really want so stand back on look at this situation.

The media thinks Nintendo did great at E3. How does that do anything but help Nintendo?
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: OptimusPrime on May 17, 2005, 12:39:40 PM
You want some advice? Drop the red hurts my eyes, badly...

I do agree with Rancid Planet, what Nintendo is doing now is create a "under the skin" kind of feeling. A complete backwards compatibility of the last 20 years is every real gamers wet bed dream. What Nintendo knows need to do is start clearing up al those filosophical junk they have been spitting around, explain what they mean by "making it easy for making a game that only has a big idea" (which i call now the Big N "if those multi-million thrid parties won't help us then we'll make our own new third parties" masterplan), release some specs, maybe leak some screenshots, allow for some developers to start talking in some detail.

I'm betting they'll release some specs and explain some Rev-concepts in the coming days/weeks.
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Ian Sane on May 17, 2005, 12:57:24 PM
"The media thinks Nintendo did great at E3. How does that do anything but help Nintendo?"

Well obviously it helps Nintendo and that's good.  I'm just pointing out why they would be impressed when we're not.
Title: RE:REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: wandering on May 17, 2005, 01:03:08 PM

I'm betting they'll release some specs and explain some Rev-concepts in the coming days/weeks.

Well, if they were planning on releasing specs why would they do it any other time than at their big conference?

More mainstream coverage:
Top story in the BBC's technology section (hooray)
"Nintendo reveals its revolution - Nintendo shows off its new home console, the Revolution, but technical details are scarce."

MSNBC, on the other hand, is much less kind.
"BRING IT ON! -Sony, Microsoft unveil plans for world, er, gaming domination -Nintendo unveils new Game Boy"  
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: jasonditz on May 17, 2005, 01:13:04 PM
The GBA is obsolete... so what?

Its still got a huge library of titles with a big presence in a lot of retail outlets and the largest installed user base of any current system on the planet. When a desirable title like Pokemon Emerald comes out, does its graphical inferiority keep it from moving to the top of the sales charts?

So long as the hardware is still on the market and the software is still selling, there's no reason for a developer to not keep making GBA games. And assuming the new GB Micro is sensibly priced (I'd like to see $50-$60), if you didn't already own a GBA, there's no reason not to get one.

Title: RE:REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: nemo_83 on May 17, 2005, 02:42:41 PM
Things like the new GB are cool because they mean nothing but profit for Nintendo and continued software development on the GB simply by redesigning the hardware it makes it infinitely more interesting, to people who have owned one before and people have never played one.  But because it will be sheer profit Nintendo should be using that money to make some real games, rather than shorting us so they can work on that.  

Look at the Cube, there are no games; they better have twice as many awesome titles as Sony at launch cause I know for a fact my Cube is covered in dust.  

This kills me as a Nintendo fan because I have lost count of the years it has been since Mario 64, since the last Mario game.  Unless you count the last Mario game to be Mario World.  It has been a long time and since then we have gotten nothing but filler on the Cube from them.  A vacum game, a water gun game, and twenty party and sports games.  Where are the Mario Bros?  Where is the game that made 2 player a fu**ing standard in this industry.  The series that lifted the entire industry off the ground, dead weight and all, and then proceeded to lift it above its shoulders with arms out stretched and a hundred million units worth of muscle in its arms.  Where has Nintendo gone.  

Where are the original games?

Where are the real games?  Nintendogs?  oh god.

They were really going for safety with the numb dumbness of the press with what they showed for the REV.  Obviously they didn't want to show graphics after the PS3 was shown, but what about a controller?  At least a decoy version missing the revolutionary aspect.  They could have even pointed out that the revolutionary aspect was not shown on the present model of the controller, but they showed nothing.  The media can't see through the fog of games that we Nintendo fans already own that are offered through the universal backwards compatibility (didn't I suggest something like that in my original thread about "the crash of 05").  I like the backwards compatibility, but I wanted some meat.  The casing is less important to me right now than what I play it with and what I play in it.  The purpose of demos is to not only show off the innards of the casing, but the games.  The games Nintendo, the games!  

And one more thing.  Why on god's green earth are they planning on releasing another FFCC?  Why not something that carries positive baggage with it like a fully realised cel shaded FFTactics game?
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Ian Sane on May 17, 2005, 02:52:47 PM
"Why on god's green earth are they planning on releasing another FFCC?"

Because we all went out and bought it to try to encourage Square Enix support.  I will take full responsibility for contributing to the sales figures for that piece of crap.
Title: RE:REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Arbok on May 17, 2005, 02:55:39 PM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"Why on god's green earth are they planning on releasing another FFCC?"

Because we all went out and bought it to try to encourage Square Enix support.  I will take full responsibility for contributing to the sales figures for that piece of crap.

lol, glad I wasn't the only one. Still, the music was good, I will say that.
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: PaLaDiN on May 17, 2005, 03:29:48 PM
"Where are the original games?

Where are the real games? Nintendogs? oh god."

They're on the DS.

I had a nap and woke up, and I isolated the thing that bugged me about the conference: they concentrated on the DS instead of the Rev.

When all's said and done, the conference wasn't so bad, really... it's just that we expected them to reveal the Revolution in all its glory. The media had no such expectations, so they're eating it up... whatever little of it there is to eat up anyway.
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: jasonditz on May 17, 2005, 03:40:48 PM
Since this is E3 2005 its perfectly reasonable for them to be concentrating on the DS instead of on a console that's not going to be here until after E3 2006...

You're not going to sell any Revolutions this year anyhow, so why spend too much time on it?  
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: PaLaDiN on May 17, 2005, 03:51:38 PM
That's the thing. The Rev is supposed to be out at the same time as the PS3, which is Spring 2006, which is most likely before E3 2006.

Either Nintendo isn't releasing at the same time as Sony or they missed the E3 they were supposed to pimp the Revolution for all it was worth at.
Title: RE:REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Savior on May 17, 2005, 03:57:13 PM
Well, judging from G4s coverage, Nintendo has alot of work to do oh and that Attack of the Show dude is an idiot
Title: RE:REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: King of Twitch on May 17, 2005, 04:12:34 PM
G4 commentary they showed starting at 4pm PST was pretty pathetic. The guy in green said he couldn't see how the Rev. could compete graphically when it was so much smaller than the others....

...Now I don't expect quality journalism from them, but I did expect them not to be mentally incapacitated (failure on both counts). 1950s COMPUTERS WERE HUGE, THEREFORE THEY MUST BE WAY MORE POWERFUL THAN TODAY'S!
Title: RE:REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Nosferat2 on May 17, 2005, 04:53:37 PM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"Why on god's green earth are they planning on releasing another FFCC?"

Because we all went out and bought it to try to encourage Square Enix support.  I will take full responsibility for contributing to the sales figures for that piece of crap.

I will abosolutley second that Ian. I have about 30 or so GC games. FFCC and Primal Rage(i think thats the name) are the only two games i have sold to Gamestop. FFCC, gameplay and fun wise, was utter garbage. It had very nice visuals at time and the music was very good. Overall though it was a POS.
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Robotor on May 17, 2005, 05:26:29 PM
The G4 coverage made me so angry.  I just wanted to punch Sessler.  When they did a comparision at the end of the Next Gen systems and Revolution wasn't even mentioned.  And I don't see how they walked out of Nintendo's conference unexcited.  They also dissed on Nintendogs, and Nintendo's "image."  

Also, apperantly Nintendo now caters to casual gamers, and Sony and Microsoft cater to the hardcore.  Isn't that a complete role reversal?  When did this happen, shouldn't you be more "hardcore" for owning a 'cube?

BAH! the media makes me angry, why should I care as long as I'm having fun?
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Rancid Planet on May 17, 2005, 06:03:44 PM
I enjoyed FF CC (ducks flying brick) I thought it was (ducks again) fun when you had at least three (Whoah that one was close) players.

And of course the G4 peeps were the least impressed with the Rev. The Rev showed the least. I mean the other two systems had video reels of game footage. It doesn't matter if any of it was real in game or not. They HAD something relating to next gen software and Nintendo did not. It's totally understandable.

Overall thought, besides the Rev news, it was quite the boring press conference. I don't want to think too much about Zelda because I'll spoil it for myself. I don't give a crap about the new micro GBA and I don't care about Nintendogs either.

But hey, there was NO WAY Nintendo were going to steal the show like they did last year. The surprise element was with them. We knew WAY too much this time about what they would show.  
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Savior on May 17, 2005, 06:09:56 PM
they walked out of Nintendo's conference unexcited

Did you not read the comments here???  
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: jasonditz on May 17, 2005, 06:39:06 PM
The people G4 means by "Hardcore Gamers" are wholly distinct from the people that actually play a lot of video games.

"Hardcore Gamers" sit around in clothing from Hot Topic playing marginal M-rated FPSes for a few minutes a day while wearing sunglasses and playing loud annoying techno-metal music.

They also convince their mommies to shell out $300+ for a PSP bundle and then use it primarily as a fashion accessory.

Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: xproductionz on May 17, 2005, 07:02:49 PM
anyone got some streaming video or something i could download besides torret??... dont really want to install anything cause this aint my computer
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Obiyo on May 17, 2005, 07:04:42 PM
I tend to not listen to anything g4 says, as they seem to be biased against Nintendo to begin with.
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Ian Sane on May 18, 2005, 11:21:21 AM
Gamespy has an article about the conferences with three editors giving their opinion of the three conferences.  I was assuming that Nintendo would get ripped to shreds... but they didn't.  The general opinion was that MS was the big loser for failing to impress.  Sony is the winner just by showing so much info and completely blowing away MS.  They don't really have anything negative to say about Nintendo.  They're excited about what they do know about the Rev (particularly the download stuff), they like Zelda, and they like the DS stuff.

So maybe the conference does seem worse to us because we expected more.  After all we're only mad about what was not shown.  We have no problem with what was.  MS is getting flack for what they did show, because it wasn't very impressive.

Still being quiet will only be acceptable for so long.  No one's saying anything bad about the Rev but no one's saying anything GOOD either.  There's just no opinion.  So Nintendo still needs to release more info within a small period time before they just plain lose out on the hype.
Title: RE:REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: vudu on May 19, 2005, 03:16:01 AM

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
Gamespy has an article about the conferences with three editors giving their opinion of the three conferences.  I was assuming that Nintendo would get ripped to shreds... but they didn't.  They're excited about what they do know about the Rev (particularly the download stuff), they like Zelda, and they like the DS stuff.
Only problem is, Nintendo has partnered with GameSpy to bring the DS online.  So they're not exactly an independent third party anymore, know what I'm saying?
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Nephilim on May 19, 2005, 04:17:19 AM
iv watched the G4 vids on Ign
im glad we dont have these moron's on tv in australia

"FPSes for a few minutes a day while wearing sunglasses and playing loud annoying techno-metal music"
I play dutch harcore techno while I play halo pc online, your comments make me smile....
Title: RE:REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: Shift Key on May 19, 2005, 05:05:10 AM

This kills me as a Nintendo fan because I have lost count of the years it has been since Mario 64, since the last Mario game. Unless you count the last Mario game to be Mario World. It has been a long time and since then we have gotten nothing but filler on the Cube from them.

Filler content? Oh snap, I must throw out all my Metroid Prime games, along with Wind Waker, Wario Ware, Mario Kart, Paper Mario and other games I can't remember, because you're totally right! Sheesh, think about what you're saying here. You can only re-invent the wheel so many times when it comes to platformers before you get something generic like Crash Bandicoot or Lara Croft, so take some heart in the fact there is a DS Mario Bros game out, and the looming Mario 128. Just occupy yourself until then.


When all's said and done, the conference wasn't so bad, really... it's just that we expected them to reveal the Revolution in all its glory. The media had no such expectations, so they're eating it up... whatever little of it there is to eat up anyway.

I heard a source say that the Rev wasn't going to be show at E3 at all (this was a few weeks out too) so I'm glad to see that they're progressing nicely, not abandoning the Cube already, and continuing to tempt me to throw down some cash on a DS. On top of that their next system is a really sexy console (online, WiFi, backwards-compatible, DVD-compatible, etc) so its really not as bad as everyone thinks. Its just those who were expecting another "Mature Zelda"-like announcement have come out disappointed.

I think Nintendo's going to reveal more details as the Xbox360 launch approaches, to detract the attention from their Dreamcast-style release plans, and then duke it out with Sony early next year. Well, I hope they do.
Title: RE: REV: mainstream reaction and press coverage
Post by: IceCold on January 07, 2008, 05:53:20 PM
I didn't really know where to put this, but anyway..

I'm sure some of you saw this on Digg - but apparently, the Queen is hooked on the Wii

The gadget-loving Queen has become HOOKED on Prince William's new Nintendo Wii games console.

William's girlfriend Kate Middleton bought him the £200 gift for Christmas - but he now has to share it with his grandma.

A Palace source told The People: "When she saw William playing a game after lunch at Sandringham she thought the Nintendo looked tremendous fun and begged to join in.

"She played a simple ten-pin bowling game and by all accounts was a natural.