Nintendo World Report Forums

Gaming Forums => Nintendo Gaming => Topic started by: CJ on September 22, 2004, 03:26:45 AM

Title: Mario 128?
Post by: CJ on September 22, 2004, 03:26:45 AM
You don't hear about Mario 128.The last I heard Shigeru Miyamoto said he couldn't make up his mind about bringing it to the Gamecube or Nintendo's next console.Has anyone heard anything?
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: Mario on September 22, 2004, 03:33:25 AM
It doesn't exist.
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: Bill Aurion on September 22, 2004, 03:33:37 AM
Most likely a launch title for the Rev...Don't look for info before next E3...
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: CHEN on September 22, 2004, 03:36:56 AM
It's renamed: Mario Revolution. Anyway, I've heard from a Japanese guy at Nintendo that it's going to be released for the GCN, while others state it's going to be a launch title for the new console. I'm confused now.
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: Mario on September 22, 2004, 03:50:34 AM
I personally hope the next real Super Mario game is on GCN, I remember reading somewhere a quote from Miyamoto that said he felt that some people were disappointed with Super Mario Sunshine, and he wanted to make it up to everyone by releasing a better Mario game, on GameCube. The GCN isn't even three years old yet, I hate all this talk about games being pushed back to Nintendos next home console.  
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: CJ on September 22, 2004, 03:57:50 AM
For N64 he said there would be 2 Mario game's,but only brought out one.Then when the gamecube came out he said there would be 2 Mario game's for the system.Why say that if you don't mean it.I'm very disappointed.Oh well.
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 22, 2004, 04:27:06 AM
So far nothing is known about the supposed sequel to Mario 64. I'm sure you don't count 64x4 and NEW SMB for the DS.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: CJ on September 22, 2004, 04:50:30 AM
No I am not thinking about those games.I thought the SMB game for the DS was just a remade version of the first game for the NES,so I was told anyway's.
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 22, 2004, 08:08:49 AM
Not sure about it being a remake, but the videos so far suggest that it's a remake in the same sense that Zero Mission is a remake of Metroid.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: couchmonkey on September 22, 2004, 09:34:39 AM
Instead of feeling bad about no more Mario for GameCube, feel happy that we'll have Mario at launch for Revolution!

And play Paper Mario's not a "real" Mario game, I suppose, but the original had plenty of platforming and action in it, I imagine this one will be the same.  Actually, to me, Paper Mario felt more like a classic Mario game than Super Mario 64 or Super Mario Sunshine.

Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: nemo_83 on September 22, 2004, 10:13:58 AM
I think Mr. Miyamato said that if he didnt show Mario 128 at the E3 04 show then we probably will not get to see it on GameCube.  

It could still be coming out on GameCube hardware and launch with the Revolution if the Revolution is backwards compatible.  But the game may not be compatible with the GameCube controller because the Revolution is supposed to offer new ways to game.  

Miyamato said he liked it when people used to move there controller when jumping as Mario the first time they played the NES.  I could see the movement of the controller or some flight sticks controling Mario.  For the first time we would move Mario on screen with our arms instead of our thumbs.

Then again we may be doomed to Mario Piano.  
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Michael8983 on September 22, 2004, 05:37:11 PM
I consider Paper Mario 2 to be just as much a "real" Mario game as Super Mario Sunshine was. If you think about it, with the release of Paper Mario 2, Mario will have had more RPGs (3) than 3D platform games (2). Plus Paper Mario 2 definitly has more traditional Mario settings, characters, and music than Super Mario Sunshine did.
I suppose you could argue the only real "REAL" Mario games are the 2D side-scrollers. But in recent years, Mario has pretty much transcended genre. There are millions who know Mario more for games like Mario Party and Mario Kart than any of his platformers.

As for Miyamoto's controller comments.
I've longed believed Nintendo's next console would use some kind of motion-sensor technology in its controllers. Nintendo has already experimented with such technology before. In fact, the upcoming new Warioware for the GBA uses it.
Imagine a Mario game where Mario could actually jump higher if you gave the controller an upward thrust when pressing the jump button. Sure, something like that could get annoying if over-used but, in moderation, it could make the game feel much more interactive. I'm sure Miyamoto could think of dozens if not hundereds of other ways to utilize the technology in a Mario game as well. Of course there'd be much more traditional uses for the technology. Like using the controller as a steering wheel or flight yolk, essentially allowing the standard console controller to do many of the things an expensive accessory would.
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 22, 2004, 09:17:58 PM
If there's no trailer for it, I doesn't really exist to me and I shall not worry about it.
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 22, 2004, 10:19:11 PM
Michael: Paper Mario 2 would be the 4th Mario RPG, not the 3rd. So far there have been Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Rancid Planet on September 23, 2004, 12:53:32 AM
I'm still praying for the next Mario title to be on the GCN. I don't think it's unreasonable to think it may in fact be a cube title anyway. I mean we do have quite a while ahead of us before we see the "revolution". Plenty more dev time for a mario game.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Cube_King on September 23, 2004, 02:24:57 AM
I doubt another Mario title will appear on the GC especially not Mario 128. Personally I think if Mario 128 does exist it can not possibly live up to the level of expectations and hype that it has created. Dont get me wrong I'm not doubting Shigeru Miyamoto, but everyone expects the next mario to be highly innovative and do amazing stuff thats never been done in video games and I just think some people will end up disappointed. Also if he's still deciding what platform he wants to develope it on then surely it must mean that it hasn't been in the programming stage for very long. Doesn't it????????? or maybe im just stupid.. which is probably the case.  
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: couchmonkey on September 23, 2004, 05:34:47 AM
Cube_King: I somewhat agree with your point about the game not living up to expectations.  Nintendo fans do tend to get carried away by hype, especially hype of the "innovative" variety.  Some of that is Nintendo's fault for being so secretive about new game ideas, even if they aren't that exciting.  Personally, I'd be happy if the next game were just like Super Mario Sunshine, but with many more levels and much more variety in the tasks.

The fact that Miyamoto keeps claiming the game is going to be very different from previous Mario games further leads me to believe it will go to Revolution.  It makes sense since Revolution is supposed to introduce a new way of playing games.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: CHEN on September 23, 2004, 09:14:43 AM
*Points to Fable* At least Nintendo is secretive about it, instead of promising this and that. They just said it's going to be revolutionary, a pretty vague term if you ask me. They haven't released any info, so all the hype is just based on one word, wow. And because they're secretive, there's a higher chance of being surprised. I haven't read anything about Super Mario 64 and it wowed me completely. Just forget about the hype and don't believe all the crap.
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 23, 2004, 09:29:39 AM
The problem is that people expect the game to be both highly innovative and unlike anything before AND an exact copy of Mario 64 with more levels. That's the dilemma, some want one, some want the other, some want both...
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: couchmonkey on September 23, 2004, 10:15:11 AM
True, KDR.  There's a lot of conflict in the Nintendo fan community over innovation.  A lot of Nintendo's recent games have been criticized for their lack of originality, but at the same time, if you asked a room (or forum) full of Nintendo fans what the ultimate Mario game will be, a lot of them would describe a game that's basically Super Mario Bros. 3 + Super Mario World.  They want Yoshi, Koopa Kids, traditional Mario power-ups, animal costumes, and 2D gameplay.

Honestly, I want any good Mario adventure game Nintendo can give me.  That's why I again suggest Paper Mario 2 to people who want another Mario game on the GameCube.  It's not strictly a platformer, but it's definitely still a Mario game.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: CJ on September 23, 2004, 06:50:14 PM
I never even thought of Paper Mario 2.I forgot all about it.I will play that one.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: eatwasabi on September 25, 2004, 08:23:34 PM
On a side note, speaking of mario 128, remember the whole "Mario 64" "Goldeneye 64" "Donkey Kong 64" naming convention? I thought that was pretty lame marketing (one of the reason why I didn't buy the n64)
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Rancid Planet on September 26, 2004, 09:17:31 PM
The GCN isn't technically even a 128 bit system is it? Isn't it like, 64 bit processor, 32 bit floating point?
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 26, 2004, 10:00:45 PM
That is correct.  YOU WIN THE DAILY DOUBLE.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Rancid Planet on September 26, 2004, 11:27:49 PM

Originally posted by: Professional 666
That is correct.  YOU WIN THE DAILY DOUBLE.

Excellent! I impress myself.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Mario on September 27, 2004, 12:43:39 AM

Originally posted by: eatwasabi
On a side note, speaking of mario 128, remember the whole "Mario 64" "Goldeneye 64" "Donkey Kong 64" naming convention? I thought that was pretty lame marketing (one of the reason why I didn't buy the n64)

you're lame
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Bill Aurion on September 27, 2004, 02:27:25 AM

Originally posted by: eatwasabi
On a side note, speaking of mario 128, remember the whole "Mario 64" "Goldeneye 64" "Donkey Kong 64" naming convention? I thought that was pretty lame marketing (one of the reason why I didn't buy the n64)

Oh, so I assume you didn't buy a Super Nintendo too even though many of the games began with "Super"?
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Cube_King on September 28, 2004, 12:27:58 AM

Originally posted by: eatwasabi
I thought that was pretty lame marketing (one of the reason why I didn't buy the n64)

fun, anyone?

Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on September 28, 2004, 01:17:01 AM
The Fun Machine rules.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Mop it up on September 28, 2004, 06:53:06 AM
Do not mock the Nintendo 64. Saying you don't want the N64 because most games' titles end with 64 is like saying you don't want to use the bathroom because the toilet seat is pink. I still play the N64 on a regular basis, because it has the best multi-player games ever. By not buying one, you're only hurting yourself.

-Mop 64
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: DrZoidberg on September 28, 2004, 06:55:21 AM
Let's not turn this into a GRR MUST CRUSH NEWSPAPER n64 defense thread please.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: SgtShiversBen on September 28, 2004, 07:19:17 AM
If or when Mario 128 comes out, I know it's going to be fun.  I haven't played a Mario game I didn't like.  All of them are just hilarious with his little "MAH!" or "WHOO!!" noises.  SMS is, I think, still better than Mario 64 just because it took those elements of 64 and refined them.  They were just fun.  But Mario 64 is still great.
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: mantidor on September 28, 2004, 07:50:30 AM
I agree with SgtShiversBen, no Mario game has been disappointing to me, they are all hell fun to play, and my greatest gaming memories come from playing mario, the funny thing is I never actually buy mario 64! I rented it and completed it, then I look forward to buy it but I couldnt find it I would be pleased by any Mario game Miyamoto is going to make, I have a blind trust about his talent. (I know, fanboyism to the extreme! if he releases a piece of crap Ill probably like it >_< )
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: nemo_83 on September 28, 2004, 09:09:49 AM
I've expressed the awful taste left in my mouth before by Sunshine.  It really was Mario 64 lite with better graphics, same exact to a f'n tee missions on most levels, too much childish scavenger hunting, not enough platforming, the water pack has caused a racoon to roll over in his grave, it didn't take place in the Mushroom Kingdom?????what are they smoking???, yoshi was useless, it had a plane in it, they didn't correct the mistakes of Mario 64 like bring back the traditional powerups and expand upon that (instead they just ignored them completly because they were afraid people would call it kiddy for not being 'realistic' enough), still no Luigi, no themed enviroments (Mario established the themed levels in videogames taking a cue from the classic old english tale Beowulf whose themes included man vs the elements which is expressed in the story by the dragon who lives in the earth, flies in the air, breaths fire, and dies in water), Mario finally crossed the line and did get kiddy, Bowser was way way way way too easy, Mario's gigly school girl expressions defamed the character, and it was marketed badly.  

I forgave Mario 64 for not being close enough to the old 2d Mario Bros games.  It didnt have Luigi or a playable Yoshi.  It dumped the powerups they had used for over ten years in the games.  There was too much collecting useless items.  But it was an orginal Mario title and it was the first real 3d game and it was a quality 3d game technically.  But  since Mario 64 established the technical qualifications for camera control, analog control, jumping in 3d, and other standards shouldn't Mario now be worried about being less of a 3d game and more of a Mario game that happens to be in 3d.  Maybe the solution is for the series to go back to the 2d but that could look bad for Nintendo to back away from 3d which they are credited for creating.  I don't think it has to go back to 2d, but I wouldn't mind.  

Paper Mario is awesome.  It brings back old themes and characters.  The graphics are great.  I'm not a fan of it getting gimicky with the paper thing (paper airplane?).  They think it is cute to make fun of the game in the game but it is just distracting, though I appreciate their ability to laugh at themselves.  I can't wait to play it.  While the 3d games have lost track of their roots Paper Mario takes full advantage of its past.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Rancid Planet on September 28, 2004, 11:15:34 PM
There is much anger in this one^
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: SgtShiversBen on September 29, 2004, 05:28:35 AM
See, that's where I disagree.  I think games shouldn't stick to their roots SO much.  But still have something to work on and improvise.  If that was the case, every game would be the same.  That's why I applaud Mario 2 and Link's Adventure.  They offered a completely new adventures and a complete new way to play.  I know that's just me, and the majority of y'all hate LA and Mario 2.  But that's what opinions are for. :-)
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: KDR_11k on September 29, 2004, 06:31:52 AM
SgtBen: I think franchises should stick to their roots, for new game styles I'd prefer new worlds, new characters, etc to go with it.
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: SgtShiversBen on September 29, 2004, 06:38:44 AM
Well it doesn't hurt for them to try something new.  Metroid didn't really stick to it's roots, but look how effective that was.  But, you know, we all have our tastes

Oh, for future note, y'all can just call me Ben
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: TheJoker on October 13, 2004, 03:09:39 PM
i say we need the game like super mario allstars + mario world
i liked the super mario very much and im still playing (unfortunly on an emulator) but dont forget about super mario kart : double dash!!
that is a good game also,right?
the new mario should have the old power ups an themes AND the 2d game-play, still mario 64 was good but not good enough, and luigi should come as gameplay too, or like an alternative toad and the princess in mario bros 2, throw away those mario party's , im wtf is that? its a stupid board game!...but there is coming a new mario only Miyamato said there a problems with the controller and mario AND Luigi will be much mature then before, not too mature like killing hookers in GTA3, but im hope for some screenshots bcuz we have no E3 in Holland  =(
btw im new
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Rancid Planet on October 13, 2004, 09:59:38 PM

Originally posted by: TheJoker
i say we need the game like super mario allstars + mario world
i liked the super mario very much and im still playing (unfortunly on an emulator) but dont forget about super mario kart : double dash!!
that is a good game also,right?
the new mario should have the old power ups an themes AND the 2d game-play, still mario 64 was good but not good enough, and luigi should come as gameplay too, or like an alternative toad and the princess in mario bros 2, throw away those mario party's , im wtf is that? its a stupid board game!...but there is coming a new mario only Miyamato said there a problems with the controller and mario AND Luigi will be much mature then before, not too mature like killing hookers in GTA3, but im hope for some screenshots bcuz we have no E3 in Holland  =(
btw im new

What was it that made SM64 not good enough in your opinion? And who and when was it said that the next Mario title would be in any way "mature"?

Oh and welcome to the forums!

Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: TheJoker on October 14, 2004, 12:25:20 AM
Question: You have said that the next Mario is going to be more mature. Are there plans to go through with this concept?

Miyamoto: Well, by that I didn't mean that Mario is going to be the game for adults, but rather I wanted to say more specifically about the game, is that the character is going to look less childish. I'm not saying that Mario is going to be like Conker's Bad Fur Day. You have seen Luigi's image in yesterday's footage, and I think that you would agree that Luigi is less childish now, that's the kind of thing that I was talking about when I referred to Mario becoming more matured.
(source )

im not saying SM64 was bad, i say it wasnt good enough
bcus lets face it we all want yoshi  
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on October 14, 2004, 12:31:27 AM

frying eggs?
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: chain chomp on October 14, 2004, 08:25:18 AM
this one will be great i think it will be on gamecube cos in a mag called CUBE a few weeks back mario 128 was binned renamed mario revolution but in the last issue mario revolution was binned and remade mario 128 and i dout it will be on DS cos there is allready 2 new mario games indevepment
Title: RE:Mario 128?
Post by: Rancid Planet on October 14, 2004, 06:38:00 PM

Originally posted by: TheJoker
Question: You have said that the next Mario is going to be more mature. Are there plans to go through with this concept?

Miyamoto: Well, by that I didn't mean that Mario is going to be the game for adults, but rather I wanted to say more specifically about the game, is that the character is going to look less childish. I'm not saying that Mario is going to be like Conker's Bad Fur Day. You have seen Luigi's image in yesterday's footage, and I think that you would agree that Luigi is less childish now, that's the kind of thing that I was talking about when I referred to Mario becoming more matured.
(source )

Ah. Well then thanks for that info, somehow it slipped passed my life. Anyway it's nice that you bothered to find the source. I appreciate it.

So by more mature, it's meant to be less childish looking. I guess I can handle that. Just so long as Mario doesn't run any hookers over with his car.  
Title: RE: Mario 128?
Post by: Bill Aurion on October 14, 2004, 06:57:13 PM
Paper Mario 2 has taken a step down that road...The game is a lot sketchier than it looks...