Also thank you a lot for making me feeling even more lonely in loving XBC2 by telling me that there are other people who hate it around here. Like if I hadn't heard enough hate for it already... no offence.
No offense taken. I was just trying to highlight that from my personal experience, I've seen a lot of different reactions about the game which may be why you've had a hard time finding others who like it as much as you do. I also never said that they hate it. Just that there were elements about it that caused them to like that particular entry less than others.
I would caution that you may want to be careful to assume that because someone doesn't view something with the same emotion you do that this means they must hate it or are the opposite of your view. Let's use the example of a movie. A person can watch a movie and afterwards they may find that they liked some of the characters and specific scenes and moments but didn't like or care for others and they may give reasons why they felt that way. Meanwhile, you may have seen that same movie and liked everything about it and are surprised to find out that this person didn't feel that same way or has complaints about it. Yet, that doesn't mean they hated it. As mentioned, there can be a lot they did still like. To them, there was just other stuff they thought could be better. And that's just human nature. We all have our own likes and dislikes. It isn't necessary that everyone has to feel the same way about everything.
Going back to videogames, Super Mario Sunshine is nowadays often considered the "worst" 3D Mario game. I say worst because when people make a list of Best 3D Mario games it will often be the last entry on the list. Yet, even when ranking the games in this way, people will still mention that there is some good stuff to it. It's not like they are considering it the worst game ever made. Just that in this specific instance of criteria and judging that it is at the bottom. Yet, for me, Sunshine will always be a top Mario game. I recognize that it does have its faults and I can see why many people would put it at the bottom. It's just that the game came out during a time in my life where it could make a big impact and in which I could spend a lot of time with it and repeatedly play it.
Nowadays, it just seems hard to replay and revisit games like that when there is so much out there to play. That's why I've only played through Super Mario Odyssey once. I really liked it. It had a lot of great worlds to explore and challenges in it. It has some excellent music to it. I loved the ability with the hat to control different species and things. But after getting all the Moons and costumes unlocked, I moved on to other games to keep up with all the other stuff I'd like to try out and play. Perhaps if I went back and replayed it over and over again like I did Sunshine then it would become my favorite Mario game or I'd have the same feelings for it as I do for Sunshine. But that's probably not going to happen. That's why for my own list, I would still put Sunshine ahead of Odyssey if I was ranking the Mario titles. Doesn't mean I hate Odyssey or anyone would say Odyssey is a better game that Sunshine. I still like Odyssey and would highly recommend people play it. It's just that I have a greater fondness for Sunshine beyond just it's technical merits which will make it hard for any game to be able to overcome that longtime affection.
At one point, if I saw Mario Sunshine being ranked low on a list, I'd have commented about that and mentioned how I disagreed and why I thought other Mario games were worse than it or why it was better. However, my attitude on that has changed. Having read and listened to the viewpoints of others as to what they don't like about the game and why they don't rate it as highly as I do, when I've revisited and replayed Sunshine, I've since been able to appreciate and see that there is some validity to their points. There are things that haven't aged well. Yet, that hasn't destroyed the game for me. I still get great pleasure in playing it again. What I liked about the game, I still like and enjoy. And that's why I don't bother trying to "defend the honor" of Sunshine like I once might have. Why I don't try and tell other people that they're wrong and I'm right because what does it really matter? The game still exists. It hasn't been taken away. I can still play it and enjoy it. And other people can still play it and decide for themselves if they like it or not regardless of what I tell them. The only thing that's changed is I've gotten more perspective on the game (and life in general) to appreciate and understand other viewpoints beyond my own.
That's why we've been trying to tell you to not get so obsessed over whatever criticism you may being seeing directed at the games you like, whether that criticism is legit or lies. People have their own opinions. Yours is that you like XC2. You Luigi's Mansion 3 more than Luigi's Mansion 2. That's cool. That's great. Go on liking them and playing them. Just remember that you are under no obligation to have to defend them or your reasons for liking them. Unless something absolutely wild happens in which Nintendo is bought by another company or they experience crazy financial misfortune, they are most likely going to still be around and keep making these types of games you like for quite some time. And as for Nintendo being bought or crazy financial misfortune, neither of those things will come about from the mass of lies you are worried about which is, again, why you shouldn't view it as the major issue you are feeling it to be.