There is a good amount of retro selections there! How do you keep track of all the games you play?
All the games on my Switch are organized by what I last played. It's usually pretty easy to remember what I played at the beginning of the year, so I just need to find where that game is on the list and then work my way up. And when I get to the retro compilations, I always play what's on them on order by what came first. Or in the case of my Ghost 'n Goblin marathon back in May, I started with the first game on the Capcom Arcade Stadium which also had the Arcade version of Ghouls 'n Ghost. Then I moved on to the NSO to play Super Ghoul's 'n Ghost. Then finally moving on to the newest game in the series, Ghost 'n Goblins Resurrection right after I beat that. Much easier to remember these things when you do them in order like that.
Actually when talking about this, I'm reminded that I played the Genesis version of Ghoul's 'n Ghost my Wii U using the Wii mode, since I bought it on the Wii Virtual Console before it closed. So technically one of the games I played wasn't on the Switch. It was on the Wii U, using the Wii mode, to play a 30+ year old Sega Genesis title. After I played the Arcade version of Ghouls 'n Ghost, I loved it so much I wanted to see what differences there was between it and the Genesis version and remembered I has bought that game for the Wii Virtual Console but had never played it.
Months later I found out that the Genesis app on the NSO Online had the same game, so technically I could have played it on my Switch as well, but I have not signed up for the Expansion pack yet so it was still cheaper and easier for me to just play it on my Wii U anyway. I've been trying to clear more of my backlog of Switch games before subscribing to the Expansion pack since I know the N64 games on it alone will literally keep me busy for months. So I've been saving money by waiting until I'm ready to have my big N64 marathon before upgrading to the Expansion pack.