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Shocktober 4: The Final Chapter

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It's Shocktober again and time for our slightly spooky version of a "what have you been playing" forum topic.

When does this start?

Shocktober begins right now, and will last the entire month of October, ending after Halloween night.

What should I play?

Anything that falls under the classification of a "scary" game. Survival horror, action horror, a horror-themed FPS, anything with zombies, etc. In the interest of having fun, this can be more of a loose definition of what defines a scary game, and constitute anything that is more-or-less "spooky themed". Here are a few scary games coming out this month:

* The Dark Pictures Anthology (Switch version)
* Haunted House (2023 Remake)
* Alan Wake 2
You don't have to pick up a new game to get into the Halloween spirit, consider playing some Luigi's Mansion multiplayer, a spooky course in Mario Kart or Mario Party, taking part in the Animal Crossing festivities, or just putting on a spooky costume and sharing a picture on the forums.

If you're not sure, just check out the previous years' threads
[2022] [2021] [2020].

You can think of this as another Backlaugust if you want -- You've probably got horror games in your backlog, and it's time to play them. How many games you want to play is up to you, whether that's just one game or a few games. Any platform, doesn't matter. They can be new games, old games. Even horror games you've already beaten long ago and want to replay. You don't have to choose all of your games up front; you can if you want, but it's fine to just take it one-game-at-a-time.

Who should participate?

Do you:

* Enjoy scary games?
* Have at least one horror game in your backlog?
* Plan on buying a new horror game?
* Really love Halloween?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you should do this!

The purpose of this is a little less about seeing how many games we can beat, but for everyone to share in the experience of playing something scary. A good horror game can be a tough thing to get all of the way through to the end, but with some moral support from the rest of the community that's going through the same thing, maybe we can all make it back into the light by November! That's what it comes down to -- having fun, and being scared shitless. And being scared shitless is a lot more fun when being scared shitless as a group.

One last thing -- for your fellow NWR-er who hasn't played every game, try using spoiler tags whenever possible for anything major that's story-related, or just in general anything that should not be spoiled.

I’ll use this Shocktober to hopefully take some games off my backlog.

I’m starting with Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 remakes (PS4).

A friend and I were in the middle of running through Resident Evil 6 (PS4) online, but I don’t know, man. That game is so mediocre. I don’t remember if it gets better as you unlock more skills. We got through Leon’s campaign, and it was a slog. In any case, since I’m not renewing PlayStation Plus, it’d be nice to cross it off the list.

Also in the middle of my second playthrough of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, this time on PS4.

If I’m feeling ambitious, I’ll officially cross off at least one of the Bayonetta games. I’m playing on easy this time because I keep stopping because I get stuck. I suck at these games, but I enjoy the world enough to keep coming back. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll ever unlock Jeanne who I always liked more than Bayonetta.

EDIT: Adding Metroid Dread to this list. Current plan is RE2, Dread, then RE3. We’ll see what happens after. Three games to start is a reasonable goal, I think.

Starting with Evil Tonight, baby. It’s a top-down survival horror game with pixel art. I’ve heard good things about this and I like the idea of “what if Resident Evil, but a late-era SNES game.”

At some point, I’m hoping to understand and mentally prepare myself for Saturnalia. This game has an insane art style and cool roguelike elements atop its survival horror roots. I feel disoriented just by watching trailers for this so I’m very excited to give it a try.

I’ve had The Lost Child sitting in my backlog since I nabbed it on sale for 5 bucks, but it’s a first person dungeon crawler, and that’s a high-commitment title for a single month. It’s a maybe.

Similar in time investment, I also scored Dying Light while it was insanely cheap and I’m very curious about it. Looking for other impressions of this title.

Lastly, I have heard lovely things about Darkwood, but I’ve also had the entire premise of the game spoiled for myself, so I’m on the fence as to whether I want to jump in. Wow, what a game.

I started Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon and I am really enjoying it so far. I picked it up around launch but had just played Bayonetta 3 (for last year's Shocktober) so I just wasn't craving more from the series at the time. Maybe they should have held onto it and released it this October. I really like the art style which has a nice watercolor stained glass look. The game play is more like Astral Chain than Bayonetta with them going full on with the control two characters with one controller, which I enjoy. Apparently I am already at 25% completion at Chapter 4 so it appears to be a rather shorter experience, but that is fine with me. I report back when I am done with some more thoughts, but this is definitely getting me into the Halloween spirit. I don't remember anyone else in the forums talking about it but NWR's Alex gave it an 8.5.



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