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NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto

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LOL. Just waiting for someone on Reddit to make a gif of LeBron blowing that open dunk but with the Larry O’Brien slipping out of his hands.

Still waiting for the Nuggets to get that extra point that was missing from Jokic's 3 that counted as a 2.... That they showed the replay of several times and mentioned on the broadcast, but never updated the score....

Not that it really matters now, but it could've.


--- Quote from: BlackNMild2k1 on May 23, 2023, 03:29:47 PM ---Still waiting for the Nuggets to get that extra point that was missing from Jokic's 3 that counted as a 2.... That they showed the replay of several times and mentioned on the broadcast, but never updated the score....
--- End quote ---
Davis was called for offensive goal-tending that was't one. Call it a wash.

Anyway, some quick thoughts/questions:

1. BNM, thoughts on Bob Myers stepping down? Homeboy really signed Poole to one of the worst extensions in the league then decided to dip.

2. I keep reading that Draymond will turn down his player option. No one else is paying him $27.6 million. He's taken discounts in the past so maybe it isn't about the money. Thoughts?

3. Anyone read up on the new CBA? Yikes. Most teams are majority owned by billionaires or a group largely comprised of millionaires and billionaires. They whine about spending but once it starts limiting and affecting them, they'll whine about that. Keep an eye on the Hawks next season as they're above that really punitive second apron.

4. Who here has watched the playoffs? I'm a little disappointed in most series. Only Kings/Warriors was really good and even that series had two blowouts.

5. Who is everyone rooting for in the Finals? I don't mind either team. I'm leaning toward the Heat because I like Jimmy Butler and the narrative that they have four undrafted players logging significant minutes.

I also like Jokic. Despite back-to-back MVPs, people keep hating on him/downplaying how good he really is. I don't really care that the Nuggets have never won a title. With roster and ownership turnover, teams aren't really the same. To that end, I roll my eyes any time fans brag about past titles especially if they happened over 15-20 years ago.

Regarding the Finals, my support's always behind the Small Market team. The Jazz & Nuggets have been division rivals for decades, so I'd like to see them get a Championship before Miami adds yet another one to their display case. Besides, they're just flat out the better team this year.

1) Bob Myers moving on was a little unexpected, as Curry still got a few years of near prime play left in him. Poole was certainly a mistep... but hind sight is 20/20. Who couldn't seen him only being a HomeWarrior and being a end of the bench G Leaguer on the road?

2) I know Dray wanted to go to the Lakers.... but he ain't getting paid nowhere near as much by any other team than the Warriors. and with the new CBA.... another team isn't likely to overpay on him just to get him away from the Warriors

3) I didn't read the new CBA, but got a brief summary of the changes.... kinda seemed targeted at breaking up the Warriors Dynasty, but that's from the perspective of who summarized it for me.

4) Dubs Kings was a good watch. Lakers getting swept was bitter sweet. I don't actually remember most of the rest of the playoffs, outside the Heat Celtics.... even though I watched quite a bit of it.

I just had to look up the playoff brackets :D and now I remember the Knicks Cavs being one series I was a little hyped about, but that turned out to be a dud. Oh and the Grizz flaming out spectacularly.

5) I'm personally rooting for Himmy Buckets, but I think this may just be the Nuggets year. They peaked at the right time. The Heat just don't score enough, and I don't think they can stop the Nuggets for getting consistent buckets.

edit: and to add, Jokic should've been a 3x repaeat MVP, but he let that go to achieve higher goals, starting with his first NBA Finals Appearance, and possibly a NBA Chip and Finals MVP. Embiid winning was only a compromise and a pity award. We all know Jokic was the clear and undisputed MVP for this season.


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