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NBA Thread: Brought To You By The Tampa Bay Raptors Of Toronto

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Knicks fan checking in. Outside of Mike Woodson's first season-and-a-quarter, things have been pretty dreadful since Van Gundy left, but I am cautiously optimistic about the Rose trade. There isn't nearly the cap risk as there was when they signed Amar'e, they didn't give up anything of real value, and Rose has the potential to be their best back court player since Walt Fraizer. I'm hoping for an Atlantic Division crown, first round playoff victory, and a competitive showing in the semis. I'd probably settle for them playing great defense and showing much improved integration on offense.

My favorite Warrior:

The knee to Steven Adams' groin was a during a basketball play. The kick to Steven Adams' groin was blatant flopping which Draymond Green should have been fined for in addition to the Flagrant Foul. I didn't think it was worth a suspension. The make-contact-when-whistle-is-blown-to-get-a-foul-called is a smart play though I think the NBA should look at it on a case by case basis. A shooter jumping into contact after a defender falls for a pump fake isn't the same thing as a player kicking his legs out and flailing his arms. That isn't exclusive to Green as players have been using that tactic for some time now.

The so-called groin swipe to Lebron James was total bullshit. He stepped over Green which is completely disrespectful. Green's reaction seemed more like "get off me" than a cheap shot. I know it sounds like I'm a Draymond Green apologist, I'm just calling it he way I see it.

The suspension shifted the momentum of the series. Steph Curry made some dumb plays at the end of game seven (like a behind the back pass on the baseline... what the hell was he thinking?). Then, Steve Kerr left Curry on Kyrie Irving. The Warriors should have won game seven, but it never should gotten to that point. Had Green not been suspended for game five, the series would have been over. That collective clusterfuck was worse than 2007 when Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw were suspended for game five.


--- Quote from: Adrock on August 07, 2016, 10:01:19 AM ---The kick to Steven Adams' groin was blatant flopping which Draymond Green should have been fined for in addition to the Flagrant Foul.
--- End quote ---

I thought he got $25k for the Sports-Ent **** Punt.


--- Quote from: Adrock on August 07, 2016, 10:01:19 AM ---The so-called groin swipe to Lebron James was total bullshit. He stepped over Green which is completely disrespectful. Green's reaction seemed more like "get off me" than a cheap shot. I know it sounds like I'm a Draymond Green apologist, I'm just calling it he way I see it.

--- End quote ---

That play should have been blown dead the minute Lebron threw Green to the ground with that leg sweep. It should have never got to the step over, and then the swipe. The ref was literally 5 feet away and watching the entire thing. and they still didn't blow the whistle till 3-4 seconds later after Dray had gotten up and he and Lebron were both going for a rebound.
the movement of the call by the league from the rebound that the whistle was blown for, over to the step-over/swipe incident several seconds earlier that the whistle wasn't blown for, and then calling it a nut shot when for one, it didn't look like an intentional swipe at his groin, and two, he didn't even hit him in the groin was complete and total bullshit, and Adam Silver should be ashamed for even trying to pass off his bullshit as not tampering with the game in hopes to stretch out the series for an extra game or 2.

and I think choosing Scott Foster to ref game 6 was a deliberate attempt at having a Ref that has ties to fixing the game (calling it the way the league wants) and what appeared to be a bias against the Warriors. So it was no surprise that he made all the bad foul calls against Curry in game 6. Curry should have had maybe 3 of those fouls, but the quick 3 called on him (by the same ref) during the momentum shift come back in gm6 was total BS and I understand why he got frustrated.

W's took the L in game 7, and I firmly see it as them losing the game, much more than I see it as the Cav's winning it. The Warriors seem to beat themselves with terrible players (Ezeli and Barnes), bad coaching (Kerr) and stupid plays (Curry WTF!?).


--- Quote from: Shaymin on August 07, 2016, 10:40:00 AM ---I thought he got $25k for the Sports-Ent **** Punt.
--- End quote ---
He got fined for the flagrant foul. I was saying he should have additionally gotten fined for flopping. Maybe the NBA didn't think it was necessary to stack the fines.


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