Community Forums > NWR Mafia Games

Mafia LXXXIX: Resident Evil Neighborizer Remake Sign up thread

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I'm out unfortunately. work is insanely busy and I just got off of a pretty toxic mafia experience on Wah's server where my so called mafia partner decided to trash talk me in the dead chat when he was killed while leaving me with basically none of the information on what he was doing that I needed to pick up the win from there when I was very clear throughout the game that I was incredibly busy with irl **** so I'm really not in the mood to pick up another game.

I'll help with the dead channel though.


--- Quote from: pokepal148 on March 16, 2022, 12:43:00 AM ---I'm out unfortunately. work is insanely busy and I just got off of a pretty toxic mafia experience on Wah's server where my so called mafia partner decided to trash talk me in the dead chat when he was killed while leaving me with basically none of the information on what he was doing that I needed to pick up the win from there when I was very clear throughout the game that I was incredibly busy with irl **** so I'm really not in the mood to pick up another game.

I'll help with the dead channel though.

--- End quote ---

Understandable.  Thanks for your assistance with the dead channel.

I have updated the Roles part of the sign up thread.

 I am wondering what folks think of the roles.  Possiblity of letting Alexia Neighborize on Day 0?  Giving townies one time use items?   Or just the roles in general and any changes you think would be good?

The dead channel discord has been set up so that players can opt in to receive notifications via discord when a day thread is posted on the forums. You just have to follow the directions on the #roles-and-pronouns channel and you'll be good.



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