NWR Interactive > NWR Feedback
Hey Insanolord, PLZ install this theme on the forums. kthxbye.
It's not in beta anymore, they've put out two release candidate versions so far this year. It really seems to be getting close.
King of Twitch:
--- Quote from: BlackNMild2k1 on August 19, 2019, 12:28:27 PM ---I remember their being some talk by a mod a while back that a forum upgrade looked pretty easy to do and would modernize this place with some new features that are pretty standard elsewhere.
Whatever happened to that?
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--- Quote ---a while back
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--- Quote ---a while
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--- Quote from: NWR_insanolord on June 22, 2010, 02:02:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: BlackNMild2k1 on June 22, 2010, 01:38:05 AM ---2.0?
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Lindy did say it was "imminent" a little over a year ago, so maybe he forgot what year it was and it's coming now.
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Happy 10th anniversary to 2.0, everyone!
We're actually running 2.0.8 now.
Oh la la la. In that case, I give this forum software a 2.08 out of 10.
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