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Gaming Forums => General Gaming => Topic started by: NWR_Lindy on July 29, 2008, 08:49:22 PM

Title: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on July 29, 2008, 08:49:22 PM
Just got this for PS3.  I'm not a huge Soul Calibur guy (had it for GameCube, but never really played it), but so far it's pretty cool.  It seems very button-masher-friendly, though.  You can peel through the story mode for each character in about 10 minutes.

Vader is's fun to do the force moves on people.  Has anybody played Yoda?
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Caliban on July 29, 2008, 08:56:02 PM
I played the hell out of SCII on GC, skipped SCIII, and I want SCIV (custom characters, and the goth android are so enticing) but I'm still undecided on which version to get. After reading the review on ign I am leaning towards the dark side of the force because apparently Yoda is not a balanced character, screw the green maggot, I want the black behemoth.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: DAaaMan64 on July 29, 2008, 08:58:38 PM
I love Soul Calibur. I think it is getting to the point where they are just rehashing, but they game still plays alright and I'm not tired if it yet. I played SC 1 & 2. Skipped 3 unintentionally.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Morari on July 29, 2008, 09:22:44 PM
Soul Calibur has always been a button-masher's best friend. I unfortunately never had the chance to play the third game (or fourth, if you count Soul Edge), but the inclusion of Star Wars character is definitely a lame decision. At least Link fit in fairly well (even if Spawn might not have).
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on July 29, 2008, 09:51:49 PM
The way they explain away Vader is that he "felt a ripple in the Force" or whatever, so he opened up a doorway from his galaxy to another dimension so he acquire Soul Edge and Soulcalibur.  I'm sure Yoda's backstory is equally lame.

Just as an FYI the PS3 version...

- lacks PS3 Trophy support
- doesn't have rumble

I think this is lame, but for a game this big I'm sure they'll add it in a patch.  Note that the PS3 version does have 55 "Honors" achievements that you acquire as you play, but they aren't integrated with the PS3 Trophy stuff like, say, the achievements in Super Stardust HD (actually, come on Sony, put out some more Trophy updates already!!).  Also, Vader has been all but confirmed as upcoming DLC for the 360 version, but the same all-but-confirmation has not been made for Yoda on the PS3.

I also read on 1Up that the PS3 version doesn't upconvert to 1080p, so I guess it's only 720p.  I can't tell - it looks gorgeous on my setup, that's all I know.  I don't think you can go wrong with either version, honestly.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Dirk Temporo on July 29, 2008, 10:00:32 PM
I won't get this unless Darth Vader comes to 360.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on July 29, 2008, 10:10:35 PM
He will, most definitely.  There are already screenshots floating around from the 360 version of the game that show a matchup screen with Vader vs. Yoda.

In terms of what kind of effort it would take to bring PS3 trophies to Soulcalibur IV, I thought this was an interesting piece of information from the creators of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, who are releasing a 48-trophy patch soon.

IGN: How long did it take you to go back and implement Trophies in the game?

Arne Meyer: Adding Trophies was a relatively simple task for us since we already had a reward system coded into the game with medals. It took about a month to go from deciding to go ahead with adding Trophy support all the way through testing and releasing the patch.

So there you go, it only takes about a month to add trophies to a PS3 game that already has defined trophies within it.  Since the PS3 SC IV already has their "Honor" achievements in the game, I'm sure we'll see a patch that adds rumble and trophies some time this year.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on July 29, 2008, 10:15:39 PM
Even though the decision to add Star Wars characters was a dumb one I am still looking forward to SC IV on the 360.

I've been dying to play a new 3D fighter on my 360 and SC was it. I LOVED the first game to death. It was an impulse buy that I never regretted.

SC II I only rented it for the PS2, but was fun. I owned SC III and it was good, though it had balance issues and the graphics were pretty blah.

From everything I read SC IV looks to be the best in the series. I heard the character customization is better this time around. I can't wait to bring some original characters to life.

He will, most definitely.  There are already screenshots floating around from the 360 version of the game that show a matchup screen with Vader vs. Yoda.

In terms of what kind of effort it would take to bring PS3 trophies to Soulcalibur IV, I thought this was an interesting piece of information from the creators of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, who are releasing a 48-trophy patch soon.

Are you sure they weren't Photoshopped? Or is Vader unlockable in the 360 version?
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on July 29, 2008, 10:54:13 PM
I heard that yoda is fun but is a cheap character primarily due to his height, some attacks don't even hit yoda because of his height. I bet no one wants to fight against him online.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Caliban on July 29, 2008, 11:02:07 PM
- doesn't have rumble

That's so... retrograde, for lack of a better word. Wait. How about: WTF?

I also read on 1Up that the PS3 version doesn't upconvert to 1080p, so I guess it's only 720p.  I can't tell - it looks gorgeous on my setup, that's all I know.  I don't think you can go wrong with either version, honestly.

Whether the PS3 is running games natively at 1080p, or not, is not important because most people won't notice. In fact, I think that even MGS4 is running natively at 720p with an upconversion of the video signal to 1080p for those with such sets. Why do I think so? It's because I think that even though I think it is possible for the PS3 to do 1080p, I think that the amount of time/money that developers have to at the moment invest on making these big games running natively at 1080p is not worth the effort if they can easily just upconvert a 720p signal without notice from the general public which don't care one bit. It's the same kind of philosophy that we've seen imposed on Wii games which are labeled to be in 16:9/480p, but in the end that's not what we get, we get an approximation of it.
Just as a note, I was once informed that video at 1080p can only be discernable to be better than 720p when viewed on screens bigger than 60 inches. Suffice it to say that there's not a relevant percentage of HDTV owners with screens bigger than 60 inches.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: BranDonk Kong on July 30, 2008, 12:33:44 AM
No no no, you can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p at about 32 inches, unless you're sitting more than about 6 feet away, at which wasted your money on a 32" screen. Honestly. There are hardly any games that run natively in 1080p on either 360 or PS3, but the PS3's scaler sucks, so the game will look better running in (scaled) 1080p on the 360 than on the PS3. Maybe not a whole lot better, but it should look at least a little better nonetheless.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on July 30, 2008, 01:12:43 AM
Not having rumble is a WTF for me, too.  As for 1080p, I'm running at that with my PS3, and SC IV looks great.  But then, I'm guessing it's at 720p.

And all I can say is that the Apprentice is a BITCH to beat.  I can't do it so far.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on July 30, 2008, 02:29:52 AM
My question hasn't been answered. Is the Darth Vader vs. Yoda screenshot a well made Photoshop or has someone figured out how to unlock him in the 360 version?
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on July 30, 2008, 03:29:13 AM
I think it is funny when I hear so many conflicting reports about when 1080p is beneficial I've heard that it is usually only beneficial if you have a TV larger than 42 inches. So I think it is all in people's head to have such a wide range of opinions.

Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: blackfootsteps on July 30, 2008, 05:24:54 AM
My question hasn't been answered. Is the Darth Vader vs. Yoda screenshot a well made Photoshop or has someone figured out how to unlock him in the 360 version?

Silks mentioned above that Vader was supposedly coming to 360 via DLC.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Nick DiMola on July 30, 2008, 06:23:53 AM
Soul Calibur has always been a button-masher's best friend.

Try and button mash against anyone who knows how to play the game, they will wipe the floor with you. I've played the game, and seen the game played in tournament settings and there is just no way you would win a single round unless you played with someone equally unskilled.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Mashiro on July 30, 2008, 06:58:57 AM
I played the game serveral hours yesteday for the 360 and here is what I can say:

1) So far it doesn't seem like Vadar is in the 360 version, but as others have said I wouldn't doubt it if they include him as part of a DLC package. (In fact when you start up the game it checks for downloadable content immediately).

2) The story mode is pretty weak. While it does continue the progression of each characters own story line it does so in a very . . . rushed fashion. It's 5 matches and you're done for each person and the 5 story matches don't vary much from one character to the next.

3) The matches on normal mode in story would be considered "VERY EASY" back in the soul calibur 1 days. Not very challenging at all.

4) Character customization feels somewhat strange as the whole process seems somewhat more convoluted than it should be. With that said, there is a much greater level of customization this time around than in Soul Calibur 3 including stat boosts from specific items, the physical build of your character, and a greater range of voices (to name a few improvements).

5) The Star Wars characters don't steal the show, which is nice. Although Yoda being in the intro movie felt so . . . out of place, the rest of the time you barely notice they are there.

6) The original cast play just as you would expect them to and while I don't really like some of the art direction with some of the characters (*nitpicking*) at the end of the day you feel right at home playing the game as the core formula hasn't changed drastically.

7) The inclusion of the instant finisher system is weird but not game breaking, thankfully. For those who don't know, this is a new system in the game which is supposed to prevent people from just blocking all the time. I never saw this as a problem before but whatever . . . anyway . . . there is a green orb next to each characters life.

If you keep blocking the orb changes colors slowly until it gets to red. Eventually your life bar will start to flash and if you keep blocking still the orb will just shatter and go black. At this point if your opponent hits ABKG the match instantly ends as they perform a finisher.

It's not an each thing to do (that is, get the orb to get to black) as you practically have to block from start to finish. Also when you land a strike your orb fills back up with color.

All in all its a somewhat weird but interesting addition to the game, though I don't see it playing a huge role in many matches.

9) The breakable armor system is neat although it's odd to be fighting against female characters and have their armor ridden pants literally blown away. (Doesn't work with all characters but it happened twice to me so far lol).

10) Of interesting note, the biggest change to the series gameplay is the "cancelation" system. It seems the most if not all cancels are handled differently this time around. Example, Xianghua's cancels are now performed by simply holding down the button combination of the original move: So say you are pressing down X + Y to perform an attack, if said attack has a "cancel" you simply continue to hold down X + Y and the move cancels. I think I like the new system of canceling but only because I sucked at doing them in previous titles lol.


So, in the end, it's not the best in the series (Sorry, Soul Calibur for DC remains the best IMHO) but it certainly is a worthy addition to the franchise.

If you're a Soul Calibur fan I'd recommend getting it, especially with the inclusion of online play and soon-to-be (I hope) downloadable content.

Edit: Online Play Impressions and "Style Level" impressions

I didn't think Soul Calibur would play well online but I was wrong.

I'm around 27 matches in and so far it plays extremely well (for a fighter). Loading is near non-existent even with custom characters, which is quite a feat IMHO and anyone with a lag rating above 3, from a scale of 1-5, equates to a pretty damned good online match.

Finding opponents is quick and easy with Xbox Live (as most online matches are) and you can choose to either join a match (via quick play) or host your own (where you can choose the time limit and such for a match).

The ranked battles is really all I have touched upon and it's a pretty fair rating scale. You face off against opponents with a 3 match win scale and if you win you gain points. Bonus points are awarded if you do certain things in a match, ie: get a ring out, get some extra points). If you loose you loose points. If you gain 400 points you gain an online level. Your level is what ranks you on the leader boards but it also will show your win and loss record.

While there are some frustrating moments (like, say for example, a hit goes right through a player even though it should have connected due to lag), these moments are few and far between and it goes without saying that this is a TON of fun for any soul calibur fan.


One thing I kind of noticed in story mode but certainly noticed in online play was the new inclusion of the "Skill Level" scale.

As you progress through the game with a certain character (online play, single player mode, etc) you will start to gain skill levels.

As far as I can tell, the skill level of your character is what gives you access to more complex movesets for said character.

Example: I played practice mode with Kilik to see how much they changed him and I noticed holding down and using his mid attack only did a 2-3 hit combo as opposed to his previous 3-4. Another words, the final part of the move was "missing".

I thought this was a simple change till I built up the skill level and then all of a sudden the move, and others, began to return.

I don't know quite how I feel about this, it doesn't seem hard to gain levels (it just kind of happens) but it is another intriguing game elements they have added to the franchise.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: BranDonk Kong on July 30, 2008, 08:29:37 AM
Vader is either already in the game, or is coming via DLC to 360. There was a video of Yoda vs Vader on youtube, but it had to be taken down.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: bosshogx on July 30, 2008, 10:09:07 AM
From the limited time that I've had with it, I noticed that Yoda is borderline broken.  All high attacks go over his head and he can't be thrown, but he can throw other people.  As cool as he is, I think ROTJ Luke would have been a more logical choice for both game play and story purposes.  Oh well.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Morari on July 30, 2008, 10:31:59 AM
Soul Calibur has always been a button-masher's best friend.

Try and button mash against anyone who knows how to play the game, they will wipe the floor with you. I've played the game, and seen the game played in tournament settings and there is just no way you would win a single round unless you played with someone equally unskilled.

I'm not entirely sure how true that is. Of course someone who knows what they're doing will have the advantage, but I find it hard to believe that they'd completely wipe the floor with a button masher unless they were using a ranged character like Ivy of Kilik. Even if not, the game is still very friendly towards button mashing as so few powerful attacks can easily be pulled off by accident. It's a nice and fluid system, but it never feels as satisfying as linking together a huge combo in Mortal Kombat would. Then again, perhaps the series has changed since I last played it. Namco keeps releases sequels on systems I don't have, even though they've all been about on par with the Dreamcast's graphics (except this newest installment, obviously). :P

Yoda looked silly enough leaping around, swinging his lightsaber in the prequel films... I can't imagine he works much better in a fighting game.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Nick DiMola on July 30, 2008, 10:53:00 AM
I have played as Voldo in every iteration of the game, and when I was in my prime with the game I could beat button-mashers without them hitting me once. There are a number of combos with a variety of characters that can render a button masher defenseless. Blocking only accentuates that point further. I can just hold block while the button masher goes crazy, once there is a natural pause in their attacks I can leverage my knowledge of my characters moveset to begin comboing on you. On the surface any fighter seems button-masher friendly, but playing anyone who is proficient with the title will quickly reveal depth that was completely unseen before.

People would argue Smash Bros. is a button masher, how many people on these forums would agree with that?
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Mashiro on July 30, 2008, 10:57:20 AM
I'm going to have to back Mr. Jack fully on this one . . .

SC isn't button masher friendly. Sure, you may pull of some cool looking moves but you won't stand a chance against an actual good player.

Range really has nothing to do with it (although Kilik is my favorite character), when I play against those who really have no clue what they are doing it's extremely easy to pick just about any character and use the gameplay mechanics to your advantage.

Waiting for an opening is the easiest way to exploit someone who just button mashes (when you play long enough you pretty much learn how each move effects the character, including how much down time it gives them) or just parry their attacks.

Show me a button masher and I'll show you a win with an experienced play ;)
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on July 30, 2008, 11:48:41 AM
I'll second that, in the sense that I'm a total button-masher, and I had my ass HANDED to me last night.  I mean, people getting perfects on me and stuff.  I was curious to see how far I could go against human players with zero knowledge of the fighting engine, and I got my answer pretty quickly.

On the PS3 I was having a hard time getting into quick matches.  I kept getting "This game session is full" and "No match found" errors.  Does the 360 version have you selecting from Quick Match, Custom Match, and Create Session like the PS3 does?

The one good thing on the PS3 is that you can invite players from your friends list like on 360.  However, you have to go to "Friend Match" in order to check on your invite.  It's pretty clunky.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Mashiro on July 30, 2008, 12:40:23 PM
Yep, the Xbox 360 has the same Quick Match, Custom Match and Create Session like the PS3 version. There must be more Xbox 360 owners of the game (that are online at least) as I have only gotten "This game session is full" a few times before I get into an actual match.

I haven't tried friend matches on the 360 yet.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: DAaaMan64 on July 30, 2008, 01:07:30 PM
This is a game I really wanted on Wii. I mean the VC controller is perfect and the color of Luke's lightsaber is spot on too. ;)
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on July 30, 2008, 03:07:39 PM
Yep, the Xbox 360 has the same Quick Match, Custom Match and Create Session like the PS3 version. There must be more Xbox 360 owners of the game (that are online at least) as I have only gotten "This game session is full" a few times before I get into an actual match.

I haven't tried friend matches on the 360 yet.

I've always been able to find matches, but rarely on the first try.  It usually takes me a couple of times.  Maybe it's just my network connection...I had some lag in one match.

I'm sure there are plenty of PS3 people out there playing online, since this is the only online fighting game on the system.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on July 30, 2008, 03:17:22 PM
My question hasn't been answered. Is the Darth Vader vs. Yoda screenshot a well made Photoshop or has someone figured out how to unlock him in the 360 version?

Silks mentioned above that Vader was supposedly coming to 360 via DLC.

Actually I heard it's pseudo DLC in a way that vader is actually on the disc but you pay 800 MS points and you get sent a code to unlock him.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on July 30, 2008, 06:58:38 PM
Actually I heard it's pseudo DLC in a way that vader is actually on the disc but you pay 800 MS points and you get sent a code to unlock him.

If that's the case, that is SUPER LAME.  Soulcalibur = Professor Layton
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on July 30, 2008, 08:04:35 PM
Actually I heard it's pseudo DLC in a way that vader is actually on the disc but you pay 800 MS points and you get sent a code to unlock him.

If that's the case, that is SUPER LAME.  Soulcalibur = Professor Layton

Umm no, your essentially paying 10 dollars for something like a cheat code in order to get Vader. Layton donwloads a little unlocker code.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on July 30, 2008, 10:36:45 PM
I was on the fence about getting it (since SC3 was a massive shitfest) but I picked it up after a bunch of fighting game rocket scientists that had already been playing it for a month determined it was not broken

Hilde is the HOTTEST
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Halbred on July 31, 2008, 03:03:00 PM
Isn't Hilde in a full suit of armor?

Okay, I'll probably get this game. If it's anything like SC2 or SC3, I know I'll enjoy it, and it's pretty, and there are ginormous bewbies all over the place. I mean wow, Ivy could knock over one of the DoA girls just by turning around.

Can't really afford the game yet, though.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on July 31, 2008, 09:49:33 PM
It's definitely worth owning.  Tons of replay value and there's already at least five people on these boards that own it on PS3.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on July 31, 2008, 11:36:03 PM
It's definitely worth owning.  Tons of replay value and there's already at least five people on these boards that own it on PS3.

I will apparently be the lone 360 owner.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Mashiro on July 31, 2008, 11:45:58 PM
Nonsense, I have the 360 version =)
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: BranDonk Kong on August 01, 2008, 12:13:38 AM
So now several people have figured out how to use Vader, though unofficially, on the 360 version, but it 100% confirms that he's on the disc. They're not unlocking him (as there's still a blank spot on the character select, obviously which will be used for Vader officially one day), but rather just renaming/swapping some files on the disc (need a modded console to do this hack) and replacing another character with him.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on August 01, 2008, 01:54:22 AM
So now several people have figured out how to use Vader, though unofficially, on the 360 version, but it 100% confirms that he's on the disc. They're not unlocking him (as there's still a blank spot on the character select, obviously which will be used for Vader officially one day), but rather just renaming/swapping some files on the disc (need a modded console to do this hack) and replacing another character with him.

Yup sometime in the future they will let you have the option of paying 800MS points and they will send you a code to get vader.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Dirk Temporo on August 01, 2008, 06:07:21 AM
Isn't Hilde in a full suit of armor?

Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on August 02, 2008, 06:57:49 PM
I got the game yesterday. After playing  it for nearly 6 hours here are my early impressions:

-Story mode is surprisingly disappointing, especially since SC III had interactive cutscenes and everything. I, however, find this a bit good. I like to play through the single player mode with every character and unlock his/her ending (or whatever the case may be). When a game has 30+ characters like SC IV it becomes a chore. So it plays to have a brief single player campaign. Plus, if you play with all characters the campaign becomes longer in a way.

It definitely beats the hell out of MK Armageddon's endings. SC IV's story may be brief, but at least we are treated to a good cutscenes, unlike MK's which was basically scrolling text.

-I haven't played through all the modes yet, but I feel SC IV is more balanced than III. I recall the difficulty in III going like this...
Easy-easy-normal-normal-OMG THIS GUY'S A BITCH TO BEAT!!!-normal-easy-A challenge.

Its still a button masher, but I feel it allows for creative chains and combos.

-The character creation mode...ROCKS! I confess I've been playing this more than the game itself. The menu system is a bit confusing, but once you figure out creation characters is a breeze. Its weird, though. The mode was available in III, but I couldn't get into it. Now in IV, I can't get enough of it. I made around 10 characters last night.

I honestly wish the option to trade characters with  friends was available. III proved that people LOVE to show off their characters. It would have been awesome to play as someone's disturbing creation.

-Destroying a character's my new guilty pleasure. *Blushes

I honestly go through the training mode and see what happens to each character when their armor is lost. Ivy is, sadly, a lost opportunity :( . But messing with Hilde is GREAT! :D

With the main characters only a few pieces of armor are shattered. With customized characters, go, you can go all the way. So yes, you can create a hot female character for the sole purpose of stripping her.

God, I am being perverted right now, but mark my words. Some developer out there will go all the way and make a fighting game in which the sole purpose is to strip your opponent. And I suspect that game will be...Dead or Alive 5 XD .

-Yoda's a cool character, though I agree that his height can be a problem. Fighting  as him you need to jump in other to fight the other character. Fighting him means you need to do low attacks.

He's still a fun character, and hopefully the download to unlock Vader happens soon.

Overall, I am liking SC IV A LOT more than SC III. There's definitely a lot of polish in its main areas. The graphics are just beautiful and the character selection is amazing, clones and all.

I will play some more and updated my impressions. I still need to unlock The apprentice and other characters.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: bosshogx on August 03, 2008, 02:53:06 AM
Character creation mode is great.  I've already made Chun-Li, Ike, Lyndis, Nephenee, and Harley Quinn.  Still looking to make Link, Zelda, Gatsu (Berserk), Boy and Girl type Ranma (Ranma 1/2), Guy (Fire Emblem), B. Orchid (Killer Instinct), Hector (Fire Emblem), and Zero Suit Samus.  Hours of fun ahead.

I got all of the characters unlocked and am currently in the process of trying to get ascend the Tower of Souls while unlocking the treasure chests.  Wow, some of the requirements are friggin' hard.

-don't miss an attack
-guard 10 times in a row
-kill 4 enemies in a row with a critical finish

Overall, the games quite enjoyable, although it's not very different from prior versions.  That's both good and bad.  If anyone wants to play online sometime, shoot me a PM with your gamertag.  Mine is MNC Dover.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Flames_of_chaos on August 03, 2008, 05:57:44 PM
The DLC in this game is ass, for the create a character parts your just paying for 108.0kb unlocking keys.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: ThePerm on August 03, 2008, 07:39:47 PM
character creation mode is still not as good as wwf attitude
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on August 04, 2008, 05:47:10 PM
Its still a button masher, but I feel it allows for creative chains and combos.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on August 04, 2008, 05:52:08 PM
Its still a button masher, but I feel it allows for creative chains and combos.

I knew the oxymoron would be noticed...

What I meant is that you CAN breeze through the game smashing buttons or doing the same attacks over and over again. But those with a little creativity can pull off some great combos or surprising attacks.

I am sure some player out there has fully mastered a character and is doing some insane stuff with him/her right now.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: ThePerm on August 05, 2008, 03:06:33 PM
it could be done on Wii, and i hate the fucking apprentice, who the hell else can block every goddamn thing you throw at them and dodge attacks, turn you around. I could play make him attack, but that is so damn boring.

I was playing last night, and i don't know he was just unbeatable, i had beaten him before with mitsurugi, but i couldnt do it again. I spent 45 minutes playing against him, and id have him near brink and then he'd unleash a chain of cheapshots. I got sick of playing, so i switched to Siegfried and kicked his ass.

Except mitsurugi looked just like scorpion, and siegfried looked just like ganon :P

haha, i just went online and looked up some other creations, man do my creations look better than all of those. Crap, if it can't be done perfectly do your own redesign, or composite designs. Just make it look cool! Mt Scorpion and subzero look frickin cool, or cold. Ganon hasn't been green for a while..he's Black!

Still today, wwf attitude is king of character creation....armor is great, there should be just as much 2d texture options as 3d armor options..a mix of the two would make incredibleness.  To be honest, if i were to create a character editor, i'd have physical armor seperated from virtual armor(similar to paper mario, goemon) that way you can make your character look however you want, but still have a leveling up system that makes more game depth. The key to making a great character editor is figuring out what people want to make before hand, and including it. If you can do this you can satisfy the character creators innate ability to please the creation sense, and the other urge to make unlicenced characters.

I don't know why there isn't a character that plays exactly like link but looks different, and a stocking cap.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Halbred on August 05, 2008, 06:32:45 PM
I'll probably be getting the game later tonight. Hey, if they still have a special edition, is it worth the extra buck? Is it just a Tshirt that you get, or are there more goodies in that box?
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: vudu on August 06, 2008, 03:58:08 PM
Believe it or not, you actually get a pair of limited edition Soul Caliber 4 sweat pants with Hilde on your ass.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Halbred on August 06, 2008, 04:39:47 PM
YES. Anything for more sweat pants. They only seem to come in two colors (black and grey) so some variety would be nice! :-)

Microplay was out already (damn!), but they're calling me as soon as a new shipment comes in. I'm excited.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on August 06, 2008, 04:41:57 PM
I'll probably be getting the game later tonight. Hey, if they still have a special edition, is it worth the extra buck? Is it just a Tshirt that you get, or are there more goodies in that box?

Don't ask me because I buy the limited edition for every new game I plan on buying. ;)
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on August 06, 2008, 05:42:47 PM
The Apprentice is totally ridiculous.  He's way too hard, I can roll through Story mode with every other character.  With Vader, you roll through everybody just like every other time, but then The Apprentice is virtually impossible to beat.  He blocks everything and then combos you to death.

The Limited Edition is cool, but probably not necessary.  About the most exclusive thing you get is a code to download now new costume stuff that you don't get in the normal edition, but it's nothing amazing.  You also get a t-shirt, tournament poster, marker to use on the tournament poster, and a comic book.  I think that's it.  I'm like GP, I always get Limited Editions, but I don't think it's mandatory for Soulcalibur IV.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Dirk Temporo on August 06, 2008, 05:47:43 PM
Don't ask me because I buy the limited edition for every new game I plan on buying. ;)

What a horrendous waste of money.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Halbred on August 06, 2008, 06:54:52 PM
I'm a rampant completionist, so I'm tempted to get the special edition just for the extra costume choices. No, seriously, it's a sickness.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on August 06, 2008, 07:16:51 PM
I'm a rampant completionist, so I'm tempted to get the special edition just for the extra costume choices. No, seriously, it's a sickness.

I bought the limited edition and you get:
- A shiny metal box
- A poster/tournament card
- A t-shirt
- An XBOX Live points card that lets you download extra costumes and lets you use Soul Calibur and Soul Edge in their true forms
- A mini comic book/art book

Frankly, its better than most of the limited editions out there ;) .
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Halbred on August 06, 2008, 07:33:15 PM
Goddamn, I'm in it for the costumes and the "true forms" of Soul Calibur and Soul Edge. I don't give two craps about the tourney card--I don't have enough friends to host a proper tournament. The comic book sounds cool, though.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: GoldenPhoenix on August 06, 2008, 07:34:40 PM
The Apprentice is totally ridiculous.  He's way too hard, I can roll through Story mode with every other character.  With Vader, you roll through everybody just like every other time, but then The Apprentice is virtually impossible to beat.  He blocks everything and then combos you to death.

The Limited Edition is cool, but probably not necessary.  About the most exclusive thing you get is a code to download now new costume stuff that you don't get in the normal edition, but it's nothing amazing.  You also get a t-shirt, tournament poster, marker to use on the tournament poster, and a comic book.  I think that's it.  I'm like GP, I always get Limited Editions, but I don't think it's mandatory for Soulcalibur IV.

Does this mean I'm a more serious gamer than Lindy because I beat the Apprentice? ;)
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on August 06, 2008, 07:38:04 PM
The Apprentice is totally ridiculous.  He's way too hard, I can roll through Story mode with every other character.  With Vader, you roll through everybody just like every other time, but then The Apprentice is virtually impossible to beat.  He blocks everything and then combos you to death.

The Limited Edition is cool, but probably not necessary.  About the most exclusive thing you get is a code to download now new costume stuff that you don't get in the normal edition, but it's nothing amazing.  You also get a t-shirt, tournament poster, marker to use on the tournament poster, and a comic book.  I think that's it.  I'm like GP, I always get Limited Editions, but I don't think it's mandatory for Soulcalibur IV.

Does this mean I'm a more serious gamer than Lindy because I beat the Apprentice? ;)

Beating the Apprentice with Yoda is a pain, but not impossible. I beat him on my first try. Grabs are your best friend ;) .
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: ThePerm on August 07, 2008, 02:13:49 AM
no the apprentice is just a snag in my money grab, he's just out of place difficult. He's harder then facing a person. Like said above, he blocks everything and then he combos you endlessly. The only way to beat him is to fall back and wait for him to attack you, but thats problematic because he has distanced energy attacks. With mitsurugi, iv beaten him, but once. I kick his ass like no problem with siegfried, but i kick everybody's ass with seigfried
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: AV on August 07, 2008, 04:03:35 AM
i like the armor breaking ability, but overall it seems like a pretty rehash. I quickly got into the game as I owned SC2 on cube.

I actually outgrew the ring outs, I think they are cheap now compared to Dead or Alive, and I think Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe does it right.

yoda is ok, but i tended to jump forward and off stage.

It's odd because some of the characters I know are different than before. Lizardman and Kilik feel so different from SC2.

both are much slower.

i can care less about making own characters. I really won't miss it not being on Wii.

I'm actually more jealous of Mortal Kombat Vs. DC universe. As much as people love to hate Mortal Kombat I think this game is shaping up very well and seems pretty innovative and cool, where soul calibur pretty much is 85% the same game it has been for almost 10 years.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on August 07, 2008, 04:16:31 AM
i like the armor breaking ability, but overall it seems like a pretty rehash. I quickly got into the game as I owned SC2 on cube.

I actually outgrew the ring outs, I think they are cheap now compared to Dead or Alive, and I think Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe does it right.

yoda is ok, but i tended to jump forward and off stage.

It's odd because some of the characters I know are different than before. Lizardman and Kilik feel so different from SC2.

both are much slower.

i can care less about making own characters. I really won't miss it not being on Wii.

I'm actually more jealous of Mortal Kombat Vs. DC universe. As much as people love to hate Mortal Kombat I think this game is shaping up very well and seems pretty innovative and cool, where soul calibur pretty much is 85% the same game it has been for almost 10 years.

Remember kids, Mr.Vega is talking about a HARDCORE title! The kind that are missing on the Wii!

*Thumbs up!

Perception is perception, but MK vs. DC is HARDLY original. It looks to play like the recent 3D MK games. The falling stage trick has been in the games since Deception. The brutalities were available in Ultimate Mortal Kombat. The engine looks to be the same as in the earlier 3D fighters. The only thing innovative about MK vs. DC is the crossover, simply because no one expected Batman to beat the crap out of Sub Zero.

It should be a dumb fighter to enjoy, but hardly an original one.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on August 07, 2008, 04:41:28 AM
Hahahahahah, if MAV doesn't like SC4 and thinks MK vs DC will be totally sweet...

Well, nobody tell him anything, okay? Maybe he'll play it and stop posting for a while.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Morari on August 07, 2008, 11:45:10 AM
I'm actually more jealous of Mortal Kombat Vs. DC universe. As much as people love to hate Mortal Kombat I think this game is shaping up very well and seems pretty innovative and cool, where soul calibur pretty much is 85% the same game it has been for almost 10 years.

Mortal Kombat's only real low point was Mortal Kombat 4 and Special Forces. Armageddon was especially promising after the buildup from Deadly Alliance and Deception. This new MK vs. DC looks to introduce plenty of interesting new mechanics, but really just feels lamely out of place with the superheroes there.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Halbred on August 07, 2008, 02:19:37 PM
Mother F*cker! Every joint in town is sold out of the Limited Edition, and none of them can tell me if they're getting any more copies in. New question: Should I try to get the Limited Edition online and pay what's going to be a ridiculous shipping cost to Alaska, or should I just pray that Namco gives me some DLC in the future?
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Nick DiMola on August 07, 2008, 02:21:30 PM
The only problem with MK4 was that it was totally broken by a few characters. With Raiden I could do his flying torpedo move over and over and still hit my enemy even if they were on the ground. I believe this also applied for Lui Kang and his over kick. If you decided not to play like a cheap ass, it was a fairly enjoyable game and an interesting transition into 3D for the series.

I wasn't too big a fan of Deadly Alliance, but I think Armageddon and Deception were both spectacular and easily eclipsed 4.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on August 19, 2008, 09:19:50 PM
Sorry to bump this thread, but I was wondering...

I want to get the "armor destroyer" achievement. What's the quickest way of destroying an opponent's armor? Which is the best character to use in order to get this achievement?

Also, how in the HELL do you perform the fatality like finisher? I read the guide more than once and I just don't understand.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: DAaaMan64 on August 20, 2008, 12:29:43 AM
Now I haven't really played the game much, but it sounds like you could just start a VS match and hold down the other players guard button while you hit their armor.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on August 20, 2008, 06:39:35 PM
You can't do the achievements in local vs modes. You have to do it online or in any of the single-player modes (including the tower).

I got the armor destroyer one in the tower level around 43, the one where they take almost no damage.

Also, how in the HELL do you perform the fatality like finisher? I read the guide more than once and I just don't understand.
You hit their guard until it breaks with a red flash, then you hit ABKG all together. Their life bar flashes red to give you a heads up when it's close to breaking.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on October 20, 2008, 11:14:22 AM
Finally, Darth Vader and Yoda will be released as DLC.  I love how they say it's due to "overwhelming fan response" and not the fact that they, you know, planned it this way from the very beginning.


Fan Reaction Prompts Acclaimed Fighting Franchise to Deliver New Content Fan Reaction Prompts Acclaimed Fighting Franchise to Deliver New Content From a Galaxy Far Far Away

Santa Clara, Calif., (October 17, 2008) – Due to overwhelming fan response, NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc., today revealed that Sith Lord Darth Vader and Jedi Master Yoda will be downloadable characters for Soulcalibur® IV on Thursday, October 23 from Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and the PLAYSTATION®Network for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system. Once console exclusive characters, players will soon be able to pit these adversaries against each other for the true epic battle between dark and light. Soulcalibur® IV has shipped millions of units worldwide since its July 29 launch and continues to win audiences over with its rich gaming experience and robust feature set.

Set to reveal the origins of this ongoing story, Soulcalibur IV features new and familiar faces from across the galaxy who seeks the rival swords for their own ambitions. The line-up of weapon-wielding fighters grows as new characters add to the mythos including Hilde, a striking armor-clad warrior who wields a short sword and spear. In addition to the iconic Star Wars characters, the Secret Apprentice from LucasArts’ STAR WARS®: The Force Unleashed™ also makes an appearance as a guest character for both Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 system.

Retooled from the ground up, Soulcalibur IV perfects its highly celebrated weapons-based fighting system with stunning high definition graphics and new gameplay mechanics. Adding to the depth of combat, players can now destroy protective armor; weakening their enemy’s resolve and unleash Critical Finish moves to defeat opponents in one spectacular blow. Also new to the series is the ability to battle online against players from around the world using customized characters or fan favorites to challenges others for global domination.

Soulcalibur IV is rated “T” for Teen by the ESRB and is currently available in stores for a suggested MSRP of $59.99. The downloadable characters will be available for 400 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360 and $4.99 on the PLAYSTATION Network. For more information please visit: or
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on October 20, 2008, 02:06:12 PM
Five dollars for work that was already completed during the normal development cycle. Five dollars for something that is already on the disc. Hrrnrndndddrrrrrr
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Nick DiMola on October 20, 2008, 02:21:23 PM
Five dollars for ONE (already on the disc) character?! Wow, scamco indeed.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Bill Aurion on October 20, 2008, 02:22:00 PM
Finally, Darth Vader and Yoda will be released as DLC.  I love how they say it's due to "overwhelming fan response" and not the fact that they, you know, planned it this way from the very beginning.

Hahahaha, oh Scamco...
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Gylldas on October 21, 2008, 01:52:39 AM
Finally, Darth Vader and Yoda will be released as DLC.  I love how they say it's due to "overwhelming fan response" and not the fact that they, you know, planned it this way from the very beginning.

Hahahaha, oh Scamco...

Gotta love 'em.

Don't think I'll be picking up Yoda anytime soon for $5.  I could buy a new game (a crappy one) off the PSN for that amount sadly.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on October 21, 2008, 03:43:14 AM
Yoda is also the worst, least-fun-to-play character in the game
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: Halbred on October 28, 2008, 04:00:23 PM
Yoda hit the PSN yesterday, and I had to pick him up. I hate that blank space on the roster. I imagine Darth is on XBL, too.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on October 28, 2008, 05:54:46 PM
I bought Yoda as well.  Namco, I curse you for raking advantage of my completist ways.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: S-U-P-E-R on October 28, 2008, 06:14:23 PM

Enjoy your terrible, useless character
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_Lindy on October 28, 2008, 06:20:31 PM
I laughed, cried, and kissed 5 bucks goodbye.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: ShyGuy on November 22, 2008, 03:49:13 PM
Soul Bumpibur FOUR

Finally tried this on the PS3 last night. Felt very similar to SC3 to me. Graphics are good, but I didn't like much of the character designs and costumes. Story mode is pretty weak but Character creation mode is fantastic.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NWR_pap64 on November 27, 2008, 12:07:10 AM
Five dollars for work that was already completed during the normal development cycle. Five dollars for something that is already on the disc. Hrrnrndndddrrrrrr

The worst part is that some fans are actually forgiving Namco because they can finally get the last character.

I'm not that easy to impress. The character is already on the disc. We knew that for a while now. Namco could have easily included all three characters and still keep the fanfare.

This isn't SC II, people, where the exclusive characters were indeed exclusive to the consoles. The Star Wars characters are universal enough that no exclusivity was needed.

But they decided to follow a cheap marketing gimmick and ram DLC down our throats in order to get a complete game.
Title: Re: Soul Calibur IV First Impressions
Post by: NinGurl69 *huggles on November 27, 2008, 12:25:16 AM
I remember when the Naboo Starfighter was revealed to be in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron on N64.  That was a well-kept secret, and how surprise bonuses should be handled.