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Unclebob posts bumps

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I dunno... I was just going through my old threads to find the Mario vs. Bowser one and saw this again...  Last time, it was because wandering had bumped it up.  Concidence, I swear!

It's time to bump this again, right?

(seriously, it was pure chance!  I found this again while searching for my INTV DS post...)

err... Bump?

"my bumps, my bumps, my lovely lady bumps"


Originally posted by: UncleBob
It's time to bump this again, right?

(seriously, it was pure chance!  I found this again while searching for my INTV DS post...)

err... Bump?
--- End quote ---
I'm finding it harder to believe you by the month

I swear!  I saw over on CAG that had the Intellivision Lives! "game" for $4.99 used.  I'd been wanting it, but I heard that the controls were bad,bad,bad so I'd been waiting.  When I saw it on for $4.99, I decided to take the plunge.  But ordering it made me remember that they were coming out with a DS compilation and thus I wanted to go back and see if anyone had ever responded to my old thread with any new info that I may have missed (which they hadn't)...  Honest!  That's how it happened, sir.


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