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Wait...Why is she "Princess" Leia?

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Nile Boogie Returns:
OH snap! just watched the end of episode 3 again and when Bail is talking to Captain Antilles (Wedges' father?) he refers to him as "your highness" so I guess Insanolord was right.

Dirty aristocracy... they think they're better than us?

I'm pretty sure Lucas confirmed back in the day that the two Antilles' are not related. Though there is nothing stopping JJ from making the connection now.

Ian Sane:
She's a Princess because there was nothing that contradicted that back in 1977.  George Lucas just happens to be the right kind of stupid to contradict his own fictional works over 20 years later despite the fact that with fiction you just decide what happens and thus can make anything fit.

In Return of the Jedi Luke asks Leia if she remembers her real mother and she DOES despite her real mother dying ten seconds after her birth in Episode III and her "knowing" her real mother just as long as Luke does.  That sure as hell doesn't make any fucking sense but, again, "Lucas is a dumbass" is as good an explanation as any.  Leia's title makes tons of sense in comparison to something like that.

Nile Boogie Returns:

--- Quote from: Ian Sane on October 13, 2015, 05:36:02 PM ---She's a Princess because there was nothing that contradicted that back in 1977.  George Lucas just happens to be the right kind of stupid to contradict his own fictional works over 20 years later despite the fact that with fiction you just decide what happens and thus can make anything fit.

In Return of the Jedi Luke asks Leia if she remembers her real mother and she DOES despite her real mother dying ten seconds after her birth in Episode III and her "knowing" her real mother just as long as Luke does.  That sure as hell doesn't make any fucking sense but, again, "Lucas is a dumbass" is as good an explanation as any.  Leia's title makes tons of sense in comparison to something like that.

--- End quote ---

So I'm guessing the "prequels were a mistake, it's nothing but trash".

This was explained to me: Leia has a different type of Force Sensory than Luke, that's why she could sense his danger on Bespin in Empire Strikes Back. She only becomes "aware" of it after she learns her father and brother were both Jedi (i.e.: knowing Luke was safe in Return of the Jedi). It was told that she can detect the feelings of a person better than most cause of her powers but didn't hone them till much later...something I spect we see in The Force Awakens!


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