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Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!

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I didn't see most of the nominees so I'm out this Oscar season.

People on Twtitter won't shut up about the LEGO Movie being snubbed. I haven't seen it, but I'm glad it didn't get nominated just for the bit it inspired on the Key & Peele Super Bowl Special.

Nile Boogie Returns:
I think I snub the Oscars in protest to Uma Thurman not being nominated for KillBill vol 2. I get its not the "right" kind of film but it still sticks in my craw.

I basically ignore everything until Tatiana Maslany wins for Orphan Black.

Did she win for Orphan Black? No? *skip*


--- Quote from: NWR_insanolord on February 22, 2015, 11:37:09 PM ---People on Twtitter won't shut up about the LEGO Movie being snubbed. I haven't seen it, but I'm glad it didn't get nominated just for the bit it inspired on the Key & Peele Super Bowl Special.

--- End quote ---

It's actually pretty amusing, but they spent about half the Oscars apologizing for not nominating The LEGO movie. People were holding little LEGO Oscar statues in the audience for quite a while.

You really should get to seeing that movie. It is not the utter commercial it looks or sounds like. It's one of the rare cases with the critics & the movie-going public actually agree on a naturally the Academy snubbed it like the hipsters they are.

As for the show itself, the Oscars were terrible, as usual. It was boring, completely un-funny, over 3.5 hours long, and all the awards (even the technical ones) went to movies I've never seen and likely never will see. Neil Patrick Harris just had nothing to work with with the lines he was given, and I really did not need to see him on stage in only his underwear.

It did have some good moments, though, such as the energy-packed "Everything is awesome" stage performance; the out-of-nowhere Sound of Music tribute; the opening musical number; and the speech from the guy who won Best Actor (who obviously really didn't think he was going to win and was just breaking down on stage).


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